’ [\rsrertera: os cae i. Bs L a were married yesterday Rey ra Pimmick They leave tomor ary ee) eps ypeL ce cre rags ayer a hee eee oe Bes val iroW for Hazelton ogee Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, Mrs. F. MeR. Young and Miss | General Superimtendent W | & ee kp | Mare@aret Young on the Ru-|G, Mehan leaves tomorrow for a e We buy and serve only the best! |,,..1 this morning to visit in Vie-|trip to Fort George, He will there J he market affords. London Caf i. ria, ‘il meet the Provineial Cabinet Min % ap ie isters and bring them down in 3 1C?:eC ss Sam Gourley, of Stewart, is in Constable Doolittle left this) "iS car < the city: morning on the Rupert. with a a , My ap 2 : i 8 “4 7 Wells ane C os : jeouple of prisoners for New Mr. and Mr M. M pA eal Everything in season cooked | woastminster. child left teday for Guelph, Ont., the way you like it. London Cafe. ey on a visit to Mrs. Wells old home en i ng 139-tf. Excavation on the dam site for|Mrs. Wells, who has not been in . . . fh Wh ¢ » 1 : : the eity hydro-electric plan® is] the best of health for = Frank Martin, a well known about completed ad Ps con. | Will remain there to recuperate Pow er Stewart. the ee in eT FO™| Steuction of the dath will start in| Mr. Wells will be back in about _ Stewart is morning, about a week's tfne three weeks Miss 1} M. Taylor left this he 1600). ball tearm ‘hha | The Princess Beatrice will oon 24 morning for Vietoria to spend ceived word that Ketehikan is im.|/leave tonight on the Ketchikar the summer holidays at home porting a couple of more plaversiexcursion with the ball boys Use aé Thee. be to strengthen their team for to-l carrying a full complement jof The Skugate came in vesterday | morrow's game with Rupert passengers one hundred = and | ; to make Delicious Hot to the Canadian Fish & Gold Stor fifty hivery berth taken and ) Ss f » fine shoot? le : ‘ l obab : age plant with 50,000 pounds of n Sunday the final shoot fin} egme of the bows wil pt an B the Dominion of Canada match}have to sleep on the deck “he — halibut scuit tempting, appe- . © ind the Cameron Cup series will|boat leaves tonight at fOCK tizing, light, wholesome. “Fritz, the Handy Man,” puts!be held on the local ranges by] Teaching Seal a iorning e ball ) up tents and hammocks, and jhe civilian club. The local team . tent th ie cats sist : in the Makes the best food to cleans chimneys, Phone 583.|is only seven points behind the [Went they are going mort k th t f 149-159) vancouver sharp shooters in this “an ad se sited Lina riuch » a —_—_—_— . . * . @ . ’ . ’ . . . wor on e bes ood mi a: ok peonte t, est in the city. to sl p after No alu The City of Seattle will be in} “ts = i ee . m; tonight northbound She has! Mr. Hugo Rubinoviteh has pur | ; : FOR SALE no fear of indigestion jmany passengers: for Ketchikan, | chased from the Aeme Clothing e ind a lot of round trippers | Company the old Aeme store with Pies toom houee.. vere. -coin TY Pins . _jall its contents, » will conduet fortable, an acre of land and " Phe. Venture a yes "Sithe business under the name of; 200 chickens nicely housed, at mm ll norning at two o’elock with mail Male Attire Mr Rubinevitch, | Seckeye, Mile 16, G. T. Excel She left again for the Skeena and | who is an oldtimer, is very pop-jlent soil and beautiful location jwill be in again this afternon en}ular with the boys and deserves | Price and terms arranged, Box route to the Naas. ja share of the loeal patronage, |78, Daily News, tf THE DAILY NEWS Sree Sure: ftten M. Murray, of ocal Nie: Notes and J. Swan, a. Regina of Hazelton, a i MARTIN Semi-Annual Clearance SMASH BANG O’REILLY’S SALE SMASH Go the Prices on all broken sizes and odd lines in every department. We have a big business this season. and odd lines. SATURDAY, JULY 4TH, TODAY WILL