THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F.’MeRAF, EDITOR A ND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: ! Daily, 50¢ per month, or 86.00 per year advance). Weekly, $2.00 per-year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—Nationa! 219 Fast York City. Seattie—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—-The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. (85.00 if paid in Newspaper Bureau, 23rd St.. New Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptiy calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-deiivery or inattention on the part of The Nows carriers DAILY EDITION agi Friday, July 3, 1944, that Ketchikan has a first class team, of them old league players, the Prince Ru. pert team put up a game that will do much toward boosting Our American cousins to the south as a rule are excellent fellows. The quota that has come to make their homes am- in Prince Rupert are some ong us among our most respected cit- the city. Wholesome spori is izens, Nevertheless it fre- about as necessary as bread quently happens that some and butter and every city of light-headed American breaks even ordinary importance is through the traditional cus- expected to turn out a crack toms and dees something very insulting to Canada. Flag in- cidents are very common all over the country. Indeed a certain class of Americans seem io take pleasure in in- sulting everything Canadian. Yesterday an American flag Was p.aced on the pinnacle of the dry dock smockstack just above where the football game was played, It is hardly pos- sible that the individual who baseball team. A few patriotic citizens have with their own funds brought the team to its present standing, but the pub- lie should not expect this to continue, Don't forget to put your hand in your money bas- ket every time the collection box is passed around. This city is about to appeal from the decision of Justice Morrison in the ease of the placed it there was ignorant 7 ee ’ of the international courtes- City vs. Ritebie. This is re- ies that forbade it. In primi- grettable for, in the first place, tive times a lesser incident the case should have never would be the cause of war. Even now an event like that on the American side would soon raise the ire of the mob. Can- adians, however, are perhaps a little too broad minded in the matter and allow the thing to slip. Tu view of the recipro- cal greetings that were ex- changed between this city and Ketchikan it is regrettable that been tried. The whole fight is over the fact that Mr. Ritchie and his associates insisted on charging an outsider the small sum of #100 to secure connec- tion with the sewer. The sew- er is private property. Why shouldn't they endeavor to get back a portion of the original eost? If the city had left the matter alone it would now be an incident of this nature peaceably solved. But t ap- should arise. peal the case is not only fool- —-- ish but useless, Even ff the Prince Rupert has at last city wins, what does it get? a first class baseball team. The game put up on Dominion Day would do credit to many a larger centre. It looks real bad to have a team come in from one of the smaller centres such as Hazelton and trim the local team. In spite of the fact Simply power to show a little vindictiveness towards Mr. Ritchie and his associates, The eity will not have gained in doliars and cents and a simi- lar case need never arise. Two members of the Council LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager Ast Ave. and McBride &t. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. Branch Yerd at Smithers FPEFEERSEREREREERE EEE high-Grade Work SEBBRER GER EE Plumbing, Steamfitting and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld at fair prices PEAR AEREAR ARR KRERE ik eee Eee we — ee D ead The Daily News Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a ‘month HERE WHICH SANS“ THE LANGUAGE SCOOP USES \S NOTe ONIN SLANGY THE DAILY NEWS OUR MOST IMPORTANT INFANT Taking tts nourishment well; coming along nicely; healthy and thriving. , = = —_— at least would even go further | SUFFRAGETTE PICTURES than the Mayor in this. They! dincliaetinn would like to see a new sewer At the Westholme Opera Mouse put in on the whole street and compel everybody to join it There are other portions of the city where they even haven't a Proved a Great Success A militant suffragette as shown at the Westholme Opera House lemporary sewer while a per-lincs Wednesday and Thursday is manent one is suggested for | 4j)) being talked about and will this district Just to show the|jive jong in the memory of those almightiness of the Council. | who attended