December 24, 1919 Wednesday, a - i — 7-7 PRESENTATION S. Regis vate | OF Diplomas $1.25 Puplis of St. Joseph's Receive Certificates Academy | - Soap, at Vegetable Closing Recital. Relish. Rianched Celery Queen Olives Vive Entrees. ' USINE exercises of the fall) Roast Young Turkey, Cranberry erm of the St. J Sauce Clas , Joseph's Academy Vegetables. . OOK place in the hall of veuhed, Baked or Boiled Potatoes thie convent M . CauliNower in Cream iis a . onday night. ; pe ot 2 pal ; yas a large attendance of neglis ; , i , abents ar ria ' hf _s “Seaee Hard or a ’ id friends to w itness the creen Apple Pie Lemon Pie resentation of dip f f Dark Fruit Cake listen to th Plomas and Tea Coffee ry fe recitals — cS 5 Pina © of the follow . ne pu wh tor part in the , row he » iy . Special Menu, 50c. : um Dot! trumental and YOCal MUSIC Was highly creditable Thursday, Dec. 26. Vera “} or , KIe@y Alice Spencer leane ‘ Luncheon 17 a. m. to 2 p. m. al ind Lorna Tite, Beatrice: Dinner 6 p.m to 7:30. Cash, Vire - me N , vie rma Rog Soup. ers, Rhoda Lamb, Eileen Patmore Vermicelli Frances Row Fish. M -OWNESS Flora Burritt, Oritied Halibut Steak ary Comadings ' ached Rimeaten Merrine a 1a Laura Frigzell. ited. ‘ rhompson, Margaret Bow- Spare Ribs, ‘ing Saverkrau ess. Paty "7 oon ee ‘ Patricia Meagher, Ruch Gor: potted Tripe, Spanish don, Dorothy Reiily, M¢ ) t Ribs of Beef, Brown Potatoes Erlamoa;y farion Minty, Livér and Onions monde La Trace, Agnes G Small Dessert Steak ton ane ce els Mineed Chicken in Casing me AN Nel Roast. Bishop Bunoz Reef, Pan Grav " — diplomas to those peste who had ed, Botled or Baked Potatoes yeen successful in filling the re Dessert. quirements in the commercial i Custard Hot Mines lneea Florentine Meringue hoa ta He congratulated them Tea and Coffee on the excellent showings that they had made pupils a The following , plomas and wished all the pleasant received Misses Hulda V. SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. most holiday their di Graham Lb» Se LG TE a I es. Lobster salad 606 Shrimp Salad 60« Fresh Crab Salad 60c t irill Special Oyster or Cocktail 30c, Fish to Order. 1 Saimon Eee Sauce, 45 f Sole, Tartare Sauce 45: salad 60¢ Crab "SENDS OUT'S.O.S. « Chieken, Sauce Supreme Fresh Caulifiower 75c Entrees Ready to Serve il] Special Chicken Pricasse jure, Ege Dumplings, 75<« t Roast Jardiniere, home ade Fried Noodles, 50« ing From West Indies Calis For Assistance. ; qualified las mg , zat Your Xmas Dinner § ,.)0° a oe ae sarge ef Oss, oya ailey, at the j}Lena St. Cyr and Earlamonde La . + Trace oston fl } W. J. Pitman. who represents the Toronto Conservatory of =—E Music here, spoke a few words of Tus Aut Waite House ees wee Dupue . Che finest examination of the We have a COOK. roronto Conservatory of Music Nuff said will be held in Prince Rupert in| Soup. June and a number of pupils are To to free th dinner re r fo f e& co » Buy ay, A oem | Preparing for it at th nvent. ken Broth with Rice 15« i struction THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED Westholme Lunch MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. Special Xmas Dinner $I Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Divrer 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Cream_of Celery Fried Halibut, Bala Tartare Sauce 4. Combination Salad with Crisp Head Lettuce, Home-made Sauce Entrees. Asparagus Tips on Toast Kidney Saute Roasts. Stuffed Young Turkey with Cran berry Sauce Roast Pork, Apple Sauce Hoast Beef, Brown Gravy Vegetables. Mashed or Baked [otatoes Mashed Turnips DeSsert. Apple, Hot Mince Pte h Plum Pudding, Wine Christmas Cake Tea Coffee Enel Sauce SHORT grou SERVED ANY TIME FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT oF. C. WADE TALKS “wnt oie! WOODEN HOUSES Advocates Lumber In Land of Brick and Stone to Solve Housing ProPiem. il via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, Dee, 23 In a letter to the limes, running to ov half a column, F. G, Wade, agent general for British Columbia, ad ;vertises the claims of wooden houses made in Canada as the means of overcoming the house shortage now existing throughout Great Britain. Mr. Wade speaks of the weird and comical attacks |made upon wooden houses by D1 Addison, minister of health, and his officials, and declares that the jproblem of rehousing Europe car only be met by the rapid cor afforded by wooden |} houses “PRINCESS MAY’ NATIONALISTS — LARGER FAMILIES ‘New South Wales Nationalists Former C. P. R. Steamer Return-' Support Government in Policy of Subsidation. f Turkey Wing and Giblets, TT SYDNEY Dec, 24 [he State stringless beans, 65c Special via T. P. Telegraphs.) cak breaded, California Peas » v erep Nationalist Party of New South in Cream, 80c NEW YORK, Dee, 23 A wire-|Wales