day, July 4, 1914 “a 8 Tho Pik of Health an’s right; are troubled lov complexions, backache \ low ntil they learn that f may be found in CHRip BILLS S { Special Value to Women with Every Box. ep pT Summer CLOTHES y Not Have the BEST? See Us at Once SWEDER BROS,, ors to Ladies and Gen- tlemen IE IO OLS ITS OPO TE OOP SEEDS! SEEDS! 0 al hail Te IFT Ta cate Tla Heve received our 1814 6&pring Beede FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agente for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of ali kinds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Mel orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 PPE EER. ee ee enerree SESE EESE SESE EE EERE EEE FOR A_TAXI | 15~PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO ERE ERE AAA AEE AEE SO SESEESESEEREEE EE ESE cerece Phone 87 ?.0. Box 1704 | SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE ot and Cold Running Weter in all Roome = Onty finest brands of Liquore and Cigare kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHC? Proprietors ee eet ee Hotel ; Directory ed Members P.R.L. Vintners Association —————=<=<=—[—S————S=———— > WINDSOR HOTEL roer of First Ave. and Eighth 51 WwW. & Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St Luropean and American Plan Peter Bieok, Prop &NOXK HOTEL First Ave,, Between Eighth and Ninth : peas, Plan, Rates b0c to 61.00 Per bay Beener & Beener, Props. 1. ¥. Rochester Vv. D Cesley EMPRESS HOTEL rhird Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Plan, EO to 61 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL American and European Pias F. W. Henning, Meneger ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, Props Third Ave, and Sixth St European Plan Bieam Mealed COCCCOEOCOOOOEOOEMEEE EEE LE OEEAOEAAEOOD ETE OTAEEEEE, BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR OO. LimiTEO Second Ave, and Sixth St Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPCRTING 00. COO OOO OOOEEP OOO OOO C4 LimiTeD Fraser ana Sixth Sts Phone 7 oe eeerrre Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex nded to the citizens interested ) inspect the dairy premises iring the hours of 8:30 and 4:31 ) Vednesdays and Saturdays when ilkng operations are being con icted, SUBBORIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS rHE DAL NEWS t igh.) (CBB) DF D PEs =i Zip GRR ration il 7, ote Mt rj at 4 Me vo | | land and the 1 led mmoesaiitetetnatii —— wae” e ; |; LACROSGE | L ae | Slates ere « n ' il | 08 Rtee | PASEBAL ah vy rh tie a | LAWN TENNIS ans ’ | FOOTBALL HOOKEY Diceipts were almost #200, | yal Gifexe will ft il ! Gee) = : : . : 4 4 = (ELE in) (ee PIB 1 Pa) Ve VBE fe : VPA LPR) OND quarter of this s . ° e " muse eee) Sano ee, {money will be spent | Dainty Garments—Fine Linen— . iMerchants’ foothbal team =—«- WEN DL ilding .a fine new club h a was f M from the Callies to make thelene new polo grounds. 1 These are surely worth your “ Ww | league possible Wimborne of the English | best care and the use of noth- fonte 1 un getal’” — te oe — ing but the soap that cannot f scotaemen in 8 p #17,000 He and the res f ti ‘ ; a team that ean be iy AMETC- visitors wagered hear that hurt the finest fabric ' gation in Northe British Co-|they would lift the eup, and b Here’s the Sunlight way: imbia e et inane ‘ ~ res ' it 2 aan te ; ' a cd ig i a First, soap the garment; then roll as a great series and the « : j Hrank maneuthe s endeavor-I ning of the cup by England | it up to soak. After a while, rinse ; gn Lem Kecg up with Joelaone the game no end well and the dirt practically drops Bayley If successful the “go out. No wearisome scrubbing, d be a popular one as both | ppreH#eRs SHOWING WAY no hurtful rubbing —the gentle ‘ boys are favorites with the fight TO BIG STICKERS strength of Sunlight does the work fans of Prinee Rupert. The date ‘ almost without | ! M i be August 5th 1913 1914 effort and en- » eres Ce pe sedy eines . 