THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, July « THE DAILY NEWs > THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO, LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EDITOR A ND GENERAL MANAGER HBAD OFFICE Maily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. CG. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Hu. FP. MeRAR, Telephone 98 Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per year. ($5.00 if paid in advance), Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year, Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd S8t., York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co, New London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Trafalgar Square. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rates on application. Grand Trunk Buiiding, Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers DAILY EDITION asectire Thursday, July 9, 1914. The Eastman Kodak Com- pany of Rochester, N.Y., is be- friends of the lo. The people of relatives and cal member's. ing attacked by the American the Islands are justly angry anti-trust legislation. Suit is and only want their chance to being entered to have them show this at the polls. dissolved. The city of Toron- nll to, however, wants them _ to Ww hile there is a good deal quit Uncle Sam and come over of interest taken locally in the to Toronto. The city has of- Queen Charlotte fered them to duplicate their fi€ids. it is evident that there Islands oil resent buildings and ive ‘Gime tax exemption for fifty is even greater interest taken ears and @ general guerantes| Cleewhere. Parties from Vic- y ¥ S toria claim to have . genuine that they will not be molested in this country. Toronto for- gets being a Tory centre that information from London that the British Admiraly will buy Canadi as duet es muck up every available section of reeereursaed - se ie eae land as soon as oil is struck. Peposes — a What this world mean for cans are. The American Prince Rupert is beyond the imagination of almost anyone. Not only would it mean that the trusts better put their houses in order and make peace with Uncle Sam. Canada will fight , oil district would be rapidly Ne ney oo re Witaca| developed, Dut At would alan : a make Rupert a naval base, ng the moment the Liberals which sooner or later it is wee mh power. bound to be. SR If oil is struck on Queen The government press would Charlotte Islands it will not not matter whether Prince Ru- pert citizens are in on the strike as far as reaping the benefits is concerned. The strike would mean a_e great boost fer the whole north and Prince Rupert would get the cream. have the people believe’ that there is the greatest harmony between the people of the out- lying districts and the govern- ment. Reports of discontent on Queen Charlotte Islands re- cently reported by The News were flatly contradicted by the local press. Mr. Goulet, of Mas- set, called on The News and confirmed everything that was said of the dissatisfaction that exists. Not only are the Lib- erals discriminated against but any real good jobs that are to be bad are given to outsiders. This time last year the pre@ent mayor was making an awful fuss about the presence of sal- mon in Lake Shawatlans and the effect of the consequent decaying salmon upon the pub- lie health through the water There are many competent supply. Of course it don't men on the Islands for the matter that this was a regul- position of road superintend- ation over which the city had ent or pre-emption inspector, no control. It was enough in but these are handed over to] it he found a weapon to use Ls —_ se Es ef | Azonts Se roe PAYALT AN THE ATLANTIC Lieut. Porte, who will sail the “America,” the trans-ocean flyer, St. Johns, Newfoundland, he will head for the Izores. This he estimates that it will take him twenty hours. From the ot ¥6s miles, the for whieh 16 heurs will be 523 miles in nine hours. in Spain, a distance he expects to cover ° 2” wd os << McColl a Aiduer ! ee ee |_— Pa. L, 29° soe ———— i lo ROUTE WHICH LIEUT. PORTE, R.N., WILL TAKE IN HIS OCEAN FLIGHT, THE ROUTE ACROSS CST VINCENT has decided that upon leaving is a distance of 1,198 miles, and Avores he will head for Vigo needed. From Vigo to Plymouth, the this on his enemies. What is matter with His Worship year that he himself is in con- trol. Perhaps the reason is he is really only acting-mayor, and that his orders do not ex- clude that reform. At any rate it throws a little bit of light on fire.’ The Empire used that term yesterday with refereace to a brother editor. We always suspected that awful place as the ultimate destination of the Empire's editor and now it is preved out of Holy Writ. speech was read in his “Most of the compan, « capi- tal,’ he said, “is invested in Can- ada, but the depreciation in Ca- nadian investments is the result of monetary conditions all over the world, and not to a failure of anticipations heid out respecting Canada’s natural resources and industrial advantages, Canadian affairs culminated at the end of last September in a difficult and dangerous financial ituation. Since then conditions are slowly} of the and steadily imoroving. I think anniversary of itS) his temporary check in progress The celebra-|w.!! prove the very greatest benefit his_|to Canada. Expenditure is now! the}! an extremely conservative basis throughout the whole coun- castle, a try and we may hope that last- ing lessons wil! have been taught in the of ’ sence. HERTFORD ‘CELERATES THOUSANDTH BIRTHDAY London, Hertford ed thousandth July 7.—The town of last Monday a week's celebration c ommenc- second foundation. tion is taking the form of an torical pageant staged of Hertford royal residence assigned in grounds former in 1304 to Queen Margaret by Ed exercise of economy defeat of the fred in 896, Danes by King Al- “I fear during the months you have last four all heard many LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager 1st Ave. and McBride St. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. Branch Vaerd at Smithers — a = = ee THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED SS, VENTURE Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mi!! Bay, connecting for Aiyansh Fridays at 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. S.S. CHELOHSIN Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- day at midnight; for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at 9 p. m. E 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. 95 THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER AND IVE MADE A RESOLVE THAT NO MATTER HOW HOT IT IS GONNA KEEP on. & BY -E am STUST THINKING ew _— \ Oral mirt- sxmp ~gaure— eo, -— meee | disparaging Statements about the Canadian Northern Railway system and those responsible for it. These statements have been put into circulation by a few pal- try, unscrupulous enemies, The whole affair of the CGanadian Northern been subject to a thorowgh and prolonged investi- gation by the Canada, with the most satisfac. | | has Government of A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATCH FREE| Mr. Alfred Rogers President of the Elias Rogers Co., Limited, Toronto, who was a judge at the Winnipeg Horse show, ward ITI, and now leased by the|®#pital and in the methods of Hertford borough corporation |"! 1. specially im the poet} from the Earl of Salisbury, for|2°Me™ment of expenditure until sixty cents a year. en” . pene ae ectualty | The pageant of eight periods ee eemes ae sit ; fhe man who puts his employs between 800 and 900 stored to the march of Canadian sheatee eae hehehe characters and ends in an apo- development, but we can eay with — en + (ey theosis of Herefordshire and}absolute certainty that within a oe ms bs AD. 08. Sie Hertford town. It opens with the very few years Canada will once a - ~ ? agetnasey, sitting of the synod of Herefordjagain be full of progress and ren ee ware See in 763 and depicts also the later prosperity. @ Wages and puts by savings HORNE PAYNE SAYS CANADA AGAIN FULL OF PROSPERITY PAST DEPRECIATION IN INVESTMENTS RESULT OF MONE. the mayor's inconsistency. TARY CONDITIONS ALL OVER THE WORLD, siidinedtliajasihinjimcticstapiibapinitaaes HE SAYS ond Bible says “Whosoever London. July 8. At the | tory results, Nothin further shall say unto his brother thou) pr itish Empire Trust meeting| peed now be said, but I should fool shall be in danger of hell] held recently, Horne Payne's like to tell you that at ne moment was the money invested in Ca- nadian Northern securities in danger of loss. The Canadian Northern is now certain of im- mediate completion. A shareholder who inspected all the company's Canadian un- dertakings last year, assured the meeting of his conviction of Can- ada's fundamental soundness, Canada was obliged to borrow enormously, he said, if sle was to go ahead. SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE Do not pay your subscription to the newsboy. will call on you, fleial kent in case Our collector and will give of which should be of errors All pay- ments suould be made by cheque. THE MANAGER, receipts for a rainy day cannot aflord