“¢ ’ 7 : "~ TT 4 Li » > Tan GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: THe 7 NEWS u Prince Rupert. z/ Paper cohorts be ee ae LEAN RELIABLE ALive ’ made with @ palr of solssors. t , V.. No. 167 PRINCE RUPERT, B, G., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1944. PRICE FIVE CENTS RTIN LEAVES BRITISH POLITICS PERMANENTLY ISH COLUMBIA MAN, WHO HAS SET IN PARLIAMENTS OF FOUR DIVISIONS OF THE EMPIRE, WILL RETURN HOME July 9 Mr don Josephtadopted over certain questions, M.P., will sail on the|notably when he voted against tania on Saturday for Can ithe Government on the “Marconi vhere he will reside perman- | question In this ebnnection he offered to resign his seat and vill remain a member of/| fight on his own account, but re Commons for East St. Pan.|ceived an intimation from the however intil the pext/chief government whip that in il election jsuch a case another official Lib settain amount of fristiah jeral candidate would not be existed for some time betwees brought forward against him Martin and his political} Mr. Martin has held the office fs, and a section of his sup lof Premier of British Columbia ters in the constitueney over/and will no doubt again enter the independent attitude he has | Canadian political arena, VERNMENT WILL NOT PAY EXPENSE DEPORTING HINDUS POWNERS RESPONSIBLE UNDER LAW AND MUST TAKE THEM BACK — GOVERNMENT WILL NOT LET THEM STARVE al to The Daily News overlook the responsibility of the iwa, J 0 That the Gov shipowners under the law t should bear the expenses The steamsuaip ¢ pany, hav i the deportation of g ! ght a shij fi vius on the Komogata Mari gibles to Canada, they atta tod hy their ds, | ek withes mpensat ! ae th gration depa tw t tl i 1 | { i them d A WONDERFUL SHOW BERS GOT $15 IN CASH REGISTER l Master Mind was the b it the Empress hast night ster Found With the Bottom rhis 1 great set of pictures Knocked Out—Ho ind as a wonderful portrayal of Arrests haracter have probably neve been surpassed ton Jul v Phe M Mdimund Breese takes the carried off the cash) yi) le and as the Maste the Northern Hotel!) Mind” does some splendid act Tuesday got very litt rhe story runs as follows: trouble. It turns out) phe little Allen boy is stolen by were only #15 in thela criminal gang and is kept in x. The register was later | thei: power for years, finally he wk of the hotel with the enters manhood in this criminal snecked out and the con | nvironment with the result that one ihe becomes the most accomplish- hotel clerk was dozing ? icriminal ofthe age. The story the robbery oceurred and | follows h through a life of ive a description of the} most astonishing misdeeds uatil oe ifimally his better nature asserts Provineial police are work its if and he endeavors to do all the case Put have made “| n his power to atone for his past ts as yet. rit al life . It is a superb set of pictures Quadra Off Next Month land should be seen by all. I view of the fact that the Fisheries department Inspection of Pressure and s to have all the aids to nay \ direct pump pressure was on the coast theroughly| pul on the ty water mains yes hauled and the annual light ts rday to give a test for the Fire tender Quadra which is| Underwriters Inspector, The ed f an extensive overhaul | pre ssure found a weak pipe in tating considerable repair | the eighteen inch main near Ac- vill not be withdrawn from|ropolis Hill and a small seetion until the latte part of jot the service had to be cut out onth or early August. | while repairs were made CUO UUBIUUUOUOUUBUUBE OBER EEUU AREER ES ALL FEATURES The Magnifoent Productions of ALL FRATURES MOUS PLAYERS 150 100 and 150 ieee "Gaoteoively at thie Theatre 100 and The Empress Theatre TO-NIGHT LAST PERFORMANCE OF Bia FEATURE ATTRACTION “THE MASTER MIND” 5 - In Five Parts ~ who brought PANY, THIS GREAT PRODUCTION 18 BY THE LASKY com out the wonderful “SQUAW MAN” Piotures which were ehowa, on EMPRESS some weeks ago. “THE MASTER MIND” Ie oven @ ws . duction. No one should mise an opportunity \o see these sp IMPORTANT , we Notwithstanding