hursday, July 16, 10144 THE DAILY NEWS eee - — ee — —— EDS! SEEDS! | 07602) eee: atest coterie CA ARS COA CORR ELE: 8 HER HAT FILLED UP : ‘ MER’S STATE : fa di : . B , STEA ROOM rented e0P $080 Soring anadian baal Forel ews in Brie Boods iS New York, July 16 Dp, GARDEN, AND a : < . TS r? — : 7 ; wentworth, the hat e rowen seeoe $81 RUNES CMYEAE: O75 NO: CPM L/S CES TREES ROEM MOM COs STAM | the unig — yraska,” goes > unique ; Agente for rhe first ditching ma ne vi fle arising out of the eanteenta bartender at the [roquois Hotel, tion of being the first w OMINION NURSERY & the county was demonstrated at ntract were foul lies died from heat p etration at cross the Atlantic with ORCHARDS CO. the farm of Jéhn Usher. Wie) ee Port Stanley, big it required a whole » tere in Feed of all kinds low, Ontario The immigration weturns for —_—7 °° ‘to itself. en FEED A SPECIALTY ee the first two months of the pres- A number of beacon Jights The other thirty-six « | orders promptly attended to One was killed and four ir fiscal year show a decrease Of|placed on the Ride River N@arlehe brought with her on t ' ed when a dynamits 18,270, or 53 per cent compared | Kingston have been stolen The perator were of less acri nce Rupert Feed bo. wrecked a building at ( th the same time for last year.|theft is a serious addition, she has twents Prene Bleck North Carolina . foe —* 9 the other side, too prec Third Ave. 7. Decla that their hearts bled The late rains have greatly collection to have been risked ereeeer. i ; : ion 3 . ’ ; I ge an atta the tragedy, Emperor William |helped the prosper of a £00dlon the same ship . lig A. W. Forne I ind h wif ent a touching tele. !fruit crop in EF inty, Ont., The * spator Hat'’.the CE OF DISSOLUTION OF don, was found dead l im to the orphan children ofjand po. warm her is now a0 ¥* ee ae : PARTNERSHIP ' me, We y ep murdered children of the|needed ches across and occupied a " -. 2 d ' etoti me @ 6 . hits Spee! nck OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, aoe f Austria. : ; that four stewards bore gings LS UF ATLIN AND n a head-on coll tk © S244 On July 3rd aT sh destroy-| down the pier ARIBOO Detroit | ted Railwa t Ja In fe opening the Amer-jer bombarded ar aptured @ “There will be no little hat i eby onal a hare pert) son ne man Wa | i tlant Cit tishop MeFaul ur- ! Greek sailing ship which was|pext fall.” said Miss Wentwort! subsisun yelween us, q ' Yr as Hotel ‘keepers and | “ ' red Catholic Education school at|transporting refugees to Chios, “for the big hat is coming bac} ine To ) rine ae 8 ‘ ‘g . — 6 @ : e ' ‘Lake Kathiya and else: i that the Roman Catholic} ‘ and coming fast , ro British Columbia, has rhe work on the direct il ch needed more publicity. Bert Campbe 1 young farmer Customs offieers showed much i “Goan top ona pert. line from Vancouver to New Z¢ oa jnear Watford, Ont vas killed}interest in a score of fenthers akg ae, ona 0s wats nn Sw eee pee He rding the report of the|by falling from the hay mow, @lyisible in the various boxes peer ee 7 meneed Fe al Fruit Go ssioner the/ distance of fifty feet , “the hy py’? ' . ° said parmership are w be ‘ j JOT MISS) | when “the hat girl” took off the Th W fi Yy y" »! at McNeil by 7 of the apples and cherries | me © lics. and she was unable to « Make Is ork Easier or ourself ne aLhit ua © se Pa. 7. ) at Prince Maxpert, this 16th day rm American Cross e al lant, while the peach The corner-stow f the newlyinee them the feathers were not ) t re . 2 : t > * lege : : 2 ¢ an 1086. sons BROUGHTON, has been presented to Cox Al p th ir is characterized as|Regiopolis Coliege at Kingston] peal aigrettes It was necessary OU will find that Sunlight Soap is the JOHN J. MCNEIL. S. Harris of the British Life-say total fa re was laid by Arehbishop Spratt be e : “xper acide : os: Irving BN. Linbel ling Service ‘2 6 fore a very large crowd to send for an expert to decide | best and handiest helper for wash- une uly ® r : & 3 4 a a ‘ . aapscesssinsqumacannistinsasansasie oe In taking evidenee on the alleg- rae. ° POLITICAL LEADERS ing dishes you ever used, NOTICE thet 1, Arthur tiames| Charles T. Schoen, the pressed|ed bribery charges against Pre Joseph Wagner, a ten-year-old MAY MAKE | . * scan ie ae = peremissien | steel car inventor, is preparing er Fleming f New Brunswick.