SOON BE YESTERDAY. GET BUSY! Every little record has a meaning Money is one of the best things > 400 SUITS HATS Regular Price $25.00, for * Five Dozen $3.00 King Hats, Pearl Grey $1.35 $13.00 Se To the man ine is alana on time I take off my hat 75 SUITS | a” you’d ene | it done, go. if not, send, Twelve Dozen Regular Price $25.00 and $30.00 ro Seaton © S| ae SUITS THIS SALE FOR HATS Boisalino Hats, the Best $5 Hat in Canada for $26.50 $4.00 Lot = Biue and White Striped OUTING PANTS | OVERALLS | Regular Price $5.00, for Regular Price $1.25, This Sale $29 | Soc | ALL GOODS SOLD STRICTLY F One Grey THIRD AVENUE Stop, Look and Listen Hagen one Monarch SHIRTS Regular Price $7,50, for —— S0CTS. Choose this “~ who you “wilt serve, the house or the bunch’ Light Weight FLANNEL SHIRTS Two Detachable Collars Regular Price $3, now $1.65 “One Lot $3.00 and $3.50 IMPORTED FLANNEL SHIRTS _ 10 ee NOSE Cashmere This Sale 5 PAIRS $1 OR CASH DURING THIS SALE. Martin O'Reilly Therefore the broken sizes We are going to place these goods on sale__. At At prices th that will just clean them up in just 14 days ee THIS SALE ALL GOOODS WILL BE SOLD STRICTLY FOR CASH God makes opportunities but man must hunt fer them, ~ ONE LOT SILK HOSE Former Price 75c and $1,00, for 30 CTS. First img impressions count but so do second, third ang last impressions Three Dozen Odd PYJAMA SUITS That none r $2.00, $2.50 3.00, for st 90 CTS. Suit 150 ‘ane $1 00 NECKTIES 30 CTS. PRINCE RUPERT _ ASSAULTED POLICEMAN GOT FINE AND LECTURE rom Graham w th " 4 fined 87 and ¢ om a ha of assa ! was then brought 1 nth charge of i miiti i Neer n the ye formance of his duties The evi dence showed that Graham when irrested saitacked { table (iradys ind wa yesisted | hi friensd Grady used hi maton and eventual brought hia man to the jail The magistrate nicl the er vas justified ind ti fry which ; pe iit i ft tiary \ } | bef hir h t ¢ h fona ’ had th h dl i ed th ' } j them up { i | THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer j 1044 Baromete red ! ’ evel ! Highest ten i Lowest tempera i Rait ’ Alaska Excursions Round trip exeursions to Ket hikan, Wrangell, Junea Sitka ind Skagway the fine team ers City of Seattle ind S| cane sailing every six days 832.00 covers all expense, A sid trip Skagway to Summit of the White Pass Ry. at very small eost For reservations -and all information apply to Rogers’ Steamship Agency, Phone 116. 132-160 Ree eee * *! * GRANITE * * . * Granite of best quality * * and thoroughly tested for #} * sale, Out stone or crushed *| * rock in quantities *| * NEIL J. MeLEopD, *| * Telephon Green 217 *! * tf * ° * ‘ee eee eee “The Daily News” } CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR RENT POR a NT Mo sor house, 6 rooms, near i, Secti ‘ Apply J. H Munro $08 Eighth Avenue East 147-148 NICELY PURNISHED BEDROOM for rent Bath and electric light Apply 717 Lotbiniere Street 140 POR RENT Three room cottage partly furnished and including bath Rear of our office Cosy and convenient Rent $17.50 Prince Rupert Financiers, 316 Second Avenue FCR SALE FOR SALI Airedale Terrier Pups, from high class prize winning pedigreed stock Apply Captain Groves; Phone Blue 293 151-157 POR SALE Gasoline Launch, 86 Tt x 9% ft For pariculars apply Davis Boat House Phone, Green 259 147-9 FOR SALE or will trade for property, 30 ft. gasoline launch, new # bh Dd. engine Everything in good condition. Price and terms arranged. Apply Box 120, Daily News 112-1 THE COMPI E TE LINE of furniture ad vertised for sale by auction was, post ponhed till Thusrday at 3 p.m., at the Old Customs House, near Merryfeld’s Phone 13 t4d-pad WANTED WANTED Position as saleslady in or near Prince Rupert Have had nine years expe rie nee; references if required A. J. €., 5417 Pacife Street, Vancouver B.C 50-154 WANTED