February 18, 1913, Tuesday, \ND PURCHASE NOTICES. | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES | Skeena La Land District Diswiet of ol ‘ LAND LEASE | ' Distwict of Goast,| Skeena Land ange \ Columbia, occupa acting a8 agent Company, Limited, , Intend to apply for per the foliowing described most northerly point of Lot 601, on Porpoise Harbor, thence Lakelse fiver to|horth to Low Water Mark, thence easterl High Water Mark, the most northerly point of Stapleton Island, ore of Lot 642, east of the most southerly thence south to ) following Low Water PVRPOISE HARBOR LAND COMPANY, Range V } - v» notice that 1, Madge Kohl, of Mon-| , Take ‘ William Watson, off Take notice ” jpation spinster, intend to apply o08 iets } upation contrac Prince Rupert, Ml, mission tO purchase the following Durciiese tv apy ” permission to|tion civil riped jands lanted at the Comen ‘ing deseribed lands:| Porpoise Harbor dmencing at & post plsn . southwest * 4| & post planted at the} of Victoria, B pomest corner of LOt 6148, thence oy th Lot 4135, Range 56,| Mission to : chains more or less to the porth eheine ‘s Lab Kiver, thenee north 70] lands: ary of Lot 4139, thence west 40 iene n re Lot 6248, Range 6 Commencing at 4 post planted on the 7 ence north 15 ¢ 8 tre |, Hence Lakelse , mnee | COast Dis Lot ost. — boundary of Lot 904, easterly f » te River, thence trict, ~ cost 40 chains more OF less tw the es to - encement, containing 160/404 northerly following Low Water Mar nt r commencement, containing 60 more to 4 point due west of the southwest cor wre jess ‘ WILLIAM WATSON. ner of Lot 446, es MADGE KOHL Dated December ard, 1949 thence east to Donald MeVicar, \eeut Pub. be 1912—Feb. 94, 1943. southerly following High Water pated November 25th, igi. hoalea & point due pec, 23, 1919—Feb. 17, 1013 Shee ae ‘ aie Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| thence west Take pot ange V ing High Water » Land District-—District of Coast, ovimer - © that Reuben W. Rogers, of | Stapleton Isiand ange V man, eeemae _B. C., occupation transfer-|polat of Stapleton yake notice that 1, Hilda King, of Mon Suedbese th to apply for permission to|the High Water Mark of. pation spinster, intend to apply Cotttnen a, (lowing described Jands:| southerly following the P mission to purchase the following eae nee At @ post planted at the|to @ point due Shed lands Coast Distr ee! uot Saat nange ,| point of Lot Foomencing at & post planted sbout) nin 4: rict, pear Lakelse Lake, thence] Water Mark, hains in a oorthern direction from themes 6 bains thence west 40 chains,| Mark to a point inwest corner Of Lot 5149, thence chains ( uth 40 chains, thence east 4( southerly point of Lot 601, ‘ hains more or less to the » uth © place of commencement. to this point, ary of Lot 5148, thence west 40 Dated N RK. W. ROGERS erly following High inence south 40 chains, thence eas bab. Nov. a teas poivt of commencement pains more or less back to point of , 5, 1012-—Jan. 18, 1048 pin ement, coptaining 160 acres more |-— = a LIMITED . Skee 1 Distrix 7. + HILDA KING keona Land District—District of Gasslar,! pated December 10th, Donald McVicar, Ageut POP og he that Bernard O'Neill, of Pub. Dec ted November 26th, 1912. intents to occupation prospector, Dave i. 33, 1019-—Feb. 17, 9099 — be apply f ‘, permiesion = pur pul et ’ ‘ ’ cnas we f wing described lands: Ske - i serseeceneeneesaanesiitaasatis cepacia ‘ commenc & at 4 post planted one mile Skeena Land District- aa: na Land District—District of Coast, from. the ti » © southeasterly direction Take notice Creek Copper Company's Vancouver, Kange V. wharf, ( j re j ¢ Boos iy, B. GC, thence east Tol rake notice tat I, Alfred K. Wright, of [lowing the sinuvsities of’ the shore tipe 80 | Seseribed ienm pert, occt me or, apply er permission to purchase tnx , = horth 20 chains, thence| Commencing at @ post planted on the jowing described lands point of thence south 20 chains Wy} northeast coast commencing @t & post planted at the |gecres gor yeast corner Of Lot 421, thence north of Humpback ins more or ee to » permet Fr. S. W. Jennings, Agent +) ae f Lot 421, tence eas 6 chains Dated ys ’ r less to the west boundary of Lot] py uary Sth, i958, west 80 chains following shore 42 thence south 10 chains more or 5 the shore of Lakelse Lake, thencc , sterly and southerly siong the said} 5*eena Land District——District of Coast, e to the point of commencement, con Range V ping 3 acres more or less ALFRED E. WRIGHT apply for permission to pur ap- lease the following ! of Porcher Island, about heement, containing 160) quarter of a mile southeast of the mouth BERNARD O'NEILL beach, thence south 80 chains, thence east thence north 80 chains, b. Feb 1913-——-Apr. 7th, 1093. point of commencement, containing 640 again ——- «= | acres more or less. Robert Reid. aeat. that George W. Carpenter, Dated 29th emery 4 ert, B. C.; occupation farmer, Pub. Feb. Donald McVicar, Agent Dated November 26th, 1012 pub. Dec. 23, 10418—Feb. 17, 1913. liowing described lands; hg at @ post planted 2% miles nista Kiver, on the Skeena ange V ‘ a ; , r . : fake notice that I, Duncan K. Falconer — » GEORGE W. Sehuten woneres lee prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation mason, Dated January 28th, 1913, ° inmench at & post planted at the ne more Passage, iwest corner of Lot 14, thence north Notice is hereby given that thirty days| thence south 80 wing the westerly boundary of Lot/ after date we intend to apply to the Gov- | chains, thence north 80 chains, 20 chains, thence west 25 chains more | ernor-in-Council for a quit claim deed for| 80 chains following shore line to point of ss to the easterly boundary of Lot 15,/ the followimg described foreshore south following the easterly boun Commencing at the northwest corner of) or less. y of Lot 15 25 chains more or less| Lot 641, Range V. Coast District, British the railway right-of-way, lowing the railway right-of-way 25 | (70 feet, thence south seven degrees Pub. Feb. more or less to point of com-/and forty-five minutes west (8. 7:45 W.), Skeena Land District—District e 40 chains north, thence 40| Take notice that Robert Reid, of Van . . P st, thence 40 chains south, thence|couver, B. C., . pens Land District——District of oast, | 40 chains east to point of commencement,| ply for permission to lease the following Commencing at & post planted on the northeast coast of Porcher Iisiand, about southeast of mouth of Hump back Creek and at the north end of Chis thence west 80 commencement, containing 640 acres more ROBERT REID thence east jlumbia, thence west seven hundred Dated 20th January, 1013 10, 1913—Apr. 7. ncement, and containing Mfty acres/six hundred and forty (640) feet; thence r 1¢8s east seven hundred (700) feet to high Located the 11th day of December, 1912.| water mark; thence northerly following DUNCAN K. FALCONER, Locator high water mark to the point of com- Dated December 16th, 1012. mencement, excepting that portion (in- Pub. Dec. 23, 1912-——Peb. 17, 1913 a d within the above boundaries) W.-Feb. 10 Advertise i covered by the Grand Trunk Pacific right e " ” _— T-way KAIEN INVESTEMENT COMPANY, LTD WS TRY A NEWS WANT AD Prinee Rupert, B. C., December 30th, 1912.) —IN THE— = : —————EEE_— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District 4N TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS- Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on FARM LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C. PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 Leading Newspaper delivered by carrier for Northern 8B.C.’s The Daily News 50c -- Per Month -- 50c THE DAILY NEWS ) anpeaaenmneey Is the Leading Newspaper in British Columbia PO) Box § | sanaszaere’and sroming Se Rupert. 1545 The Weekly News } = covers thoroughly the towns and villages on the Western Pacific to the end of steel, Skeena River points, Queen Charlotte Islands and coast towns both north and south of Prince Rupert for 200 miles. oe | f the Grand Trunk | To All Parts of Canada By Mail, Yearly $5.00 oe Transformation ¢ 39.50 or $13.90 ‘ TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as skete h) to complete is ee a essing. Price according to length and All Orders leisorad direct to vour home, s © rely packed Send tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 130: a PADOUR, seus st rw FOXBERRY ROAD Quality and Satisfaction FOLLOW THE BIRKS’ CATALOGUE INTO EVERY HOME {IT ENTERS. This Catalogue represents our stock so thoroughly that a choice at a suitable value is readily made from the illustrations and descriptions given on its pages. To all people living outside Vancouver, this Catalogue is sent free upon request. Write for it and enjoy the values it will put you in touch with. When BIRKS’ SILVERWARE AND CUTLERY is un- der discussion, the question of quality is never raised. The name “BIRKS” on the goods is recognized through- out Canada as the stamp of er. Henry Birks & Sem, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS : Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director OUR PRICF ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POSTAGE wore tee UNIVERSAL HAIR CO ‘ye TRANSFORMATIONS ‘Brora Pal ot Mack of the Ament quality Hair, 313.00 rickness required, from oo CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, Entire Transformation a Ave., TORONTO. ‘roupet only. $2 25 oF ENGLAND. . BROCKLEY, Lonoon,S. CHILD HANGS HIMSELF } } dime given him for a small pur-| chase, Clarence Cady, 12 years | old, hanged himself in a shed at} the rear of his home after mis. placing the coin FRENCHMAN DEFEATS i LEWIS ON POINTS) Paris, Frarfte, Feb, 17-—-The Frenchman, Adrian Dupoi, fight} ing under the name of Hogan beat Willie Lewis, the New York} lightweight, on points in a 2 round go, Hogan showed supet iortiy throughout the fight } Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and recommended by physicians. For Women's Ailments, Or. Martel's [tered at the G. T. P, Inn, Female Pilis, at your druggist. | OVER LOSS OF DIME Portland, Me Feb. 15,—Be- | cause he was told by his mother “not to come back if he lost a! ~ _§000 WATCHES §000 GRAMOP ONES 5000 AUTO-HARPS REMINGTON $35 Empire $26 Underwoon $65 And numerous other bargains ne comin Set of ache ened e ee Folate ¥ i 5 3 = 4 Human complete ircumference of n ‘ i bead oly needed en eed ane eae Sea