i lay July 22, 1044. —_—_— aneeeF rine ALARM SYSTEM omovurt #o. 1 st. and Grd Ave at, and rd Ave. st. and 3rd Ave. von of t8t, tnd sud Ave, between 8th ene y ts Koos Hotel.) tet Ave. and 7th St. (Cen omourT NO. 2. Ave end st gra McBride St MeBride St and St. 6th St and aud and and Ave t Ave nd Ave 1 Ave . 23 1 h Ave, ao@ Fulton St porden and Taylor Sts. ave. and Fulton 8t and Comox Ave and Dodge Pl and Thompson 51. omoulrT WO. 4 bh h Ave Ave , Ave CMROoUIT NO. 4 i Ave, and Emmerson and McBride 5t hb Ave. and Green 5t i» Ave and Best St. Tih Ave. and Enerte. ave. and Ywng St \ve 4 a1 ih EN RRR EERE ETE | ; ; i Ch urch Services - Fil PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH es every Sunday in the hb Hall at 11 am, and press Theatre at 7.30 p.m. ! School at 2.80 p. m. aST BAPTIST CHURCH YOUNG and FIFTH AVE. services every Sanday at Ii am. and 740 p.m. chox 1a p.m. Bible Clase 2.20 pum. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Pastor. [ef FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TH AVE. AND MUBORAVE PLACE erviees every Sunday at i om. and 72) pm Sanday School at 2.30 p.m, DIMMICK PASTOR ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH rifth Ave. and Densmuir Place Sunday Holy vy. MA Morning prayer, 1. “” prayer, 7:30. hool, 2:30 p. m@. comunion first Sunday { month, ot if & and 6third «Sunday af RECTOR h SALVATION ARMY CITADEL iranvilie Court services eo Band & p.m ‘30 Dp ebt services Mow inesday, Thurs saturday tay ay eee eee eee eee oe eer nce Rupert Dairy Co. "¢ Green 252. Barn at Park Ave Ones Pe. Gea 1706 SAVOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE Send Cold Running Water in all Roomy * * * 7 * OF GUARANTEED PURE MILK . AND OREAM | tested. Every b4 pen for ine # * subjected o& # * ts the only 3 ne this Orders be had at Knott's # Fish Market, Stal 3 Fulton Cash Market Meat Market i WINDSOR MOTEL f First Ave. and Bighth St. W. M. Wright, Prep. HOTEL OENTRAL “| Avenue and Seventh St ropean and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. GNOX HOTEL ‘ve., Between Eighth and Ninth s Plan, Rates b0¢ to $1.00 Per Day Sesner & Besner, Prope. ocbester | Ave, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Plen, 60 wo 6F Per ODay PREMIER HOTEL ‘werlcen and Buropeap Pleo fF. W. Henning, Maneger , WOVAL HOTEL ey & Burgess, Props Third Ave. and Sixth St S-ropean Pten Gteam Heated ““AVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©0., LimnrTEeD second Ave, and Sixth 84 Phone toe PONCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©0., timivTeéo Fraser ano Gixth Sts Phone 7 | a\ Fee AMILK 3 WAGGON / | of en h : THE KING’S CHARGER , DAILY NEWS THE iy ‘4G Timely Cartoon by Jas 8. Frise) A holiday trip up the Naas River is one of the most pleasant ways of spending a summer va- cation. There is a continuous panorama of the finest river scenery to be seen anywhere in British Columbia from the mouth ©. W. Brown, and his native crew There not dull or uninteresting mile in the whole distance. From Prince Ru- pert and return can be made in a week or the holiday can be ex- tended to two weeks or as much the “nerves.” is trip is less than $25. in Prince your front door. of fertile river running through the midst of it, assuring a cheap means of po eae ea ene transportation. {he soil and climate mbine to produce veg- etation most luxuriantly. Boat loads of all kinds of vegetables and roots; many kinds of berries piand bush fruits; apples, plums and cherries; fresh eggs and ; poultry, rich milk and cream; fresh butter and cheese; beef, pork and mutton; will be dis- tributed among your merehants, and the hundreds of settlers that will supply this produce for you will take in exehange from your business men thousands of tons of groceries and provisions, dry goods and clothing, boots and shoes, farm tools and machinery, ferteing, hardware and building materials, household furnishings, books and stationery, drugs and sundries, in faet everything use- ful and ormamenta! that our ad- vanced civilization can supply to a prosperous, cultured and am- bitious people. How to make the trip is ea-v. There are no complications ia the itinerary. The “Prince John,” the “Princess May," the “Ven. ture,” will carry you in style and comfort from Prinee Rupert to Port Nelson on Naas Bay, and the mail beat will take yeu