Wednesday, July 8, 1914 THE DAIL Y NEWS OD ROMs f Os) “aA PRE A oe <5 The National | Montreal won the wr r seventh ¢tra. ithe following to say osse team of leaptein of the Salmonbellies, | LAonosee | easeeane mi ieht game in the Big Four league | We have to defend that i | THE RING | LAWN TENNIS || when a defeated Quebec 17 to|this fall sure,” said Rennie nd FOOTBALL | HOCKEY 1/9 at Montreal on Saturday. They|we've got to be in shape to do it J ffs - — have a bie lead on the remaining | it s almost a foregon: q (ioe a at an ED Wo ills are loa DS om © LS PLS a clubs and will come weat|that the Nationals wiil be he the referees— Get wise — the Minto Cup this fall. after the mug, and none of th lip to Une , ! a return match on ete boys want to give Newsy Lalonde side * : : rsee ae , News -Advertisr Since winning the Mann Uup,, te satisfaction of being Ve ‘ y ; | we emblematic of the amateur la-| world’s championship team agair ight's seen one aa Joh O'Leary and Joe Bayley |. cop championship of the|if they can help it. Th Joes will be cated at 7: ha matched for the Gana world, the V. A. GC. have suceess-|crewds which have turned it a “~ ehiweight championship! rijiy defended the “mug” on six|far have certainly been a disay 4 ; Se ' 1 te 1 by the Daily " Arena on faturday | jccasic ns Including the recent} pointment, but as nobody “ weed | hal é ’ i or ‘canal wi Ritel ild series with Brampton, the Van.|ine much money this year at . ECnIe Cot ’ , o ' a Ave ,iway, the lacrosse players are 1 eish away side ’ : oouve boy hay ru up the j . j W i : Vial “ it oe ] } event of Sir Donald amazing total of 15% goals for to orse off than other people. T! it rounds we title M ‘ ng to remove Joe 2 against Vv. A. C. players are the ones } hands I » the trustee board i cil have been anxious to quit play ilies the M Cup, emblematic of the | In reality Gea A. Steffen and|!"* as practically all the take 1 terrible aan or ld amateur lacrosse cham I rederic Hall Th. 1s fought for ceipts are necessary to pay th free “ a ” S a ks to hip, it is reported the V. A.| the world’s lahtweight chem-|'e" who have received a guar 1 ly . h he la wh have just successfully | sah I aa sents ~ : -" antee.” lish Columbia efended thei le agains i ) posure - i ntaes 7 al oe os Steffen is none other than the A ag me TA acrosse eam e. | imateur lacrosse torn » with thanks jex champion Willie Ritchie, while laska Excursions u“ ut of the rur 7 a sa r rederick Hall Thomas wil] an- 2 ae er ) t » Oo reddie n xe Cet- amateur champion In letter received from|°™ . te the name f Freddie Round wp ~~. to Ket f BA 1) u fo |}Welsh, if you call him that.|chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka ‘ Spring 1e ormer ‘ : we . : ™ West . ee that tt “ chie is the younger of the twoland Skagway on the fine steam- : ler star says na wih : ares ’ 2° “Ars if ac . e . ies mania of * te . ’ jby five year He is 23 years of]... City of Seattle’ and “Spo- I \ eam is almost sure to/age, while the Englishman is 28.], * S of England foot we th Fall otal s ’ 7 kane” sailing every six days ont io _ = , Ae one a owe £32.00 covers all expense , n Monday night wa Brownie Carslake during Evhibition week. Doug- A Vancouver scribe says: It is ae ee A side iy Brighton was the best hey savs that Murphy's agere-| : ; trip Skagway to Summit of the the field rh Australian motorcycle star,| Ht - one ‘i _ qhich ial? yubtful whether Vancouver and| White Pass Ry. at very small 0 rigged out in his leather suit, | d good : praise ait |New Westminster professional|cost. For reservations and all : f England have a steel chain mask, and vthe Dough , lelubs will finish the season. In-|'!”fermation apply to Moggers’ f promising young helmet, which he uses in long vielen te rest in the professional game|Steamship Agency, Phone 116. who will be heard from 0 to 100 mile events . a. tee » he tin iy | Has been waning and the poor at- 132-160 ‘ impe-up Oo ie a "Ss ' the league is over . : jtendance at the games this sea- ele eaaieticingscinlinins ~O = Playing splendid ball the V their cam with the Drydock tet mn is advanced as one of the rea- Norfolk Rooms. Sicam heated, ght the Callies and theltoria tees have climbed nto nigh! will be as follows Goal, | sons for the abandonment.|®ot and cold water. Terms rea- me together in their|¢ rth pos the Northwest J. Simos backs, A. Murray| Whether Gon. Jones will try to/® nable, 6th Ave, and Fulton. e in the league series.jern League and 8. Tt. Maedonald; halves, W./| revive interest in the game is 143tf ry dock team has been omen. G. Dennis, Geo. Abbott and J. h.