|boy from Pembroke, Ont.. was ee Try Sunlight, and the hardest part of ing a 8 post 5 oa ge hg establish a plant at Leeds,|Chairman McKeown ruled that|killed in the woods when caught The talk among the potiticat | dish-washing will disappear. The work mark at the southwest corner of | Pogland., janyor who was doing business|by a rolling log and crushed. harps is at extende a are | i i 7, vortiand Canal District, marke :--. © Meith the rnment should ap- * * sharps is that extended tours ar will be quicker done, too. wen . mar ri it osuutmely direc In an eruption that burst from |, I | Arthur Rybitsky, of San Fran-|'" order for the Fall by both Sir} ree best all-round ale Wo aay ‘ec 1¢ ) i s 0 eu ind give evidence, / ) SR), ’ , o q ss | $ > ee Cae Sate eus| Lassen Peak, California, a stream | 2 s cisco, an aviator, was killed when| Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Robert Of cou » Sunlight is the ‘ ss low water mark, theace foliowing|of blackened steam was thrown In giving judgment in the ac-|his aeroplane was caught in an Borden. Details are lacking, says soap you can buy—good for dainty fabrics, water mark in &@ Horiberty direc- iw iit ft atin 1 rotumptely 60 chains, to's polar as, 0Ver a mile in the air. tion of Stainislavy Janovitz, a| arial eddy above the canyon. an Ottawa despatch, and perhaps and those woollen blankets you want to ter mark due west from jcint of > * * ave » _ j cement; thence due east 10 pcint ee workman who sued for $25,000 i have not been decided upon, but| keep fresh and fleecy. Remember, it is encement, containing $0 oecres Hormisdas Mailly, of Montreal, | gamage Suatiosh Painelak: on Charles J. Dupont, of Minnea-|such a move has been discussed ind th r amages, Jus Q , ‘ 1 “ARTHUR woLMes pioort, |was fatally stricken while he| Montreal, has ruled that a for-|P°!l*: Minn., is the man who re-jin the councils of both parties. kind to the han - seen” W. Stewart, Agent. [etood in prayer before the statue| pion workman bas bo ek ae cently committed suicide in Mon- Sir Robert Borden is ander the hed May 18 to duly 20. of Ste, Anne de Beaupre at Que-|.eek damages under the Work- treal by shooting himself through |obligation of explaining to the Lt. ie men's Compensation Act the head. West why free wheat was not 6 cf Land District—District of Coast ee oe ’. 6 2 Rit Ow granted. sonch eee nadieen tities Kight men, alleged to be lead- The eaplocion'el o aneel eae The Bishop of Southwark, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, it has heen H Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., OCCU} or. in a kidnapping band which ; Right Rev. Dr. Burge, will sail for) stated, contemplates a tour per- | master mariner, im’ends to apply im ¢ apping bé tity of dynamite at Colon shook]. i mission Ww purchase the following} has been terrorizing the [talian|ipe entire district and caused a Canada on the Virginian on behalf} haps from coast to coast, making * — Pn oe s nortteriy | residents of New York, have been | gmail panic. of the Archbishops’ Western Can-|a series of addresses at one or All irom entrance w small bay close | arrested / - ? ada Fund. two points in each Province, on i Bay, on the west side of Ste- ee oa If the Government decides on sell sind land and adjacent to applicatioa A regiment of volunteers ‘ . ° H. W. Lees, thence east twenty} When the Prince of Wales Admiral Ashe, M.V.O.,, R.N., of}an autumn eleetion, these plans recommend it thence south forty chains, thence) . marched through the streets of mae. ‘ ies A Z enty chains, thence north forty|celebrates his 21st birthday, he Meltast on Gaherden sastvian Quebec, was killed in a motor ac-| may have to be altered. os A BAR 10 7 came iA oot. cignty aes will receive the revenue of the] riggs | the first time. 2 cident in Engiend on Saturday. He iw ot ge less : | Duchy of Cornwall, estimated at . “ia leaves a widow and a child and Blonds are again becoming) === ea SS LOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS) . . his mother fashionable Par says , 1044. | $5 000,000 Of every hundred persons sub- . ‘ 1ab in aris, Says an ex- bed May #6 to July 87. 