Thursday, July 9, 1944. THE DAILY NEWS —_— —— —— —_— - — = — — ee ay * Seeuey Oe a Ee LIEUT. PORTE, R.N., PREPARED TO DEFY THE MIGHTY DEEP «| OR A TAXI: GENERAL NEWS NOTES : _ Salada, ! weccccceccccoces Ce WwoMmaii oO lakes The new French loan of 84° the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system 000,000 has met with a favorabl free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled 7 reception and has been over-s with headaches, backache, languid feelings, ed scribed ural sufferings. All women who havo * * * 1960S RUPERT AuWS SS The London Hospital CREAR ETHER RE using a fine instrument th fetect the electric cu “ . aes ae the ‘thea, know this famous remedy to be the proper help for them. A eee ~~“ few doses will make immediate difference and occasional use will ° cause a permanent improvement in health and strength. They A sum of $124,999 cleanse the system and purify the blood and every woman who ummer giver bey Sir James Cai*) ) relies on Beecham’s Pills, not only enjoys better physical es , +t we “sat condition, with qui jeter nerves and Leichter spirits, but she CLOTHES women so | Emjoys A Clear Complexion tion hy Not Have the BEST? the ae ee Box ; ham. Lancashire, Radend. See Us at Once But two weeks married, cv 7 oid tonite le Ganede ced U s. commen c= ven = Blair, of Chatham, aged 21 died from acute indie SWEDER BROS., shortly after eating his in —_ ailors to Ladies and Gen- fast. ee tlemen i The gates of one of the loeks | Absolutely~ Uniform of the Welland Canal wera ws a SS shipped by the wash from 4 $ y AR: steamer that was passing through “a OD — the canal. SEEDS! SEEDS! \ LIEUT. PORTE, INA LIEUT. PORTE, RN, £ — The aie ‘ie parish of | ve received our 1814 Spring 190 H.P. DEPERDUSSIN Midhurst has turned the vicarage Seeds JN LONDON. . into a building for the purpose LD, GARDEN, AND é - |of offering lodgings to the poor FLOWER SEEDS oe er See at two cents s we. Agente for as DOMINION NURSERY & pa ‘ADAM ATE THE APPLE Montreal was visited by 100 members of the Pilgrim Publicity ORCHARDS CoO. INDIANS AND WHITE | AND EVE IS INNOCENT Association, who recently par- Dealers in Feed of aii kinds | ticipated in the Advertising con- — vo fey MEN IN BIG FIGHT | Recent Tablet Discovery Upsets | vention at Toronto. Mall orders promptly attended to the Age-Old Doctrine of * * * : The Powell River Dominion Day the Fall At a loss of $60,000 the steam- ' ’ rince Rupert Feed Co. Celebration Scene of Fistic sa er Manistee was burned at Ferrys Third Ave. Phone Black 268 Encounter Philadelphia, Pa., July 9—J]Burg. The boat was anchored at eas |Only last week Dr. Stephen Lang-|the time, but many who were on ibaelitentina The Dominion Day sports and |don, of Jesus College, Oxford,|it had to jump to save their lives. celebration at Powell River was jstartled the world and upset tra- So S48 ° : as a gener: i ditior f existed for aecns The presence of mind of a ade lively this year by a general idition that had exis p nce Rupert Dairy or Salat the whit and the of time by announcing thet Adam} vaudeville singer, who continued gh e ee » es f U a 4 / . : Phone it LIEUT. PORTE and not Eve, ate the forbidden|to sing in the dark, prevented a Geeen 252 s Indians who gathered together to Ay HIS AVIATION CLOT -« |lapple. As his authority for this|panic when lightning blew out a Holstein Milk for Babies take part in the games, and the —- i Se lremarkable announcement, Dr.[/fuse in the Griffin Theatre at specially Bottled spectacle of the noble red men T atiant . ; foot mentioned one of the|Chatham. . rans antic airmatr eaiizes ‘ ablets »} to the Nip- * * * being knocked down like nine pins jclay tablets belonging TESTED cows emg knot shee daniaieal that it will be no holiday trip, lpur’ collection of the University In the annual sham fight be- YOUR GROCER SELLS IT n invitation is cordially ex-|°" cep aaa snstirinsioi: : and will avoid all avoidable). ¢ pennsylvania Museum which|tween the troops of Oxford and ‘ fed to the citizens interested|»y eye witnesses as one of the risks, as the promoters of the | 5,4 succeeded in translating after |Cambridge Universities the nspect the dairy premises} prettiest scraps that has been} enterprise do not desire any | voaps of effort. Prince of Wales showed himself ng