the fact that these magnificent plotures are being ane at advanced prices in the larger cites, we whall 0 e. to our announcement of two weeks ago and w show them at the uniform price of TEN AND FIFTEEN CENTS ALL FEATURES THREE BIG FEAT URE We and 160 see EVERY WEEK - THREE OCIS II III IOI III IO TOR IIA ALL FEATURES 100 and 160 tonne AT THE EMPRESS NEW HEIR TO AUSTRIAN THRONE Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria and his wife. By the murder of Arehd Frede the former, a man of moderate views, vill repla victim as the next Emperor and contribute to I pes There may be complications between Servia { Austria as a Servian student was the assassin. ° INTERVIEW APOSTLE Long Talk With Mr. COL. ROOSEVELT RETIRES magazine management, OF THE PEACE RIVER Messrs. Bowser and Ross Have FROM THE OUTLOOK BURGLARS GOT $1,000 Robbers at Port Essington Took Advantage of Wedding Cornwall Celebration ee Part irs f the robbery at Edmonton, Jaly 9 Hon. W. J Bort Essinzton sami ie Senter. Bowser, Attorney - General of | qay and the loss of cash is est British Columbia, arrived here) mated at £1,000. Sunday ght, in company with On Tuesday night there was a Hon. W. R. Ross Minister of | bie } mn on the ce 7 ‘ native wedding. 1e Lands and others rhe party ’ ‘+ eel aebment wee left later in the evening for the present During the excitement West over the Grand Trunk Pa- irties tered Cunningham's fic, intending to spend the night irried off the smaller it MeBride. tt { safes. rhe intention of the British rt i s put the safe in a Columbia Ministers is to get ac- | beat wl it high tide came up quainted with the country and |almost ¢ ie door of the store people so as to be able to more Phe sa s later beached al a ntelligently deal with the nor-| Point d he reserve shore and thern questions that are o th re rifle stantly coming up at Vietoria One I 1 suspect is arrested Coming north from Calgary on} and thi lice are looking for Sunday, Mr. J. K. Cornwall, the} the othe No money was re famous, apostle of the Peace|‘ wered River country and a former mem be ef the Alberta Legislature, | GRANBY PRESIDENT IN was aboard the train and had a OPTIMISTIC MOOD long talk with Messrs. Bowser at ing hualy 9 er und Ross With the aid of laté | Nichols ( Grenik: Gemndtidaied maps, Mr. Cornwall explained} won ears sMpirsee or sends this word to stockholders sig Mureg Of senems explora- with divide i cheeks: tion and facts relating to agri sonics 06 Sarai ude aie ult i! possibilities of the north ring th wb — ' ~ nev smelter at Anyox are now run- o ning Nat illy some time must STARTLING EVIDENCE elapse before the exact amount AT HILLCREST ENQUIRY |... 04.4 4; r normal output ean be known, but no unexpected dif Hillcres July 9 Startling | ficulties have been disclosed and contradictory evidence is be leither as to mechanical appli ing gmive it the enquiry into the}anees or as io character of the terrible ex| min the coal mine] mpeg on June 19th rhe shipments of copper so F, Aspinall, the district 'N-ifar received are of unusual pur- spector, declared the mine to be | ity and the value of precious very dusty and vaseous The fan netals content exeeeds our ex- ventilation was very bad. Fan | pectations Some tmconveulonce No - had been rev rsed He even and delay has been suftered went so far as to state that it}thrpough the action of the Cana was fair to say such a condition] Gian Government in restricting might have been responsible fou Tiida besaiiods but it is not expect the explosion jed to have any permanent effect Aspioall has been inspector oOf}on our estimated labor cost the Hillerest district for ‘two “Operations at Grand Forks years, He is a resident of Cal-jang Phoenix are proceeding as Sar) usual,” MANY TOURISTS PASSING THROUGH WHITEHORSE New York, July 9 Theodore Whitehorse, July 0 Although Roosevelt has resigned from the | rather early in the seasen, many | editorial staf® of The Outlook, tourists are visiting Yukon, some it was tearned tonight He had|ecoming only this far, while others been a contributing editor