4 eo aks a ot, change. It must be great to be - | ject to military duty in Germany . : George P. Smith, founder of the! ce « ii Two suffragettes, arrested byjlight headed and stylish at the | cue KE ith, 158.9 per cent of the farmer lads sions IG in| ; a London policeman effected their|same time. Money-back Guarantee —_—_—_—__- ‘ ose, he - lar fit for service. LS ee : . ¥ r escape when one of their con- . int t seeking ideas on} * * lth 7 9 . rs oe nie robin federates crept up behind their What everyone should know: re ue commission of Civic! Right Reverend John Tohill,|eantye ; . > . aptor and cut his suspenders: People of discriminating taste MATTER OF THE BRITISH government Ron Catholic Bishop of Down * * « at : s ine at the G.T.P. Cafe. 83tf OLUMBIAN FISHERIES, i ° and Connor since 1908, died in : “ LIMITED ' / ‘ A meeting in London, presided =a ae ds aye and Sele, of the} Belfast on Saturday. over by Viscount Bryce, discuss- Subscribe for the Daily News ‘ f Lords declared that the oo. = ad ¢ Id- je scheme to cele- ' OTICE that by order of the j oD ed a world-wide scheme to cele Mr. Justice Morrison, made the irges against British army of Joseph Wagner, of St. Thomas,|prate in 1916 the three hun et ee May, 1914, in action pumber ; : . 1913, in the Supreme Court eee |dredth anniversary of Shakes- | #**** Columbia (Vancouver Registry), ~~ - pie Bell, receiver of the British peare's death. : h Fisheries Limited, hereby offers oe by tender, either en bloc, as 6 f cern or in the parcels hereinafter The Bishop of London has a property apd assets of the written a letter to The Times 1. (A) The goodwill of the bus clearly contradicting the idea , ae me ee a that he ndones militancy, 75--PHONE-~75 represent himself as carry though he terates his objec- business in continuation of! ; ‘ ion to the company tions t ble feeding. following free-hold lands) * 7 * Province of British Colum- | PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co 4 iidings thereon | The Duke of Connaught, ac- , Fig 7 Kg Be} companied by Colonel Farquhar, wkke D> and the oll works, cannery and left Quebec by the H.M.S. Essex aopeeninnatnsigenta dai diaaiastitdeiiaaiasiae tanita Sends comaciaam Gane Ave acres | for Newfoundland, where he will nirance of Skidegate Inlet | epe ear! "ee -eks. The nine plots of land in biock P nd nearly three meee raham City townsite, numbered 1 to ° ° an usive.) T « » oO ‘rene . - All these parcels of land situate rhe oo a an am City, Queen Charlotte District, | fragists’ demonstration in Paris artic y dese slo } ae a tn ts and ak el on Saturday was the absence of| IMMEDIATELY It has baked golden, delicious loaves in our laboratory and will 2, in the city, together with all| the police, who are usually indis Agreements of Gale for repeat in your kitchen, es and the ollery plant, fixtures, | ~~ areas, lights, machinery, wharves, | pensible at all manifestations in Discounting + and appurtenances to the same | the French capital. From ands at Aliford Bay, comprising one | * eo; £ 1 and s { res 0 bouts, aad Being tot Bummer. ¢._| Determined measures. pre now $2 000 y Island, together with the man being taken by United States lake | ’ Silleeanenenmemeanadnen workmen's, fishermen’s, Chinese | ; RJ) ena . rocer tan dwelling houses, the mess house | vessel owners to reduce to a I Must be Af —_—_—_——- Ask Your G ad tet oe ; minimum collision in fog and to Submit offerings to | the fertiliser plant, Vat house, -- insure a strict observance of the | saltery, cold storage plant, ice ma ‘ . | — ant, wharves and Pm BH and | pilot rules by the master ‘ } — pachinery and fixtures therein and o- ee } POOF OCTOO m or on aby part thereof : . Land at Bare Island, Skidegate in While driving in a buggy with ’ . comprising 1fteen acres or there-| a young lady, Philip Cudmore, of Third Avenue following further freehold land in| Brantford, Ont., was shot at and | bh Columbia which has been stakid| i let Jeal b plication for purehase made to the | nearly hit by the bulle veatousy ee ie Department of the Government of | on the part of another suitor is Columbia, abmety " Forty-four acres at the back of and attributed to be the cause. ing the land numbered 5 above, sit- iain SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS { Aliford Bay - . Four hundred acres opper ay, DOUBT ee ne oe eee Oe frets: PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Harbour ——- 0 f th . » s 5 le . BURROUGHS, Manager Se eee one » onl This photograph shows the King and Queen at Mansfield, England. |mesutt of Vote intend in Van- aa ) me, Triumph, =n aa. i The direetors of the Bolsover Coifiery are being presented, couver to Decide Wage - _ = * = ~ > tet Ave. and McBride 6. PRINCE RUPERT, &.C. 1% Gryihe, the ste j fe four gas launches, seventeen laree | - Question Qox 148m St. and Sra Ave PHONE 26 Branch Varad at Smithers nail Ashing boats, twenty-six Colum nmnaieiti y ver boats, /, ~ Gox (Junction of ist, tnd and e| 3. The balance of the property| Portiand, July 13.