THE DAILY NEWS Try ‘Smith & Killas’ ice cream, G. row on a business trip south. . . . Grossman is leaving tomor. All of our pattern hats $17.00 values are to go for $3.00 up to during Demers’ Sale. 157 . . . E. FE. Gotfectionery sells high class ice cream in bricks; also pure candies. 155tf. Chance to win a 97-piece din- ner set for nothing See Wal- lace’s windows. 156tf * . . Household goods and furniture as good as new at half price. Crosby's Second Hand Store, 839 Third Avenue. 153-tf * Furnished house, Apply and Young 154-159 For rent: close in, until October ist. W. M. Law, Fifth Ave. St., or Law-Butier Co. . ‘ sale com- morning, July 10. and windows | Everything | 157 Demers’ eight-day mences Friday Watch the papers for special bargains. priced for quick selling. * . Fishing off Langara Island has not been successful up to the present on account of the high winds. The fish are now com- mencing to run in large numbers. . * * The new freight warehouse on the west wharf at the drydock plant has been completed. This will be used to protect freight ar- riving by boat which might be damaged by weather. Three more cars of material for the drydock came in this week over the G. T. P. from Winnipeg. They left Winnipeg on June 15 and were in bond, being released here. The first 25 ladies making a purchase of #1 or over on Friday, July 10th, will receive a ticket entitling her to one dollar's worth of merchandise during the sale at Demers’. 157 = * * The launch Polaris is acting as mail tender between Masset and Naden Harbor in place of the Jdsephine. Capt, H. Edenshaw is arranging to purchase or build another launch. * A meeting of the board insur- ance agents with Mr. Sealey, the representative of the B.C. Main- land Fire Underwriter’s Associa- tion will be held in the Board of Trade rooms this afternoon. Ald. Geo. W. Kerr, who an- nounced that he was going into the interior to do assess_— ment work, is in charge of a go- vernment road gang working on the Kispiox valley trail. He will be busy at it for several months. . * . It is doubtful whether the In- dian brass bands of Masset and Skidegate will take part in the contest at the Prince Rupert fair. The fishing season interferes with the practices of the bands- men, who obtain their living by trolling for salmon off the isl- and, says the Q. C. Islander. Both bands will continue practicing next winter and will take part in competitions during 1915. some Local News Notes PPPOE ES SS ES BRD Herrera re have invited the local club te play/arranging for a public meeting s wt Tse there on Labor Day. It has not|to be held in the Empress thea- Messrs. Frizel, Mason and Cur- yet been accepted. tre on Saturday evening, when|'S came in from their pre-emp- , a when Hon. W. J. Bowser and | tion on the North Beach for the The steamer Spokane will be inj Hon. W. R. Ross will address the Dominion Day celebration, northbound tonight. She has a|eathering. The date has not been oe Sa large crowd of tourists aboard|definitely decided until the min- Admiral Kingswell will visit the and is due here at nine o’clock.|isters are heard from. They are Queen Charlotte Islands during eae touring the interior and are ex- his tour of the North. He is now The baseball boys are endeav-| pected here Saturday. engaged in inspecting the fishery oring to arrange a trip up the piassnininsi protection — | - line for a series of games with NOTICE a the Hazeltons and Smithers. The ——. _ The wrecked hull of Henry date has not yet been fixed. > ae ae 2310, will have a Edenshaw’'s burned launch, the ae. 2 Social Meeting in the K. of P. Josephine, was towed from Del- Mrs, Frank Martin came up on| Hall, at 8:30 on Saturday, the|*#tl#h to the reserve last week the Rupert to join her husband} !tth, inst. All members are re- oe 7 . : Ts here and the two ieft last even-| duested to attend on that night. ing for Stewart where they will | Lodge wiil open at 7:30 p.m. for All of the halibut schooners spend the sumer. Mr. Martin is|degree work. 156-9) and steam craft that formerly a well known mining man. Pete Sigurdson, the champion | S@tisfied a man’s hunger. Swallowing his pride never yet wrestler of British Columbia, left on the Rupert last night for Granby Bay where he will meet | Cale well in a contest tonight. The L3BULS HLXIS LOE Rupert boy is expected to win. . . * | . Our anniversary—four years 09 ALTVTY LTH q105 of prosperous business in “Rup- ert” and, to celebrate, we are giv- | ing four days of REAL BAR- Aquedoud siy3 GAINS. H. 8. Wallace Co., Ltd. 156tf 07 @S0/9 |10 soy Bulog . . * | The G. T. P. steamer