THE DAILY News teuding Paper Legislative | t rary INDUS THREATEN RMS AND AMMUNITION SEIZED BY VANCOUVER OFFICERS — FLOATER FOUND IN P.O. LAKE CRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Perhaps remorse caused the man who got the $35,000 to commit suicide. ——— A TT 7 ——$—— —__—— eee $$ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS — — ee ——————_—_——_—— — —_—— LIFE OF CAPTAIN-TROUBLE SH INDUS CLOSE T0 MUTINY —- HELD CAPTAIN CLOSE PRISONER MMIGRATION OFFICERS HAVING ORDERED CAPTAIN To saiL HIEF INSPECTOR REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE FISHERIES HERE TODAY| = VOTED $100 TO FAIR During Salmon Being Booked Up Season | Very Fast | ‘ ningham, | The Real Estate Exchange has partment ted $100 as a grant to the Ex i iast i! lepartine t| * . . ningha | Thursday's issue of the Van tour of the Province devotes nearly of his de half a column of space to the mnpanied by ews of the Northern B. C. Fair Fisheries De * * * ‘ Mr. Cowie Metiakatla will be well repre idvisory board] sented at the Exhibition. Mr. C nvestigating j; p will show, amongst f the Pacific her things, two kinds of carrots, comparisor nds f turnips, and some herring He is ' 1 berries Last vear Mr the salmon busi-] po,, “ two seconds and two : thirds W 8, inspector for o -*¢@ two, met the] space f Industrial exhibits Inlet and is NOW] |. peing booked up very fast. The Today they are on . , nd on Monday they|?® in Wine Co., of Winnipeg, sit the Rupert Gold] have ta a large space. Among int he i! firms taking space this , wee were McRae Bros., Mr. Geo LICHIKAN BALL Ts s the Western Plumbing J. Sweet ey, of Seattle, has TEAM ARRIVED TODAY |!» svser, aud so has 6. Ensenberg if Ketchikan. Left on Lanuch Last Evening — : . pe “Fe No Chance Game Today wt ee ee ee sid." which ne sent out from baseball game be-|the Ex! tO every part and Ketchikan, tojof B h 1 and Alaska tyed today is not Nk-]it is certa some boost | for off as the balllthe fai: Eve y should note very wet Phe visit-|that last paragraph on the 4th however, -are here.| page ) @ launch last even °.3 4 merous Yrootere. are rhe smal! reproductions of the the Prineess Alice large ¢ oured posters which are being distributed all over the Slashed Carlyle Portrait country are very good, especially the aeroplanist. Whoever thought July 18 Militant}out the details of the “Fair Her- *s slashed the portraitjald” is certainly a live wire, eves » Carlyle in the National]if he does expect to see mules in Psterday, They were ar-jupert. Iter a severe struggle . ? ° How did they get the picture of specials from Demers’:|George Frizzell on the mustang, 'y values up to 50c alor is it Jack Beatty in the tst of lOc, Little Darling hose|July celebration? pair Neckwear up to * for 25e, New Veilings Launch Rosebelle. Phone Red vard 1e4tt! soo. aoe _—.,. NOTICE he lo lo ssioned prevent certain legal proceedings, | am « sae “ifer Lot 18, Block 17, Section Six, on Seventh Avenue, near MoBride Street, for $2,500; third cash ood balance © €nd 12 months; or $2,000 all cash takos this desirable Property, Deeds are in Bank of Montreal, Call, Write or Phone T. McOLYMONT, Agent. en foam , HINDUS VIOLENTLY OPPOSE—AGENT FOR OWNERS OF SHIPS GET CONFERENCE rhe Dally News called to the side of the y 18 The skip-!| whieh the Hindus refused, I k iwwata Maru for aj later they allowed the captain t : be taken on the patrol boat to a held Prisoner OF | cot ference with Gardiner Joh hip. The immi-) tin, agent for the owners eis sent a letter} Hindus Arrested vet steam up and Vancouver, July 18,—With du passengers | volyers and 500 round of am iptain with elubs | py unition apiece upon their per his life. son, Herman Singh Balwant | s taken out by the) Singh, and Bhag Singh were ar Hindus refus-jrested. It is said by the police d rhe officials | here that these weapons were in Messr . Stev-|tended for the use of the Hindus nbers of the|aboard the Komagata Maru hei and W all-| The opinion