July 9, 1944, Vriday,’ of Cloth Perfectly, with the ve. ES a yourE Johnson CLOTHES Why Not Have the BEST? See Us ai Once SWEDER BROS, Tailors to Ladies and Gen- tlerfien ~ SEEDS! SEEDS! received our 1814 Spring Beode FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of ali kinds CHICKEN FEED A 6PECIALTY Mall ordere promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 Heve PEPPER ER EERE REE EEE EEE FOR A TAXI: 75--PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO PEER See eee eee eee eee eee rrrcee Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL Hot and Cold Running Water in all Roome Only finest brands of Liquors and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITICH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE™ Proprietore Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDGOR MOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth 5t W. &% Wright, Prop. MOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. SHOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth boropeas Pin, ba b0c to 61.00 Pe Beener 4 Beener, Prope. 4. Y. Rochester EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 6O to 61 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL \merican and European Piao” F. W. Henning, Mereger ROYAL nore. Corey & Burgess Third Ave. and on sixth a European Pien Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LimTED Second Ave, and Sixth St Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT MPORTING 0O., LimnTEO Fraser ano Gixth Ste Phone 7 GREAT NOVELIST SEES JASPER PARK Sir Conan Doyle Chased by Bear in Natural Park on Grand Trunk Pacific “TL was the mos venture Cr t enjoyable ad Arthur hf Sher Winnipeg m hie re we ever had man Dovie, « Sir reat Holmes, said to the World ¢orrespondent up turn Jrom a two Jasper Park “i Mr. eneral wee} car Lady Gone n iharit advert ne agent, wv Arthur with a parts hey Maynard panied Sir vere yveeks It was like a Gar Arthur added about » gers f Bde just “at den o We the think we orld Pr Belt Pp against a Phen our and so did There as not Sir dere We be Llone tetts Ww amor an to i the w The if iped ie im we the re all quin until hi dreams like in ison we ve m bear inished natn we ah tin permitted ¢ chase but they let the ani That n't fair, shall undoubtedly such good material Jasper Park for tut T haven't go “ ne g. us I if is make use as T found other book focus yet an t the SEATTLE SHUTS DOWN ON CALGARY PROMOTERS Seattle, Pu vie July printed the with Mayor obably 3 The following inter- Gill yesterday: Pr greater service been done the cially those of smal the warning issued by Intellig People apt to just and, large Seattle w no has people, means, than the Post- Calgary oils, espe neer against ‘ vy wo with be ich in their mone methoc invest are ff their feet by js of promotion carrie eagerness to secure returns invest- to have their under the in on their liable warped ments ire judgement fluence of get-rich-quick schemes. I am personally grateful to the Post-Intelligencer for its service to the community, and I am con- vineed that there will be little or no trouble in the future with such "W flere ’ rhe P.L. is conducting a cam- paig if education, warning the people of the true character of he Calgary situation. While ad g that the distriet may ne day be a commercial suc ss, it warns its readers against u ee into the different com- inies blindly, PRE-EMPTIONS AVAILABLE Government Agent Herne Now Al- lotting Land on South Fork of Fraser River On Monday of last week Gov- ernment Agent T. Wy Herne be- gan the allotmemt of pre-emp- tions in the = district reeently thrown open by the Provincial Government on the south fork of Fraser River, * Phone Green 252 Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex: tended to the citizens interested premises wes the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when | ‘0 inspect the dairy milknge operations are being con dueted, OOOO LEELA NOELLE OA OPPO OE Prince Rupert Dairy = we weal hl oe An Ascot Gown Of ivory tinted crepe Molpe with jupe of satin to harmonize The corsage is lieved with lace posed on fl sh colored tulle with a Medici collar, he ype effect is cleverly, intro- dueed at the back, @ similar lea belie oxpre ssed in the sleeves. THE DAILY NEWS FOOTGEAR SEVERAL CENTURES OLD rhe remarkable old antiques dark cellar of an old deser These barbarous styles wer were found stored away in the ted house in London, England, e prevalent about 1700, LARGE BREWERY !