has approved the govern- ter Patties Newburg, 75 s i s am ‘ “ . kege Omelette with Orange = 5. nessage has been ment's proposal to subsidize all rate iebas Syrup received here from the’ British /children above two in one family. steamer Princess May ° formerly = t of Beef au Jus, Brown Se acific tees, Ee Cat. 360 ned by the Canadian Pacific | NOTICE locai Pork, Sage Dressing Railway Company The message | Baked Apple, 7¢c : | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that an ap ed young Turkey, Cranberry stated that she was in need Of|piication will be made to the Legisiauve Sauce, $1.00 5 : ‘ - , |Assembly of the Province of British Co Dessert. ediat assistance and gave liumbia at the next session, On behaif oi rium Pudding, Nard and her position as 38 15 North and) ttt ARCHITECTUBKAL INSTITUTE Ol Vanilla Sauce a . }BAITISH COLUMBIA for a private Dill in Apple Pie 10¢, with Canadian 150 West rhe Princess May {« rporating the said Institute, the said bull Cheese, 15¢ . ata » be known as “THE BRITISH COLUMBIA t Apple Dumpling, 35c was approximately a hundred |S. Chite, TS’ ACT’, for the purposes of Hot Mince Pie 1t0c miles east of Delaware Bay and }woverning and regulating the practice ol = } t t New | Architecture in the Province of British Co ‘ e I oO e RESERVE YOUR TABLE NOW — = oo re tr : _ DATED at the City of Vancouver in the PHONE 457. York from the West Indies. She | p-ovines of British Columbis, Ww ; was sold } ihe ©. P. KR ‘veral|day of November, A.D. i@i9 > = == Wa oid Dy the » § seve G ROY LONG, months ago and since that time| Solicitor for the Applicants has been engaged in the West In-|cypena LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF dian fruit trade. BAPTIST PASTOR NOT APPOINTED YET, word from headquar the $2650.00 Buys 2 lots, 7 room house, complete :furnishings, and wood supply. The Easiest Possible Terms coal Awaiting ters at Vancouver, successor! and Service goto , The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 tree will be held on Monday night next. ARCHBISHOP CONDEMNS " ATTEMPT ON GEN. FRENCH | (special by © T.P. Telegraphs | DUBLIN, Dec, 22.—A_ letter from Archbishop Walsh condemn nee —————— | ing the attempt upon the life of . | Viscount French was read a. Hotel Prince Rupert the Roman Catholic Churches : vesterday SS Ss Le, TS EUROPEAN PLAN | BRITISH IN BAKU $1.50 per day and up. | | (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs FIRST-CLASS CAFE | LONDON, Dee 23 British A La Marte. troops have oceupied Batoum b. = ithe Black Sea and Baku on te os , I cnsan. to prevent the ees " & from the Caucasus region aking The “Garland Boarding House feoms te. Cxmnetng ot wivloe 416 Sixth Avenue Hast received from Moscow Near D so te ee won Mimetses | | MANY PLACES waNT FIGHT Srerrn _,—_ oS (Speciai py 0. T.P Telegrapnhs A G GR Los ANGELES Dec, 22. ma t . AY Kearns, manager fo! Jack Dem| Teacher of Piano | sey, has announced that he has “slo 187 Second Avenue had sixteen offers for the mateh PHONE 182 or 444 between Dempsey and Georges ~ ; — Carpentier of France. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland, of Bay Point, California, Hotel-keeper, in tends to apply for a licence two prospect foi coal and petroleum over the following de scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresb) Isiand, British Columbia; commencing at 4 | post planted about 200 yards from the > utherly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles ast of the northeast corner of Robert Reid’s coal and petroleum licence number 10460; thence north 80 chains, thence west south 80 chains, thence point of commence 1/80 chains, thence . ‘ . as pastor fjeast 80 chains to the COUGLAS SUTHEMLARS oo wae oe . , — t _ DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND See veut . ‘ : ; c as no ve I ’ E 523 Third Ave. the Baptist Chureh ha By Hans K. Christensen, Agent ; been appointed. In the meantime] Locaiwd October Oth, 1919 = poooors the evening service will be COD-|.cepn, LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF ducted by P. Linzey and the) QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ; ning service dispensed with.! yake NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess, For Comfort, Courtesy~ morai = ; : t Christmas of Bay Point, California, hotel-keeper, in The annual Baptis u OF | tends to apply for 4 li cence to prospect for wer the following de West Coast of Moresby jumbia, commencing at ja post planted about 200 yards from the southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of the northeast corner of Robert Reid’s coal and petroleum licence number 1 1460, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence ment al and petroleum scribed lands on the lisiand, British Co CHARLES