the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 aeen on the Goast for several loss of life As a British nav i nfortunately, Yr. Langdon|to be a_ splendid soldier, and nesdays and Saturdays when | moons. al officer Lie ut. Porte has had/nog only half of the clay tablet|marched miles with his troop. Laboratory~ Tested ng operations are being con- The trouble started over the a good deal of adventure, hav- to work upon, Consequently his * * .. ——— Cnn} od. “ob a . , ing had ne submarine @X-ltranslation was incomplete. Gen. Ramon Fraustro, presi- tug-of-ar between the white , ns = p I , men and the Indians. Two hun- eee © was chosen Seas Now comes an announcement|dent of the commission that in-}, dred lh dians from Sliammon re a long list of airmen to the University Museum|vestigated the death of William —_—_— . arve had ntithennt to take part the airship across the Atlantic} tating that the missing half of| Benton, has disappeared, and is Church Services - in ilie : ae ng nd when the owing largely tu wm ed the clay tablet coneerning the |believed to have been shot by|f ———E : os ee A the mind and body, an¢ PGUIPPed | aood the escape of Noah and the| General Villa as the result of his = team of white men pul od the " as he-te with sitet hee all ’ + dee ie ie: tana repess. INTERESTING FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH red brothers all over the field, ail a tie) seetea te nan, ‘ i a Services every Sunday in the t} grew very surly and w-orgse oa - : among the many thousands of » enim, anit ob Ua — lOne man indeed started to fight : rte has bongs eotes- as oa tablets in the Nippur collection After being knocked from his a ee a oe l-icht away. but was auieted by nore careful and successfulj/conoiars who have examined it|bicycle by a baby wagon, run es a “s I Pron inoial ¢ mat able s. Ma shall airman on either side of Uhe}.a. that it will eause another|over by an auto, the four wheels . a an } vine sonstab : ai « Atlantic. : - - r of the car ags e hi i® FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH : ‘ sensation and supply the inform- ar again passing over his | whe s ove oO Ve Anda to ensation @ ipp!y COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVE pi ren te ation that will establish for all|body when the motor was backed FOR OUT OF TOWN BUYERS Services every Sunday st 1) °° wae » innocence Bve ¢ up, Cecil Chamberlain, a 9-year- 730 : on t ‘ . stable Mar- time the innocenee of Eve and ’ } gt ae ‘- en, Mt this juncture Constable Mar-| WRECKED IN THE WHITE init or Adams A copy of the|vld Gall boy, was plsked up Bible Clase 2.80 p.m. sha Per, eee. doe ee arte ie tee : . Dr.| without a broken bone, : On the pages of our CATALOGUE which are devoted to DIAMOND JEWEL- EV. W. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor vears service as a trooper in the AND BARELY ESCAPES en : Eee seen % Dr. Saree , ae —— LERY, you will find Illustrated a spjpndid representation from our etock — — R. N. W. M. P.. suddenly spied : Lanedon in England. : . of om oe the 7 You pn Hage your DIAMOND from THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH od ai » Indian tue-of-ws -- -——— : Te ee these Illustrations order it by mail w same eatisfaction you SIXTH AVE.AND MUSGRAVE PLACE —. ‘o oe . a aos Staker of International Claim Has TO DRYDOCK RAINBOW What everyone should know : would experience in @ personal visit to our store. Services every Sunday at 1 a we ee ne ee Thrilling — in People of discriminating taste WE ARE THE LARGEST SUROND WIPORYER® ™ ennaDA am. and 7.20 p.m. unday ed twelve months ago ile o io a i We guarantee every Diamond we to perf cutting, color conan ee Ome his way to serve a sixty days sen- inside Canada’s Pacific Defender to Get |@'"° “ the G.T.P. Cafe. ous Brilliancy. Gee our Catalogue for dainty Wedding Jewellery, and Wed- Vv. MR. DIMMICK - PASTOR tence for drunkenness. Billy has Dawson, July 9.—-George Nel- Overhaul For rent: Furnished house Oe T. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN cHuRcH [[@" @nviable reputation as bi ane bon, ‘who Age veluened Sxpap tee nderstood that arrange.