2 . ° GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Bowser and Ross, who will visit Rupert nest week, might be enter- tained by the Tory executive with a an auto trip on the road around the istand. a) PRINGE RUPERT, BLC., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1944. PRICE FIVE CENTS one Z Py, TAILY NEWS \s Prince '@ Ly, ‘« teadtng Paper OLEAN ne(tr, ALive VOL. ~V., No, 162, CANADIAN BOY MAKES FASTEST TIME AT HENLEY INVESTIGATION INTO HILLCREST DISASTER~PREDICTS RUPERT WILL BE GREAT MINING CENTRE OLDTIMERS HAVE ORGANIZED ee ee ee ee CET : :) YESTERDAYS BASEBAL | : CANADIAN SCULLER AHEAD | # O'LEARY WON | * NOTICE TO SHRINERS |* -| Northwestern * sand LED : Special to The News .| Eee ae # All Nobles of the Mystic :! IN INTERNATIONAL RACE |* Vancouver, July 3.—John- * Vancouver, 4; Spokane, 8. * Shrine are requested t6 meet * 1* ny O'Leary won the decision * Portland, 1; Seattle, 6. * in the Masonic Rooms at * PT Seca eRe oom ONLY THOSE WHO ARRIVED PREVIOUS TO MAY, 1909, ELIG-)* (yer Frenchy Vaise. Cana. * American * 4:30 p.m,, Friday, July 3rd, *|/ ENGLISH CREWS ELIMINATED IN FIRST SERIES—TROPHY iS ABLE FOR MEMBERSHIP—DAVID H. HAYS IS PRESI- * dian lightweight champion, * Cleveland, 0- Detroit, 4 * : *| 4 LIKELY TO COME TO AMERICA — WINNIPEG DENT * in the fifteenth round yester- #) Now Virk & Wasbinetoe oo D, H. MORRISON, * MADE WINNING - * day. ®! Boston, 4: Philade y * 154-152 * : ae initial steps were taken;with the official opening of the|# s| Raney Cennee, Sy 7 o (Special to The Dally News) Harvard's second crew defeated lay evening al the “GidiG. T. PB. The Bourdoughs want|*# eee ee KEES EE HE ++! Rational EKER KERR Henley-on-the-Thames, July 3.|Leander Union Boat Club. Bos- Hotel” to formd = what|it to be a memorial event and as| ' y Cincinnati, 3; Chicago, 5. The Grand Challenge Cup is;ton disposed of the London Row- eafter become une of the|pertinently put by pioneer Geo. | The Philadelphia-Boston game - ling Club. The German Club of j ; roing abroad for the fifth time nteresting societies of this|Leek “It doesn't matter what dav C. E. TISDALL, M.P.P., postponed on account of rain. GRANBY EXCURSION going abroad - eee Mayenee won from Jesus College ty, namely The Prinee|we fix for the annual gathering. Brooklyn, 7; New York, 8. nine years, with the probability) .¢ jambridge. t Pioneers Associ ation i'There will only be one official FORSEES THE FUTURE Coast WILL BE AT TRACTIVE that it wilt eome to North Amer- The fastest time of the day was j ' tly after eight o'clock alopening of the G. T. P. railroad —— Venice, 0; Portland, 2. a0 ape iea. jmade by Dibble, of Canada, who number of the emrlier re-jand we shoul dsure take that in.’ | Anticipates That Rupert Will Oakland, 12; Los Angeles, 6. Board of Trade Committee Ar- In the first series of the races|won his way into the semi-finals ranging For Trip Full of for the trophy, all the English|of the Diamond Seulls. He will ta were on hand ane a meet Apparently enoveh was said} Mave All the Fishing Business Sacramento, 3; San Franeisco, : a ' an a \ D . 2 been ready n thelijeve the industry will build up The tunnel is in about 365 feet}er. He is an old newspaper man|SPending several weeks in this|cided the north country should M “y, A m4 i ' i and tbles throughout the day and forlthat young city just as it sup-land the ore depth ig 350, which|and was formerly head of the [istrict on behalf of the Canadian|have the exhibit it deserves and . ae ys ‘ meland and) good stories, why, leave it to the} ported Vancouver in the early is 200 feet deeper than the deep-| Vancouve Island Development Commissioners on the Panama]! have exeeeded my instructions ea ean, OOrTNn See rae ,_[days. Not only will Prince Rup- lost shaft in the Rocher de Boule|League. Undoubtedly his speech |Fair Exhibit, left this morning |considerably as to the number of ; oe . re a on ' Aa \mong those present at thelert derive great benefit from the mine. This is