Henriette broke a tail shaft a fow days ago M33M IX3N SLO ALdid and is now en route to Victoria for repairs. She is travelling with only one screw. It will be a AVQOL 9$2 couple of weeks before she is back again. Petree (¢ | 388 4X3N 3HL 3yO The Misses Maude and Mar- @ garet Hunter of Los Angeles, § “38 Ml 139 ‘ONIdwne st were callers at the Daily News The young ladies are QNVISI WYHVYD yesterday. monotype operators in their home city and are now on a} NO HOOLS 110 round trip aboard the Prince Ru- —- pert. They were very much in-| terested in Prince Rupert and the | progress of the printing art in| 110 wes: Tl0 _ 110 this north country. . * * REA AAAE AEE EEE IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT NEWSPAPER — SS for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every bome in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city beeause it is clean and reliable. It hes all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. _ —— DAILY NEWS RARAARARRAERER AREER RRR AeA ARATE RATER fished on the west coast of Van couver Island are now on Hecate Straits, having found that the fishing banks of the south have been temporarily fished out. * o 7 Rev. Dr. J. G. Spencer, of Skidegate, has been transferred |to Port Simpson, succeeding Rev J. H. Raley J. H. Young has] |been named as teacher of the In- 'dian day school at Skidegate, in |place of A. C. Brown, and R. H Cairns, formerly of Chilliwhack, jhas been appointed inspector of |Indian schools for the Provinee Sith lilielcitiinciiadiiieciiliia | See the sale goods. Wallace's windows, 156tf. P.e. Box 1704 ‘SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE Hot and Cold Running Water in ali Rooms Only finest brands of Liquore and Cigars kept THE GEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHC Hotel ; Directory |$ Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth 81 WwW. & Wright, Prop. First Avenue and Seventh St. European and American Plan GWOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Nintb European vine, tes bOc to 61.00 r Beener & Besner, Props. 4. Y, Rochester Vv. D. Casley Third Ave., Between Sixth and European Pien, GO to 61 Per Day BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO, LimiTEeD Second Ave. and Sixth 8 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00. LimiTeéo Praser end Giath Sts Phone 7 s ‘it Ree et ee | gic? 90 Sonar ees On 4 * ; Now Thing for Rupert : > * QUEEN CHARLOTTE NOTES *| BANS VIVAL sate * Corsets made to measure. * coos | leh ar Teves eaeeeeeeeeed ION POMEL * setiere, from London, Ens. * ‘ eae Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|* land, has opened a corset * The Masset school closed for et) Phone 4. tf|* parlour. Customers can se. #}!he stynmer holidays last Friday. ef * leet their own materials and * nee ? honor oer — oo LINKING UP VANCOUVER Worth going to see: the sensa-|# have them made to fit per- # gained by Clarenee Martin for TH MAIN LINE OF @.T.P tional values now on display in|* fectly on six hours notice * proficiency; Dorse Prosser, for wi TP, Wallace's windows. 156tf|}* at very reasonable prices. * punctualily and regularity; and Splendid progress is being ae © * Only best English mater- #| f° deportment, merited equally made on the convtruction of the Special price on Braid’s Best]* ials used. Fit and style are * by anoen roe Vee: Sevesi™ : Railwe Tea. Phone 572, Fuller's Groc-|# guaranteed. Corsets of any # and F rancess Hughes, which was|Pacifie Great Eastern Railway, ery. tf}* make neatly repaired. 7419 #/¢°awn by Wiola Davies which will link up the man Hae nai © * Sevond Avenue; Phone 477. * ye ae . of the Grand Trunk Pacifle at Rain or shine it will be worth|* as7tr * Ernie and Bert Wearmouth Prince George with the city of your while to be at Wallace's|*### eee s #908 # # # #/were in town for the Dominion iow’ sale. 156 tf. ae ~ a Day Celebration Vancouvel © * ” Onite a number of settlers are vio gus Decile Grom See & Contractor J. H. Hilditch has|coming into the north countrs Mr. A. Goulet left on Tuesday}at the persent time operating & twelve men‘preparing the site for|now. This week some half dozen|fer Prince Rupert and the south|.upurban train service betwoen the new Borden Street school. land seekers from California have |°" business in connection with @) North Vancouver Ferry landing a come in and gone into the inter-|2UMmber of oil leases he holds On} at Londsdale Avenue and Dunda New Metlakatla, Alaska, In-Jior. There were also a couple of the West Coast. rave, West Vancouver, a distance dian baseball team are trying to| Minnesota ranchers who went up| v - 7 ¢ of five miles irly next month get a game with the Rupert nine.