from there seventy-five miles up the river to the end of navigation in- to the very heart of the settle- ment. The mail boat, the “Bila,” is a gasoline launch, forty feet over all and ten feet beam, with a double tunnel stern A safe and sturdy little eraft, captained by C. W. Brown, and his native orew are all experienced river men who know every bend and current, twist and turn in the river, The deck is covered in for the protec. tion of supplies and 4 comfortae ble three-quarter length cabin is at your serviee, A shay: for mak- OCC Ot OOOO Oe EO IEE OEOEEOOOEE | ing tea and eooking meals anda loperat longer as one can afford to pro-|the mouth of the river where the i)ng it and the fare for the round|king of fish, the sockeye salmon, This is an/are ‘ excursion that every businessman | sands every day, are most inter-| ful collection Rupert ought to take | esting. as the Naas Valley is sure to be-| fishing stations on the river ex- | blanke ts, al come one of the greatest feeders | cite the curiosity. of your city and lies almost at|some of the old style native hou- It is very rich'ses and these contrasted with the in agrieultural possibilities and|modern houses which most of the contains many thousands of acres | Indians now liv® in form a very land with a navigable | interesting idifferent points of interest, j ! of the river for seventy-five miles) rus ning mosphere is a wonderful cure for|ger to keep your wits from going ajwool gathering. | A TRIP UP THE NAAS RIVER | 2 aA CAMA SENS RLS MUL OLE ULC DBM table to spread out the contents of the lunch basket are provided large enough for the use of a small party. The trip up can be made in ten hours actual run- ning time, but stops are made at The is swift in places and in through the canyon ust enough spice of dan- current there of eye beauty bird's many interest. the general route, taking a of it, there of especial ions the Besides the view ob- The at are jects on canneries tur and a show of comfort and substantiality that is commend- able. The Indian in his old home surroundings, is an enteréaining character to study At Gitlak- flamika, now the oldest Indian village on the river, there stand towering upwards for 75 feet or being handled by the thou- Indian villages and The There are still contrast. Some of the latter are to all outward ap- pearance invested with a grand- = Race Frock A copy of an exclusive model in very soft rieh striped foulard, lined soft silk. more some the finest totem poles on the coast, most grotes- quely carved and very ancient Some of these totem poles cost jover @ thousand dollars to erect. These relies of an old Indian custom ar becoming scarce. They have t erected any for a number of years. Some of the jold Indian chiefs have a wonder- of Indian curios. jIndian doctor's regalias, chilcat alitas, crowns, whis- | tles, potlack faces, armlets, ank- jlets, leggings, drums, some of whieh have been in use at their ipotlach dances for hundreds of | years At the canyon at Gwinoha the effects of the extremes of heat and cold are visible. The mountains are capped with gla- cial ice and along the south bank of the river an ancient volcano }has poured out a volume of liq- luid fire which when cooled cov- ered an area of probably 25,000 acres in extent and many feet | deep If tl lava bed could be covered with aluvium ‘annually carried down the river it would make a thousand good. farms, but as it is the s a barren waste. |The purest water in the world jgushes in places from under. neath it The are hot sulphur springs in the valley, which are easy of approach from the river There waters are declared to be of great curative value for rheu- matic and ndred comptaints, Aivansh is the most important and largest of the villages on the river and has a more modern ap- pearance than any of the rest, This is the place where most of the settlers at present congre- gate. The telegraph and post office are situated here and there a very hotel here where good accommodation is provided Is good and first class meals can be ob- ' Ww j tained, This village has a large INDICTED BY JURY Prince Rupert Named as One of Their Chief Shipping Points Seattle, July 22.