THE DAILY NEWS rhureday aE THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL HEAD MANAGER OFPFICK Maily News Bullding, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Celephoue 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York——National 219 Bast York City. Seattie—Puget Sound News Co. London, England——The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Newspaper Bureau, 23rd St., New SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Ganada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. ‘All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rates on application. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The Nows carriers Contract Qe DAILY EDITION Thursday, July 16, 1914. SVS — = = eee OS A lot of foolish people are Westerner and the Canadian still talking about the “Ameri_ Westerner are more alike. But canization of Canada.” They this doesri’t mean {hat one te are to be found largely among copying after: the other. Tt those Old Country imperialists who spend about ten days in making a study of all Canada and then go back and tell their friends and neighbors how mi- nutely they have studied con- ditions here. Once in a while we find an American who after a trot across the line makes a similar statement. ‘The most of them, however, understand a little more about conditions and they know better. simply means that similar con- ditions and environment § are producing a similar’ type and it is neither fair to the one nor the other to say that he is not himself. That the two people should be very much alike quite natural because also they are of the same breed and the fundamentals of their insstitu- tions are one. Indeed as time goes on it is possible that like is . 6 «6 . the Seandinavians it will be im- Between the old fashioned possible to tell them apart, The “Yankee” or the aristocratic Canadian, however, is too stern Southerner and the Canadian people there is a striking dif- ference and no one would even say that Canada was becoming Americanized after that parti- | an individual to “ape” after anybody and as for those who fear that the Canadian loyalty is growing cold they had bet- ter interview an alienist to see ! President Woodrow Wilson ‘ At Philadelphia on Independence Day. These two photographs of Presiednt Wilson were taken during his address to the enor- fund about #90 building | The he benefit to apital the extent of . . * Gerth left « n Tuesday for he m the Prinee Al South Dakota a couple of back his pre M: bert o will spend He and sett n at Echo I * and M ym the where months will bring vife his emp ik¢ . on . Reese Dill came down fre pole camp at 8e wall and spent a e of at Woden, returning Sunday ee Hicks, Messrs, Hoecks, unee, Robertson, and McDonald took a trip liver on a fishing trip ed just the best lit stream that ever was . ad Mr suple days Daddy Haines, Gi Kev, Father to the Ain rhey discover tle trout | > Mr Sr ' ate ind has emptor . came in his up to boa ne his pre nt t how the ithead visit look the isl Woden the develop see and over ranches ind River a see ment . * dson the Cre 18 spending a ranch with his ree | ifew weeks ¢ father > Rev. Father |}Grange, Fritz |Gedhun, Frank Portmore, Cecil Wren, Gordon Campbell, Mr. Hud and son were at Masset dur week . * McDonald, Rampmaier, * Cc. C Fred son jing the 6.4 Mrs were | Hazelton and Mrs. Rupe visiting in Masset this week .- F -= Moe left Tuesday Albert for Rupert Prince on the FOR SALE Five room house, very fortable, an acre of land 200 chickens nicely housed, Sockeye, Mile 16, G. T, F Excel lent and beautiful location Price and terms arranged, Box 78, Daily News, tf com- and at soil eee eee ee eeeee GRANITE of best quality and thoroughly tested for sale. Out stone or crushed rock in quantities, NEIL J, MeLEOD, Telephone: Green 247 Granite * . * * * * * * * * * tf * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * eRe ee The savings stocks chance. who oil man in takes He puts his or mining gainbler’s not an in- vestor; he is a speculator. The man who works for wages and puts by savings for a rainy day cannot afford to take the chance. He wants a safe investment where his capital is secure and brings him in generous rate of interest. That is the kind of invest- ment we recommend to you in the stock of the Prince Rupert Building & Invest- ment Co., Ltd. This com- pany deals solely in Prince Rupert properties. It used a is the combined capital of many small investors § to purchase city property, im- prove it and make it revenue bearing. The company has no paid officers, the operat- ing expenses do not eat up the profits. It has paid an average of seventeen percent per annum in the past three years. A limited amount of new ‘apital is being taken in at #11 per share. We recom- mend it to our clients. McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVE’ Prince Rupert cular type. The American! if they are in their right mind. ae OWE OS He tnenpens- ence Day celebration in front of eEeEeEeeeE_ee_O_e_eeeee ep Independence Hall, Philadel- phia, on July 4th. : A. E. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager . _ AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD eee ae ee : 9 ° eu NAO ees Manufacturers (Q. C. Islander this week but our friend “sparks” Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroii and Band Sawing, Mrs. Martin and family left} was on the job and soon had it in and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. yesterday to spend a vacation on | workin order Sener ae ae Finish a Specialty. their ranch near Port Clements. f a. ce: enth Avenue, Hays Cove Cirole cats : Mr. M. 8. McDougall, of Prince Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B, C. Miss Tingley and Miss Wood of Rupert, came over on a hurried Port Clements left for the south|business trip Tuesday returning —— on the Prince Albert the same day * = * | * . * A. I Jeneup and A. E. Kennedy| Jack Park and Ralph Stafford ROYAL BANK OF CANADA |iitsctcet 022 wit o SOP So staking expedition morning from the fishing grounds * > — c ‘ at Langara Island They report HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1869 A dance will be held Monday /as havéng met with poor luck I 6 Kes se ances $ 11,660,000 night in the Smythe building to 3° Reserve Fund...... 12,560,000 which a general invitation has | C, M. Wilson and T. Jones re- Total Aseetse....... 