|the linelooking for grazing coun- H. 8S, Irwin, chief forester for they expect to extend this service dae: eagr iry with the idea of putting i, | the Skeena District, arrived atl), propsesh Bay, about thi Dry goods cheap, quality goods | stock. jnoon today on the Leila R from|teen miles from the ferry land at sincere price reductions. Wal- Spi Sa Rupert, Mr, Irwin willling, They are aiso at the present lace’s Sale. 156tf It has been decided to have|SPend the next ten days or sO0}{ime carrying iraMe between ee 6 Ketchikan ball team. come to|#"eund the inlet on business in}squamish, at the head of Howe Never before, perhaps never|Prince Rupert on Saturday, iy ean with his department./Sound, and Cheakamus, a dis again, will you get such bargains|18. They will probably bring an Miss Irwin and Miss Sullivan a¢-ltance of about eleven miles as are going at Wallace’s Sale.J/excursion with them. Return|®®™panied him. The track on this latter sec- 156tf.| boats leave on Sunday and on A EN tion is now being extended nor oe. Monday. Owing to this game the J. K. Anderson,’ of Tow Hill,|/therly. Grading between the end A sketch of the new Clapp ho-| games with New Hazelton's|™!!! open a brarteh store in the}of track and Lillooet, where the tel to be erected on Third Avenue|will be arranged for tne Thurs- Smythe Block shortly. line crosses the Fraser River. one is on exhibition in McCaffery &|day and Friday of the week fol- oe Be hundred miles north of Vaneou Gibons window. lowing. Twenty boat crews of Masset) ver, is practically finished, but on eek, aoe Indians left for the Oceanie Can-|acecount of unfinished bridging it Old Hazelton baseball teams The Conservative executive is|ery on the last steamer. is not expected that track will be FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH --- CLOSE IN $30.00 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF i PARTNERSHIP PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, COUNTIES OF ATLIN AND CARIBOO NOTICE is hereby given that the part- hership heretofore where in this day been sent dissolved by mutual con- All debts owing to the said part- nership are to be paid to John J. at Aldermere aforesaid, and ail against the said presented to the said John J. whom the same will be settled, DATED at Prince Rupert, this 16th day on the west side of Ste phens Island and adjacent to application post of H. W. Lees, thence east twenty more or less LANCELOT ‘ay SSEL WALKOND BEAVIS | Ma Pubtistied May 26 to July #7. into Lillooet before late in the fall of this year. The entire balance of the line between Tillooet and Prince George is under contract, and if is expected that a force of 6,000 men will be employed to insure the earliest possibie completion of the work It is impossible to say yet when the line will be fin ished, although the engineers hope to have the line to Prince George graded by the end of this year, FOR SALE Five room house, very com fortable, an acre of land and| 200 chickens nicely housed, at} Sockeye, Mile 16, G.T, P. Excel. lent soil and beautiful location Pricé and terms arranged, Box 78, Daily News. tf! subsisuing between us, the undersigned, as Hotel Keepers and Merchants, in the Town of Aldermere, Priesuy, Stella, Lake Kathlyn and else Northern British Columbia, has McNeill claims partwership are wo be McNeill by chains, thence south forty chains, thence | west twenty chains, thence north forty chains, following the suore line to the! point of commencement, eighty acres | lewwnnewneenenenee . © HOSPITAL TICKETS ‘ NEARLY IN | * 1A The | General ¥ * hospital are Hospital * 1* Tickets, whiel ntitle the *| * holders t hospital *] * treatment at the Institution * oe * including the s¢ es of the wy With A t | d ; * Resident Doct at the fol | cure n igestion, * * lowing rates | “ i " * Monthly Tickets $1.00 *) Fru t-a-tives Cured Me, * fix Months’ Ticket $5.00 4 * Pickets are n ie at O, # Newnriy, Owr. * HW. Orme’s 2nd Ave, Drug *| “Tam not astrenuo * ad at t? Hoepital. or #) Of patent medicines . store and a 2 7 «| nearly everything rec * by mel the Secretary I digesiion and Const * of the Hospital *) Thave been eo } * * | gestion that I was near “**e*e2** 4 5 @ & ® # @| and had to be beld I j wtives” and | have t attack nor suffered ata New Vancouver Terminal sinve taking them “Pruit-a-tives"’ is the Phe com: tet f the new Ua ever used that did no m grateful | adian Pacifl t Vancouver | “ k ne an ’ la and of the two hand e bridges] eves one agrees that I 1 that will