of the Immigra al others, went) tinny Department that the at- lus appeared to | tempt was made n the author ind were standing | ity of the cal Hindus is evident ifrom the fact that Bhag Bingh ta Guré@it Singh, | was one of the two characters who rhe captain was|took a charter from Gurdit Singh aking Annual Tour of Coast Space for industrial Exhibits Is) | WOMAN STABBED IN MIDNIGHT ROW Hot Tamale Man in Jail Accused of the Crime | e Mosley, who | down on Comox juble again. This ii] and awaiting get out tempor , runs a mix-up last red lady vho was in the sult of the had ‘A that passed back and forth { i fight a real named } { \s a and Hazel was knife iccused of doing the i was brought before ! rning, The ia is able to appear to give ae e but the case | the wo- was ad- Wednesday. bail f and two sureties of M allowed on 251 h ANNUAL TOURNAMENT ON TENNIS COURTS Tournament Postponed Owing to Wet Weather rhe annual te cheduled to start today will have be postponed ng to the ves will be play nis tournament ’ sy wet * pan courts as the are On Marshal ~ 00) W a) Fi Philpott 3:00.—K. H. Peters and W Bul vs. I Bullock-Webste de Mussy 3:30—C. ( | on! | and | Mr Purdy vs H. Oo Crew 3:30 rck-W 4:00 Wilson and P. fj Wharton Thornton and Cau ture | H W. But J.M ebster Hw. P vs Cauture vseL. Mr 4:00 a Peters vs ler. i ston 5:00 a 5:00 R 5:30 Mrs Miss ~ 10 -R. Auley vs. DOE. John Mr. and Mrs. Cambie vs Fisher and Miss Ellett F. T. Lueas and Dr Pettigrew and W. H L. Bullock Stewart vs. C. C Du Vernet THREE THROUGH C.TP. TRAINS A WEEK Will Be End of Month Before the Regular Trains Can Be Oper- ated With Speed Wall) Tobey Webster and Purdy and vs In the course of a lengthy in terview in Wednesday's Province Hon, W. J had the fol lowing to of interest to Rup ert: Mr Morley Donaldson, manager of the Grand Trunk Pa cifle, was met at Prince George and again at Prince Rupert He assured the attorney-general that a tri-weekly the railway would be run all the} coming winter and Edmonton In the traversing the Nechaco more than 100 miles of main to receive the final touches of ballasting and it will be the} end of this month before regular | trams can be operated at speed \ mixed service will be put on at first and then in the autumn the tri-weekly trains through to Fd monton will be inaugurated Bowsel! say general | passenger service on} between Rupert} section | Valley} line re i Fatal Auto Accident Vancouver, July 17——Nine peo ple were so seriously injured in an automobile smash-up at Point! Cirey today that three of them may die All the oecupants of the two ears, which must have| : | ' | been running at a high were injured The cars Completely wrecked. speed were iM Tee eee :|ACOIDENT OCCURRED HUERTA ON THE MOVE-~ * BaLLoameare:so +! AT POSTOFFICE SITE os * * rl ? latest tor ation * MAY LEAVE MEXICO * al sad the Ket - ne «| Not Known Whether Man Was . eke Drowned or Looking for lilies * Rupert baseba tch is * emailed * that if the weather « ‘oan 4 the * Another $35,000 — In- SELF-APPOINTED DICTATOR COMPELLED TO VACATE OFFICE * game will be played at 6:30 # quest Monday AND IT APPEARS LIKELY THAT HE WILL * this evening. * LEAVE COUNTRY * ‘ Somebody apparently got cniliibishiieadeatiindaes drownes the st office site EEE EEEK KEE EE EHEES ane Ge Bie Saal den til (Special to The Daily News) nor any other government in floating on the water. Some dar- Puerto, Mexico, July 18.—Gen, Mexico not set up through a legal RETAIL MERCHANTS ing individual must have thought| Huerta has ‘arrived mae socom | election or in accordance with FORM ASSOCIATION there was a little more of that|Panied by Gen. Blanquet. |the protocols signed at Niagara #35,000 to be had for the signal iene |Falls. Despite the resignation o—- “danger” didn't stop him. He Wo Recognition for Carbajal General Huerta he will con- Meeting Held Last Night in Board| broke through it and it is even Washington, July 16.