|°l0® it until October ist. Apply a oe Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place man omens a or “ at a head of the Sixty-mile was wreck- It is unde = at arrange-|\ Law, Fifth Ave. and Young had to live up to, an he pt ) me arviments have been eompleted to ‘ a . . e senile dain ae tn thn vidie nae the balintnrs i St., or Law-Butler Co. 154-449 H. B GS So ] ted coon anhe | 80. oun a fight. He proved an easy vic- aka tat ‘ene ar hie life, | float the Canadian cruiser H. M enry Ur Ss re ns, tmt \exntnt ton Da tee tim for the constable who yee He staked the famous interna-|©- §. Rainbow into the Esquimalt Wee ee ee . ay _— oa ae | . ceeded to sit on his man om tional claim on the Sixty-mile in|asin w thin the next day or two 000 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSM! IS 4. m. handcuff him when a number of the winter, and went back in the|for her annual overhaul, Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directori VANCOUVER, B.C EV.G.A. RIK - - - RECTOR the Sliammons jumped into the saci A represent He finished The actual date for the v7. ‘Have Learned to ? Pannen fray to secure the release of their |”' 3 on re ft th his}decking of the warship has ni \ th SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ' lon work and was On @ rarl with ce ‘t. -but. #2. ae ticip - sam ae -aEEEREE eens Granville Court er dogs, sleigh and outfit en routesPeer set, bul ft IS anticipated | y da ‘a The attack on the constable to Dawson, when he was wreck.|t!at she will be hauled out either | Sueeey, aT,” out’ was the spark that started the ad it al co distance below the|tomorrow or the early part « ¢| in One Hour PORE a 24 bp - o day ‘P*hool, 1:3¢ p. m trouble. The white men ran to/®? * *" : tek eel tan residen earce, Manag Weee gizns sersieeg, lee . . | and be aon starting point He swam seven- K . | day, nesday, urs the eonstabie 8 aid anc g ‘ a : 4 ne 'welve months nave elapsed aay and Saturday. - : a swans ak Ge five yards and made shore, af- nee the Rainboviinae lent ° _ | Without Lessons or Knowledge of * THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH a. Sone rs he saved the raft and}*!hee She ham me SASL PlAac- Music Anyone Can P' the 2 ter which half the white men on the field ; ed in the graving dock, and ons - ~ the load. The dogs also swam ‘ were engaged in a general fight rn shen pcr ep Beanie she has been swinging at anchor Piano or Organ in One AND DOOR COMPANY LTD PERERERER EEE EEE EERE EH ; he —— . a oa . Fortunately Nelson had left i. I aqnimnen a since net) w . i ? e fighting is by wrestling except] ..nlies in camp and he re-|time her hull is badly in need o endertul New 2 That Evee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM where they can pick Up & @bab, (0°? SuPrlice in camp and be re-py ion Ghiid Gan Use. Manufacturers . . turned and got a dry outfit with i a lasted no time before the piston- which to come to town. His claim While the cruiser is on the CIROUIT NO. 1. like punches of the white men, comprises 500 feet on the Cana- |Stocks her bottom plates will be ®ox 125th St. and Sra Ave and they went down like nine- Rian mide and 1900 mirthe Atari. scraped and painted, and it is | Box 186m Bt. aud 3rd Ave. pins can, both being staked right on|Probeble that her tail shafts will | Box 14—-8th St. and 3rd Ave. be drawn. The Rainbow will oe- Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Specialty. Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B, C, all he e and being contiguous Box 15——Junction of ist, @nd end Alaska Exoursions “ 7m . a ne i . . a eupy the basin for at least three | Sra Aves, . . He reports encouraging prospects : | Box 16-181 Ave, between Sth andl Round trip excursions to Ket- and says others have staked near |®#)S _ - ————_—_—__—_——— 9th Sts, (Knox Hote}.) » him The boundary erosses 20 ee ao Bou 17——~18t Ave, and 7th St. (Cen chikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, caine fom the beediet die: nivel LIPTONS CAN SELL NO tral Hotel.) and Skagway on the fine steam- Nelaon shot a giant bald eagie MORE GOODS TO ARMY GIOUIT:NO. 2. ers “City of Seattle” and “Spo-/near the boundary. It measures iin : Gon 22-3rd Ave. and Sra St kane” sailing every six day8./seven and a half feet from tip to London, July 9.