ero be te il yvards,| health the demolit ‘ } ' ! ‘| afet hand like ' ind the op¢ f the new ore} mach a kes them ‘ on to use a rer Will fiane « ; raiee i hie lt as Canadian Pa ‘ porperty that} is ld.timers ha ly gnize] n s-tives are . ! mer cha ha Deve | of price yO removed from the t ' 1! and) Ottewa ts watertr t wi " mprove nis are finished cease comet THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Wanted Observer i Phursday, July 9 IMMEDIATELY Barometer reduced to sea Agreements of Sale for level RTO} Discounting Maximum temperature v 1 From Minimum temperature P X i | 2,0 ' nn ‘ $ ’ 00 Everything in season cooked | Up—Must be At the way you like it. London Cafe Submit offerings to 130-tf, | . ‘ 7 ee Harrison, Gamble & Go ;* . ’ ' |* GRANITE * Third Avenue \* . \* Granite of best quality #| * and thoroughly tested for e).. * sale, Cut stone or crushed #, |* rock in quantities, . ee a * NEIL J, MeLBop, *) $ * relephone: Green 2147 *) = we we /* *) ve ee eer eer ere ee © The Dye that colors ANY KIND to Ae pour ire of peeutee. ee! Side bene of Cloth Pertect! ME PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale ' PHONIC RED 391 ; North End of Manson Way SOE EEL EE OLLELELELELELOLEOLLEOLOLL “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. F oR RENT of June, A.D. 1014, -——- -—— — . OU Oo} {en anoventon, POR RENT Furnished front room with Witness: Irving N. Linnell. room end board. Close in; reasomsbie June 22-July 20 terms. Apply Box 69, Daily News, 153uf a FOR RENT.—Purnished house, close in, : | October ist Apply W. M. Law TAKE NOTICE that I, Arthur Homes| [BM Vet : Pigott, of Victoria. B’ C., occupation Sern eee and Young Street, « manager, latend to apply for permission , 494-90 O lease the following described lapds:| po, pent Three room cot P Es yttage parti ea at 4 post lanted | at high furnished and including bath. “— of ark at the southwest corner of our office, Cosy and convenient. Rent Lot 467, Portland Cana! District, marked $17.50. Prince Kupert Financiers, 316 “A. H. N. &. Cor.;” thence foll.wing| Second Avenue . the high water mark ip @ southerly direc- : lion proximately 60 chains & post marked “A. 4. P. 8, E. Cor.,” ihence cue FOR SALE west to low water mark, theace following the low Water mark in @ northeriy direc- . Son Water mark due chains, 10 # polot at) ron SALE.—Alredale Terrier Pups, from of commencement, contsining 80 seres| pick goes Capea Seeves; | Tee more or less. e 9 664-907 POR SALE or will trade for property, 30 Ante pot ess rieorT, ft. gasoline launch, new #8 h.p. engine same oo sone’ W. Stewart, Agent. Everything in good condition. Price and terms arranged. Appl. vx °, D Published May 18 to July 20. News - my ¥ ‘ee entnaiietiies ered ait om ieacieaidetianees Shoons bend Dietriet—Distries of Coast WANTED Range Vv. TAKE NOTICE that Lancelot Russel fie ee ‘ Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., oecu-| WANTED.-Posttion as saleslady in or pation master mariner, intends to apply hear Prince Rupert Have had nine for permission to purcbase the follow DE years experience; references 1. required. described lands commencing at a post; “” 4. ©, 617 Pacific Street, Vancouver, planted 4y mile distant and in a northerly! %.( 160-154 ee ‘= entrance to small bay close) wanrep lummediately first class ma | Chinist with gasoline engine repair work experience, .Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Manson Way it LOST Tuesday br ladies Ne 166 evening between Theatre and Bordea Street, watch Reward will be given to Daily News Ofice lurn 7 OO Thursday, Jul te — | TAXI ALF HALLIGAN , ’ , ; ’ ; , , , ’ , , ’ , , , , . , ’ , ’ ane eee eeeeeeeeeeeeet Fee eeeeeeeeare eee rererrr CAn.UVIAN PACIFIC RLY SUMMER EXOURFIONS FROF PRINCE RUPERT TO MONTREAL $141 08 and returt TORONTO and return 128.00 i] ST. PAUL and return &6 0 CHICAGO and return 106.50 NEW YORK and returt 144 BO Other points corresponding v Effective June test Fins ro } limit October 31st Princess Sophia southbouns, Saturday noon | Princess Beatrice southbound Sunday, 8 p.m. 4. @ MonasB, Generel Agent Corner Third Ave. and Sixth & RITCHIE, AGNEW & CC. Civil Engineers ana 8. ©. Lane Surveyors Waterworks, Weter Power, Ws . Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Surv” ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Elect Blue Printing, Negatives and Ww" pri McBride St., Prince Rupert, 8° To Rent Hays $12.50 Three-roomed House, ove: Four-roomed House, Fifth A¥® Section Six $20.00 Four-roomed House, on Tay! Street $20.00 Cabin on Fraser Street $6.00 G. R. Naden Co., Ld Revond Avenue