—Presi-|tinue his watchful waiting policy of Trade Rooms Decide This now hanging on his breast, dent Wilson will not reecognize|until the Mexican. situation is —Object Self Protection It is understood that the Con-| provisional President Carbajal,| more clarified. icinntiapiion servative Association has decid- P rhe local retail merchants held|ed to defer the inquest on the be- ae | ut a meeting last night in the Board|lief that where so fhuch good INVESTIGATING HABITS CHOICE MADE OF f Trade rooms to discuss the|money could come out of, there forming of a Merchants’ Retail|qgould not be harm for anybody AND AGE OF SALMON NEW TEACHERS Association. About thirty of theland that the man is not really leiverieiil ocal business men were present. dead at all. Interesting Data Being Gathered School Board Yesterday Selected Mart oO a was appointed ent cncoeetarenenneanene for Provincial Fisheries Five Additions to chairman Department Staff There was a general discussion ASSETS OF THE B. C. sada Oath ei 1 the objects of the association FISHERIES ARE SOLD John P. Babeock, Provincial; The School Board met yester- in which were mentioned credit, Commissioner of Fisheries, left\day and made selection from freight rates, advertising fakirs ‘sites, last evening for the Naas on aljabout one hundred applicants of and the socia! side or the “get Paper Value Was Over $1,500,- . inspectic “oO ec i ifive teachers to fill v i : Id to English Buyer trip of inspection connected. with teacher fill vacancies on together movement of modern a $200,080 y his departinent. He came through|the staff after the holidays, business. , from Fort George with the Pro- After careful consideration the The next meeting will be held vineial Ministers and has since|following were chosen: oe Vancouver, J 6.4 sé ~~ es : ; pate in two weeks’ time and the fol- ancouver, July 4 rhe sale been looking over the canneries} Miss Louise Tallander, who has lowing committee was appointed|of the assets of the B. C. Fish- on the Skeena. From the Naas|been teaching at Coquitlam. to prepare a const tution and by-jeries Go., Ltd. to Mr. Devereaux he will probably go south. Miss Jean H. MeGregor, B.A., | laws Capt. Fred Stork, T. Me a sum of $300,000 has been Mr. Babcock sa¥s the outlook|of Vancouver. | ween . enae, . - OU nfirme 1 r stice Cleme is splendid for a good season in Miss athieen inney, 0 le- |M m, D. ¢ M " R. A. Stal nfirmed by Mr. Justice Clement | i i M Kath] B f Vi ser and J. H. Thompson. n Supreme Court chambers. sockeye fishing. It is equal to the|toria. nthe The sale had been effeeted by| year 1910 so far. Miss Belle McLeod, of Victoria. Seattle Boat Wins Again he receiver of the company in there could be some guarantee Miss Emily A. Suttaby, of Cran- - /England and has received the as-| Prof. C. H. Gilbert, of Stanford | brook. Seattle, Wash... July 18 SIF | sent of the English courts. University, Cal.. who has been The teachers selected are all fom won the second race for the) Gr isction to the sale had been| making a series of investigations |very highly recommended. Choice Lipten Challenge Cup by one! ide by the British Columbian|into the habits and age of the|was made of several others who ninute and fifty-four seconds. reditors, whe will not get a cent|salmon for the provincial depart-|may be called provided the first in their claims for $75,000, the}ment. He has been engaged in|mamed are not available when $300,000 being sufficient to pay|this work for several seasons and|the telegram is received. ? vy about 75 ver c » de. | is furnishing the department with The choice of a High School ly about 75 per cent on the de I bentures. They had no better}]S0me very valuable data. Prof.