8 EEE os THE DAILY News __ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN RTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published and W by THE PRINCE RUPERT PU ING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL HEAD OFFICK gi 4 MANAGER Maily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. U SUBSCRIPTION RATF.—To Canada, United states and Mexico Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National 2ty York Oity Seatiie—Puget Seund Newa Co London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Tronk Building, Trafalgar Square. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 Cents per inch, Contract rates on application. lelephone 98 Newspaper bureau, Fast 23rd St. New Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The Nows carriers wi 9 ~) DAILY EDITION Thursday, July 1944, The campaign was admitted on all sides to be New lines in Ontario a man is in the hands of his party and does not wish to ap. an uncertain issue pose them too strongly, This is NO doubt the reason for his of cleavage were supposed aod SSURe end the Giadievetines ot have been formed and the; ontario dhbtetee asketel ic church vote was supposed to pluck victory with the hand of be on the side of Mr, Rowell. a dying man. There is no doubt at all about where the liquor interests stood and they are usually! drawn from both sides of po- litics, At the same time the final position of the churches in many cases is very doubt- It is reported that a case of heart failure was narrowly averted recently in The Jour nal office, The editor of that esteemed family (? paper had ful. Hard and op gehen it suddenly called to his at- wool party men are tention that The Daily News changed and of these Ontario was big enough and manly seems to have an undue share. enough to withdraw a state. They are with the moral issue just so long as the hymns are ringing in their ears but when they are face w face with a cold ballot and a party issue it is a different story. It will probably not be so easy to in- duce a party again to take up an issue of this kind after the treatment accorded Mr. howell in Ontario and particularly in “Toronto the good.” ment as soon as it was found to be in error, This action was 80 foreign to the nature of that gentleman that a collapse al- most took place. If it is a strange thing for a paper to do what any gentle- man Would do, The News has at least a splendid precedent in The London Times, which while perhaps not so well edit- ed as The Journal has consid- . . . erable weight among the Apart from the temperance world's periodicals, issue in the campaign there ee was no doubt another issue in the minds of the people. Pre- mier Whitney is a man of high Tt is trué that The Journal has never had to apologize for anything, But that is because character and has rendered it never says anything. The great service to his Province. editor of this paper would Only a few months *go he lay sooner have to apologize a at death's door and the sym- pathy of all peoples went out to him. He is stil! an invalid and perhaps his days are few. A good many people may have been loath to turn him down in his dying moments after his distinguished career. It is true that as such he should mot have allowed his name to be used as leader but very often thousand times a year than to be the author of wishy-washy peffle which may mean anything or nothing according as condi- tions may require, A writer who has any manhood in his veins will strike straight from the shoulder and if once in a while he does miss his aim he will at least be credited with having a mind of his own, FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Stee! Biccks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Steves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Se FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Read The Daily News Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a ‘month (85,00 if paid in} | | | waiting for the Corpus Christi procession to start THE DAILY NEWS in fromt of Notre Dame Church, wee es DID THEY CARRY ARMS CONTRARY TO COLONEL THE MONORABLE SAM'S ORDERS? 7 much talk concerning the action of the 65th Regimemt of Montreal, which notwithstand- ing the positive orders of the Minister of Militia, paraded with arms at the religious proces sion of Gorpus Christi, Tt is said now that the rifles they carried were not Government rifles, but obsolete weapons out of old stores. The picture sheows the officers of the 65th Regiment The 65th pretty tired, In the eleventh they did a lot of boxing and the round ended about even. In the 13th Neff landed a dozen vicious jabs on Burns face. The next round Burns got a heavy blow in on Neff's stomach which made the latter tired for a time, but Burns did not follow it up and Neff came Looks Like the Boss is Hopeless-H good security back of it. McCaffery & Gibbons Brokers and Real Estate THIRD AVE. Prince Rupert paraded with arms and saluted the Host at the elevation as “%n past occasions of this kind. The regiment also acted as a bodyguard to Bishop Gauthier who carried the Host through the streets, On the left is Sir Rodolphe Forget, honorary colemel of the 65th, and a prominent Conservative, and next to him is Senator Casgrain, honorary lieut.