to take the chance. He wants a safe investment where his capital is secure and brings him in generous rate of interest. That is the kind of invest- ment we recommend to you in the stock of the Prince Rupert Building & Invest- ment Co., Ltd This com- pany deals solely in Prinee Rupert properties. It used the combined capital of many small investors to purchase city property, im- prove it and make it revenue bearing. The company has no pcid officers, the operat- img expenses do not eat up the profits. It has paid an average of seventeen percent per annum in the past three years. A limited amount of new ‘apital is being taken in at $11 per share. We recom- mend it to our clients. McCaifery & Gibbons THIRD AYE Prince Rupert ri LY a RUNK NAL \C Vancouver, Vict Bteamer Prince Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert TO EASTERN CANADA and UNITED 8.6. HENRIETTE carries rough Por full particuters and ei! informat Tri-weekly Service OO eg, to eam. George leaves Prince Rupert oe > ee Rupert leeves Prince Rupert Low Excursion Rates good return until October 3141 THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Mart Block, Third Avenue, Pron. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES oria and Sea) pLepaevad MONDAYS « FRIDAYS « lv. Prince Rupert TURBUAY®. zs «D> STATES On sale until Bepre 30th freight, gasoline and ex plos! ve jon of interest to travetiors, « > ema ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY | rooms: « Theatre to 1ip m@ dialiy imvited Second Avenue, Opposite Emp Rooms open from 8 4 m Visiting Scotamen are « 8. D DENNIS, Secretary MACDUNALD, CHAS President | MARTIN & M'GOWAN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Brick and Tile Work Estimates Furniened Phone Blue 328 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING | COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Mede Roofing Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 Satisfaction guarantees JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on Moving Bulidings Phone Black 294 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite t, Federal Block PRINCk RUPERT, B. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1655! A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave... Mane: HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 4°) Phone 525 DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, ‘UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANEFER AND STORAGE Scuth Wellington Cosi VHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE 116 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER H. JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 LUMBER COAL ‘sited Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME Li'MBER CO., Limited Beal Cove Phone 186 GOSH SCOOP- ITS IN THE sHape' SOME tor! fi ‘Summer’ 8 Set Bines Ue Hot--Some are re Cool-Some | are Not HH} Ht Ll AS a\ | N rill Tin wh AW ” HNN} Por rates for hall rent apply secretary.) NEW WELLINGTON COAL 0, n Way Second Ave. near McBride : + Gantt Bik., —, ee Avenue 0 Bor 6) J APERH ANGI AINTING OLISHI VG AND WALL TINTING lite! Martin Swanson Second Avenue, New Wellingto Cod j The favorite Household Cos hone 554 hear | ie Cleanest, Brightest, Bes Rogers & Aibert, Becona Avenue FURNISHED Agts Phone 1% | APARTMENTS — in two and three-r: lJ. BE. DYER, Phone Black 3% Wee ee Phone 174. Box #% FOR a —_ HEATING SMITH & MALLETT Largest stock of Pipe sort «# Vancouver, Crane Valves and ™ tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave., Head of Second firm Prince Rupert 0. Oo. STUART Accountant B08 2nd ave. ot Prone ® PRINCE RUPERT, &. © | Alex M. Manson, B.A W. E. Willtape. WILLIAMS A SANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eu MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prin e% B.A.LLI Heigerson Block Office corner 2nd PACIFIC CARTAGE L! nD Paci 1 Genera! Cartage | LADYSMITH COAL . Street ap Successors 03-—Pnone 63 week, dws ®. O. Box 203 Prose OF P. ROBERTSON ——— | Chartered Accountant | Audits, investigations, Agjustmen's, Lie ! @ations and Assigniren'> | wenien ae ees Ave, *rince Rupert. BE ROYAL BAKERY Sucessor to Knott's Formerly known as Clift BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY We deliver to any part of the “ Third Avenue Phene oe Repairing Quickly Dene COW BAY PHONE hid Architect near McBride >'ret 2nd Avenue, SUGA & MORITO CONTRACTORS FOR BOAT 8.)LDIN Of Every Description—-Ale Repaire For Prices, Particuiars, eto, Ap») Drawn ME tor \S RIGHT! SOME ¥ T stu. WNSIST WHar It'S NOT . ad for The Daily News by “I! | WOT,