|assistant was left open for the offer to make and no hope of ob} Gilbert finds the age of the sal-|present until the results of the taining a better offer was held}|™mon from the ridges on the scales|entrance examinations are made forth, so his lordship said he}#™4 the results of his investiga-| known. ° would not hold the sale open. tions upset many of the pet the- It was decided in view of the 6 the old plane ae vanes Ove Mr. J. E, Bird, for the ee ories about the fish living only}exeellent character of her work rented trem Sap a Gaem stated that the price was the|@ fixed number of years. He hasjas a teacher, to give Miss Eason ¥ prod. — highest obtainable and he gave a]found cohoe salmon seven years}of the present staff an advance 8 y . salary equal to t y d denial to a suggestion that|l4. in salary equal to two years ad- REOPENS TO-DAY Devereaux was merely an alias| last year the professor exam-jditional standing in the school. for the directors. ined some 10,000 seales taken|Her salary will be $90 a month The Knott Home Made Bread rhe company, which was pro- a _ en pay os for the coming year. has been the family stay of noted by the late Sir George @ coast, e is doing similar —_—_— —_———— Prince Rupert for years. At- 3|oughty of Grimsby, showed as-|WOrk this year checking up some CONSERVATIVE ter the improvements just sels with a paper value of over|f his A tate cheat. 1 put in we can assure even 21,500,000, a aoe oan ee MAJORITIES REDUCED a better article. —_———_———_______ ‘ s wlumbis ( E 190 PHONE 190 IMMIGRATI more about the salmon than is IN MANITOBA PHON ™ ON ACT : now known. WILL BE AMENDED Um a eee (Special to The Daily News) i YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL | winnives. suty 18—he re- Will Place Additional Penalties a count in Kildonan and St. An- on Shipowners in Cases Like Coast . drome resulted in a majority of ; ae Komogata Maru Sacramento, 1; Oakland, 4. mpeeatees. Hon. Dr. Montague, Con- HOUSEHOLD , t ANETt RE, Soo San Franeci co, 2: Venice, 4. servative. His majority was con- eg a an Tend (Special to The Daily News) Los Angeles, 1; Portland, 6. siderably reduced, ” Ottawa, July 18.—It is propos- N . : er jorthwestern rom Sou LEEK — MART ed to so a@mend the Immigration a the ah th ree Act as to make it possible in Vancouver, 5; Vietoria, 4, Among the passengers on the Saturday, July 18th cases such as the Komogata Maru] Seattle, 2; Spokane, 1. Prince George this morni ’ 8 p.m, Sharp that in addition to penalties to} Tacoma, 4; Portland, 0, pOaee ® morning were the owners, the ship may be sold . Nae cen Eee Mr. Carter, A. Uull, J. L. Lease, George Leek, Auctioneer, and a number of other points in Baptist Church oe 08 ce i. See which the law should be stiffened. - Ore, SRES... Street. Many of her friends at-|Perry, of the First Baptist Mrs, Sheriff, M. P, Fowler, M. D, OPERA HOUSE tended, eT oe choles = re. |Chureh, Vancouver, will preach at}|MeLeed, Wm, Lake, W. T. Me- ceiving by’ her mother, Mrs, W.| 0th services, Crum, €, Olson and wife, J. Blay- TO-NIGHT 8. Fisher, and Mrs, L. W. Ker- at for later announce-|lock, W. Greenway, F, Anderson. gin. Mrs. H. F. MeRae and Mrs, jens. a --— MeMordie poured tea, being as- Pee ee We buy and serve only the best “OUR MUTUAL GIRL” jsisted in serving by Misses Launch Ranger. Ph. Blue 400,'the market affords. London Gafe. Maith tnointessnt Knoch, Campbell, Sylvia Jenns — aE — —————_—_—_—_— “THE BELLS OF AUSTI” — print ao ‘The POOTIS WEES) Aaa URE i . , prettily deeorated with carna- “DOUBLE CROSSED” it oak te Keystone Comedy Unpopular Decision . A Great Detective Feature ‘ “THE WEEKLY GAZETTE” —— THE FEMALE RAFFLES Admission, 100 and 15¢ ike rs . ee apy lB 4 - In Four Parts - 4 elson, Ju # 18. Billy Weeks Thrilling Story of an American Detective Coming \® rt » Ee decision over THE WA 1CK CHRONICLE is particularly interesting Wednesday and Thursday it re as arrieau in a twenty round this we It contains “Hockey at Beekenham, Kent"; July 22 and 23 |" ontes Cambridge Makes a Good Hecord Against Oxford”; “THE CURSE OF GREED” posal anil ihn a deat “Wedding Beenes at Ascot, Marriage of Lord Roberts In Six Parte , ar ars and rook. Daughter © Major Henry Lewin.” at pricés eut in two, Geo, D, lite’s summer sale, LOLLL | eee RRR RRR