of the |@o on to Dawson and many down publication sinee Mareh, 1909,/the river from that point Indi when he left the White House cations for a good tourist travel Lawrence Abbott, one of the| this season are very good proprietors of the publieation, President Dickeson's efforts said there had been no break in| among pleasure.seekers are the pleasantness of the relations|bearing fruit, there being a no between the Colenel and the/ticable increase in the number of Lourists coming north each year, ---CARRIED OFF SAFE) =~ = “WINNIPEG MURDERER | WiLL HANG TOMORROW Krafchenko, Who Killed Bank Manager at Plum Coulee, to Die in Morning (Special to The Daily News Winnipeg, July 9.—Krafchenko the murderer of Mr. Arnold, the bank manager at Plum Coulee, Manitoba, is to hang at seven CONTRACT LET FOR EXHIBITION BUILDING John Currie Awarded the Work —Will Start on Job Immediately At four o'clock yesterday the for the exhibition build- to be built on Acropolis Hill, were opened, and the following tenders read: tenders ing, Knight & Hickey......... £6,969 Mitchell & Currie........ 6,750 eS Ee 6,307 a SE ORIOY cee ccices 5,900 peat OT non b Ub wese ee 5,850 John Currie’s tender-being the lowest, the contract was awarded to him. He will start work imme- diately. The building must be ready for the Fall Fair in Sep- ember. MISSING KARLUK MEN MAY BE STILL ALIVE Captain Bartlett Says Men Took | Provisions for 120 Days al to The Daily News N 9.—Captain Bart ett says he knows nothing of the July report from Ottawa that eight me the expedition crew from the Karluk have perished. (he captain said the men took provisions enough to last for 120 and that while he does not now what may have happened to them, he still believes them safe. The despatch above refererd to reads as follows:— Victoria, July 9.—Word has been received at Ottawa that eight of Stefansson’s party are The men left’ tbe Karluk in parties, four in each of ‘these, \fter the steamer was crushed n the ice neither party rejoined ldays lost, two the main party, whieh set ut later and reached Wrangell fsl- and in safety. Until the relief ship goes to Wrangel Island about the end of the month the fate of the eight will not be known. National Philadelphia, 10; Pittsburg, Boston, 7; Chicago, Brooklyn, 5; Cincinnati, New York, 3; St. Louis, American Cleveland, 1; New York, 7. Louis, 6; Washington, Detroit, 0; Philadelphia, 3. Boston, 2 Boston, Coast 1; Los Angeles, 8. Franciseo, 3; Portland, 2. Oakland, 8. Northwestern men 7. ‘ \. 6 i. st o. Chicago, 4; Chicago, 5; i. Sacramento, san Venice, 2; racoma, 3; Spokane, 2. Seattle, 7; Victoria, 6, Vancouver, 0; Portland, 4, BASEBALL SCORES Tuesday's seores were as fol- lows St. Louis, 2; Washington, 7, \ll other games postponed on a unt of vain, National New York, 2; Pittsburg, 5. Coast Sacramento, 4: Los Angeles, 41 San Franciseo, 0; Portland, 3 Venice, 3; Oakland, 6 Northwestern racoma, 3; Spokane, 4, Vaneouver, t; Portland, 3, Seattle, 10; Vietoria, 13, ANADIAN GOVT. WILL NOT COMPENSATE HI — PT. BARTLETT CONTRADICTS OTTAWA REPORT--PROFESSIONAL LACROSSE ON COAST DEAD PROMISES BEST RUN SOCKEYE — SALMON SINCE SEASON 1902 “So far the salmon fishing on! the Skeena promises to be the best season since 1902,” said Fisheries Officer Norrie this morning “Twelve years ago there was an early run of sockeye and it was the best year in the} history of the Skeena. There is an early run this year. All and three from two hundred to hundred. Spring salmon are running well now, too. They were very scaree early in the sea- son but T saw several boats with 500 pounds each in them. The price is five cents per pound, which makes a nice catch.” There is still a ‘ot of friction on the Skeena caused by the Haysport cold storage plant buy- some FEUD BETWEEN MANAGEMEN OF COUNTRY—VANCOU CAN'T WIN A (Spectal to The Daily News Vancouver, July 9%.