mM —_ ae” i bots it THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. . fH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EprTor. SUBSCRIPTION RAT BS: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 7éc. By Maili—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 ‘TELEPHONE 98. DAILY EDITION, afm. Saturday, August 29, 1919. ese Ss : = Labor Day Thoughts By Bishop Du Vernet. A public holiday in honor of labor should lead all to think of the importance of labor. The goal to be kept before all en- gaged in industry is not the amassing of private fortunes, but the Production is primarily for use and be organized on a supplying of human needs. only secondarily for profit, Industry must democratic basis. There must be rule and authority but this mus! be founded upon the consent of all for the benefit of all. The the wealthy few must give place to the democracy where the investors of capital and the in- autocracy of of the mixed many, vestors of labor in the same industry stand upon an equal footing conferring together and working together for their mutual wel- fare, as well as for the good of the public who use the articles produced. All over this vast Dominion there are natural resources wait- ing to be developed by the joint effort of capital and labor, aud it is capital which has to take the first move and think and plan ahead. In many parts of this Dominion there are essential in- dustries languishing for lack of capital. Undoubtedly the pos- sessors of private capital have an important soc ial “function to perform, but if they forget this function and use the power ol wealth to tyrannize over the producers of wealth, the spirit o! democracy will at least demonstrate the fact that while capital in some form or other, either public, co-operative or private, is necessary to production the selfish private capitalist is not. He may be eliminated without loss to society. Lf he would be saved he must get the social vision. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man, who lives only for private gain, to enter the democracy of God. It is the function of religion to keep the social ideal before all classes in the community. The tyranny of the working class, if unchecked, will destroy true democracy, just as much as the despotism of the rich. The domineering capitalist with no thought beyond getting the most out of his sweating brother for the least possible return cannot know what true religion is, for “he who loves not his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.’* The domineering workman with no thought beyond securing for himself everything which he can take by force, even though it means spilling the blood of his richer brother, cannot know what true religion is, but needs to learn that if he suceeeded in securing the whole world for himself he would be socially poorer for he would have lest his true life—the life of service for others. “A man’s life consists nol in the abundance ‘of the things which he possesses.”’ Money is the medium through which we exchange com- modities. Brotherly love is the medium through which we ex- change good will, kindly feeling, and helpful service. To exercise this practical love in the industrial life is to be truly religious for “he who loves is born of God.” F. H. DU VERNET. ‘Narrow Escape From Loca! Strike. Very few people in Prince Rupert have realized how near we have been to another strike. This time it was an international strike that threatened. A dispatch yesterday showed that the intention was to tie up all the railroads of the country unless the price of food was brought down, As a result the president of the United States is making an effort to bring pressure to bear on the food situation and so far that pressure is shown to be effective. Whether it will remain so will be seen later. The curious thing is that the head of a big government can under pressure influence a situation which has been declared by everyone impossible of solution. If the president of the United States can do it, why cannot the premier of Canada do it similarly. Had action been taken before, many of the industrial troubles would have been obviated. It seems as if just now the power of recall would be a good thing for the people of Canada to have. Were there a threat to recall the Canadian Government if they did not keep down the prices, it is possible that they too would ‘have seen a way as President Wilson has done when under pressure. ewe eee - Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night STAN Third Avenue ond ROYAL HOTEL Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Electric Engineers o and Contractors We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, lrons, Toasters, and Fixtures. Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installatior? MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Cailie Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Piug (The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights Our service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, Lamps, Searchlights, etc. 2 ee ee ee ee We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal, (opposite Post Office) Third Avenue PHONE 125 THR VAILY ABWe \** ** © ee ee “| When MAIL SCHEDULE . ee eee eee For the East. Gur er Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- wdays at 9:30 a, m, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. out of Order You know the signs—a heavy head, sick stomach, bad taste in the mouth, |. re eee . latent dyspepsia. Pay strict BuNdAyS ...ccscsvvevow 10 p.m. atication to these symptoms Dusedaye.... wadease. 5 p.m. and get prompt relief Thursdays ....... 10 p.m. using Beecham’s Pills. From Vancouver fow doses will stimulate the [sundays .......,..... 10 p. m. liver, lielp the stomach, reg- |Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. u late the bowels and make ‘ridays ee ceroeeseeeee a. m. a great difference in OUuL Saturdays .....6666. 10: 30 a.m. general feeling. Nothing Per Rupen: wil] put you on your feet so Se ee er 10 p.m. quickly as a dose or two of Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m, 5 Saturdays .........665 10 p.m. From Anyox: TUCSGRVO coc itresertesds p. ™. RUPOGRFS ...cciccvsaciorsse p.m, DUUGEFO 0.0 aie d theGewes . p.m. Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, surtdays sheweee ~ernes 10 p.m. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World | rom Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. — —_——— CuOGARIS 6 600s bec ee wdiewe p. m. NOTICE For Port Simpson and Naas River ane pointe: IN THE MATTER of an application for Fridays ue tases ee 10 a. m. the issue of a fresh certificate of title to From Port Simpson and Naas cots 45 and 46, Block 1, Section 5, City of Prinee Rupert, (Map 923). . NOTICE IS HERBBY GIVEN that it ts River Points: my intention to issue, after the expiration) jaturdays ...........66. p. m of one month from the first publication hereof, a fresh a. coe to “ —_— above mentioned lands in the name o : Donald Ross and Robert MacKay, which 7 Queen Charlotte ietands: rae is ome aoa hr | Fad January,|For Massett, Port Clements and 1915 nd is numbered 7115- ‘ ; * HP. MACLEOD, aa Upper Isiand poiats: District Registrar of Titles y DATED at the Land Registry Ofmice, Ww ednesdays xf allt de ane 10 a.m. Prince Rupert, B. C., this 25th day of} ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and June, 1949. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. Upper Island points: THUreadays .vccccccvcsevs p. m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Fortnightly. TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whese address is Alice Arm, B. C,, will apply for a ticenee to take and use 10 second feet of water out of Tumble Creck, also known as Goat Creek, which flows west erly and drains into the Kitsault River, about 17 miles from its mouth at head of the Inlet of Alice Arm. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 20 chains easterly from 8.E. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis trict, and will be used for mining purpose upon the mine described as the North Star Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar District This notice was posted on the ground on the 20th day of June, 1919. opy of this notice and an application pursfant thereto and to the “Water Act, For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays. From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdays. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp 1914,” will be fled in the office yy the Point. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C oat ,y 7 Objections to the application may be| For—Thursdays ...... 8 p.m fied with the said Water Recorder or with From— Saturdays es p. m. the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia teil ment Gulldings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the Nrst appearance of MINERAL ACT. this notice in a local newspaper. M. P. OLSEN, Applicant The date of the first publication of this CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS notice June 26, 19 —_ NOTICE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Louk COLUMBIA vat. Mystery, Midas Lake Prac., Pass Prac a onal Mineral Claims, situate in the Port IN THE MAT TER OF THE “ADMINISTHA- | land Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis TION ACT’ trict, and Where located On the East Salmon 'N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE yp) River Valley. s\ODMUNDUR JOHANNSSUN be TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H. Green, act CEASED, INTESTATE. ing