this performance This certainly looks bad in a Council that hasn't a cent to spend on advertising the city Lots of money for lawsuits and lots of money for duplicate sewers on Fourth Avenue W., but no money to advertise the city nor to supply the suffer- ing portions of the city with necessary water and sewers, First of all the photography in the best ever The pictures are me- ehanically and technically per- fect. Then the story is modern and up-to-date showing a phase in modern life that has become one of the most important issues of the day, woman suffrage. And in the end a splendid moral les- son is taught. Pictures like this are often more effective and ben- eficial than the average sermon. these pictures 1s seen here. Another piece of narrow- mindedness is shown in their : : Tonight's program at the refusal to allow Capt. Groves, Westholme includes “Our Mutual who is willing to pay the price,| Gir) eighth instalment, and a to connect with the Ritchie fine Keystone Comedy: also a While they are revell- ing in the courts of law, priv- ate citizens must wait and take chances on the life and health of their families, Why don't they get down to common sense and handle that affair as any i sewer, two-reel feature “Repaid,” and a fine Gazette. TREADWELL IS SUED FOR TWO MILLIONS New York, Treadwell, July 3. — John discovere man } ¥ n . theme MusimessS man would do, leve . millionaire of the Treadwell mines in Alaska, was made defendant today suit to recover $2,000,000, The plaintiff is Frank J. Sym- receiver for the California Safe Deposit & Trust Co., of San Franciseo, It is alleged the defendant as a director of the trust company, borrowed the sum sued for on his own account and through friends, The trust company failed in 1908. im a mes, Neff and Burns Wil Box Again Chet Neff and Charlie Burns who boxed twenty rounds on Tuesday night before a big Ru- pert audience, are to have an- other contest here, as Burns is satisfied he can beat Neff. Another twenly bout has been round ne ranged for August 15,-or for the ar day finally decided upon as the official linking-up day éf the G. a Both the boxers went south on the Rupert this morning and in about two or three weeks they will return to Rupert and go into training here for the next con- test. Articles were signed yesterday aflernoon and a fdrfeit posted by both boys for their appearance All Kodaks and Photo Supplies Fastern prices McRae Bros, 152 at What everyone should know: People of discriminating taste A Charming Sports Coat A delightful knitted mode}! in pure Scoop Will Have to NOW IVE POSTEDALISTOR— GOODS TO BE CANNED, AND THE ROUGH CHATTER. SHAT |S TO BE CHOPPED; silk dine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf ULLETIN BO > { In the Letter Box i THAT FLAG INCIDENT Dry Dock Management Not Re- sponsible July Grd, 1044 Editor Daily News, Prince Ruperts Bt Dear Sir.—Referring to your local in vesterday # issue relative to a foreign flag having heen ee oF smoke- stack on Dominion Day, allow me make this statement, that this was done entirely without any of- to ficial knowledge or consent, and up to this writing the identity of the parties who took it upon themselves has not been discov ered Very truly yours, CHAS. N. CROWELL, Gen. Mer. and Supt., G.T.P. D. & 8. R. Co. The News had certainly no in tenti of imputing this flag in- cident to the of the drvydock It me it responsible and idiotic individual who commit offences of this kind The management would do well, however, if it is possible to locate him, to make example.— Fd n management s always a his case a prblic An Appreciation The Territorial. Headquarters Staff, on behalf of the Army in Canada, desire lo express Salvation through the Press their deep and sincere appreciation for the nu- merous messages of sympathy and condolence received from comrades, friends, churches, so cieties, and others. Since the event of the sinking of the 8&8. Empress of Ireland, such mes- sages have been conveyed by ca- ble, telegram, and letter from all parts of the world, and especiaily the Dominion of Canada, It is our desire to let it be known that, particularly the as- surances of prayer, have streng- thened our hearts, have encour- aged our confidence, and stimulated our faith, and, have fur- thermore, as the realization of the extent of our loss through this appalling catastrophe be- comes keener day by day, the kind words of cheer and counsel will help us in our endeavors to carry on the great work of the Sal- vation Army in extending the Kingdom of God upon earth, AN Investment ! Today the real estate market is quiet Property turns slowly and though prices remain firm the man with a few hundred dollars