convineing evid-| will be f f interest to Rupert |?" the Rupert for Vancouver, samples I should take out. ; Ww. R som and ting were David H. Hays,/fishing and canning off its own lence that the copper runs very| business men Mr. Tomlinson has been gath- ‘There is no question’ in my Cuthbert Ww Manson, M.P.P., Frank W./ shore® t it will get all the | qeep in the great Rocher de Boule . sa 7 ering mineral specimens from] ind as to the great future mir. ige ““Prinee Ripert en art (an oldtimer of Vancouver ‘}shipments from Juneau and Ket- | ountain. If shy*of wise@m, profit by|the district to include in the B.C,|ing has in store for your city and m the camp fire of hn Vieree W. H. Cook, A. J.J echikan, which now come south rhe new @ runs about twelve|that of others. - , mining exhibit at the big fair next | district. It is surrounded by good s is adopted as the ff Galaind Ald D oe by boat to Seattle and Vancouver. per cent copper, and the owners —— — ——__ year As a result of his investi-|™ining country and a va oan a f the new associa. Ald, John Dybhavn, Mr. anc rs The fine Alaska black cod, the gat M Toml sho is|@uestion cf time until develop- tit é é é . of properties in the district an- ' NS gations, Mr. omiinson, who 18 : . George Leek, Mrs. Wm, Manson,|salmon, the halibut and the her- |ticipate something doing as a re MANY ATTRACTIO a practical mining man, is en-|™ment comes. We are certainly ber of these will be ob-|/Mrs. FE. J. Kennedy, Mrs. Carroll, |ring of the North Pacifle will get | suit of the new find. FOR RUPERT’S FAIR thusiastic over the mining pros-| trying our best to give the north i and old timers will get |W. R. Morrison and Mrs. W. R.ito Chicago and New York at least| j§§ peets of this city and the coun-|# worthy portion of the British Morrisor Wr Brunnell, N. S8.}two days earlier if sent by way OLD SCHOOL BUILDING ype try surrounding. Columbia display.” sourdoughs of Prince Ru-|Ford, George W. Kerr Georgelof Prince Rupert and the Grand Management Are Signing Up a a . Sei Dh While in Hazelton two weeks : a i WILL BE MOVED Lot of Good Featu nd he exhibits I have procur- : , : e the “Trail Blazers” do|W. Morrow, H. B. Rochester, C.] Trunk Pacific to Winnipeg, ailing aa, a ed,” said Mr. Tomlinson, “are an|@&e, Mr. Tomlinson, with the aid if they can’t do it right;|L, Cullen, Frat fh _o “ne thence south, The tenders for the purchase excellent indication of the great}of C. H. Sawle, the secretary of xé tive wi id < wh Swanson, Capt ort, e “This oO oub eo oss ‘ es tac'e eal oa nttea J aie . . > . ‘ ve will find t what | Sw uy ROR, Phi will no doubt be a | of the old sehool building on One of the . ~"* variety and richness of the ore|the Mine Owners’ Association, the railroad and the 1 r. Clarke, John Currie and}'o Vancouver, but Prince Rupert |_ ‘ oo Say papular ot. in the gistriet surrounding your se to follow in connect laa Unwin in this respect must naturally |Second Avenue were opened yes-|tractions at this year’s exhibition city. ‘Thé specimens are. in many gathered up five cases of repre- ; gain from her geographical posi- |terday. The bids ran from $150} will be the performances of the|cases very rich and nothing like|®@@ta@tive samples of Mascites TS tion to $305, and the latter being the} Mandolin and Guitar Club. Mrs.]them has ever before been taken|4istrict ore for display in the JAPAN WILL NOT CITY BUILDING PERMI ree 18 eolne | . ~ highest was accepted. G. A. Bryant, the talented leader | outside for public inspection. Af-| Provincial ore exhibit at Victoria. | SOME— The building is composed offof the elub, will play several i , ay 4 : — —_—— —_ PUBLISH DETAELS SHOW BIG INCREASE NEWS WIDELY QUOTED /iw) separate structures, twenty-| solos on different str s . I ifferent instruments. OF NEGOTIATIONS ee ihe fost wile shy tye | che wil be supported ty hee {MURDERED ROYALTY {EVIDENCE BEING TAKEN | Every Month Higher Than Last That The Daily News is alive Jlength. They will just fit on 25-| pils and the members of the club. DISASTER Year—Total Away and in close touch with the vital [foot lots There will be trios, quartettes, CONVEYED TO VIENNA | OVER MINE July 3.