—Upon the result Sra Aves. nets of the satd company consisting of the count of the referendum vote cast Box 16—4st Ave, between 8th and aa " ar o ees nal Pee pS Se INTERESTING by forty-five local unions along the Pa om Sts. (Knox Hotel.) i ‘ f South Africa Limited; an eific Coast from Juneau to San Diego, re- Box 17%—~ist Ave. and 7th St, (Cen } In a certain agreement dated the e lative to the action for a uniform .wage tral Hotel.) } UNION . B.( ay of August, 1012, made between seale, depends largely whether a gen | anette nee maniaiiieounmtiltiriies >. cipmansiatiesaiemaa ae Diopany and the Grand Trunk Pacific amon e S , : a by th yY Company, and certain of the pro . ee eral strike shall be declared or not by the CMROUIT NO. 2. of the business of the company, now longshoremen The count of the voy Box @@--3rd Ave. and Sra 8 §S. comoear’s cannery at Aliford Bay, which was taken in accordance with a re (Post Ofpce.) » Coly . : e & i y TARE MOTICE that the Receiver FOR OUT OF TOWN BUYERS solution passed recently at the Pacific | gey @@—srd Ave. and MeBride 81 Sails for Simpson, Naas, Mil Bay, connecting for Aiyansh be at Mberty to lay proposals for the Coast district convention of the Interna: | Box GS 1st Ave. and MeBride st Fridays at 2 p. m.; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. th Be nd sale of the said property mal Longshoremen’s / rh t Van-| eee ts, OF any, part thereof, before the ey “y: “will be fhe pies ) | ee Soe-Ore Ave, oe. e $8. of the said Court for his sanction. | couve ’ oun ! Box 26--ond Ave. and 6th &t. D TAKE NOTICE that neither the On the pages of our CATALO@UE which are devoted to DIAMOND JEWEL- the executive committee Qox 27-6. 1. P st nor any bid snall qecrecarey Oe | LERY, you will find Ilustrated @ sgigndid representation from eur eteck John Kerns, of SangPranciseo, president Pay Sails for Simpson, Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- ri sale she ” ubjec : re } av ane SRY See cawe of tee Be of GEM SET fashions of the day, You may choose your DIAMOND frem of the Pacific Coast district, said he ex CIROUIT NO. 3 day at midnight; for Vaneouver, the South, Tuesdays at e Court of British Columbia these [lustrations end order it by mall with the same satisfaction yeu pected it would take twe op three days be Bes 00-~teie. tiie, ent ein te ie i” pa W'S NOTICE shall continue in the would experience in @ personal visit to our store. fore the eanvasé of the vote and other "i . n dane fram the ttth day ‘of duly, WE ARE THE LARGEST DIAMOND IMPORTERS IN CANADA Dusiness Was disposed of. ‘The result will) B Bes OS Borden ama Taylor ats PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Mad tenders must be fied with the We guarantee every Diamond we sell to be perfect in cutting, color and ibe sent to Milwaukee, Wis, where the Bon 4 ae ve. end vutton St ver, J. K. Bell, care of the Bank of Gritiiancy. Gee our Catalogue fer dainty Wedding dewellery, and Wed- International Longshoremen’s Associatio: Box Ave. end Comox Ave | —_ nto, Vancouver, British Coulmbia, not ¢ ell hinds. is now im convestion, and the result will Box 37.-8th Ave. and Dodge Pi } than seven days after the last pub ding gifte of « st » Con . « e resu ! Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St = =. a on of this notice All tenders shall . probably be announced there, If a uni P ’ in the name in full and address of the form wage seale is favored, it is ex CIRCUIT NO. 4. eee et ate) ae pr, and shall be accompanies y a pected that the executive e@mmitiee here “a—ie & - ed che We per cent of auen bid. an H. Bi hk S. . . d will make callings sirine enforce its de - ve, aD Emmerson 4 thtormation of th 9 t Hea ticds by calling 4 strike unless the wage eee oe enry DIURS G ons, Limite seale is" granted ff be 62 8m ave, ana Metrige 1 isheries Limited, and of the - } Gor 0m Ave. at Green St. and sheet metal werk tons as ces Cte’ hesston Bowe . JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Household goats and furniture ox 44-08 Ave end Bast 6. ‘oronto, Vancouver, British Columbia . as good as new at half price.| § Qe @—-@tb Bes. and Gherts, t fair prices “ai tarprese Western Plumbing Caz, Ld - NeeNMILL BIND, MasDOwAl i Gee. EB. Trorey, Meassine Director) VANCOUVER, B.C Crosby's Second Hand Store, 8339/8 141-—7% Ave. ead Young 51 at fair p & DARLING, | —- Third Avenue 453-tf! Teeth eee eee eee eR ee Solicitors for the Recetver = ween eee eens F ken deena Ree REAR eee eeReeeRe NER EN