to in- vest does not see much chance for & profitable turn in buying an un- improved lot It is the improved property that is making the money these days, but the small investor =| no chance to get in on it him- self. But he has a chance to get in a syndicate The Prince Rupert Buliding and Investment Company— an association of investors with small capital whose pooled re sources makes it one of the most active and prosperous business or #anizations in the city. This company has built many houses and has just completed «a splendid apartment house. It deals exclusively in Prince Rupert invest ments. It has no paid officers and ho operating expenses, Dut it makes money In three years tt has paid ah average annual dividend of 17 per cent. A hew stock issue has put on the market. It sells at $11 @ share and we can recommend it % anyone who has 4 small amount of capital on which they would like t draw good interest with good security back of it. ust been McCaffery & Gibbons Brokers and Real Estate THIRD AVE. Prince Rupert * KINGS ENGLISH CORRECTION, HONSMorce- GOODNESS ME July 3 Friday, to Vancouver, Victoria amd Sex; Rupert MONDAYS & « rinee George leaves Prince ~ Sieemer Brisee Rupert leaves Prince Rupert FRIDAYS «. 5 Steamers Prince John of Prince Albert tv Prince Rupert TUESDAYS, 9 4. » Low Excursion Rates ADA and UNITED STATES on sale Until Bepiom, TO EASTERN CAN good return until October Stsi 6.6. HENRIETTE carries rough freight gasoline and expios)y >. third for the round trip between ali pointe for Dom), wap Sa. lene 20th to duly Tet; good return until duly 4th jare and all information of interest to travetiers, app!) For lk a TP TICKET OFFICE, Mart Block, Third Avenue, Phones: AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lincs ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY ta hone 554 P.() Box gy i. emammie iianeen. Cuniti APERHANGING Secon venue, pposite nt t ’ open from 8 &. m tw ff Dp. m Visiting Sosteneh are ec acy nvite AINTING For rates for hall rent apply seereta OLISHING AND 8. D. MACDUNALD, CHAS. DENNIS ae President Secretar WALL TINTIN High corat Po MARTIN & M’GOWAN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Martin Swanson Cement, Brick and Tite Work Estimates Furnisned Phone Biue 328 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Made Roofing | Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Second Avenue, New Wellington Coa The faverite Household Cos Cleanest, Brightest, Bee near Repairing \NEW WELLINGTON COAL co, meee Rogers & Alber’, Agi P.O. Box 439 PHONE 208 gecond Avenue Phone 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three-roor BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 Satisfaction guaranteed ly. EB. DYER. Phone Black 3% JOHN CURRIE |——————_ Contractor & Builder — Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings SMITH & MALLETT Phone Black 294 an Mane Wiles cs re se REESE o . tings, Pipes cut to order ae Thire neon — Of Second Sree ince Rupert HARRISON W. ROGERS '- Architect D. CO. STUART Suite {, Federal Block Qscsuntan PRINCh RUPERT, B. C. a. ie semen Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635) PRINCE RUPERT, & © A IVARSON & CO." “e","5i ° W. E Williape. Bb 4. LL WILLIAMS & SANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ev. MONEY TO LO*N Box 1586 Prince Kup Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work i 5 ist Ave., Manson Way} ~———~ | Heigerson Block Phone 52 6.6 ~—— HARRY HANSON - Office corner 2nd Street and 1 Aveou PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED Successors to Pacific 1 Genere! Cartege LADYSMITH COAL OR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue : 8 Chartered Accountant UNION TRANSFER CO ssem mesemne srevcene ve dations and Assignmens GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE gmicn Bicck, 9rd Ave. ®rince Pure. && South Wellington Coal PHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE st) ROYAL BAKERY 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Successor to Knott's R Pormeriy known as Cli! BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY We deliver wo any part of Third Avenue IMPERIAL MACHINE SHO? Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHONE rh 18 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near MeBrid Preae @ BOAT BUILDE Hi. Seal Cove JOHNSTON Phone Green 321 LUMBER COAL —end— Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Prene SUGA & MORITO CONTRACTORS FOR BOAT Of Every Description A» Repaire Phone 166 For Prices, Partioulare, etc, Apr) & P. 0. BOX 804 Drawn for The Daily News by ory OFF BY MYSELF aN’ GUESS I BETTER Go wat \ GET \T ALL OUT OF MY SYSTEM © W9rt— wr-sind -Baure... mo