Saturday, July 4, 191 THE DAILY NEWS t Miss Costivan, Of Victoria, is a} Rarthenware Flower-Pots, all HONEYMOON COUPLE LAN UR Stun, @. W. Showtine cives, (00 and up. Wallace's. 153| [IWHEN BUYING YEAST ARE BACK FROM TRIP ‘ y. } ree we INSIST ON HAVING ’ anted J. 1, Mowers went north on the Mrs. Geo, Kileox, of Porcher THIS PACKAGE Mr. and Mr I, N. Linne me callie last evening. feland, is visiting in the eity ae mened thie mor from their IMMEDIATELY . es oe NV TY ———— honeymoon trip to Alaska, Theit Agreements of Sale fo; Mr. and Mrs. ©. N. Crowell left Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Burritt and Maes THE WHITE SI LiGHiN tour extended in partway over the Discounting last evening on the City of Seat-| daughter left yesterday for a few White Horse railway, and they From tle for a round trip to Dawson.| weeks visit in Vietoria leaw many evidences of the “trail i. a one erie 4 lef ‘OR rhe old trail is still $2 000 You save money on Granite J.P. Brant leaves for the south taint visible and the shacks and , ._ « ware and Kitchen Goods. Variety |today on the Princess Alice. He hotels along ‘the route are stil Up-Must be Af Cream Dobar Suse iain sonal | ib ane | partment, Wallace's. 153 will be away a week or two, there They report the seenery Submit offerings to 3 ! . ; ‘ ; las maenificent and well worth ai i ri This morning Magistrate Me Miss Hays left this morning laeeing even without a. honey Mullin presided at the police} for a month's trip to Seattle and 1 court. Three drunks were dis-] Vancouver | - noon attached rhe weather was Harrison, Gamble & Co “3 ’ ’ | IM latcellent all the way ; P ner eae ae m ue | Mr. and Mi Linnell kept the Third Avenue @) [ek & jis in Ketchikan today. J, Foley, of California, who has hid era | date of their marriage so close ee ae : been in the eity for a few days, See 5 ward aay beled thei John Pooler, manager for P.|left on the Spokane this morning DECLINE SUBSTITUTES | fy frien a knew it It so happened Burns & Go,, leaves on the Prin- |} o ae ce mos thew wae tnek today ot aul jcess Alice for Vancouver. He is Porch, verandah, or summer an early hour that they again|{{ POPOOOOOOPOS oo, jgoing to Eastern points on a ' ”" } bedroom rugs, in “krex’’ or sten ‘ | ‘ . missed a hearty welcome ; Coe: it ee mee ied matting, very cheep” Wal. STEAMS 1,500 MILES ied «hearty wolooney ta ” PRINCE RUPER | - . . jlace’s. 153 Street, ; to make Delicious Hot Ldn aiek cep ‘smyisertons toot | ok as IN A STRAIGHT LINE ioe baci cons went out on a mysterious scout-| Excavated lot, No. 7, block 4, : THE WEATHER tor $20,000, Terms 4 Biscuit—tempting appe- ing trip yesterday and will not cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years: |geficers of Senator Did Not No- ox te Gee ‘ Petenn a tees ; ’ be back until tomorrow. En-| section one, for sale: $5,000; $200 tice Slightest Variation in Furnished by F. W. Dowling cash; balance two and three yre ; quiries at thé city hall fail toleash. balance 1, 2 and 3 years; Compass Obeorver at seven per cent $6,000 0 Ww ce 1 |2 Lot 18, Block 14, Bec. 1. $15,000.00 § tizing, light, holesome. | bring out any information. interest seven per cent. Agent, rs sEoTION ae a 2 . . . : aan Double corner raham and Ati\'r 5 Makes the best food to . 0. J, MeCormack, P.O, Box 1385, Seattle, June 29 Practically July 4, 41944 “Lote 16 and 16, Biock 4, $1,500 } When the Spokane left Ketehi Montreal. Ee weg tf 1.500 miles without a single, so rr . 