450 324 tirely without | rhe more the recent Burns-|pjanding ........... .444 ; @ injury. d Neff bout is discussed by fight| Jackson ..........-- h44 394 Try one cake— | t : D fans of this city, the stronger the PS as ae R20 you'll find it’s I M opinion prevails that although the SOGNOP cb dives he 381 265 hind to the the 4 tp ' decision was a close one, 1} rank ere ,48 265 At all grocers hands, too. 135 the D . | Smeathers was entirely justified|[Lajoie ...........-- 344 Dal M ; ‘ | awarding the fight to Neff. Veach 136 20 en te | Ee? ee re ee 325 ° . - ee In refusing Kendall permission] jy Gollins .......... 324 265] .. _ — . sons ‘stelle, iha { to play on the V. A. C. team on|D. Johnston ........ .d20 254) 4 Oso © (eae aa lo © © oh . 49% an | A ™ oO izelt eam | Saturday last, Joe Lally handed BHOUON 6s .scwecees a «289 | id th t i his} lVancouver moré in one minute PEUTIM ccc cccssecse BIO cee'd ‘ : | ZAider 310 82 | i i gan with ithan Johnson did Moran in twen- FAADCT wees vsessees 310 1 ot New Ha ind may not be] lie: pounds TOG ons Fi vive canes 307.182) ‘a Bese connens mans eG soon 8s 8. Wiliams: 62.00 so 278 YEFORE buying any of the wheat | - | | tt f ti : ri MPG ce ch is owas Hees 306 = .278 I i nag ent of the Nationals have taken the T out . . ann aaa . as a cseotd t Toronto, removed the @ trom|™: 20NReOD «0202. ae ffered ly to it the theo te Pode froma Toronto, removed the 9 from whte to & peohor’s your, | 0 er ’ we app y 0 1 su- } j th hatte und are | powenes and have made Tecum The poor batsmen haven't a W b k b d . h ’ fident of car ng away | }sehs look like real Indians in the chance. preme test. e a e rea wit it h inting | ao Four . - and ne Last season the sluggers reign-) e ;tne game 0 dune 27tn Six * : . . } . ed supreme Reports of games | bo t ry If th b d J. M. MacCormick e of the| The Winner of the International ||" " rv ino reas ee told of great batting feats—how in our a ra 0 : € rea 18 ilie for e renehmen . ‘ — . * § enth sat f ball fens of Golf Tournament Sa s I'y Cobb had cracked out four or ] t d d ] five hits in a game. Joe Jackson creamy, ve ve y an e 1c10us we say Old Hazeltor wl has been/ Mr, J, ©, L. Je ns, whe won the] Jack Johnson clearly demon-|yaq put a dozen dents in the pending a few da n the city, amatet golf ghampionship of | strated that Frank Moran has no ; i a =~ en “Thi h ® . | ’ . right field wall, or Frank Baker t rt ret ed home this morning Great Britain last week He +m siness in the ring with a good had sent a homer whistling over $ Ww ea 18 Wu y 0 Ma s one of the best xnown | a member of a great golfing | heavy yweight. Johnson won, and] rng right fleld fence in the city of e auth lies o1 | t in the Prov | family, who possess great ¢ ;} without exerting himself, Sam brotherly love. . nh so we uy it. I hav ears past car-| fidence added t immense de I ingford is really the only boxer A- year ago at this time 148 é a “ i ! mier honors in| termination Iwho is entitled to meet Johnson : : | players were hititng .300 or bet- Thi t t t nd f i Sse e riding and foot |; When they meet it will be a con-| to, Today not one of the 18 is 8 es 18 con inuous a sa e- val | 1 Columbia ltest worth watching : etl ¢ ' = = Prine Rupert Basebal Club he hitting the ball as hard as he did d f th f t f che might well « sider ‘ last season guar $s or ever e unl orml y 0 That the snagement f the} ra = id Ad Wolgast has broken his kK baseball tear should | Fredd Welal aw Rit arm, thus halting ome nevere- More Hindus Coming ROYAL STANDARD ha ted Fred Wallace, Wolgast match, which was to a al } ball arbiter, to | eh A - ! squared] have faken place here on July 4th Vancouver Tul \. From