175,000,000 been extended by Mr. J. K. An-| turned ii atne nis ht ails a Savings Bank Department — $1 Wil! Open an Account derson. \ — strenuous trip to the West Coast Branches Throughout Canada and Banking Connec- on oak Deen: a Bay They report | tions With All Parts of the United States Mr. Demers, of Prince Ruperts|naying seen all kinds of bear Agents Throughout the World ee. we = - Na-| farms. » arbo ap denshaw’'s 4. P. WILSON . . = Manager Prince Rupert Branch power boat where he will stake oi! .. 25 lands in that vicinity aR. 1 Rernam, OF WeEnette. Oe inate inlia a i ie — oo Tuesday in company Provincial Constable M. J. Con. pa - ee oo don returned Monday front Tow Const h ‘ ’ . » FRED STORK’S HARDWARE |)" ****-" uti seh yar na . ested. + 2s oe 628 atic incited a Nee a Artie Ives left os ! iesday to S. A. Cheeseman, a prominent Join J. C. A. Lone’s survey party real estate operator of Victoria 710 SECOND AVE party at Yakoun Lake | arrived Sycotay padi leah oT uesda ane 8s OOKINE ce. 2 Carpenters’ Tools ul ) Hardw jery jover several oil properties. He wi Bulidere’ are Ship Chand Walter DeLisle and J. H Dodg-|left on Frid: f - tae Harbor re Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Taekle n were in town from Port Cl e Se ee so ere 0 1 trom Por Ae@- * * * tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ments over Thursday night. Tae Ddminion Goverment Rope Vaives Ammenitien ~~ . a : Pumps Hose Pamt Mr. Wade, of the whaling sta. | Steamer Estaven was in the Inlet hn a ee e._| Wednesday and Thursday laying tion at Naden Harbor, spe a fe Stoves and Ranges Rubbereid Reofing Cerrugated tron te oe -geee om . — Orem | aids to navigation. Buoys were “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THES BEST” ’ a. “|placed at Cub Island and Indian mrieepeepeereranmneraliieehti inset Capt. Edenshaw made the trip village. a’ #e to Naden Harbor on Tuesday with ; : ’ the “Kerosona,” carrying the The finance committee of the ARDWARE ie Dominion Day celebration met on oe 2 Thursday night and passed the = The telegraph line was down|accounts in conneetion therewith. = ‘S Seni; 4) will} Aaa to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert MONDAYS ® a Rupert FRIDAY «s ' Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince ' Steamers Prince John or Es Albert tv ior Rupert TUESDAY « . 8 70 EASTERN CANADA end UNITED STATES on sale until ee; eee good return untit October Stet 6.6. HENRIETTE carries rough freight, gasoline and exp For full particulars and all information of interest to travelier. P. TICKET OFFICE, Mart Biook, Third Avenue, p ss AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines Ee ee ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY hone 5 0. Bor 6 Second Avenue, ania Eimpre Theatre APERH ‘ NG Fisting Destanes cre” cordially invites AINTIN ae “ae cee | OLISHING AND rene soeratary WALL TINTING MARTIN & M’GOWAN PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Martin Swanson Cement, Brick and Tile Work Estimates Furnisned Phone Bive 329 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COMPANY Becond Avenur Ne N Wellington Co favorite Houser Tar and Gravel and Roady Made Roofing Gleanest, Grigntest, Ses: Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing NEW WELLINGTON Sone 00, eer flogers & Albert, Ay Second A Pron P.O. Box 439 PHONE 205 Pn =" FURNISHE!I BLYTHE BROS. | PLASTERING CONTRACTORS REARTRENTS Phone 194 in two and three Satisfaction guaranteed J. BE, DYER, Ph & 3d JOHN CURRIE Phone 476. vor M4 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING so & a SMITH & MALLETT Estimates Given op Moving Bulldings Largest stock of Pipe oorth oa Vancouver, Crane Valy on Phone Black 294 tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave. Head of Second tir demain eam Prince Rupert HARRISON W. ROGERS sae Architect . Suite {, Federal Block enh and ace a — PRINCk RUPERT, B. C PRINCE RUPERT. & © Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 ee Alex. M. Manson, B.A 7 oe ee , W. BE. Williana. 6 A. LLI A IVARSON & CO. WILLIAMS & BANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ev Blacksmiths & Horseshoers MONEY TO LOAN : Boat Work Box 158% Helgerson Block Prt ae Phone 525 ist Ave.. Manson W ay ~ HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 489 PACIFIC CARTAGE LN | General Cariegr LADYSMITH COAL 83-—Phone 63 a Second Ave. near McBride OR. GILROY, DENTIST Work a P. O. Box 203 Proce © P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Audits, investigations, Aa,usimen® Le dations and Assignm en SmI Block, Bra Ave., *rince Riper &F Crown and Bridge Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE THE LITTLE GIANT Bouth lington Coal on VACUUM POWER CLEANER PHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 a 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Extracts All Dirt anc © ol Carpets hugs, Devenp Pillows thoroughly clea = BOAT BUILDER anteed. Keasonable Kates ‘ Apply FREO KLIEN Phone Red 269 Bor wf P.O H Seal Cove }OUNS'TON prone eros 1 IMPERIAL MACHINE SH Om, | AGNEW & CO. | Repairing Quickly Done COW BAY PHON! LD? Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land | JAMES GILMORE Surveyors Architect aa '2nd Avenue, near Med pire Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con- | = : ian Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- | SUGA & MORITU ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric | Rive, Printing, Negatives and White|conTrRactons For Boat eviioiNé *ripts. Alco Of Every Description Repeire Ape , ete, McBride St., Prince Rupert, BO, "er Price® Parvicniars, me s if Scoop I Had Already P Passed this Way > Drawn for The Daily News by CLAYS: bi Oras -word SIND ~BALTe -rap.