1 It pe —_ eee ven noeece work on the best food aan. TRis. Morning at one o'clock | litary change in the compass,|?8rometer reduced to sea : Lot 1, Block 1; $1,000.00 cas! the city was crowded with people D. A. Rankin left on the Spo- vanet level ‘ vs 0.024 balance arranged $3,000.0« to slee after No al it f r th lebration and hut I tl f th uth which means that the —" Highest ternperatur no 0 Lots 9-10, Block 15; one-querter 2 e eo ee eee eee ae mF ikane this morning for the so travelled in a straight line for rae ees ee a | : cash, @-12-18 and 24 months 3} Pp 7 um; ireds of holidaying sports were} tie has a contract on the P. G. E. that distance, was the tne for | owen temperature noe 488 (note the size of these mare), por ; no fear of indigestion. mn the wharf, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and] oan established by the Pacific Rain Het K Gb 6s oe wES eek Le on ide Lote in Othe . . . ‘ . yates 4 uv Cou - . i tions at rices i a ae ls , the City of Seattle for Ketchikan} (44 Steamship company’s | ond Terme , Supt. W. C, G. Mehan left in|} Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Reilly left on steamship Senator on her voyage Alaska Excursions | tiseed nines ‘Bae Tees io his car this morning for the in-|jast night. They will visit the dewn from Behring Sea. Perfect Lancashire Fire; and North- ; mm ame os Bemng vat the bal-;}hot springs for a couple of weather conditions, with a total Round trip excursions to Ket-| ee ; Tasting work and wel probably weeks. absence of winds, seas or cur chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, | PATTULLO & RADFORD —_ : eon ww. grein: and ro - A as B EBALL rents, were chiefly responsibleyang Skagway on the fine steam-| Second Ave. } . oss a ror weorge ane oe . a = VESTERD y’S AS for the remarkable feat, but ere-Jors “City of Seattle’ and “Spo | ese M OLS PLM Gi, ESAS, OR SR PRS || bring them through to Rupert. dit must also be given to the sea-l,ane” sailing every six days. \ * . . ee . . ’ ans Capt. J. bE Guptill, 22° 00 « “rs alle nse. A side|~ ; : ‘ Northwestern manship of J2.00 covers all expense. J ocal News Notes aaa oe, le Pa Tacoma, 6; Victoria, 8. the master, end his ar ee ve trip Skagway to Summit of the} cap ea meet ry w.J iowhér and Hon Portland, 5; Spokane, 9. . ia oe. f ces White Pass Ry. at very small | HANDY MAN FOR HOMES E DE le te Hie BEL RELIES ; PB g me . Vancouver, 1; Seattle, 2. ess, wap. “up! shaped @lecost. For reservations and all 7 P same Pi oneer Cleaners o ‘ = at ce res - = National riarwagcied for a point four sence off} information apply to® Rogers’ SEND FOR FRITZ Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, : an orium: ion : . ~~ ie accompany the minis- Brooklyn, 6; Boston, 5. Carmanah Light, Vancouver 1s-|§teamship Agency, Phone 116. x ten en odie a or z t 9 < » ao . hom " . . . ae Phone 4. 4 . . ers here. ; ‘ Chicago, 1; Pittsburg, 2. aaa 1,492 s to - Pie 132 -160) - arrange your prevent home, dane up Everything in season cooke Philadel phie : New York, 6 Not onee in steaming 18 492 | carpets, see to chimney and stove : hi j ne which i ' i phia, 9, New ork, ©. 4 : pes , pipes or work on the lawns the way you like it. London Cafe. While you wait shoe eee The marquee which is to extend Cindinneti; 81 84. Louts. 8. miles was the ship's COMPS. | eee eee eee 139-tf. F. German's, opposite postoffice.