r " pH ie 7 =o MERE Pitt i oR a ——= = eae Page 2 = | . Pat THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. except Sunday, by The News : Printing and Publishing Go., Third Avenue. : GH. F. PULLEN, Manacinc Eprtor. fSUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. . By Mail—Canada or Great Britain. in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 | —_ cece — : - : ——_ ; TRANSIENT DISPLAY DVERTISING — 8 cents per inch. : Contract Rates on application. ; DAILY EDITION. iS: Wednesday, Dec. 24, - Birthday of Great Leader. Tomorrow s different from the rest. dav of the great labor To Prince Rupert Christmas has a special significance be- the man, Jesus, was a particular friend of the ftisherfotk, lived much among them, and often went out in the boats and probably took a turn with the nets. The pictures we get of Jesus show him dressed in spotless robes, with all the appearance of never having worked. Nothing could be more false. He worked at his trade as a carpenter and as one of the working classes of the time would be just one of the common people of the country. So familiar were the people with him that when he once went into church and stood up to speak the people scoffed at the idea of one of their set being a leader among men. Jesus was opposed to conventional life. He saw the people falling into a rut, enmeshed in a network of superstition and try- ing to hold each other back with laws and regulations, while deny- ing the spirit of true religion. It is for ench one to decide whethe we are more tolerant but only a fraction more. We think we are more enlightened, but yet many of our beliefs and actions will not bear analysis. If Jesus came today he would be just as much an outcast as he was two thousand years ago, and if he were not crucified it would simply be because it is contrcry to the custom of the country. Christmas is Children’s Day. Tomorrow is the children’sday. Jesus was the friend of children. As a child he must have had a haftd time. He was not one of the smart set. His birth place was in the caravansary among the camels and donkeys. His home in Nazareth where he grew up was an unconventional dwelling, probably a hut. His Yet we !ook on him as 4 model child and we teach our children to look with regard on him. With the Christian custom of family gatherings, we have incorporated the heathen custom of gift giving and the stories of Santa Claus. It is a good combination and one that makes for an ideal celebration. Different Outlook For One Day. .. - cdi It is a great thing to get away from the worries of work and surround ourselves with the myths of fairyland and the joys of is Christmas Day, the one day in all the year that It is the day we eader. celebrate as the birth- cause playmates were the village children. communal life. The desire tu please is given full sway and all benefit from it. Throughout the year we work for ourselves anc our families. At Christmas we spend money on those outside the family circle as weil as those in it. In Indian phraseology we have a potiatch. What better could we do at such a time. THE DAILY NEWS The Gift Appreciated Later by That Little Boy or Girl of Yours. Your lsughing Mie boy r gw 7 a few ears will be i serous mah or wommer A very stall = | help ereatiy to make the smooth that they must treed it, for example, you are 4 years f age your ciuid i ears, & saving of less than 61 her Working day would five the 1 ah income of $40.00 per month for life even Were you t leave & norrew Larger f smaller sume proportion We con issue Policies on the En jowment Plan between the ages ope snd fifteen year« Why pot ope of the ss 8 hristmas gift for your be ¢ gir Success or failure— amilety haeppiness—so much in years © come may Gepend upon the Jossession of even & comparsetively “mall mmcome Let @S explain more fully | Childs Er winent and income ' ios (Ut you MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Limited, - Agents. Pt eii. j=. 3rd Avenue LAND REGISTRY ACT Sections 36 snd i34 Re Application N 10493-1 File 6072 TARE NOTICE that application bas beer made tw register Join KR. NcMullin, of : edministrator of the estate of 5 Stet bins, Geceased, intestate, a5 oWner it under two Tax Sale Deeds from the { lector of the City of Prince Rupert, bea img Gate the 28th Gay of November, 1917 f ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce or tract of land snd premises situate, iying ing im the City of Prince Rupert ruiculariy known end described a: ba : Biock sitteen (16), Section eight > Map 23, and Lot thirty-om Block thirty-four 34), Sectio eight (6 Map 22 You are required & the claim of the tan purchaser within 235 Gays from the date of the service of this notice (which may be ef fected by publication ip 4 dally bewspeper and your sttention is called to section f the “Land Registry Act” with amend ments and to the following extract there ud in default of & caveat or certifi cate of 4s peodens bemg Oiled before in egisweton 25 OWner of the per son entitied under such tax sale, ali persoms s© served With notice, - and thuse siming through or Under them, and ail persous claim- ing any interest in the and by virtue any whregistered instrument, and aii persoas claiming any interest in the land by descent whose tithe is mot registered under the provisions of this Act. shall be for ever estopped apd debarred from setting up any claim to or im respect of the land so sold for taxes and the HKegistrar shall register the person entitied un Ger such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for tares AND WHEREAS application tas bees made for a Certificate of Indeleasibie Tith to the above-mentioned lands, m the natm of the said Official Administrator. AND WHEREAS =m isrestiigetivng the tithe it appears that prior to the 13th da) vf October, 1916 (the date on Which Ux said lands were sold for overdue tates you were the registered and assessed oun er thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Bi tix same tune 1 shail effect registration pursuance of such application and issue « Certificate of indefeasible Title to the saic jiands in the name of the said (Ufficial Ad ministrator unless you take and prose: the proper proceedings to establish you: claim, if any, t the said lands, or to pre vent such proposed action om my part DATED at the Land HKegistry Ufiice Prince Rupert, B. C., this 21st day of N vember, A.D. 1918. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Garfield 8. Silcos, as w Lot 10; Archibaid MckKechnie, as to Lot 31 LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134. Re Application No. 11318-l. File 6,259 TARE NOTICE that lication has been made to register Attilio Dominato of vrince Rupert, B.C., FP. U. Dox 68. as owner in fee under 4 Tax Sale Deed foom the Collector of the City of Prince Ruperi bearing date the 23rd day of October, 191% of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce! or trect of land and premises situate. ing, end being im the city of Prince Rupert, more particu y known and described as Lot twenty (20), Block thirty-seven (37. Section Five (5), (Map 923. You sre required to contest the claim of the tax poeeee within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice (which be effected by publication m the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C.,) and your attention is calied to section 36 of the “Land Hegistry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom :— “and in default of a caveat or ¢er- tifcate of lis pendens being filed be- fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons #0 served with notice, and those claiming throug! or under them, and all person« claim- se any interest in the land by virtwe of anv onregiatered metrument. and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is mot registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim & or Mm respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis trar stall register the person en titlea under such tax sale as owner f ihe tand s0 sold for taxes.” AND WHESEAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title t) the above-mentioned ilands, in the nan of Attilllo Dominato. AND WHEREAS on investigaiing the tle It appears that prior to the @th day of October, 1918, (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the assessed owner thereof PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time | shall effect registration in pursuance of such spplication and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said lands in the name of Atillio Dominate, un less you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or t prevent such proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th day of Oetober, A. D. 1919. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Frank EB. Stainer, Esq. General Delivery, Seattle, Wash. IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of tithe to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group Ore (1), Cassiar District, satisfactory roof of loss of certificate sewage been fied, notice ts hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, \ issue a fresh certificate of tithe in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, whieh Certificate of Title is dated sth Pebruary, 1913, and is No, 3067-1 Dated at the Land Registry OMice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, 19019. W. E. BURRITT, ae _Acting Distriet Registrar VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT._DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE iti TAKE notice that Emma C. Smaby, of feean Palis, B.C., occupation married wo man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following deseribed lands Commencing at « post planted on the north end of 4 email isiand on the west side of Choked Passage, west of Hunter Island, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 46 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement and Hieining 160 eeres, more or less EMMA ©. SMABY By Mark Smaby, Agent Date September 4th, 1019 ose @02 0808888080807 MAIL SCHEDULE - eeceeeneeseeenee? For the East. M jays, Wednesdays and Sat- ur s at 10:30 a.n From the East. ' Tuesdays and Thurs- p. m. i For Vancouver and South. ' Sundays if ’ Sundays days at Tuesdays sie’ © Thursdays if p. m.j | From Vancouver From Vancouver and South. TTT TT 10 p.m. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m.) aturdays .......... 10:30 a. mn.) For Anyox and Alice Arm. i Sundays ip.t Wednesdays , ii p.t Saturdays . ‘ ; {i p.' From Anyox and Alice Arm. | Tuesdays ...ccsecsess oe BB UD de cictdonccees .m I cis oce cus beteses p. m.} For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River WU 09 wk so sc ebeees ii p.m From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! Bay, Wales Island and Naas River FORRES os cc ccovcesscvss p.m Queen Charioctte Isiands: For Massett, Port Clemente anc Upper island poiats: Nov. 27 and fortnightly thereafte: ?rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: Nov. 28 and fortnightly thereafter “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points: Nov. 29 and fortnightly thereafter From Skidegate. Queen Chariotte City and Lower Island points— Nov. 26 and fortnightly thereafte For Skagway and the Yukon. Dec. 2 and every ten days there- after. From Skagway and Yukon. December 7 and every ten days thereafter. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For Noon November 26 an fortnightly thereafter. From—P. M. November 27 a fortnightly thereafter. MINERAL ACT. Certifica.e ot Improvements NOTICE “Silver Tip” and “Monarch” Miners Claims, situate in the Naas River Minis Division of Cassiar District Where located About four miles fron bead of Alice Arm o@ its west Sire. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patinor: Fr. M. & No. 31018-C, agent for B. i: lyrwhiti Drake. Kegistrar of the Suprenx Court of Brittth CotumPMia, B. C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 33583-C, imtend siaty days from the date hereof, w app © te Mining Recorder for a Certifcay vf luprovements, for the purpose of ow taining a Crown Grant of each of tlw above claims. And further take notice that action, vu der section 85, must be before ihe issuance of such Certificate of Improve ments. Dated this 18th day of September, A b iwi MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No. 1,” “Mohawk No, 2” Mineral Ciaims, situate in the Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar District Where located: — Between Lime aiiw Roundy Creeks on south shore of Alice Arm TAKE NOTICE that 1, George KR. Naden Pree Miner's Certificate No 96.555-C. fs: tend, sixty i from the date hereof, to apply w the Mining Necorder for a Certiti cate of improvements, for the purpose of Diaining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this 23rd day of Angust, A. D 1919 IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W DECEASED INTESTATE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an Order by the Honorable Mr. Justice Clement, in the above matter on the 30th day of October A.D. 1919, as follows: If 18 ORDERED that the said John H MecMullin shall be allowed to swear to the death of the said deceased as occurring on the 25th day of October, 1918, after the expiration of one month from the dat the first publication of notice of this order, unless in the meantime proof is furnished to the Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert, B. C., that the seid de ceased, Charits W. Shairiin, was alive sub scary to the sald 26th day of October, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDF ED that the said John H. MeMullin do publish notice of this order in the Prince Rupert Daily News, & hewspaper published at Prince Rupert, B. ©., for a period of one month ATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 80th day of October, A.D. 1919. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMetal Administrator SHAIRLIN, N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, N THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA TION ACT” and N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF e6n0n" NELSON, DECEASED, INTES TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honour F. McB. Young made the 10th day of November, A.D. 1019. | was appointed Administrator of the estate of Aaron Ne! son, deceased, and all parties having claims #ainst the said estate are herehy reat! to furnish same, properly verified, to me on OF tefore the Sist day of December 1919, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtetiness to me forthwith JOHN HH. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator songnee this 25th day of November, A. D —— _” eT a a | A lod o P| MACDONALD 'S PRINCE OF WALES CHEWING TOBACCO 4 = Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! }One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” r. Bayne OFFICE HOURS—4 Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, $ to 12 only Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 Dentai Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment } [In Rings Weare showing some | larly good designs that Z people will especially ap: ate. Our stock of Fine Jewelry ; includes many Hit ments at moderate prices iI {i} usefui articles for old or you: ¢ ' people. If you are abou! ' purchase a gift, don't fail to look over our display first R. W. Cameron & Co. "53°32!'";.. Bair ty oaa@inty CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services S. 8. PRINCESS MARY for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert: January 4 and 19 for Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert January 9 and 23 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Mardy Bay, Alert 8) Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria— Every Saturday at 8 p.m. EE, eT TTL ar aaa te For rates, reservations and sailings, apply to W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street © Prince Rupert, B.‘ OPO PP OF Oe 5.5. PRINCE GEORGE Ru TRUNK Ae \c SAILING — Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancovve': ° Victoria and Seattle. Wednesday Midnight for Anyox. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN Por Stewart, December t0th and @ith Masseti and Port Clements, December 11th and 26th Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, Degember 13th and 27th, TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday af 11:96 a.m. for Smithers Prince George, Edmonton apd Winnipeg, making dipect connections [°! all points east and suuth, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines For teformation and reservations apply to City Tleket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260. 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