as agent for L. Watkins, F. M.C. No. 16349-C; C. D. Garter, F.M. C. No. 9,508 PAKE NOTICE that in order of His]; R ve Martin, F.M.C. No. 0,587-C; H Honous F. MeB. Young, made the 24th|J. Fetter, F.M.C. No. 9,697-C; HE. day of July, A.D. 1919, | was appointed} Cariten, F. M. C. No, 9,598-C; Martin Administrator to the estate of Gudmuncur | Weleh, F. M. C. No. 9,599-C, intend, sirty Johannsson, deceased, and al! partics hey ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly rerived, lo the, on or before the 1st day uf September, A.D. 1919, and And further take notice that action, vi indebted to the said estate are required| der section 85, must be commenced befure toto pay the amount of their indebtedness| ‘he issuance of such Certificate of lin to me forthwith. provements. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Dated this 25th a of July, A. D. 1918 days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im provements, for the purpose of obtain ug a Crown Grant of the above claim OMetal Administrator ie A. H. 6 GREEN. Dated this 26th day of July, *219. - ae ~j|!N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITIAH SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION COLUMBIA. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE : . oe ISLANDS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTILA TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brow) TION ACT Victoria, B.C,, occupation machinist, in — and — tends to apply for permission to prospect}/!‘ THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE «t for coal and petroleum on the West | _TONY LUGICH, DECEASED, INTES | of Graham Island, in the vicinity of West TAKE NOTICE that in Order of iii River, commeneing at a post lensed one} Honour FP. McB. Young, made the 9th day mile south of the southeast corner of Cc. L.} cf June, A.D. 1019, I was appoimted Ad 10312, thence east 80 chains, thence south} ™inistrator of the estate of Tony Lucich 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence} Geceased, and all parties having claims north 80 chains to point of commen. | 9#ainSt the said estate are hereby requi:ed ment o OLIVER BROWN furnish same, properly veritied, on or before the tst day to hie, of September, Per Austin Brown, Agent.| '919, and all parties indebted to the es Dated May 18, 1919 tate are required to pay the amount of — Se nn—e——= ttheir indebtedness to me forthwith LAND REGISTRY ACT Dated this 30th day of Juiy, 1919 J. H. MeMULLIN, __OMeial Administrator RECORDING DISTRICT OF QUEEN (Sections 36 and 134 Re Application No. 11,044-1 File 6,198.) 8KE2NA LAND ® thal application has been DIVISLON CHARLOTTE made to register Jim Vostuiu of Prince ISLANDS. fiupert, B. C., a8 owner in fee under a, Tax — ene re gy! of the City TAKE NOTICE that Neil McLeod of An rT) *rince Kupert, bearing date the iu: |yox, B.C., machinist, intends to apply f day of December, 1018, of ALL AND ; a atone perinission (© prospect for coal and petro SLVGULAR that certain parcel or tract of}leur: on the West Coast of Graham Island, land and premises situate, lying and being/in te vie inity of West River; commencing in the City of Prince Rupert, More pat-(at & post planted at the southeast cor wer ticularly known and described as lot of C. L, 10312; thence east 80 chains; Seven Vie Block twenty- -five (25), Seetiwnfthence south 86 chains, thence west »: seven (7), (Map-923); You are reqaived| chains; thence north 80 chains to point of to contest the claim of the wx purchaser commencement. Within 35 days from the date of the ser vice Of this notice (which may be effected by Publication in a daily neyspaper), and your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom:— “and in default of 4 caveat or cer- tifleate of is pendens being fled be- fore the ree a5 owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all renee ey “ nA et-20e, er Austin Brown, ‘ Dated May 18, 1919 1 SKEENA LAND RECORDING prVvistes — DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Isl, aLANDS TAKE NOTICE that | Edgar Davis, of An- yox, B.C., electrician, intends to apply for served with notice, permission to prospect for coal ont tro d those claiming aoe um on the west coast of and or under ‘shem, and all persons claim in the vicinity of West River: Commencing ing any interest in the land by virtue at @ post planted at the southeast eorner of any unregistered instrument, and of C.L. 10,342, thenee i all persons claiming any interest in thence east 80 chains, are au te 80 the land by deseent wi tithe ts chains, thence west 80 chains to point of not registered under the provisions commencement, of this Act, shall be for ever es- EDGAR DAVIS. topped and debarred from setting up Per Austin Brown, “Agent any claim to or in respect of the Da’ 18, 1919 land a eed sakes, 008 