|ton feet over the sidewalk along American changed a single degree. Each], «| CARE OF OFFICES A SPECIALTY Boe ’ ie 4s mit the whole Second Avenue side of] Boston, 0; Washington, 12. day at noon Capt. Guptill took), GRANITE & |] Tents end Hammocks put up and any E. David f Vancouver : : the vessel's position and found kind of little Jobs done. W. FE. ear eE20R, OF YaRCOUVOrs Wm. Manson. Jr., arrived home |the Hotel Prince Rupert has ar- St. Louis, 2; Chicago, 2, that a} aa veld athens * ‘ * is in the city on business. for the holidays on the Prince|"ived and will be put up on Mon-| Boston, 3; Washington, 4. ‘ad 5 ~ ane , Se ae de a hen os * Granite of best quality #*!| FRITZ, THE HANOY MAN a ‘ a straig 6, so , le > 0 | . Cidieores thie morning day. It is made of steel and New York, 0; Philadeiphia, 2. + ee = , sbi a . , |* and thoroughly tested for #| Phone 583 D. G. Stewart and fandily will |Geore ee ee opaque are glass to conform with} New York, 0; Philadelphia, 4. Se ovurr eee a, , ad * sale. Cut stone or crushed #| e s curious to see » res leave for the south Monday morn- Mrs. (Dr.) Evans returned this|the glass in the art windows. It] Cleveland, 2; Detroit, 8. o" ro a 9 : ‘ tl a * rock in quantities, * doiciai hike 5. . ’ . he Senator ar > "ee ¢£ i . » veda scones harvest morning after spending several |'* suspended from chains. Coast half miles Me Cikmenbh: Light. ao . BP, : Te wwe S Venice, 0; Portland, 1. : Se - cng : * Telephone: Green 247 * TS ‘ +t y y he s h. She t ’ é € w oO AT George D. Tite is leaving today | weeks =e ne axe Rev. and Mrs. Melville, of New} Oakiand, 2; Los Angeles, 8. pr oe z oo and night tol, tf * Pres ore ” . ’ i ; : : oa e srtaig >. for Skeena Crossing on a short Household goods and furniture| Westminster, arrived in town to- Sacrame nto, 11; San rranciseo, aE * . ; business trip. . ; : . |nothing. eee eee eee as good as new at half price.|day. Mr. Melville will preach in “FOR SALE ts unc es ; J. A, Kirkpatrick leaves this Crosbey’s Second Hand Store, 839|the Presbyterian Hall tomorrow From the South its, . morning by the G.T.P. for Kit-|Third Avenue. 153-tf]at 41 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. Both Windia. cilia Goue tee anaes for hire, Gasoline for sa © : : a — . . . . le . ‘ ‘ # Je > . a = . = | iad "OOo 0 se, e 7 wa) “ . y a sumkalum on his way to his : Mr. and Mrs. Melville visited here elle r are amongst those] to le. an re o i ail N mine at Kitsuinkalum Lake, The George brought in 200 tons|three years ago and are well cltine on the eae: Prine oe chink “ se ly ; reo = y ews PHONE RED 391 . of general freight this morning. | kyo of wi all. 5 . = ‘ ens nice; oused, ¢ | a =f eer Sabi vevealt. iio = wo { i number of the local George from southern cities to-|Sockeye, Mile 16,G.T. P. Excel CL ASSIFIED ADS. North End of Manson Way Mr. A. M, Manson leaves to- weather in the south hot and dry ee ari ae da lent soil and beautiful location oree red i o a eee Won ie : ae 2 The new tug boat built here for Mr. Call, Mr. Lipp, Mr. W. Ar-| Price and terms arranged, Box — saa hed hort business trip to Vancouver. a il > ne f DOE ( 0 Mr. ll, Mrs. He Mr. |? f Some He will return in ae a week. G. A. MeNicholl, G. Te? In- the Prince Rupert Towing Com- pons po Tints Roth’ nr Gaaee hare Oar. - ane ane | i oe dustrial Commissioner, left . this 5 a , , Seen eee erie CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY : . 4})| pany had the semi-diesel engine|head, Mr. Hodgson, Mr. Carlson FOR REN ode ouse, 6 roo , i ” morning for Edmonton. He will FOR RENT.