-colonel of the 83rd; Joliette Regiment, On the senator's left ig. Rev. Father Deschamps, chaplain of the 65th. CHET NEFF WON OVER Mole hy Nett et was all Fo°\ GOLD IS FOUND work by Neff who was keep ing | ROUGH HOUSE BURNS ewer t sive himself a chanee to ON WILLOW RIVER " jrecover, The last round furnish ae a ed several mix-ups but with no ei Went gg woe ur Got a) cults. |Stampede Now on From Fort nts—' rn . . - Geo Sce Fel pie Him ee Ss Referee Smeathers gave Nett | rge to ne of the the decision on points, clairming Strike ——— that Neff had out-boxed his op se ae 9 ’ ) y oO hetween f e fs The boxing bout ‘ ! het ponent. 4 few heavy ones by Gold hasy beep discovered on Neff and Rough House Buras in| Burns, who was looking for athe banks of the Willow River, in the Westholme Opera House on | knock out did not offset the! Willow River townsite thirty t ’ r re ‘ ig | man es e de ‘ : . fuesday evening drew a hig ~ any tim Neff had landed M/ miles east of Fort George as im : house. Tt was a splendid exbibi — co r to ate telegrs the best tl ris 1 The Preliminaries rding to a private telegram re ion, ne =bes v¢ aes 8 nave! rhere were three preliminaries, |°eived by Mr. E, H. Heaps, and seen here vet Chet Nef cot the| Johnny Gilmore and Young Wal./there is great excitement in Fort decision on points and several|ters of Vancouver went four two | George over the diseovery. Many fans dispute his right to it, There| minute rounds without effes ting|; ‘ : : }Forl George residents are stak was considerable money bet and | much. } | | “ iims, both quartz and plac many of the audience looked for Monte Label, of St. Paul, tad]... . rding to Mr.? : a draw. ;a four round go with Colors i}. awe a ! heaps’ mes Neff was certainly clever with |Carter, It furnished a lot of| ' i ‘ his mits and shifty on his feet.|#™usement for the boys, and Car | ; Scared . * , He easily landed three to one on|‘€F Sot in one good slap ony ' it P rt "4 , site Burns but they were mostly jabs | Mont but he afterwards re : : ' : to the face which did not appear , : R and is said t be whed to effect Burns. On the other ; lica rely . j te ‘ : =f ee hand Burns bored in with his : b ! il capitalists Ow 1 head down waiting for an open- AN s x ty to Fort ¢ . ' | ; { eorge ine ing to get a knockout with his ' ; ‘ ’ iV ‘ heavy richt. He swung it sev ’ i 2 i iy e the village was soor eral times but never landed with nves men reached by scores of gold hunt it until the eighteenth when he ; es ‘ na wy if the i ; . rs as 800n as ne = » dis reached Neff's jaw and dazed the ry leaked out Seattle boy. Burns, however, did r! t b not have the steam to take ad-| Today the real estate market ts . , ae which the claims ile -roper rus are wine staked Ses ‘ vantage of his chance to follow! oo oe ee Z re ra = , a co though prices remain frm the mam Cariboo country not far from Bar up, and Neff was able tu hold him with a few hundred dollars to im- kerville, the scene of many rict off until the round finished. | vest does not see ich chance for on en a ‘ |$ @ profitable turn in buying an um- sold finds of earlier days. This Both boys went the 20 rounds improved lot. it the improved fact lends suppert to the belief without a fall and while both | op Bog & the cach gonna that valuable claims will be f ad took punishment neither showed | = no chance to get in on it himm at Willow River townsit the the effects after going to er precious metal having come down dressing room, Neff had a slight} out he has a chance to get in @ ifrom the Cariboo . cut over the eye and on his lip syndicate The Prince Rupert ' ie as ' : Building and Investment Company Mr. Heaps said today that al mut was otherwise unmarked. ah assoctation of investors with hough he was interested there They weighed in during the af small capital whose pooled re me ft : iin a ternoon, Neff was 134%, and active a ee % 2 of the moss he had not been aware that any ’ and prospe s business or prospecting was being done Burns 131% eanizations in the city , : say . . , th ini 0O e townsite ane When they entered the ring This company has puilt mamy th a ne a tthe cane ” = He alnouncemnmel 0 he : as each was given an enthusiastic houses and has ji completed @ ntir ty yy » SaSem reception. In the early rounds splendid apartment house. It deals 3} ee ee Neff had a decided advantage in exclusively in Prince Rupert invest } ; the t : : ments. It has no paid officers amd If you have any big or little ne boxing. le landed repeated no epereting expenses, Dut it makes job about the home ent for ts coli in Shane dee money mn three yeurs tt has pasa 9/20" = aNoU > SUES Sen or ly on Burns and the latter took a an average annual dividend of 17 |Fritz the Handy Man.’ PI » lot of punishment on his face. per cent. \593 — saan “ Vv5e. - Burns made a few effective stabs A new stock issue has just beem wi infighting, but Neff was too quick put on the market. ft selis at #44 a ahen ie die Me s share en can recommend it Be sure you are right before o : e open, o anyor as a , In the tenth both boys w of capital’ on _ nvthey "would j‘hrowing over the high speed ) were like to draw good interest with lever, quested Monte to go easy on him Cockney Edwards and Ted Bid die gave four good rounds and did some good work, The Cock- ney 18 a good fast boy and has a nasty left punch, cision on points. He got the de- ubert_ — ae ee Thureday, July 2, 10414, oA Tr-weekly servic —— ee Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Bieamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert MONDAYS 0 6 A. m Bicamer Prince Rupert teeves Prince Rupert FRIDAVE ot © A. mw Sieamers Prince John or Prince Albert tv. Prince Rupert TUESDAYS, 9:30 P.m Low Excursion Kates CANADA and UNITED STATES on cate until September B01) good return until Getober Stet ot TO EASTERN 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freleht Gasoline end explosives Pare and one-third for the round trip between al! pointe for Dominion On sale June 26th to July Tet; good return until duly 4th. For full partiouiare and all information of interest to treveliery, apply to THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hert Block, Third Avenue, Phenée 200 AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES Day i | Te ee Oe ee hone 554 P.O. Box 6 ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY f ROOMS - . ieciak iain Eeeseme Mlingsht' Vote APERHANGING Re s 0 fro 0 Visiting oo a eS : 1 p , AINTING For D raies for hall rent apply MACDUNALD, CHAS. DENNIS President MARTIN & MGOWAN _ mes AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Martin Swanson Cement, Brick and Tile Work McBride New Wellington Coa Phone Blue 3208 The favorite Household Coal PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING retar OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High grade nterior 8 Secretary corating a Spe | | Second Avenue, hear COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Made Roofing i Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing \NEW WELLINGTON COAL CoO. ——w Rogers & Albert, Agta. P.O. Bor 439 PHONE 205 gecond Avenue Phone 119 FURNISHED APARTMENTS BLYTHE BROS, PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 ' in two and three-room suite _. Saataction geardatess J.B. DYER. Phone Black 354 JOHN CURRIE = ——— = Contractor & Builder = a Estimates Given on Moving Bulidings SMITH & MALLETT 1 * stock of rth of Phone Black 294 Vancouver, Crane Valves end Pit iditlenaiiaieel tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave, Heed of BSecond Girest HARRISON W. ROGERS — . Architect D. GC. STUART Suite 1, Federal Block s ean PRINCE RUPERT, B. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 | A IVARSON & CO. B.acksm ae ne ist Ave., Manson Way HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER c ; S08 2nd Ave. Frene 780 PRINCE RUPERT. &. 0. oi Alex. M. Manson, B A W. BE. Williams. BA. L WHILLIAMS & SANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1588 Prince Rupert, & L. 6B Phone 525 Helgersom Biock iffice rner 2nd Street and Sra Avenue PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Phone 488 Second Ave., near McBride ( Successui rs wo Pacific Transfer ¢ DR. GILROY, DENTIST LADYSMITH COAL 63 - Phone 03 Crown and Bridge Work a pi ae cialis Specialty. P. ©. Bex 203 “(Phone 47 P. ROBERTSON Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue ee Chartered Accountant Audite, Investigations, Ad,ustments, Lia. UNION TRANSFER CO wen ines GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE Smith Biock, rd Ave., *rince Rupert, B © South Wellington Coal PHONES: 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 233 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL BAKERY Sueccssor to Knott's. Formerly known as Clifton’s BOAT BUILDER | SREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY sae . We deliver to any part of the city OUN? é CCERSTON “Third Avenue Prone a6: Phone Green 321 ——-— IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP LUMBER COAL COW BAY PHONE RED 15 and JAMES GILMORE Complete Line of Architect 2ud Avenue, near Mcbride Stre: BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 H. Seal Cove SUGA & MORITO CONTRACTORS FOR BOAT SUILDIN© Of Every Description—Aiso Repairs For Prices, Particulars, etc., Apply to Pp. 0. BOX 804 —_— Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop.