See: oe Sixty Yea seRice, CREAM BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tart Made from Ea ao Powder » the way you like it. The new hospital physician, Dr. Jomes L, Wall, has is oh duty, Dr. Wall comes from Katisas City Hospital highly ree. ommended, He is a native of Nanaimo, B.C, Fred, J, Payne, who has been employed by W, J, MeKenzie, at Lorne Greek, Mile 129, has had an accident in which he broke his leg, He was taken into the hos- pital here on Tuesday. > * * . Perhaps the best decorated re- sidence in town was that of Mrs. Mehan’s, Work of this kind re quires a great deal of tine and skill and as a public is highly eommendable — @ service The Fuller Grocery Company won the first prize for window decoration, The articles on ex- hibition ht Canada First Cream, Quaker Mats, Quaker Puf- fed Rice, Quaker Wheat and Quarker Flour, These lines are the Specialty of the G, W, Nicker son Co, This window was an NO Alun BS icte In preparing the children for - — ees fiheir part in the celebration, the } ED awe) x: SpE Pepe pe Dace) | NUSic committee were nobly as- CO PRC ELS IFO ESS, CSHD, OS PAS PRS = sisted by Prof, Kauffman and the teachers D, MeD. Hunter, €, R, Local News Notes Murray and Miss King, This re- quires a great deal of time and SARS Meese Ce Sa Sarees BERS) |jwork and the parties concerned Baan oy — — — ; deserve the thanks of all the Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, Miss I. J. Jenns and Miss E, M.}eitizens. The children did their ~~ 1 Taylor leave tomorrow for Vie- part excellently, We buy and serve only the best} toria, a the market affords. London Cafe. Tope ee Mr. F. de Mussy has let the siraaene Mrs, McComber and Miss Fran-|eontract for a modern dwelling Everything in season cooked|cis MeComber leave tomorrow On| poyse to he built on lots 7, &. 9 London Cafe. |the Rupert for Seattle. and 10, block 43, section two, 139-tf, J. MacCormack, manager for Cunningham & Co., Hazelton, is in the city for several days, . > . What everyone should know : People of discriminating taste dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. s3tf The Ketchikan lady visitors made their headquarters at the Prince Rupert. “Fritz, the Handy Man,” up tents and hammocks, and cleans chimneys. Phone 583. 149-159 puts Snap in Section 2: Lot 15, block 419, good residential property; * $300 cash, balance G, T. P. Ap- ply Box 94, Daily News. . . ' Mr. R, F) Perry, of Sockeye, spent the holiday in town. He is in the B, & B, Department of the G. T. P., and will shortly move his headquarters to Smithers. . * > Jimmy MecAleenan announced the victory last evening by a big eartoon sign across the front of his store which showed the score ‘and said it placed Prince Rupert on the map, Mr. Johnston, news editor of the Victoria Colonist, is making a round trip on the Rupert. He is aceompanied by his wife and father, Rev. Mr, Johnston. , . * Several cargoes of halibut have come into the Atlin Fisheries this week. The Zorra brought 17,000 pounds; the Cox 70,000 pounds, and the Bouralis 60,000 pounds. Modern methods employed throughout our photo depart- ment. Supesior negatives that give superior prints, and films de- veloped for only 15¢ per roll, Me- Rae Bros, 154 Mr. ©, Grossman, a prominent business man of Vancouver, has arrived in town on a visit to his daughter, Mrs, J. W. Herman, Borden Street. There was approximately $300 taken in at the baseball game yesterday, The finance commit- tee expect to have a smal! sur- plus after all expenses are paid. Splendid work on securing dona- tions and making collections was done by T, D. Pattullo and John Beatty. Much credit for day's success belongs to them, 145th yester- The barge C. 8, & B. is in with lumber for the drydock and Me- Kenzie & Co, There were four drunks in po- lice court this morning as a se- quence to the holiday: . . * Demers had a splendid win- dow decoration, Miss Canada was gotten up in first class style. . . > A, F. Williams, of Seattle, who formerly played violin in the Em- press orchestra is in the city. . . * J. McLeod, shore steward of the G, T. P. Steamship Company, Vancouver, and Mr. Bromley, su- perintending engineer at Victoria, were in the city on Tuesday, They left for the south on the Albert, The baseball boys excursion®to | Granby Bay and Ketchikan on the being well patronized and over 100 will take in the trjp. The boat leaves here on Friday evening at 14 o'clock. Mr, Mitchell, son of BE, C. Mit- chell, who owns the land on Pe the Exchange Block stands, is in the city for a few days. His home is in Sulphur, Oka, The lease of the lands expires August ist and the building has to be removed, . Princess Beatrice is Geo, B. Kingsbury and wife and Rh. Eston Phyfe, of Hartford, Conn,, are registered at the Prince Rupert, They are own- ers of the building oceupied by Geo, D. Tite and the Kaien Hard- ware Company and pay an an- nual visit to Rupert, . The stores and business houses responded generously and some enthusiastically to the appeal to decorate and Seeond and Third Avenues made two long streaks of gay colors, Thers wete many handsome designs among them. . . . W. Page, erfgineer for the Ca- nadian Explosives, Ltd,, is in the city preparing plans for a new It will be built five miles up the harbor at a point There will in connection magazine, opposite the eannery. be a small wharf with the magazine, The pres- ent location has to bé moved on account of the opening up of the Moreton Frewin propetry across the harbor, aaa CL > tet Ave. and McBride 6. PHONE 26 LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SasH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0. Branch Vard at Smithers perhaps one of the best view sites in town, The building will be two and a half stories, the first storey being veneered with brick. It will contain eleven rooms and be modern in every respect, Mr, A. H, MePherson is the contractor and the price is $6,000, From the South Among the passengers arriv- ing on the Prince Rupert yester- day were the following: Mr. apd Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr, and Mrs, Jenny, P. Jennign, A. V, Noble, N. Mitchell, E. Jones, Miss M. Murray, A. Fox, J, Underwood, A. J. Anderson, Mrs, J, H, Camp- bell, C. 4, MeKean and wife, W, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Leblanc, Mrs, Richmond, Miss Richmond, Mrs McKay, R, L, Pillar, H. H, Phil- lips, A. L, Stevens, Mr, and Mrs. Pike, Mr, and Mrs, Herman, Miss H, Herman, Miss Meyer Miss Beard, Miss Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, Rev, Johnstoa, 8, A. Fletcher, J, Hall, Faleon Bridge, A. J. Burroughs, Miss Nan Thurner, THE WEATHER Furnished by F, W. Dowling Observer Thursday, July 2, 1944 Barometer reduced to sea SS £243 0. va ee eeeen 29,859 Highest temperature ..... 58.0 Lowest temperature ...... 52.0 MU 6c alid tons Bes seh i ited -20 CER * * * GRANITE * * ——— * * Granite of best quality * * and thoroughly tested for * * sale. Cut stone or crushed #* * rock in quantities, * . NEIL J, MeLEOD, = * Telephone: Green 247 * * tf * * * EEE ERR EH EHR HH Fuller’s Grocery 311 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 672 Business is coming our way be- cause we sell for less. Try us with your July WE DELIVED — PHONE 572 COT EE Tenders will be received up to and in- cluding June 30th for purchase and removal of old school buildings known as the Second Avenue School, situate on Block 11, cormer of Second Avenue and Seventh Street. Parties tendering must state cash price and be pre dw enter into @ contract with the Board for the removal Of the buliding within ten days from date of signing contract, Prince Rupert, June om, ‘1044 W D, VANCE, 146-152 Seey. Vata Board. Bee rere ee TOET POPE SO NINES) HO NeeO ae tet re High-brade Work Punting tamfting at fair prices FI or Western Plumbing Co., Ld PARRA AAR eRe Sealed tenders will be received b the Secretary of the Prince Rupert School heard, up to 4 p.m, Jul 1014, for the construction of a school building on Borden Street, im accordance with Diane and spectications prepared by James Gil- more, Prince Rupert Viana and specifica tions may be obtained from the Architect, 135 Second Avenue, The Board reserves the right to reject any * all tenders VANCE bene, School Board, 146-162 arrived and THE DAILY NEWS Tatas AeaT® LYE "ini hf aaa eh a tence | 7A PS SS eS CALLIES DEFEATED IN HOT CONTEST Merchants Won by Good Margin and Much Money Changed Hands The final tie in the City Foot ball Cup Competition took plice last night at the Drydock grounds when the Merchants played the Callies before a fair gathering of spectators, The teams were as follows: Merchants: Youngman; ray and Dudson; Garnet, J, rie and 8, Currie; Campbell, thur, Kinghorn, Brighton Allen, Callies: T. Mur- Our Ar and Ab- Dp. J. 8, Gilmour; G, bott and W. FE. Williseroft; Meliravey, J, H, Kelly and Martin; J. Stewart, R, Davie, D. Macdonald, A. Murray T, The merchants won the and chose to play into the city goal, Macdonald setting the ball arolling shortly after the sche duled time, On the Callies first breakaway Gray missed a golden opportunity of opening the seore and just to give a taste of what was to follow away raced the Merchants to the other end where Kinghorn made no mis- take giving his team the lead shortly after five minutes play, The’ Callies, however, were not long on getting on level termes Macdonald scoring with a hook shot. Play now ruled fairly even but with the Merchants always showing more judgement and af- ter some nice play they again took the lead, while shortly af- terwards they went still further ahead, Brighton being the marks- man, Through the Merchants’ goalkeeper handling the ball outside his area the Callies the Callies were awarded = ai foul, Stewart took the kick and pass- ing nicely to Macdonald, tre again beat Youngman. ‘This was all the seoring in the first half, the Merchants thus eross- ing over with a lead of 3 goals to Gray. toss the een- Hopes of the Callies improv- ing their position were enter tained as they now had to play into the best goal and their at the commencement of the see- ond half certainly pointed to bet- ter results but with a lacking of combined effort in the forward rank. they could never foree home play their attacks. On the other hand the Merchants, with more cohe- sion, kept the Callies defence stretched all the game. All the scoring in the second half was done by the Merchants, who helped themselves to other four although they were a won score goals, play such thus m the run of hardly value for The Merchants good game by * and ‘hold the City score, a very the of 7 eats to became entitled to Cup for one year, Mr, Maleolm ficent referee, nade a very ef- Wanted IMMEDIATELY Agreements of Sale Discounting From $2,000 Up — Must be At. Submit offerings to Harrison, Gamble & Co. Third Avenue for PRINCE RUPERT BOAT Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way GEALED TENDERS Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secre- tary will be received at the Exhibition OMee until 12:30 pm., Wednesday, July Sth, 1914, for the construction of an Ex- hibition Building. Vlans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Architect, J. Giimore, Esq., Seeond Avenue. Fach tender must be an aecepted cheque on &@ payable to the order of G. BR. Naden, Esq., Treasurer, equal to ten per cent ot the amount of the tender, which will be for- felied if the persof tendering declines to enter into a contratt when called upon te do #0, or re 1 . Comptes the work contracted for ' tender be pot 40- eepied the Saati wall be returned, The Association does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender accompanied by chartered bank, BULLOCK: WEBSTER, Secretary. RUPERT BALL TEAM SHUT OUT KETCHIKAN Splendid Exhibition With Only One Run Scored—Attend- ance, 2,500 Prince Rupert won a great ball game yesterday, and al! the old fans who haven't seen a real ball game in years were enthused over it, Rupert won, too, and the Ket_ chikan halibut hookers who were touted to the greatest ball team on the coast had to go home content with a shut out and a determination to have revenge on be Saturday, the Stars and Stripes day. Rupert got one, Tt was a teal one, batted out by Irvine in the first inning and it was good for a complete circuit, The ball never came back, The halibut hookers had Engle, who pitehed Vancouver to the pennant two years, in the box, He hada great twirl but lacked speed He was great on head work, how ever, and saved a run or two in the sixth when Rupert had a pawn on the second and third with one out and two heavy ters coming up, Engle them both, In the eighth the hookers look ed dangerous. They had the first and second covered with only one Reyes knocked out to deep centre picked it and made a double into Tobey, retiring the side. Rupert's work on the fleld was much better than usual although the fleld did not have very much to do, Somebody picked up a bat- bags, bat fanned a heavy ‘and Blake one tery at the Rose Festival and it was a good one, .Moreland and Irvine are popular citizens of Rupert today, They, won the game. The former = sfruck out thirteen men and the latter made the only run of the game, It is estimated that there were over 2,500 people on the grounds and everyone of them was satis fied they had seen a great game of ball. The crowd was well be- haved and applauded both sides unstintingly, The visitors were first class ball players and good sportg, Ketchikan AB, H, R, PO, A, F. Reyes, ef, caer oe ae Kubley, s.s...4 060° 06060 0 | RE Pe ee ee oe Ainsworth,i1b. 4 0 0 9 @ 4 Mahoney, 3b. 3 4 0 0 2 06 witttms, 7.3 C60 4°60 6 CC, Williams.e 3 06 010 0 06 Rocky, 2b vee F.8° 4 Engle, p. 3 to ee Th. . see SS 9 Prince Rupert AB, H.R, PO, A, BE. Embleton rf. 4 4 0 0 0 O06 Hannifan, 3b. 4 4 00 0 0 Irvine, ¢. 