LN. | OG \6\8\\Y ¢ Library GOOD EATS NIE HOME BAKERY 211 6th Street vOL. X. NO, 300. PRINCE RUPERT ‘ Che Daily News Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Whi) ESDAY, DEGEMBER 24, 1019. Trades and Labor Suggest Aldermen i ee W.H.W. Murray, A.H. Allison, Wilbert J. Greer and Mrs. Kirkpatrick En- dorsed Last Night. Four eandidates were nominated at the Trades and Labor Council meeting last night for aldermanic honors in the forth- oming municipal elections. Those named were W. H. W. Murray, A. H. Allison, Wilbert J, Greer and Mrs. W. J. Kirk vatrick. These names were recommended by the legislative -ommittee of the council and were endorsed by the council as a body. The list is open for further consideration and may be added to. fhe matter of candidates for mayoralty, school board and police commission was left open and no action was taken. Hf « |). MacDonald will consent to run-for election to the Police Commission again, he will receive the support of the organization. = JOSHUA MACKAY CASE prone ool IN COUNTY COURi LIQUOR BREACH Tiss nce Witnesses Examined. Is Found Quilty Under Prohibition Act This Time—Costs jing money under $100.50. Joshua MacKay, the Port Simp- son Indian, charged with false speedy trial this morning. obtain- pretences, before He Bannier, appeared before | pleaded not guilty and the wit- fauvistrate MeMordie again charged under the B.C Act with having his: possession other ha n private premises. He for the defence sited night by Con-|' xamined. L. W Ackroyd and MeGlincky| pears for the ac Cee OVERNMENT RETREAT AND BOLSHIES PLO{ norning he pleaded not 1 thé police ¢ourt and said did know that the ae eon Trotzky is Busy With Pians For Drive Against Poland in the Spring. j elected for iJudge Youne were this | nesses for the prosecution | examined. On Friday at 3 o'clock the trial! will be ty the wit- will tion ‘sumed when nesses be fatmore ap last Pa , th used not vas there. The magistraté ept his plea and fined this being his first inder the Prohibition Act. onths ago he was fined pplying liquor to Indians Indian Act. did not ar B10 uy T. Pr. Telegraphs All Rus- have e “pecay via Ul IRKUTSK Grovernment t : ihe troops sian MISUNDERSTANDING. OVER WAGE INCREASE Trades and Labor Thought Tele- phone Raise Would Start in May. vacuated Tomsk, Eastern Siberia, GENEVA, Des ceived 24 Reports re- that a Bolshevik of here say plans and ft ' spring are under way under the guidance of Leon Trot. Minister of War in the sian Soviet Government PATROL BOAT “GANNET” BURNT AT WESTMINSTER pueparations fensive next sky as to the date that the raise of pay for telephone tors will take place was dis- tt irades and Labor lhe question : | hy Mo t its meeting last night Che Fisheries Patrol Vessel The Council had understood that Gannet.” which is well known ~ 15 per, cent raise would be} i, Prince Rupert, was totally des- from May, the time of troyed by fire last week it New . m . bo a ee aoe Westminster, She was moored to ( le ilities Committee o tai . e we «City the ty council had not under- m bpennenes ‘h - a hand ae 8 this way and had dated ae = - petien entities on the raise from the present date mone o* ro made mai rhe matter was laid over until menreee ; chon Mer as im- u erators request that it be apy Broecess a sé ‘ which ny ssible to save the ves Hh » or dropped, is a total loss. She is valued at $5,000, MUSTAPHA KEMAL HAS BEEN ASSASSINATED KNOCKED OUT (Specia) via 6, T.P felegraphs (OME, Dee, 24—Mustapha] NEWARK, N. J., De Ki deader of the Turkish In-| Frank Moran the Pitts re ts in Anatolia, has been|heavyweight, knocked out Sergt S5Si8 ‘ted, He was head of|Jack Burke of Chicago 1) the first the Turkish nationalist movement |round of an eight-round mateh i Asia Minor Albert & MeCaffery, Ltd., Barrie's Christmas drawing | just received a shipment of five * * two dollars’ worth pur-| hundred doors and windows—the a dd entitles you to a ticket| most and varied stock in Northern oo Starting Wednesday, No-|B,. C, ul , 19, First prize, Daven. a Port bed lable - Mole; third prize, wieken roeker.| Rupert Coal Company, Ph >... > ‘ond prize, fumed oak | Ladysmith Coal. The test. Prince one 15 CPE OOD ODIO - d W estholme Foe ORRO W ANITA ''"® “Her Kingdom STEWART of Dreams TI ‘ ’ ° : i: > > Uhe Pe) fect Picture with the Greatest Cast ever assembled. —<- Rus-| have | " clever-widening circles, beginning | PRICE FIVE CENTS * —— eradicate staiiten aimee - saeinia _ ee CABINET CRISIS tas Waits Gea [S THREATENED y War Problems Cause Socialist from Gon. TC. B. Pattullo Opposition and Cabinet 2 R Resignations. to his Constituents. — — (Spectal via G6. T. P. Telegraphs.) Dear Mr. Editor, — THE HAGUE, Dec, 24.