¢ TO BE ESTABLISHED | —_— Toronto Capitalists Behind Big Structure for Fort |ONLY FRENCH HORSES BEAT THE CANADIAN ines | London, Ont., July |Canadian horses at the 3.—The Interna- | George tional Horse Show, which ends in BA ’ it London, England, next Wednes- The next two months will see jday, have made a better record fhe erection of a large brewery|than ever before. Hon, Adam building in the distriet. Although | Beck of this city is the only ex- the exact location of the site is|hibitor from this country, and af- not known, it has been given out|ter winning seven ribbons he re- definitely that it will be some-|eejyed a cable announcing that where on the Prince George town-'his horses, Sir Thomas and Sir site, Toronto capitalists of well|dward, had taken second prizes known standing are behind the | last night in thé “best. perform- enterprise, ance over the course,” event for The officials of the new com- pany have had analyses made of the water Fraser Rive ‘rs by expert chemists, and these gave the opinion that} although both samples were equally good, it would be impos- sible to find anywhere in North America water better suited for the purposes of a brewery. It understoed that a four storey brick structure is in eon templation,—Tribune, 1s A $2,000, 000 FRAUD French Financial Agent in Brazil Is the Accused Paris, July 3 of the formal Brazilian Minis- On the complaint ter legal proceedings have beer taken against Wenderly De Men- doca, formerly Financial Agent of France in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. De Mendoca is charged with defrauding the State of #2,000,- 000. He was commissioned to 'f both the Nechaco and| pairs, There were one hundred jand fifty pairs from the world en- tered, and the Canadian | whic h in other years had never sueceeded in getting better than third, were beaten last week only by the French, horses, |BLUEBACK SALMON IN A RECORD RUN Portland, July 3.—-What is de_ clared the greatest run of blue- back salmon known during the last twenty years is now on in the upper Columbia River near Cor- betts. One boat reported a cateh of one ton of this fish in twenty- a fuur MeGowan's betts, was obliged to cannery at Tlwaco, of the river, to plus fish, All the cann: day and night. urs. at Cor- wire the at the mouth send for the sur- cannery, ries are running SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE plaee loans for the State in Paris,}| Do not pay your subscription but it is charged that he never|to the newsboy, Our collector transmitted the funds, will call on you, and will give of- The police seized all De Men-j ficial receipts which should be doca’'s books and papers in his|kept in case of errors. AIL pay- office, but they have not been able|ments should be made By cheque. to locate him, THE MANAGER, oe Washable Write Sanitary, Water shades. Tint WALLS HALL’S DISTEMPER for illustrated booklet ‘ your 100 beautiful art How to Decorate.” Paint. Over A. J. Galland Sole Loe McBRIDE STREET PRINCE RUPERT Hardware Agent al tures, House Fi Factory and Office: Telephone 218 - P.O, Box "THE PRINCE-RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and ali kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. Seventh Avenue, nish a Specialty, Hays Cove Circie 207 Prince Rupert, 8, C, ’ \* + * MASGSET NOTES * # SRT EHH! From The Islander | The cannery tender Finn has j been in and out from Masset sev eral times during the past week, ; . * . | Mr. A. Johnston has been looking around at the north end of the island for the pasi week with a view lo locating, James Falkner, a prominent mining man of Vaneouver, ic companied by Ed, Messner rived here Monday from Naden | Harbor, where they staked a num_ | ber of coal and oil claims, They left in the evening for the head} of the inlet. . . . | Martin 8. McDougall, who is| well known on the Island, came | in on the last trip of the Albert | | and is stopping over for a week. He is now engaged in the real es tate business in Prince Rupert and reports that things are pick ing up well in the terminal city, Sam boat Ives gave his new a trial on Thursday noon. When the engine is tun- ed up and everything running good she will make some of these eight (k)notters we have on the inlet stretch themselves. We un- derstand she is to be called the “Never Again.” NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT speed after- Department of Education Estab- lishes District Lots 343 and 1611 A new school district has been established this week, that of Prince George, A letter was reeeived from the superintendent of education es- tablishing District Lots 343 and 1541 as a school district. The first school meeting will be held the second Saturday in July. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT PROPOSED GARBAGE WHARF, Section Two Sealed tenders will be received up to p.m., Monday 13th of July, for the con- struction of a Garbage Wharf, Section 2, Drawings may be seem and forms of tender obtained at the City Engineer's Office, Prince Rupert B.C. Lowest or any tender not necessarily areepted W. MeG. MASON, City Engineer. 5 CORPORATION OF TWE GITY OF PRINCE RUPERT CONSTRUCTION OF _ scow Sealed tenders will be received up to 5 p.m. Monday, 13th of July, for the construction of @ garbage scow. Drawings may be seen and forms of sonde t iained at the City Engineer's om Prince Rupert, B. C. i west or any tender not necessarily accep tec W. McG. MASON City Engineer. Tenders will be recetved up to and tn- cluding June 30th for the purchase and removal of old school buildings known as the Second Avenue School, situate ou Block tt, corner of Second Avenue and seventh Street. Parties tendering must state cash price and be prepared to enter into @ contract with the Board for the removal Of the building within ten days from date of signing contract, Prince Rupert, June om 1044 ‘ee W D. VANCE, 146 Secy. School Board. Sealed tenders will be received by the Seeretary of veo Ru Board, up to p.m u the eonstruction of a salodl Borden Street, building on im accordance with plans f (eee eee ee eee Remember whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the digestive organs, that these may soon develop into more serious sickness. Your future safety, as well as your present comfort may depend on the quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who have tried them, Beecham’s Pills are the most reliable of all family medi- cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the blood purified by Beecham’s Pills Worth a Guinea a Box Metres Thomas Besohom, St. Helens, Lancashire. in Canada and U. 8S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. ‘ hah lk ok lS °° kh Mr buying any of the wheat offered, we apply to it the su- preme test. We bake bread with it in our laboratory. If the bread is creamy, velvety and delicious we say- ‘“‘This wheat is worthy of ROYAL STANDARD. And so we buy it. This test is continuous and safe- guards for ever the uniformity of ROYAL STANDARD Uniform LOUR Toad F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Oils or HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Piate Giass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ethers, Supplies umbers’ Supplies Paints ** Stay Satisfactory Range."’ THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED SS. VENTURE Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mill Bay, connecting for Aiyansh Fridays at 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. $.5. CHELOHSIN Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- —<% THE is SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT OPPICE: Capital Reserve Fund. Total Assets. . Savings Bank Department Branches Dhroughout Ces tions With Agents Throvg H, P. WILSON HEAD ROYAL BANK OF CANADA MONTREAL All Parts of the United States Manager Prince Rupert Branch ESTABLISHED 1869 pha $ 11,560,000 12,560,000 a abb'e 176,000,000 —~ $1 Will Open an Account anada and Banking Connec hout the World INTELLIGENT . EA a [23 EE EE tee Perro me j}and specifications prepared by James Gil- day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at more, Prince Rupert Plans and specifica- 9 y tions may be obtained from she Architect, ¥ p.m. en D AVE. 1%5 Second Avenue. The Board reserves the right to Pefect any or all tenders. | PHONE 568 . JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECON W D. VANCE, 146-152 Secy Schoo! Board. —— oo tne ee te e DORR ROTOR RRR TITRA RRA IR AA IAA AAA AAIIAISA AI AISASAAIS ASI AII AINE > DAILY NEWS RRA ARAR EERE ERE RE CR ee ee Se ee eee me eer ere et teen RE Te Se NE ee NEWSPAPER SSS SSS for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all th: s of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- a new bia. It treats these subjects witty moderate opti- 4 mism and reliability. Vke Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertiser because i is read by the buying public. it has a bigeer circulation than any other paper in the city. lt is read by the class of people the advertisers want {o talk to, ‘ THE——-——-- DAILY NEWS eS er”