2m ae oe oe Moreland, p..'3 0 0 0 2 06 Tobey, 2b se ee 8 4 Blake, c.f. ee in = oe Howell, 1b. e ™ ke ae ye Brooks, if. 21.0.4 2 .« 0 Reattie, $,8. 3 1 Ow 4 1 i Télais,.,..30.:4 497 & 8 Struck out: Moreland, 13; En- gle, 10; home run, Irvine, Um- pired, Fred Wallace and Purin- ton. FOR SALE Five room house, very eom- fortable. an acre of land and 200 chickens nieely housed, at Sockeye, Mile 16, G. T. P. HMipeel. ‘emt soil and beautiful location Price and terms arranged, Box 78, Daily News, tf If the average man could «nly sell the advice he gives away it would keep him busy counting his coin, TERERA ERE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1. Sox 2 Sth St and Srd Ave. Box 13---6th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 148th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16-—Junction of ist, 2nd aud Srd Aves. Box 16-—ist Ave, between 8th and ih Sts, (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17--1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22--3rd Ave. and (Post Office.) Sox 28--jid Ave. and MeBride St Box 24--i8t Ave. and McBride 8+ Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and Snd &t. Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th & Box 27.0. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. Sra St Gox 915th Ave. and Fulton a Box 32--Korden and Taylor Sts. Bos 34. Tth Ave and Fulton St. Box 96.-9th Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 378th Ave. and Dodge Pi. Box 38-6th Ave. and Thompson St. CIMOUIT NO. 4. Box 41. 4th Ave, and Emmerson PL Gox 425th Ave. and MeBride St, Box 435th Ave. and Green 4. Box 446th Ave and Basil St. Boa 457th Ave. and Ederts. Box 141.70 Ave. and Yung 8 WR RRA RRR WR RRR CAN DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION WAS BEST IN RUPERT'S HISTORY (Continued from Page One | Georgia Hunter, L, Shrubsall, H.] Halvarson, Boys’ Races Six years and under—N, Stev ens, CO. Marks, G, Mussallem, Seven and eight vears—L, Gor don, W. Kergin, F. Kergin, Nine and ten years—G, Rob erta, A. Sweet, R, Gordon Eleven and twelve years-——J Naden, G. Roberts, 8, Hunter Thirteen and fourteen years Frank Saunders, W. Wallace, T Sherman. Fifteen and sixteen years—-F. J. Dowling, F, Saunders Youth's Races Dowling, 100 vards, 17 and under—F. Dowling, J. Dowling, Running high jump—R, Smith, Hill, Sack race——T Sherman, © Hill, Rievele race, 17 years and un der—J. Dowling, J, Currie Bieyele race, 19 vears and un der—J, Dowling, D. Stork, Three legged race—F, Saun ders and F. Sherman; A, Dew hurst and ©, Hill, Tom Graham was this morning fined &5 John W., yesterday. $250.00 SNAP assaulting Avenue and eosts for Andrew on First A Fine Level Lot in Section Eight for $250.00 Ali Cash EDWARD F. DOYLE Room 11 Smith Block PURSUANT TO THE CREDITORS TRUST DEEDS ACT NOTICE ts hereby given that H. L. Beres ford, carrying on business as @ Merchant) in the Town of Lockeport, Queen Char- | lotte Islands, in the Province of British lumbia, has, by deed dated the 16th) day of June, 1914, assigned all his real | and personal property credits and effects which may be setzed or sold or attached | uler execution or the Execution Act or; attachment, to RK. © Jardine of the City of} Prince Rupert, British Columbia, manager, for the purpose of satisfying ratibly and prhportionately and without preference or priority of his ereditors A meeting of the creditors of the said HN. L. Beresford will be held at the office of Williams & Manson, Helgerson Block, rrince Rupert, B.C., on Friday the 17th day of July, A.D. 1044, at the hour of 3 clock in the afternoon AND NOTICE ts further given that creditors are required to send the Aus- signee on or before the 1st day of August, 1914, particulars duly verified claims and their security (if any) them DATED at Prince Rupert, 8.C day of June, A.D. 1014 “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. of their held by , this 24th FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern house, 6 rooms, near chool, Section 6. Apply J, H Munro, 309 hight Avenue East. 147-148 NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent. Bath and eleetric light. Apply 717 Lotbiniere Street. 