the Regis- —eeee rar register raon @ NE oy titled under such tax Seis as owuer mI RAL ac of the la 80 sold for taxes.” = AND WH s aplication has CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS made for a der of Indefeasible Tite et to the above mentlined lands, in the name NOTICE. of Jim Postolu, iron Bug, Blue day, Jobn Bull, John AND WHEREAS on investigating the} Bull No. {, John Bull No. 3, and Drum litle it appears that prior to the 10th day|Lummon Praetton Mineral ‘Claims, Siluate of October, 1917 (the date on whieh thejin the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar said lands were sold for overdue*® taxps), | District, you were the assessed owner thereof, Where located Approximately two FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at mites up Falls Creek, Granby Bay. same time | shall effect registration TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of elty of Bunean, B. C., acting as e for the Granby Consolidated Mining. smectite. ing and Power Lompany, Limited, Free Mimer’s Certifieate No, 32188-C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim pursuance of such cam etues aiid issue a} th Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the said lands in the name of Jim Postolu unless you take and prosecute the proper pro ceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent sueh pro posed action on my part, DATED at the Land Registry Omee, Prince HKupert, B.C., this 10th day ol And further take notice that action, un Auguat, A.v., 0018, der section 85, must be commenced before H, F. MACLEOD, the issuance of such certificate of im Distriet Registrar of Titles, provements. To Robert J. Abbott, Esq., Dated thie Sed day of July, A.D iore Prince Rupert, B.C. H. N. CLAGUE, B.C. L Those H. ST. G. Coupons and “ Interest Cheques vested in Bonds and other / Financial Paper, may deposit , Coupons, Notes and Interest Cheques in our safe-keeping, for Collection, at favourable LEE, Manager, ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS =~ { having funds in- Vy, VA at D ORR aee IIa PARES ca CE 7 : Capital and keieee, - © Total Asacta, Nov. DOth, 191 a, over $1! 53,000,000 000,000 A. T. BRODERICK, i ae se A BANK FOR MINER Keep all your funds here where they will safe from loss or theft. Pay your accou cheque. or Drafts issued by this bank. We offer Miners a complete and satisfactor banking service, and are always ready to a on financial questions. $20 UNION BANK OF CANADA | THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANAD A HEAD OFFICE . PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, Send money home by Money Order WINNIPEG, MAN. enw 7) 4) SSS Y — rE Manager. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of remitti: These Money Orders are payable without charge at a: Oanada (Yukon excepted), bank in cities of $5 and under Over $5, not excee ding $10, 6 cents Prince Rupert Branch to $50. in Newfoundland the United States and are negotiable at ov: in Great Britain and Ireland -$cents Over $10, not exces Over $30, not exceed «es -, Siiseren, Maal xX amounts up hy hb af x S30, 10 cents : l te CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steame! THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for GWANGON BAY, VANCOUVER, WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY S.S, PRINCE RUPERT ‘5. S. PRINCE GEORGE SAILING VICTORIA and SEATTLE. MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX 6. &. PRINCE JON" p.m Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, Aumust 2st Southern Passenger Prince City Ticket aN ale iy? For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Ruper' 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Queen Chariotte Isiand Points, Monday, George, Edmonton and may alh September TRAIN SERVICE Wednesday and Saturday a; Winnipexs, making dire a potnts east ‘end south AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply | Office, 626 Third Avenue. *ND PRINCE ALBERT For STEWART every Wednesday at 2.00 11:38 an OCEAN FALLS, Phon® 260 —— 8.8. PRINCESS ALICE 8.8. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Ruper' During July and August every Saturday 4 During July and August every Monday 4! CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES For rates, rerervations and sailings, app W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. Prince Rupe and the rt, B.C. —a Georgetown Lumber Co. | PHONES 130 Bt 423. Largest Assortment of Lumber in Gentra! B. © SPRUCE ‘FIR Consult Us. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service OTEL wwrwrwre™ »” ‘THE SAVOY H' Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupe". B.C. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY go to PF. T. BOWNESS. Manager CEDAR Home Cooking Runnin g Hot and Col P.O pox 1632 p.o, Box 1 id water