—-Takiali Kat Ahead ssues of the day is evidenced by , hey we ‘aes by , ete., arranged to suit the various | wo Japanese foreign minist _- ie the frequent manner. in which it aoe ot € Vs nears otslinstruments, which include three Special to The Daily News) (Special to The wane Sees announced that details of The city building permits for hit bn ebiteaiaiaatlt At pas and they w xe moved and fitted| guitars, five mandolins, three Vienna, July 3.—The bodies of} Hillerest; July 3.—-Three wit- oo a is gquotec 1 newspapers é across . » fie treaty negotiations between |June show a total of $31,915 as th . , ntinent _ up immediately, banjos and one picolo and flute./the murdered Archduke and his | nesses were called in the offieial é ever id. aes a: © CON : ———— Several popular citizens, includ-|wife arrived by special train and ut nd the United States on/ag st $10,250 in 1943, $19,300 e Do ie Preas C sing ’ b . I ain “tenquiry into the mine disaster un ' } i aa ' rhe Dominion Pt lipping Southbound ing Mr. 3. Duffey and Mr. Ren-lwere escorted by the Halberdiore enquiry i bject of the Californian 101 ind $29,925 in 1911 Agency makes a business of send ai. fort! lt take par : ; . 7 here. aa PEE ro agentes roypuirrs- rugged ong a orth wi ake part in the per-|Life Guards. The coffins were ect ate Mleiieie sade ae and ownership legislation Thug June ee oe ; oo wr ; The Rupert sailed south with a] formance, but the star turn will]escorted to Hofburg. “ees & ; d not be publisted out of de- |) building June month Ru-]other papers and almost — every be Mrs. Bryant pert testimony on the working ; ar te week a large list of these arrive, |/arge number of passengers this , — ae A lan of the mine at Guygat nee to a request from ae | pert has had ; : ; or ; ae » the ai Yee Every one is this year helping Cabinet Ministers Coming y : : ed States government and : ea for the first «six In today’s mail there were re- |morning mong them were o make the eubiiiiinn » anecése > A miner, one of the rescuers, wecause the publication was om ¢ 1944 shows $555,635} °°!" d clippings from twelve lead. }J, Matheson, Mrs, O, Nelton, Mrs. | yogt of the merchants are ad- Hon. W. J. Bowser, Attorney-| gave evidence on the location and ed unnecessary. - inat 878.008 for the first}'"* Canadian papers where they 7A, J. Gordon and son, Wm. Nor-|voptising it on their stationary.|@eneral, and Hon. W. R. Ross, | identification of the bedy of rhe eamment today of th ix aatt f last year, and|dueted the same article from ajris, C. Burns, Chet Neff, Miss/MeRae Bros. have a very beauti-| Minister of Lands, are now en|Harry White, and the Bellevue moderate among the lead leio8 990 { the whole twelve News editorial Jennis Max Freed, Miss EB. M.} ful envelope printed in two colors |"@Ule on their trip over the}rescue gang gave ‘evidence as to ewspapers unanimously ex - ae at 104 rhe following is a list of the Paylor, Mr and Mrs. Conont and] with a picture of the new Exhi mountain section of the G. T. P.| the probable location of the ex- es dissatisfaction with Am : ny new build- {Papers quoting the said article: [Floyd Conont, Jesse Anderson,|pition Building which is worth rhey go to Edmonton and from |plosion responsible for the dis- ca, but following the lead of on os . h lv will show Regina Leader, Brandon News, | Miss Margaret Young, Mrs. M keeping, or sending to friends as there take the G, T. P. to Rupert, aster. : . sign minister, shows a dis. | ee . vhile the total | London Advertiser, Toronto TLanglo, Mrs. F. MeB. Young, Mrs.]q souvenir. It is expected they will arrive The theory is that the explo- ttok auihels' in Mebane the —, 1 ; celve months will} “lobe, Richmond Review, Wood-|Glaholm, Mr. and Mrs. Wells, N. Space for a large tent is being |Mere about the end of next week.