—Modern house, 6 rooms, near “Fritz, ‘bt Handy Man,” puts : ; alle P > and wife, Mr. Hamilton, Mr, Wry- school, Section 6. Apply J. H Munro, SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM t 4 hat ks, and|e absent a couple of weeks. installed in her yesterday by ; : ; aoe 309 Eighth Avenue East, 147-148 PRINCE RUPERT TO up tents .o ainmocks, es Messrs. Aberberg anc Thomson.|thon, Master Carlson, Mr. L. Gaw. T d d G | NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent, cleans chimneys. Phone 583. Mr. R. W. Heaslik. of Lady.|She is now practically ready to{ley and son, Mr. Todd, Mr. W. L. arred an rave Bath and electric tight, Apply 717|] MONTREAL and return... .141.00 149-159 er : eae aay go into commission. Many local | Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ouphant ae Ce ganem ST. PAUL nd ure. “90.00 sein 6 insite _ = SSIOM. ME ‘f - hg aR sien — : ’ an areatintnnd ice ST. P . and return... . " e ne _ pyapeetr: =. men who are interested in boats} Mr. Finley 8. Sheppard, Miss Cos- neorime Wejeumn and hoard. Clone im; sensoeahie NEW YORK” and. return Yaa.80 Ald. George Kerr left today for) Prince Rupert and will make his have been looking her over at her|tigan, Mr. and Mrs. A. MeDougall, A specialty; no trouble with ae Dee yey Seager: neg lmyssigiaie 2 Other points correspondingly low Hazelton on his way to the home here. Mr. Heaslik is a con- berth along side the P. R. bwuat|Mrs. Nicholson, Mr. Mah Tai, aie ® > FOR RENT Three room cottage partly Crs ee sist, a Groundhog coal fields. He will|tractor and builder. ievse. Miss Nicholson, Mr. Mah Ling, eaks when put on by omeiee *t eee con Paes Princess, Rateo setaneuns take a party in there with sup- OMe AF ee ~ Mr. J. Hodgson and wife, Mr. R oa oe _ ac Kupert Financiers, 315 Saturday noon plies for at least two months’; The Skugaid, belonging to the) Phe Lakelse and Kitsumkalum|?: Trimble, Wm. Manson, Jr., oo F wrinee eae t — time. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Valleys are not the nly places Mr. George Farrnat, Miss Hodg- STEEN, HEBERT & CO. CR SALE ee TA ee S , eee aren ree *s. Geo. Allen, Mrs. Evans, ‘ ; ee - 4. @. McNAB, General Agent arrived in port yesterday from the here str: » ne son, Mrs. . a Prince Rupert ; - : Mrs. Archie McDougall ‘ where strawberries can be grown a . » tidal e Rup POR SALE.—Alredale Terrier Pups, from Corner Third Ave. and Sixth 8 paw and Mes, Archie Mol ougal fishing banks with 47,000 pounds ith success Northern B. C Mr. Prudholme, Mr. Pascoe, Mr. P.O. Box 928 Phone 5 high class prize winning, pedigreed arrived home on the Prince f halibut with success in Northern » &-?]Melom, Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe, Mr. ow em \pply Captain Groves; Phone George this morning. Mr. Me-|' : tae ge The Queen Charlotte Islands are}|Terry, Mr. J. Russell, Mr. F. D. POR ion Gasoline 1 h apy . . ; ‘ 5 . Jasoline Launch, x Dougall has been very ill in Seat_ eee , % ak murauiikin now coming in for their share of | Bason, Miss Gradwell, Mr. Moffat, 9% ft. For pariculars apply Davis tle for several weeks past and has A picuic was held las —_— notice. A sample left at The|Mr. Bowlie, M. G. Stone, Mr. Wal oe eee Ee, ee eee: eee RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0 not yel entirely recovered, but is at Digby Island by members of News office by Mr. Howard Fair-|ker, Mr. Moore, Mr. Gokeley, Mr.| MOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF > “a 2 = = ne for breperty, 96 , ; . . ‘ ’ Soli be gulch, ew a eL ye improving. Mr. and Mrs. MeDou- Methodist Church in honor of the|porn of Queen Charlotte City,| Preston, Mr. C. Braitwaithe, Msr. PARTNERSHIP Everything in ‘good ennatiion. Setea and gall were met at the boat by many|members of the Welsh Choir.{amply proves this. They are}|Malcolm J. Woods, Mr. Collins, ee E rome arranged, Apply Box 138, Dey friends who were all glad to see| There was a good turnout and a}both large in size and delicate in| Mr. I. N. en land wife, Mrs. rnOveaa a BRITISH COLUMBIA, THE COMPLETE LINE of furniture ad-| Civil Engineers ana 8B, ©. Land “er ass . was spe . "e, : Mar aire, M1 _ Shire. 3 0 vertised for sale : them back in Rupert. pleasant time was spent. texture Mary Hilaire M RK. Shire CARIBOO poned tll "Thusrday stp Pe” a Surveyors — - —_--————————nrnan—ee _— eee ld Customs House, near Merryfeld’s. fe Pee Pt Cana nn ee ee i Tenders eas School . - Phone 13 149-145 : —. nOziCe is hereby given that the pari- ee eT Te inpebeniaee, Minas neaen. Whart hershi sretofore subsists between us, aterworks, er Power, : * AIA ICIS IAISIRIIOIISISIOISIIOIOIIOIIOS IO OOOO SSA A SADA DAA SASSI SONS AN I e The school board have awarde: the undersigned a “Mot I Keeps rs and WANTED Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Sur erchants, in a ow ermere, | —————— - \ a the contract for the new public Prtoathy, Stella, Lake Kathiyn and else: ‘ng, Towasites and Subdivisions, Ele school to J. H. Hilditeh, as an-| Where in Northern British Columbia, has WANTED.--Position as salesiady in or|Biue Printing, Negatives and W this day been dissolved by mutual con- = oe ee Rupe ’ - oe pane Prints nounced yesterday. Mr. Hilditeh|sent. AN debts owing to the said part aw 2 i 47 Pa in “ erent Vv be red ee Kit al and j) }hership are to be paid to John J, MeNell| 4°, ¢ SOF PRINS HirCor, "The tel - is now in Hsusalum ane wi at Aldermere aforesaid, and all claims . 50-1 cely sign t as as he re™|4#ainst the said partnership are to be| WANTED Situation as milker tn a dair - ly s = » , soon a soueeneed to ‘the Gla bake .. ettal fe SOE baat imation 90, salle Gatry, McBride St., Prince Rupert, B. ‘ urns. 1@ Lenders were: a saith ns ed _——_— whom the same will be settled. ‘ a¢ ‘ a ’rince . 6 day |}YOUNG GENTLEMAN J. H. Hilditeh $13.300 DATED at Prince Rupert, this 16th THE ae ‘ aT ee ° © BRNIGITON...ccccecoed ’ requires room and [a : == of June, A.D. 1014 board close in to town. Box 64, News vised i ts MOOUIOR ok oe a é be 14,000 LEM BROUGHTON, OMee . pn JOHN 5. MeNEIL. : * : reed B. (. WOM COROT oa 0s 0:0 6:60 we 14,350] witness: irving N. Linnell, DAI LY or seme oa Norther nh Mitchel! & Ourrie ...... 14,600 June 22-July 20 O en ‘pits reine: eS eS 14,850 Same “aedemaces a a wa ne . : f NOTIC rthur mes Knight & Hickey....... 14,973] pigott, of Victoria, B’ ¢., occu ; | * : : e ’ z " . be pation N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Pe 45.052 manager, etens to apply aoe, ovenenon 3 PHONE 35 ; Partially F ished a : "| to lease the following desertbe ands - r 3-Roomied Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of se ae a es Commencing at & "post planted at “high = - % artlally Furnis joo _ a : 7 » i water mar at the southwest corner o ‘ a the city because it is clean and reliable. It hes all Off to Ketchikan tot 407) Portland e. Distr: i ere % Flat; Close In; McBride » ne ity »e j j . Cor,;” thence foll.wing