1404f. FOR RENT.—Three room cottage partly furnished and including bath. Rear of our office, Cosy atid convenient. Kent $17.50 Prince Rupert Financiers, 314 Second Avenue. FCR SALE FOR SALI Airedale Terrier Pups, from high class prize winning, pedigreed stock Apply Captain Groves; Phone Blue 293 151-157 FOR SALE—-Gasoline Launch, 36 ft. x 9% ff. For pariculars apply Davis Boat tiouse Phone, Green 259. 147-9 FOR SALE or will trade for property, 30 ft. gasoline launch, bnew & h.p. engine. Everything in ot condition, Price and terms arrange Apply Box 120, a News. THE COMPLETE LINE of furniture — vertised for sale by auction was post- poned till Thusrday at 3 p.m., at, the Old Customs House, near Merryfield’s. Phone 13. 143-145 “WANTED WANTED Position as saleslady in oF near Prince Rupert Have had nine ; references if required €., S17 Pacifie Street, Vancouver, B.C 150-154 WANTED.--Situation as milker in a dairy Apply Box 61, News Office. 47,9 years expertence A. J YOUNG GENTLEMAN board close Oomee. room and Box 64, News 147-148 IUNTANT, BOOKKEEPER desires posi tion fully competent to take charge of omMce; experienced in commerctal and hotel work, Box 62, News Office 150-2 requires in to town, anne ae a TAXI ALF HALLIGAN th Thursday, 10414 July 2, Tr ’ JECR Mt THE’ STOMAC! Completely Removed When St» Took “Frult-a-tives” Newnury, Ont., April ath. 1 “Some years ago, I was sick in and thought [ was going to die. | a growth in my stomach, whic doctors said was a Tumor and the that mly g to do was to the hospital ane ‘have the tame: out. I dreaded an operation a | | both - tors said it was the only cu said I li die before being opera At th is time, my mother in Aly sent some ‘Fruit-a-tive induced me to try them as she had of another woman who had been of a similar growth in the stomac taking ‘‘Fruit-a-tives”’. To please my mother, I began to t “Pruit-a-tives’ with the happy re that they cured me, I have not | to see a doctor since and my heal: first clase I recommend ‘ Pruit-a-tives’’ time I get a chance and I will be y! have you publish this letter as sor: woman may now be a sufferer from same trouble and “Fruit-a-tives’’ y cure her” Mrs. A. MCDONALI soe a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Atall dealers or sent on teceipt of price By Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. THE BEST BUY IN PRINCE RUPERT Feet on Fraser Street for $20,000; Terms Lot in Block 1, Section 1; — cash; en pet 7 and three at seven $6, Lot 18, Block 4, ec. 4 1 $18,000.00 Double corner oaan and Atlin, Lote 16 and 16, Block 4, $1,500 cash, balance arranged. Price only . + s+ «nee» §4,760.00 Lot ?, Block 1; $1,000.00 cash, balance arranged $3,000 00 Lote 8-10, Biock 16; one-quarter cash, 6-12-18 and 24 months (note the size of these lote), per me 100 pair - @ bs Bome Choice Inside Lote in Other Sections at Good Prices and Terme INSURANCE Royal Life; Royal Fire; London 4& Lancashire Fire; h- orn Fire PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana 8B. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf ( Provincial Land Surveying, Nine Survey ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electri Blue Printing, Negatives snag Whit Prints. McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C HANDY MAN FOR HOMES SEND FOR FRITZ To set up your new home, to re- , arrange your present home, take up carpets, see to chimney and stove pipes or work on the lawns CARE OF OFFICES A SPECIALTY Teaic and Hammocks put up and any kind of tittle jobs done. FRITX, THE HANDY Phone 583 CANKDIAN PACIFIC RLY SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO MONTREAL and return... 6141.00 TORONTO and return.... 128.00 ST. PAUL and return..... 06.00 CHICAGO and return..... 108. BU NEW YORK and return... 144.60 low Other potnts correspondingly returt Effective June 1st limit October ist, Princess Alice southbound Saturday noon Princess Beatrice southbound Sunday, 8 p.m. 4. @. MONAB, General Agent Corner Third Ave. and Gixth 6 To Rent Partialiy Furnished 3-Roome: Fiat; Close In; MoBride Street $18.00 4-Roomed House on Taylor St. Furnished $30.00 Three House Over Hays Cree! G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 35~PHONE-35 ; | : KRARR RARER Re Recond Avenue