|sion occurred in room 33 of the ect in the hope of emlighten a . ping oa yt a increase over stock, N.B Sentinel, Moncton} iierman, Wm. Tomlinson, Mrs. |peserved in the grounds for Miss General Superintendent Mehan|old No. 4 south chute. instead of-exciting tine public.|- ~ ete Transcript Montreal Herald,fand Miss Knight. Swepstone and Mr. Tweedale who | Yl! meet the Ministers at Fort — -————— The fear is expressed that Ja " ; lesion the financial de-}/eanville Leader, St. John Tele- oe — ~— will bring a small select company | George and will accompany them] At a@ special meeting of the in’s case is hopeless, mnd there roe i t ng elsewhere Rup graph, Halifax Chronicle, and Seeking Protection of vaudeville artists from Van.|* Rupert. school board today the bids for : Eo * pressions Gages Sydney, €.B., Reeord : Pde Stops will be made by the|the new school were opened. The evidence of a strona feeli sehows a remarkable advance.}’ woe , Special t tly N couver, mop , ; ne F P Op 2 : hat the tisbe h - arrived to fix oe . yr A paper that is quoted across — . - The Dally wi : 2 r . party at the towns along the line.| lowest bid was that of J. H. Hil- status of Japanese subjects| the continent should be read at}, ae nee a _ oo Many a man who imagines , or diteh for a sum in the vicinity of t oO Jape . ~ j . . s - » s » . , > s ” ing abroad Norfolk Rooms. Steam heated, home. ritis al Rese a thirty himself capable of ruling a na- Probably the original bone of | $13,000, Most of the local con- : : het and cold water, Terms rea- Do you read The Daily News? oo a ; rn oo ao, yg tion can’t even keep his own chil. |°OMtention was jawbone, tractors had figured on the job, : ile, 6 Ave. and Fulton, - - BO COPNGS LOCRY FOF ‘Vera LeU, e ) of schie Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | 8°? ible, 6th ‘ sages SACKED THE BAKERIES where they will proceed to Ja- dren out of mischief. ' . - > ED Phone 4, uf Re maica, - | Mob of Workingwomen in Riot in ; ' ens SEREREREESESERESESIMESESEEEEESEENESEEE EEE EL EELS ELE City of Madrid . While you wait shoe maeten * ¢ FEATURES a ’. German's, opposite postoffice ifcent Productions o ALL oo pine | Bish “eimous Patina These 10c and 150 Madrid, July 3, \ mob, com. 139-tf, Pan oe an | Shown Exclusively at posed for the most part of work- - ingwomen, exasperated by the an.|*** * ° eee HH ®PERA HOUSE MR. R. W. CAMERON ANNOUNCES THAT HE WILL ATRE nouncement of an inerease of * , ' — ae 4 TON twenty per cent in the price of SNAP TONIGHT’S PROGRAM CONTINUE THE AUCTION AT HIS tpt sh ge vam {| JEWELRY STORE TONIGHT T ANOTHER 840 FEATURE PROGRAM TONIGH picks yesterday $4,000 Takes Second Ave. Lot ig scenes In & ereat adn ‘ : va : This is an intensely interesting set of plerures shows great cannon are I'wenty of the women were cut wel works, Giant trip hammers are oull i piling scene 18 the blow by broken glass. It is feared Owner Will Sell ‘ , ieacture, A parti ion is repr up of © great Eh the sits tne works, The explosion [#8 repro there will be no bread in the city Lot 19, Block 14, Section duced in full today. The people claim that the FOR $21,000 “Mabel’s Awful Mistake.” pies - » is t stifled ¢ ’ ‘ieee . 2- B16 — Samana DRINK” rise i injustified as the price “MISPLACED JEALOWSY” and of wheat and flour have been ex e of 100 and 160 “Repaid” WEEKLY GAZETTE ea oe DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE TO SECURE HIGH CLASS Admission - - 100 and 150 JEWELLERY AT AUCTION PRICES ceptionally low during the past two months,” All Our Shows Are Feaiare Shows and at the Uniform Pric Interest @ per vent TUR ALL FEATURES THREE BIG FEATURE? ~~ — cae . . : 100 and 160 eyows EVERY WEEK - THREE Mr. and Mrs Stilwell leave to. fetter rt RRR night on the Ketchikan exeursion, AAR R ARR Box 72 ~ Daily News se eee eee Ree Se Se poses asap cas rec mgge TWO REEL FEATURE CORNER OF SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST. ee ee ee enreee PEE EERE RATER RRR EEE