| problematical. ee a ed considerably, wh le | Al. Hatch. the local wrestler. | Kelly Stewart and PD. Me- 4p When a society girl marries es have a number on the/ will leave next week for Prince|Tiravey, W. A Williseroft, J.| Discussing the professional la_ she imagines that the world is ed list | Rupert where he will meet Sig-| Hunter and Gray. \‘ osse situation, Geo. Rennie,jeclipsed by her honeymoon. MAR Semi-Annual Clearance TIN get away from. Every little record has a meaning of its own, ONE LOT SUITS Regular Price $25.00, for $13.00 To the man who is always on time I take off my hat ‘ONE LOT SUITS Regular Price $25.00 and $30.00 For $16.75 $35.00 and $40.00 SUITS THIS SALE FOR $26.50 Lot Grey Fianne!l OUTING PANTS Price $5.00, for $2.95 One Regular THREE DAYS go and we are going to make those just as good by continuing to throw eut Bargains yeu can’t You want a Suit, Shirt, Underwear, Hat, Tie, Hose, just look these prices over, see what you can save end come in TODAY WILL SOON BE YESTERDAY. GET BUSY! Money is one of the best things going, but it is still better coming HATS Five Dozen $3.00 King Hei», Pear! Grey 90 CTS. if > ona have it done, go if not, send, Twelve Dozen $3.00 KING HATS Black and Brown, for $1.90 “HATS Boisalino Hats, the Best $5 Hat in Canada for $4.00 Blue and White Striped OVERALLS Regular Price $1.25, This Sale 30 CTS. | - Fr of our semi-annual Clearance Sale already gone and they have been good ones. 12 more days to ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH DURING THIS SALE Stop, Look and Listen Hagen and Monarch SHIRTS Regular Price $1.50, for Choose this day who you will serve, the house or the bunch Light Weight FLANNEL SHIRTS Two Detachable Collars Regular Price §3, now $1.65 One Lot $3.00 and $3.50 IMPORTED FLANNEL SHIRTS For $1.90 Twenty-five Dozen Cashmere _ HOSE This Sale D PAIRS $1 God makes opportunities but man must hunt for them, ONE LOT SILK HOSE Former Price 75c and $1.00, for 30 CTS. First impressions count but so do second, third ang last impressions Three Dozen Odd PYJAMA SUITS That Sold for $2.00, $2.50 and §3.00, for $1.00 BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 90 CTS 750 one $1.00 NECKTIES 30 CTS. THIRD AVENUE GPS Martin O'Reilly PRINCE RUPERT ena O’REILLY’S SALE ce, e} with headaches, e} ural 0; know this famous remedy The Won: an Whe Takes the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system free from connie 3 accumulations, is not troubled backs Ac he, languid “we = sufferings. All women who BEECHAM'S PILLS to be the proper help for them. A few doses will make immediate difference occasional use will i cause a permanent improve ment in health and wag. | cleanse the system and purify the blood and every woman who reliea on Reecham’s Pills, — not a _ enjoys aan ao condition, with quieter nerves Enjoys A Clear Complexion Worth a Guinea a Box P red only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire. Patent. "“Peid everywhere ia Caneda end U. 5. America. ta bones, Mi conte vith Absolutely~ Uniform ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR YOUR GROCER SELLS IT Laboratory~ Tested fy INTERESTING Diamond News.. FOR OUT OF TOWN BUYERS On the pages of our CATALOGUE which are devoted to DIAMOND JEWEL- LERY, you will find illustrated a id representation from our stook of GEM SET fashions of the day. You may choose your DIAMOND from these lirustrations and order it by mail with the same satisfaction you would experience in @ personal visit to our store. WE ARE THE LARGEST DIAMOND IMPORTERS IN CANADA We guarantee every Diamond we sell to be perfect in cutting, color Brililancy. See our Catalogue for dainty Wedding Jewellery, and Wed- ding gifts of all kinds. z Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director) VANCOUVER, B.C A. E. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty. Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Mays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 Prince Rupert, B, C, ROYAL BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1869 Gonlted oo vi'nnte val $ 11,560,000 Reserve Fund...... 12,560,000 Total Assets....... 175,000,000 Savings Bank Department — $1 Will Open an Account Branches Throughout Canada and Banking Connee- tions With All Parts of the United States Agents Throughout the World HH. P. WILSON Manager Prince Rupert Branch = ss PEEEEEEEEE EEE EEE EEE EE EER EEE High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steaming and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld AAKAARARAR RARER ERE EE eee + Read The Daily News