ie i Ketchikan and take | ¢ir le Lon England, this 5 will ~ forced : — on somi-nificialeourses it tee LS , ‘ . Ler lafter } . » oO ee mor < ‘fore ¢ De i ga the Ameri- | afte ehtweight| ot oo , en that a second steamer with Gree ° i mpliment richly | ena: h world. | ©"! light again, ‘ lutely li ' teh s duel such ° . *. hundred i fifty Hindus aboard Uniform | Tested ° ; Domir ion Day wanes Ritchie's Doughy Spring writes from|has left Hongkong The cable, who thor. I ' ela ng! Toronto that there is not one|Wwhich came from private sources F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor 1 tee. Ons I s mast ind | team the “Rie Four” that|from Lond Eng., was received | PRINCE RUPERT game in appre " nai f prov-] 4 1 be able t ift the Minto|to this effect the aan be g h f | from Ne Westminster rhe s | party will bring all} ie o oom the passengers from Caleutta, and | . If Ritchie is to retain the title} Rut right v hit en so f e regulations that im-| ae i " ! f baseball gn lim = ¢ n 1 l.@y_s I Roce oe : t the Britisher|statement { Jimmy Murphy|migrants must come direet from to mmol Ore © lot iO fo) 5 © 0) je lo) euak os : iit tne timnsiie remeds. ithat the sedales of Toronto|the f their origin. It will eset. e \W ed f to be is a scient boxer Welsh is/are sure fters if they de-jbe t! eee eons the party | 3 D Day peer of them all in the lightweight} cide ¢ ‘ a Western jour-| rea S veneer (y = es. division ney in the Fall, sla ainicerriny tween r a ee o-.2 P¢ f us become round shoul- INTERESTING A th ! seball series be ee ' e | : d Prince Rupert The faet shor ot be over Contra to last vear’s figures|dered from carrying other peo- | “ drawing card that the ed that ho ene rity of the ' the receipts for the recent inter- e's bureeam | Di d N ———$—$$$—$—<— ..LAamon eWs.. 4) . v =a “- a c on —— cee? — among the leading nations of the world, The { =, THE PANAMA CANAL : é This wonderful waterway cost $375,000.00 and involved a nine-mile evt through 3 mountain, igantic locks, and a dam 150 feet high and a mile me tt aoe palee of Genre Sahononine comenance pe the United as much as this canal--one was built by a nation, the other by an institution, _——$ $$ demand. AT THE HOME PLANT ANHEUSER-BUSCH ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ST. LOUIS HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1869 ‘ } Gooltel .i4 seth bess $ 11,560,000 nounts Prince Rupert Imp. Co., Reserve Fund... 12,560,000 Siates fist Distributors Limited j Total Assets....... 175,000,000 Anheuser-Busch plant cost about one-seveatb j Savi Bank Depart t— $1 Will A t Prince Rupert } Sees ronan anada and or pe cy | tions With All Parts ef the United States Agents Throughout the World FOR OUT OF TOWN BUYERS TWO GREATEST IN HISTORY | sanischipigltasitiicia am | On the pages of our CATALOGUE which are devoted to DIAMOND JEWEL- ° LERY, you will find Illustrated a spipndid representation from our stock of GEM SET fashions of the day. You may choose your DIAMOND from these illustrations and order it by mail with the same satisfaction you i would experience in a personal visit to our store. WE ARE THE LARGEST DIAMOND IMPORTERS IN CANADA e | We guarantee every Diamond we sel! to be perfect in cutting, color and Brilliancy. See our Catalogue for dainty Wedding Jewellery, and Wed- ding gifts of all kinds. —— a eS || Henry Birks & Sons, Limited |} peer oie ee JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS | continued choice of the people. | \ a ane Its sales exceed those of any other beer by millions of bottles —proving its ever-increasing popularity. Budweiser is brewed, aged and bottled in the tand most perfect plant in the world, occupying 142. acres covered uo separate buildings. re than 7500 people are required to help Budweiser keep pace with the public 4 . —