E. BURGESS. By Hans K, Christensen, Agent Located Uctober 9th, 1919 ae LAND ACT IN THE SKEBNA LAND DISTRICT DIS TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE IS SLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain occupation returned 0 souver, B. C., e ance rmission to soldier, intends to apply for pe lease the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the shore on Sewell tate on 3 th oe and in a westerly direction fr ve pA of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains south: thence 40 chains east thence to shore; thence following the shore line to point of © ommencement and containing 20 acres, more or less THOMAS B, STRAIN W. E. Green, agent Dated 26th October, 1019 Construction | ;rOR RENT i ADVERTISING Phone 98 Thies is the Advertising Colomn that people read when they want anything It 7 revutte POR SALE shelves and drawer, finish; a nice Christmas gift Special price, $11.00. Also ar attachment for your _Muste “ cabtneé, only Rupert one. Special $4.50, Music Store, postettice, FOR SALE e quarter 30t t sacrifice, section in the five mahogany ’ Edison 80 that it will play Victor records, Prince opposite ; first-class Naas | Valley at $1,500. Will be worth | $5,000, Partly improved. Light taxes, Good location. Country opening up. gas engine; rebored oughly overhauled. equipment. Price boat. List of other furnished on application. Machine Works, Complete Fifteen H. P. 4-cycle and equipment in first shape, for sale, $800.00 seen at Parkin & War ical ~ GRAMAP HONE, Mission finish, with twenty j rds, Spec |A SNAP engine class | Can be | j Klects LoO., UOWw LDISON size just selected ial price, P. Op P yosite new Store. the post oflice. FOR RENT FOR RENT room with ‘tw beds. Steam heated for gentlemen. Apply Avenue, between Large 708 5 and 7. Thire ' iFOR RENT with Furnished bedrom telephone, from use of ninutes walk FOR RENT with bath, decorated, After Five-roomed house furnished. Newly Phine 195 phone 292, t Close in, i oO clock, ro Mr Phone RENT—One furnished s. Wolters, St. Lo Red 94. suite iis Rooms Drexel Rooms, Second Ave. TO RENT Five-roomed house with bath. Phone Black 451. Just the thing for a good farm in future. Apply box 28 Daily News ollice. 295 FOR 8 SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8 and thor » $1,000 F.O.B. engines Union Juneau, tf Bay. ti Large like rec- R. Music Suitable 300 ten drydock. Apply box 29 Daily News ollice. 298 Housekeeping rooms LosT Pocket-book LOST containing army discharge papers and a sum of money. Finder pleas return to Daily News oltice. 0 MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Religion and Sociology. fragrant with the breath balsams and pines. covers, $41.50; velvet $2.00, post paid. Victoria Printing & in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; lends in Sunny Southern Al. berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now they going fast. For free booklet Vaneouver, B.&, Advertiss in the Dative News rroovre” SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Rstimates furnished, Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Street. Phone 174 ~— P.O. Box 274 head the Nature, It is of Leatherette sheep, Published by Publishing Co., 524 Yates St. Victoria, B. © FARMS FOR SALE Cc. P. 'R. FARM LAND Choie farms in well settled districts irrigated are 1nd full information write G. Leughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West Page 6 WRIGLEYS The Greatest Name In Goody -Llahd Z a © PERFECT Gum /ASTS VW TLL tet ZF \\ooma WRIGLEY'S AW JUICY FRUIT Z, \\Rve STAR OL TU TTT Soe ING GUM Z a “4 ("ae SEALED TIGHT — KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts Men’s Pocket WATCHES are in demand = There are Styles in Men’s Watches the same as anything else. The Gruen one of the neat- est and best at from $25. to $150. We carry the Waltham from $12. to $100. and you'll find a wide variety of cases, | Also we stock Hamilton Howard and Regina. STANDARD PRICES JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Gift Store i SASH & DOORS LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir & Finishing LIME CEMENT PLASTER BRICK LATH SHINGLES Complete Line of Building Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE 116 or 564 Cadomin Coal No wait. Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 Ton, Sacke d Tom, Loose Consumers Coal Company phones--Black 51, Black 293 At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems with Photographs. Make the appointment to- day. It’s none too eurly. PHONE Red 328 [he Peerless Studio Suite 22, Alder Block All busses stop at our door aaa as Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. 0. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. nage eS = peer aoe ; cca Game