Thursday, July 2, 1944, a THE DAILY NEWS : : ; ? ONG : , = 4 je i rhe Dye that colors ANY KIND of Coes fomens , with the VE. scram 1 Minden et Summer CLOTHES Why Not Have the BEST? See Us at Once SWEDER BROS., Tailors to Ladies and Gen- tlemen SEEDS! SEEDS! 1914 Spring received our Boode GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Oeaters in Feed of ef! Binds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mell orders promptly atiended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone Bieck 268 o eee eeee! Have FIELD, SPREE EEEEEREEREREEE EEE REESE FOR A TAXI 75-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO FHEKAAAERERE REAR EERE TERED eee eee ee eee ee eeeee orereer Phone 87 ?.©. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE Hot and Coid Running Water in all Reoome Only finest brands ef Liquors end Cigere kept THE GEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN GRITIGH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE™ Proprictore Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association reer of First Ave. end Bight) 5: he district, and it is expected i a day or 80 an announce ' | w be made in regard to worm. canTRAL } development work to be under first Avenue Seventh S14 } ; = " t buropean ms See Plap aken on the Harris Mines. an Peter Bieck, Prop. ' ghan-Khys is represe¢ } - —- th eastern syndicate which re- GROx ROTEL purchase : all the treasury First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth stock that was left. -orepeas Pian, Rates b0c to 61.00 a. eS ; 5 hesne ‘ N ] lton Distriet Mine > Beener @ Geena, Props. rhe ew 1 ; — ieee Owners’ As ition shipped five a Rochester Vv. D. Casley boxes of ore unples this week ; EmPREse HOTEL for the Canadian Government ex- 3 Third Ave., Between Sixth and hibition eomn which is col ; - eae lecting ores for the Panama Ex ; European Pian, BO to $1 Per Day position The samples which ; eae were sent frou were some ; PREMiER HOTEL of the best specimens of silver- ; Miber'can and Buropean | lac s could be found in ; Ff. |. Menning, Meneger lead ores that cou ; Pts st " any part of the Pr and the ; ROYAL HOTEL issociation was congratulated by 3 Cortey & burgess, a, Prope Wm. Tomlinson upon its prompt ? Ave. t n and co-operatior } Svropsan Pian Bteam Heesied > « o — Red McCrimmen and Ernest SEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR 00. Siewart have made another strike ; Second Ave. and Sixth St om the Silver Standard property ; Phone 108 which will moan @ considerable ; ane i ~ . Qo protit themselves The boys, ; . um wmrontina oo. ia war Aut ul ced a cul ple of ; vanes weeks ag have a lease on the ; . ‘a _— oo several « ne the south side ; ? of Glen 1 ila and soon af °OCSe edereerror ge eedigga lad » iow “aa tp _* e vered n re on the ri ceR per Daley iM. lack Pt Ib they have " a t “ gy bY fling, and al Phone Green 252 viv they are sorting ind sack Holstein Milk for Babies s specially Bottled eee TESTED cows rr nt a few da town ‘ vege IY veek i Monda) left for \n invitation is cordially ex-|'' at she le Aine ded to the citizens interested | ae the Oran rt inspect the dairy premises ee — aati rine the hour: of 3:30 and 4:30)! I aad me “dnesdays and Saturdays whe n} 0 Oe. ae ing operations ate being con ne of the most promising & . the’ ~ icted, SDAA roy ’ COS 4 {AN DER: OF i Ue The sketch was made in in constant after the remains able the courtroom in Quebec, allendance sinking of the Empress CAPT.. KENDALL'S WIFE while Mr al the tigation investi to be by her Kendall She in an English lady and hasteasd to Canada by the first ship avail- husPand's side A TENSE LISTENER from the galley watched her in his great hour of triai. CHIEF OFFICER. ‘T'UFTLIES \ STHOTMN Y, husband give evidence, She From The Montreal Star. of the w the te jepot by a CTS TER eee * NEW HAZELTON NOTES * * eee eeeeeeeeeeeee Herald From the called for building building Dominion lers are being he erection of Hazelton he erected a public This by the the aces fice and Domin- Tenders are ment ¢ ymamoda- of the elegr post oftice July 15th . 6 = apt be im by irtunate accident oceur- ed on Wednesday morning at I Creek where a new steel ige is being put in the place wooden P. As lled a ured that he ; for An unf a result one man d one so badly in was brought to the treatment Vester ne Constable Laver; Creek to invest . 3 ’ " ry 2 ‘ Lorne rause hn Field and Mrs. Fix the district Wednes and were weleomed at umber of their Field will take in connection ch and next ach his first ser- extended trip to Rev. J d i to night rm Mr alr Chur friends work ag with St. Pet pre 1 since his Old Country Arthor and Wm Kohsey returned after plac Friday and Fa Omineca country me weeks In the rv. and they brought back samples of gold ry nice Vaughan-Rhys, mining neineer of Prinee Rupert, is structure for the} but been held back on account of lack of transportation, country, | taking several | and it is the rable work the sni Mr, Cre men in with him temtion to do the property flies agaiz. MINNEAPOLIS BANDIT nin in- | | consider before } iw on PUTS ONE OVER cops | Minneapolis, July 2.