—Profes- sional lacrosse came to an end oa ihe Coast for the present. The Vancouvel Athletes te hang uj their sticks for the re- decided the | ever boats are getting sixty on a tide ,and PROFESSIONAL LACROSSE ON THE COAST HAS COME T0 AN END SPRING SALMON ARE ALSO COMING IN BETTER NOW—GOOD SEASON FOR CANNERS AS PRICE OF THE CANNED ARTICLE IS HIGH ing spring salmon from the boats belonging to the canneries, The Haysport company do not equip any boats but buy from fishermen who are equipped from the can- neries. The canneries have a scout boat watehing for fishermen who sell to outsiders and when- one discovered his boat gear are taken away from is him. One feature of the salmon fish ing game which is very favorable to a good season is the fact that the sockeye are still all. outside, which means that the big schools inside are still to come. The price of canned salmon this year is very high again and the canners should all make good profits. T HAS DRIVEN BEST MEN OUT VER PLAYERS THINK THEY ND WONT PLAY mainder of the season last night. The New Westminster Royals willing to continue but the local players asserted that it was impossible to field a team against the cupholders, and consequently would not enter the contest. are SUFFRAGETTES ATTEMPT WRECK BURNS’ COTTAGE One Member of Arson Squad Was Caught in Attempt to Wreck Famous Home Glasgow, July the Robert born, 9.— An cottage attempt at Ayr, Burns, the poet, January 25th, 1759, before daybreak suffragettes. members to destroy where was just was made by militant Two militant prised by women, of the ar squad, were sur- the night watchman in mn the act of placing large bombs against the doors and windows. rhe man captured one, the other escaped, WALKED 25 MILES WITH MAIMED BODY John Creagh, the owner of Brian Born mine on the Rocher de Boule mountain, who met with the aecident on his claim about ten days ago, is in the Prince Rupert hospital. He had a nerve-raking experience, The accident occurred by the explo- sion of a stick of dynamite which had been left in the oven Mr. Creagh was cut and almost blind- ed by the flying debris. One hand was partly torn away, and, while unable to see more than a few feet ahead of him, he walked twenty-five miles to the Hazelton Hospital for treatment It took him twelve hours to make the trip He is now recovering very well and is able to b e about the city, TO TELEPHONE ACROSS ATLANTIC OCEAN “Mr. Marconi able to tele. irnarvon, Wales, to London, July 9 contemplates phone from | being New York, before the end of this yeal was the statement made yesterday by the manager of the company, in testifying before the Dominion’s Koval Commission on imperial communteations It was added that Mr. Mareoni also anticipated inereasing the speed of wireless telegraph to 300 words a minute Launch Ranger Ph. Blue 4060, LIGHT MACHINE WILL BE RE-WOUND Provision Has to Be Made to Take Care of Service Till Hydro- Electric Plant Is Ready It has been decided by the city light department to have the old dynamo in the city eleetrie light plant re-wound and put into com- mission to help out the present plant when the load becomes’ heavier in the Autumn. It was claimed that the city hydro-electric plant would be ready by September first, but this is now realized to be an impos- sibility and some arrangement has to be made to take care of the service until the new plant is ready. There is the old original ma- chine which was used in the first plant. It has been standing idle for the past two years as a dif- ferent voltage is now used. This machine will be shipped to Van- couver and re-wound. The cost will be about $400, The requisi- tion for it was passed at Mon- day's Couneil meeting. Oldest British Subject London, July 9.—Mrs. Rebec- ca Clark, reputed to be the oldest British subject, died at Wood- green, in North London, yester- day at the age of one hundred and ten years. She was a busy needle woman up to a week ago, and had her first automobile trip on her one hundred and seventh birthday. Her recipe for longevity was: Never worry.” AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, OFPICE PURNITURE, CLOCKS, BTC., ETC, Will Be Bold at the LEEK AUCTION MART 4th Street 8 p.m. sharp, Friday July 10 George Leek, Auctioneer,