Situation as milker in a dairy Apply Box 64, News Office 147-9 YOUNG GENTLEMAN board close Omee requires in tw town room and Box 64, News 147-148 A‘ /UNTANT, BOOKKEEPER desires si tion fully competent to take charge of omes experienced in commercial and hotel work. Box 62, News Office 160-2 TORRID th tk 35--PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN DEES EREREREESEEEEEE REE TAKER N EER hk SEALED TENDERS Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secre tary will be received at the Exhibition OMee until 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, duly Sth, 1914, for the construction of an Ex hibition Building Plans and specifcations ean be seen at the J. Gilmore, Esq., Fach tender must be office Second tf the svenue Architect accompanied by a) accepted cheque on @ chartered bank, payable to the order of G. BR. Naden, Esq Treasurer, equal to ten per cent of the HHOUnL Of the tender, which will be for felted if the person tendering declines to enter into &@ contract when called upen to do or fall to complete the work mitra ve 4 for If the tender be not ae opted the eheque will be returned The Association does not bind itself to accept the lowtst r any tender L. BULLOCK- WEBSTER Secretary Frida Tuls a 2 OP PPPELPPPPPLEPEDOEPEOEEP OO bbe. vil aS KING ha arr ! | oe i THE GRAHAM ISLAND OM FIELDS LID, AT TWENTY CENTS This company is bar ; ; well ne local b , and share el apid On Monday, July 6th, ¢ price of these shares » advance to twenty-five ce Luy before the rise J. LORNE MACLAREN 615 Second Ave, Phone 15¢ POPP ELELEPLELELOUOREEEPERORO OS ‘ PO OO OLED EEE ELELELOEEPOPOEE Oy, THE BEST BUY IN PRINCE RUPERT 100 Feet on Fraser Stre for $20,000; Terms Lot in Block 1, Gection 1; $1,0« cash; balance two and three yre at seven per cent $6,000 Lot 18, Biock 14, Bec. 1. $16,000 SECTION TWO corner Graham aefd Ati Lote 15 and 16, Block 4, $1,50 Double cash, balance arranged Pr only . $4,750 Lot 1, Block 14; $1,000.00 ca balance arranged $3,000 Lote 9-10, Block 16; one-quar cash, 6-12-18 and 24 mor ‘ ‘ ‘ ; 5 5 ‘ ; 5 5 ‘ , ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ 5 5 5 5 ‘ 5 5 5 (note the size of these lots), pe ; pair $325 5 Some Choice Inside Lots in or ; Sections at Good Prices ‘ and Terms 2 INSURANCE 5 Royal Life; Royal Fire; London « ? Lancashire Fire; and North- ‘ ern Fire 2 , 5 ; ‘ 5 ; ‘ - PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. PPPPPI POPP PLLOPELEPOLOPEEEPEE+C Ce HANDY MAN FOR HOMES SEND FOR FRITZ To set up your new home, to re- * arrange your present home, take carpets, see to chimney and stove pipes or work m the lawns CARE OF OFFICES A SPECIALTY Tents and Hammocks put up end any kind of little jobs done FRITZ, THE HANDY Phone 683 POL ELELLO LLL OL LOL EL LOLOL LLL L EE © e PRINCE RUPERT BOAT > HOUSE Boats and Launches hire. Gasoline PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way COOP O PPO L LLL L OOP OPEL LOD ener CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO MONTREAL and return $141.00 TORONTO and return 128.00 ST. PAUL and returo 96.00 CHICAGO end return 108.50 NEW YORK and return... 144.66 Other points correspondingly low Effective June tat Final retu limit Octeber Stet Princess Alice southbound Saturday noon Princess Beatrice southbound Sunday, 8 p.m. 4. @. MONAB, General Agent Corner Third Ave. and Gixth 8 RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana B. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Provincial Land Surveying, Mine @ur ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Ele Blue Printing, Negatives and Ww Prints McBride St., Prince Rupert, B. ‘ To Rent Partially Furnished 3-Roomed Fiat; Close In; McBride Street “$18. 00 4-Roomed House on Taylor St Furnished $30.00 Three House Over Hays Cree! G. R. Naden Co, Lt Reconud Avenue