—Baron Lucas, | ; we TTD WP 7 (Post OfMee.) £32.00 covers all expense. A side tip. He brought one of the huge|® representative of the govern~| HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1869 Bex 88-—8rd Ave, end McBride 6t trip Skagway to Summit of the]ejaws in with him for a souvenir ment, formally angegnens im the | Mo Venemmsho met o nmemete @ambted sass ccccces $ 11,560,000 Box 24-—ist Ave. and McBride St White Pass Ry. at very small . s House of Lords today that Lip | She~"'l couldn't; I'l py ae Reserve Fund...... 12,560,000 Box 86-2nd Ave. and gnd St a ae iid d all tons Limited had been removed | by the wonderful ‘Easy Method Music.’” Gen Mivctind Aue. ond Gm Ot jcost, For reservations and 4!) @.7.p, MUST TAKE UP on the Alek nt eblitnatinen that Total Assets....... 175,000,000 Box 27--0. T. P. limformation apply to Rogers LEASE BY OCTOBER" (he st OF contraptors To rtment — Account x a 0 ae She Meridia: hee a ettliae il oe! ease Savings Bank Depa nt — $1 Will Open an SIROUIT NO. 3. | pease p Ag ’ 132-460 ? as -" 7" ' his step was taken as a con. | pur expense, We will teach you to play Branches Throughout Canada and Banking Connec- - Ottawa, July 9 1 «retire . , : the plane or © and s W ar j Box 81..5th Ave, and Fulton 3t 3 Ai eM “EA th sequence of the recent seandal in eeu until you cai "i oe a oe ul With All Parts of the United States . P | nen o Major PORAPE ‘Om e | musical @enius rom — = ae —_ ee | Wilson's New Suit ? 7 a _ jconnes tion with the army can tomentadl '@ wonderful “8 Sia Sherety any” any- Agents Throughout the World Bun 3 bm os "oe cones Ave Commissionership of the National }ieen contracts, for whieh several in one hour With" his new method you H. P. WILSON = = = Manager Prince Rupert Branch Bes 88-8 ies and Datao PA Washingt luly @ Presi- Transeontinental, as reeently re-jarmy officers and civilian em Gon} Reve t know pee pote trom another. le . as imit . . . wn . . : ‘e mn an ur © rac ou can Box 88 4th Ave, and Thompson St. 7 | lent Wilson can keep cool now ported in The News, marks the]ployees of Liptons Limited were | Binying your favorite musle with all the cirou 4 ee es tI practical completion of the line,|convieted on charges of receiving Mie iSvecting te en eens, 8 well. —— " : , IROUIT NO. 4. ino matter what the weather Maylang on October tst, it is under “ e bribe child can now master musio with: Box 414th Ave, ond Emmerson #| ‘ohive Siena a : rf ; ‘a ek ae undor- and siving bribes rt tue lon. Aino TAMA WIEBORE COC. | aU URE EULER Rn rl be Representative ) sloor mat the Grand Trunk Pa method on @ free trial merely by asking, * ’ Bon 42—biIh wwe, and MeRride St South Caroline today presented|cific will be called on to exereis« Empress Bodies Recovered pimoly prise 2, Ss peor it Plumbin Steamfittin Box 485th Ave. and Green St jibe chief executive with a suit Of fits option of acquiring the line . - the Prince Rupert Dally News. - , vt FREE TRIAL Box 44.41) Ave and Bast) St lclothes cially lesigned foriby lease. Sox 45-—Tth & Ererte. a j Quebec, July 9.—The diving and sheet metal work ve. and ‘ eathe it marks the in. Arbitration will likely be ask-lerew recovere . e «| The te syste: i Son 140-70 Ave, end Young 8 a - threes justry injed , Supe rocoveres mae mare bodies | ecee of aaasio will than ber sont te pee . stitution of a new industry ijed to determine the total cost, inifrom the Empress wreck today ree, all char Prepaid and absolutely at fair prices estern . (ee hen et eee eee eee OR | Bye nes’ district, the manufacture |respect of which the rental or in-}/two men and two women One ey dhoroughly peave te taut ere, n duck terest will be paid at the rate of|of the women had jewels on her ‘teimed for it, then if you are satisfied, | @® kes settee ee kt tee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee ee send us hee and ene dollar @ month wu three per cent for fifty years.| fingers, otherwise there would be | 40 1nallis paid, ‘Ifyou aro nob di deli ted : Norfolk Rooms. Steam heated,/Nefusal by the Grand Trunk to|but little chance of identification vata fund, hack a, seven, aye wil! be ADVERTISE IN I hot and eold water. Terms rea~|lease the line would mean its be i " Ofre Be cemenlnes OO ied s | sonable 6th Ave. and Fulton, ing taken over by other interests We buy and rerve only the best) fou Digno Ce organ, Bost off a ea e ews HE DAILY NEWS | 143tf or by the Government itself. the market affords. London Cafe | Ais. 7 Henay Motiv” Mata Oa