is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events Over 150 Rupert people board, | the high water mark in a Southey direc- 3 Street 4 i i | i t m sare and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- ed the Princess Beatrice last ey ware ee, . wm ee post | AXI ® bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- evening for the baseball execur. | Wet © low water mark, thence following . iain the low water mark in &@ northeriy direc- SANE mism and reliability. , sion to Ketehikan. The accommo- tion approximately 0 chains, to & point at 5 7" : : . ain i wW water mar f a . The Daily News is the most valuable paper to dation was taxed to its utmost commencement; thence due cast Sp. rnt * 7 cmrev advertisers because it is read by the buying public. and more would have gone had |0of commencement, containing 80 scres 3 ‘ : ? there been room. ee. eee ALF HALLIGAN * : IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in Ben Self dressed as John Bull ARTHUR BOl.uss rigor. * ‘I ee fesse ' a + » wity ‘ . 2 4. W. Stewart, Agent. INDEPENDENT OF a ee ean ee ae SOR. 8 and ©, Webber as Uncle Sam,| Aprit 20, 1914. nr | Sathaeeweewhetrrrewetrettt |s ass tues on Payler 8 : advertisers want to talk to. te nat Published May 18 to July 20, : y headed a procession from the SEALED TENDERS INTELLIGENT ao 2 Be) a a i ee ah dl Empress Hotel to the boat and ae Land District—Dietrict of Coast bee nial Furnished t are » excure area vale ender Adresse c 0 Oo cre apparently the excursjonists were Range V. tary will be received at the Exhibition — —-—---—- THE--_--_ --—- — vat to have a big time TAKE NOTICE thar Lancelot Russel] Mice until 19:30 pan. Wednesday, July Thea = ave 4 > Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., oceu. | th Utd, for the construction of an Ex Phe Rupert boys will have lots pation master marine, intends to epply hibition Bullding, Plans and specifications 30.00 of roolers to help them win to-4for rmission to purchase the following|‘*" be seen at the office of the Architect, i; described lands: Commencing at a post|/. “llmore, Esq, Second Avenue ‘ aay. planted ™% mile dittant and in @ northerly Keach tender must be accompanied by F i ee pe direction Trom entrance to small bay “ete : cepted cheque on § erie red bank, tf Skiaki Bay, on the west side of Ste-|!*yable to the order of 6 aden, Beq., Methodist Sunday School Picnic |phens Isiand ‘and adjacent to application! [Peasurer, equal to ten per cent of the Three House Over Hays Oree! The Methodist Sunday Sehool post of H. W. Lees, thence east twenty|*##ount of the tender, whieh will be for ehains, thence south forty chains, thence |'*!ted If the person tendering declines to will hold a pienic at Metlekatia on | west twenty chains, thence north forty | pte! into a contract when called upon ° 3 on sia chains, following the giore line to the’ ‘“o 80, oF fall to complete the work ~~ reer — atten titn> yee es rere etinn emt Monday next The “Thos, Cros-|point | of commencement, eighty acres|°°"'racted for. If the tender be not ae by” will carry the pienivers aud |More or leas eee d =~ on que wih he returned, The a n (| aaaeeee . , | Associaton does not bind ttself to accept > AERA RRERERER REAR RRR RE ee will leave the Government Wharf] LANCELOT nU SSEL WALROND BEAVIS|'h© lowest or any tender ” ” "e pe ecomes ~, ant noo mertsomernar at 1:00 p.m 153 May 9. 104 t BULLOCK- WEBSTER, ’ Published May 26 to July 27. Secretary Recond Avenue.