—The | pected indictments based Sherman anti-trust law, ch ing illegal combinations re straint of trade in the halibut in dustry, upon which a federa grand jury began = investigati last May, have been returned be fore Judge Neterer Weainst concerns engaged in the ha industry, together with five of ficers and employebs of thes concerns. The indictment, which’‘is near ly fifty pages long, recites in de tail the rise of the several com panies from what, it charges, were small beginnings to be the controlling factors in the halibut industry for the whole country. The indictment in substance then alleges that these several concerns and the individuals in- dicted conspired to control and eYN the wg ped through the markets of Seat- tie, Tacoma, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, and Boston; to control the price paid independent deal- ers for their fish by making ex- orbitant and unreasonable bids against them; to control the price by refusing to bid against each other; to control the dis- tribution of halibut through the markets by pretended competi- tion against each other; to con- trol prices by refraining from good faith competition in mar- kets allotted by agreement among themselves, and to control mar- kets and prices by intimidation and coercion of independent deal- ers, After the indictments were re- ceived and ordered filed, the grand jury was granted a recess until October 13, with the reser- vation that if the jurors were wanted before that time they would be seasonably notified. Women Foil Bandits Bartlett Springs, Cal., July 22. Two masked men held up two stages on the Woodland-Bartlett Springs line at the summit of the Brin grade, on the boundary between Gr and Lake eoun- ties, took $12.50 and escaped. They overlooked $300, which five women in the first stage dropped to the floor of the ton- neau before getting out into the road. lusa Lots of Red Fish Ketchikan, July 22.—Cannery mert report that the proportion of red fish this year is higher than ever before. The Ketchikan Cannery has more red fish up now than altogether last year and the Pure Food Cannery has pra¢- tically twice as many as in 19143. FOR SALE Five room house, very com- fortable, an acre of land and 200 chickens nicely housed, at Sockeye, Mile 46,G.T,. P. Excel_ lent soil and beautiful location. Price and terms arranged. Box 78, Daily News, tf “The Ring and the Man,” a magnificent four reel Famous production, at the Em- press Theatre to-night. Players limit the supply and price of hal- | and TEN --- TEN DAYS ONLY -- TEN TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE IN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN’S SUITS To Keep our Staff Busy During the Present Stack Season NO RESERVE SWEDER BROS, TEN --- TEN DAYS ONLY -- TEN - but taken from the waters of the | North Pacifie and North Atlantic | oceans and the Bering Sea, ship-| ere ne Money-back Guarantee ES ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR It has baked golden, delicious loaves in our laboratory and will repeat in your kitchen, Ask Your Grocer ! LUMBER SHINGLES, MOULDIN 3S, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager 1st Ave’ and McBride 6t. | High-Grade Work Punting, Stenting een ar orece Western Plumbing Co.,Ld RRR AAA EEA ERE EER REE ED ———_—__~ eer puesueuuaus Be jand fertile area surrounding it on all sides, About 5000 acres of the best of it, however, is con- }fined within an Indian’ reserve land unless some terms can be j made with the Indians, will not ibe very productive, There is, i Nowever. many thousand acres | outside of the whieh j¢lear and under cultivation j will keep a large and industrious settiement out of mischief for | some years and will be as good as anything on the reserve It would teke the pen of a much more peady writer than [ to tell of half the interesting things of the valley, but I will close with reserve, Paris: the invitation that you eome and | | see, ® W. A. MYBRS. to} ' SESE BEBREDEBEDAEREBEBDEDDEES ** +> = _———SSSSE—"_—L_SSSSES_== for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. ° The Daily News goes into nearly every heme in Prince Rupert. is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps im touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- nism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It bas a bigger cireulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to, DAILY NEWS + oo SARAARARERER RARER REE RARER RAH +. A eee eae eee AR eR Ree