—A beard ed bandit killed a man here Sat urday night The outlaw, wh has robbed ten business places in Minneapolis in the ist two months, entered J, FE. I son & Son's* shoe store at {0:15 p.m.,, held up the two proprietors, and two customers. shot the elder Erickson, robbed the son as he steod ver his dying father, marched the son and the two cus- tomers to the cash register, rob bed both the stomers, and fled AY i loor, where he and his n partner escaped, The hold-up and murder occur- I at the shoe .tere, while every drug st the city was being watched byw detectives and extra patrol men in plain clothes, Drug stores have heretofore beer picked almost exclusively by the bearded bandit for his operations Obeyed the Law An elderly man in Rawden, Hawnts County, N.S., discovered a fox den beneath an old log barn in the woods, and in it six fox pups, four blacks and Wo He took them home, and urse of time they became lapping milk like kit- pate hes, in the e quite tame, | pain | the * * * SMITHERS NOTES . & % EES Tribune From The Newelt, a rancher of the Mstrict, sanffered a ful aecident Thursday near Bulkley River bridge while to town with a lead of uy. Tne «troek a stump ind Mr. Newett was thrown from top of ‘the load breaking the of his forearm in the fall. . . . Chas, (oentanna he Ming wage: DbOTCES A very serious shooting aceid- ent occurred Thursday evening near tho 59-Mile post on the main Government road just of | Telkwa when Alex. Peter, an In-| dian, was mistaken for a bear by ousin hunting. The taken to Telkwa east whil: 18 injured man was for medica! attention and early vesterday moruing was brought to Smithers y Mr. Hoops to catch the freieht train for the Hazelton hos;ital. His chances for recovery @ small. . . Mr. Herman Urb arrived in Smithers last Saturday evening from Victoria with a carload of horses and cattle and an entire wutfit of farming implements and lefi on Sunday's train for Rose Lak« near which place he re cently chased bland. Mr. Urb is a man of means and after siz ing up the farming possibilities of the valley while on a necent trip decided to make his home here. He will be joined !ater by his family tens, One day he was told that ° fae it was against the law to have Ed, Kobse, a Chieken’s Lake them in eaptivity, and he prompt- | rancher, arrive d in Smithers this lv let them go, They were val-]week from the Manson Creek ued at least at £50,000. country, where he has spent the ai a - ™ CHIEF FIGURES AT EMPRESS DISASTER INVESTIGATION room, The photographs of Gaptain OMwer Tuftenes were taken w The latter was on the bridge hour preceding the collision, This photograph of Captain Kendall vas taken outside the eourt. Anderson and of Chief were £iVing evidence. Slorstad during the fatal hile they of the lhour its development has © eee e *| past few months Whoopettinel for gold on placer leases held by himself and partners. He spoke very favorably of that section and showed nearly an ounce of evarse gold which he had panned from the gravel some distance above bedrock. Two of the partners have remained there to spend the summer prospecting the ground further, Some . . . A business deal of considerable importance was completed this week at the office of the Wii- liams.Carr Co., when that firm dissolved partnership and in fu- tage Mr. Williams will earry on the business, Hon, 8. H. Blake Dead Toronto, July 2.—-Hon, Samuel Hume Blake, formerly a judge of the Ontario High Court and for many years of the leaders of the Provine bar, died at his home here on June 23. He was 78 years of age. Mr. Blake was the son of the late Chancellor Blake of the On- tario bench and a brother of the late H Edward Blake, at one time leader of the Liberal party Canada, He was one of the pillars of the Anglican Church in I . and a distinguished pat- Wycliffe College, which wed its foundation in no small ire to his father. isl Diver's “arrow Escape “July —While a 9 Cherbourg, diver Was @ngaged yesterday in covering @ torpedo buried in the mud of the harbor, the me- chanism suddenly started and the opeller severed the air pipe of diving apparatus, The diver, great ~ presence of mind, clung to the torpedo, which bore him te the surface. He was drag- eed into the boat by his aston- ished comrades in an almost asphyxiated condition, After an or two he was revived. with Reme\nber whenever you are troubled wit minor ailments of the digestive organs, that these ay socom develop into more serious sickness. Your { ture Siiety, as well as your present comfort my wdepemd on the quickness with which you seek corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who hive tried them Beecham’s Pills are the most reliable of a family medi- cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the blood purified by Beecham’s Pills Worth a Guinea a Box UehaTevcrywtare in Comade aut U: RcAmsrice’ Yaeecnitty Rnand. BEEORE buying any of the wheat offered, we apply to it the su- preme test. We bake bread with it in our laboratory. If the bread is creamy, velvety and delicious we say “This wheat is worthy of ROYAL STANDARD. And so we buy it. This test is continuous and safe- guards for ever the uniformity of ROYAL STANDARD won’ FLOUR Tested F. G. DAWSON, Whoiesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Buiiders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors fae HARDWARE ==. Varnishes Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “Si Sse" THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO.. OF B.C, LIMITED ~~” $$-VENTURE Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mill Bay, connecting for Aiyansh Fridays at 2 p. ms for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. S.S. CHELOHSIN s Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at 9p. m. PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. RRA REAR EE RE RRREERREREE SERS E REESE NEWSPAPER 1 fo Prince Rupert and Northern B. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. lt is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Coelum- qbdia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the mott valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger ciroulation than any other paper in the vity Tt is read by the class of people the udvertiseas want to talk to. DAILY NEWS =~ ae Ae SAAN AEA ee Ee — ——