—The op- position of the Socialists to ex. Will you permit me, through your paper, to penditure on post-war measures extend to the people of the Electoral District of and League of Nations problems Prince Rupert the good old wish for a Merry Christ- has resulted in the resignations mas and a Happy New Year. = two ieee in the Dutch ° ‘abinet. It appears that a érisis While the past year has been one of much world will be brought about in the Dutch unrest, it seems to me the! we have been very sabinet. fortunate in British Columbia in having enjoyed a Se ee year of prosperity and progress; and | am glad to TODAY’S say that the outlook fof tho coming year is pro- pitious. This is a transition pericd. Everyone seems to WENT THROUGH | think that there is something wrong with the social condition and all sorts of ncstrums are being sug- Quick Work at Khyex Clears the gested to cure the ilis of the body politic. Even Line and Traffic is | ordinarily well-balanced people are inclined to Resumed. accept the lead of any social quack who is sufficient- art ; ly aggressive in the exposition of his wares. ene soshem eens eee The world is not going to be saved by a miracie. out of the Khyex River bridge and The value of common sense and hard work are every fill, the G. T. P. railway line is H day becoming more apparent. In fact, it is only by 6 a a) _ this eee NO, 2 Cas a > fer the exercise of common sense and hard work that tl 7 feo ee rele Gees ae ie break. Superintendent McCall real progress can be made. and his crews are expected in this Let me reiterate—Al!l good wishes and the afternoon and will bring with Season's Greetings. them all mail, express, baggage Sincerely yours, a oo. = sy ro eid up on 1e other side o e T. D. PATTULLO. washout. The most of this ar- Victoria, B. C., December 17, 1919. rived on last night's westbound at | ‘acific being relayed down the river this morning by a special stub train. ~The complete No, 1 ira westbound will arrive tomorrow ——— —a evening probably on time. — SL The train this morning left at ‘TRADES AND LABOR 11:30, the negular time, but as the POWER T9 i : diners and sleepers are now at ’ *--— Pacihe, jt consisted merely of the . SOP PORT COS ee ieee eed te des 5 ly: aa” ae coaches. The rest of the train wt ink That City Council Should) ,\\) jy. picked up at Pacidie ane Take Census of Chinese. will proeeed east as the regular | atari train. After today all trains. wil: j The Chinese census seems to run as usual. is j be a favorite subject with public Traflie has been rather disor- Italian Constitution to be Changed _ inat night the. ‘Fredee genized by the blockade during So That Government Only bes { Labor Coun " eupresces oe the past week and much mail and Can Declare. opinion on the matter. It was xpress has been sent via Van- that they thought the Police Com- couver over the CG. N.R. This will ROME, Dee, 24-—The Italian]! 5s!on had no power to appoint! mean that some Christmas mail Chamber; of Deputies, including|® “Pecial man to take the census,| wij) pot arrive here on time. the Socialist members, have|S® therefore the, taking of the] «yj, wever. the quick repair of the strongly approved Premier Nitti’s | int was strictly a business for|»reak means general relief anc lstatement that he would present the City Council. the congestion of freight ane ia bill to the house modifying the Che policemen Mave their regu-| other trailie will be handled as | duties to perform and there- should not be asked to take a census. : ls articles of Italian national con-j|'* lstitution so that: only parliament]! jmay have power to declare war. epemnememnaie ~ i blocks, | loys, games, dolls, snirella Corsetiere. Phrene ltpains. children’s books, mechani-|#iwek 257. leal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus ~—-—-- ——_ -- — - headquarters. 1! Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf The Guiding Star to Keep Before Us We all must have some philosophy of life, some ideal which keep before us as a guiding star. Lt is this ideal, this cause, which we devote our energy which gives uaity and purpose to we our whole life. io be worthy of full devotion. Any ideal which is simply individualistic, looking only to self-interest, will not answer for + will be a false star leading us to the hell of selfishness. The Social Ideal is what we should ever keep betore us. We called upon to develop, not destroy, our individuality in order that we may become more efficient ministering members of So- ciety. This Society we may call the Brotherhood of Man if we Hike, but remembering that God is the Spiritual Father of us all shall do better if we call this Society the Democracy of God, Each for all and all for each. members of various communities with the family to which belong and endng with the Community of Mankind. The spirit of ethical love which manifests itself in ministering to the community is the supreme motive which leads us pre we the rule of which is this: As individuals we. are in we lservice \ , devote ourselves to the Socal Ideal. In other words we must ' : a eek to incarnate in our daily lives the spirit of unselfish it = : ; : lieve. This is the message of Christmas. Social Idealism as a PhilosophyofLife isboth sound and good, laut it is, as it were, & cold bare skeleton. It is the Ghristian Re ly oan which takes this skeleton and through emotion and Imagin ati clothes it with warm living flesh-—the inearnation of the tion Ide al ! The Star of Bethlehem has led multitudes to a life of loving service The story of Christmas has done more than anything 1c» in the world to lift mankind out of the hell of sellishness. | ito vou is bern a Savior Christ the Lord.” Love incarnate, tove Divine. “The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many,’ ‘The Sr i of Christ in us is the hope of the world, As many as are Sas ed by the Spirit of Christ are the loyal members of the in ices : Democracy of God, CHRIS 5 OUTING ISTIE COMEDY . CHESTER FP, H, DU VERNET, This ideal must be high enough and broad enough juickiy as possible. INTERESTING WEDDING AT HAZELTON SATURDAY Miss Agnes Grant Will Wed David Donaldson in Bride-to-be's Home Town. None were more delighted to see the resumption of traftic on ihe Grand Trunk Paeifie Railroad this morning than Miss Agnes Grant and David Donaldson, Their reason for feeling grateful to the company for their quick repains sutticient. They left this morning for Hazelton where they will be married at the home of Miss Grant's parents on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Also they will be home for Christmas din- ner tomorrow evening. TREATY CANNOT BE RATIFIED THIS YEAR Such is the Opinion of Officials of French Government. (Special by 6.7. P. Tetegraphs.) PARIS, Dec, 24.—The exchange of ratifieations for the German peace treaty is considered impos- sible before the end of the year. was IRISH PAPERS DO NOT AGREE WITH ENGLISH In England—Not So in Ireland. (Specia! via G.T. P. Teleeraphs.) DUBLIN, Dec. 24.—The com- ments in the Irish papers on Lloyd George's Home Rule bill are gen- erally adverse. The Dublin Times says: “For many reasons, some good, some bad, some wise, some mad, three quarters of the Irish people will reject the bill.” And Ireland wil! be no better off than before. LONDON, Dee. 24.—Aside from one or™two irreconcilable anti- home “rule journals, London papers, on the whole give a favor- able reception to the government scheme for home rule in Ireland. BARRIEAU SURPRISES FIGHTING GILLAM Great titeress wae Tahin in Fight at Edmonton; Won Sup- port in Ring. (Special via G.T.P. felegrapns.) EDMONTON, Dec, 22.—In spite of a difference of twelve pounds in weight on Gillam’s side Frank Barrieau boxed an excellent draw with him on Monday night. Bar- rieau had fully an even share of the scrap afid his willingness to mix with his bigger opponent won him support of the audience. Barrieau carried a short right swing all the way through which would have won him the better of the buat-rad tween WETTVErEd with his ciosed fist instead of a half open glove. A better showing was expected from the Salt Lake boy than was lelivered especially as he was in the pink of condition. He enter- ed the ring the favorite of the fans but this feeling soon switched. The fight attracted more atten- tion than a bout has fon many months in this city and all seats were taken. There were many visitors in from outside points. COAL MINES AT LENS MAZE OF DESTRUCTION French Engineers Cannot Soive the Plan of Ruin. (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapps.) LENS” Dec. 24.—The solution of the opening of the immense coal mines here must await the coming of the German Military engineers who were responsible for the wrecking of the proper- ties. Such work of destruction and tangling of machinery faces French engineers working on the ground that they cannot possibly put things in working order. TRIAL OF ACCUSED — IN BOAT THEFT CASE Harry Kingston, Paddy Brady, Red McDonald and Jacob A. Green charged with stealing from a boat in port, all appeared beforé Judge LYoung yesterday afternoon and elected for a speedy trial. The first named confessed and pleaded guilty, while the others pieaded not guilly. The trial was ad- journed. Mrs. W. J. Hoops left for her home in Telkwa this morning. During her stay in the city she was the guest of Mrs, D. C, Stuart of Fifth Ave. W. B. Cc. Undertakers, Phone 41. Launch “Alice B,” Phone 41. QE = To Loyal Canadians and Allies The GREAT WAR VETERANS’ ASSO- CIATION wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS and invite you to their dance at St. An- drew’s Hal! on Friday next at 9 ».m, Refreshments by the Augmented Orehestra. Ladies 50ec. Bond during the evening. ies’ Auxiliary. Gentlemen $1; for $500 Victory