Wednesday | the well- arrived on Mr. T. J. Stephens, known travelling man, this morning's boat. 95e square yard at Tite's summer sale. 16itf Woodside will also deliver a pop- LOOKING TO ALASKA Burbank, Piant Specialist, Seve 200, 000 Have Leavued to r on THE DAILY NEWS _ —— a | Mr. T. Sentt, of Terrace, is| Will Stop at Rupert ; rr 7 y . ; Spending a few days in the city.! , THE ; a ‘ Women Look Well When | a: a Ketan, cnr of | RCE FO rr Bud Corley left this morning| Bureau of Aeronautics of the} FV bale they escape the sallow skin, the pimples black- for Lorne Creek, where he is it Panama-~Pavifie International Ex ) NO : ; a aan terested in some placer claims position, ts now iy iverpool, on] Daa ; | heads, facial blemishes due to indigestion or bilious- ——-—Te se «(lke Ca tke euste ob aa ; . oe a nee Da a ness At times, all women need help to rid the Leather easy chairs and rock jing the chain of control and sup — system of poisons, and the safest, surest, ro jers at prices cut in two. Geo. D | y stations for the around-the G.T.P. NOW ALL READY convenient and most economical help they find in | Tite's summer sale 164tf} world aviation race, From Eng-|@-T-P. t I y e's @ land he AM ee. te Iceland and EXCEPT QUEBEC BRIDGE } » Authentic information abo | Greenland, then to France, Ger- . f i | football fames, either schedules Pr iny, Russia, across Siberia to Ottawa, July F« aieat ne ) Or postponed, can be had by call jJapan and across the Bering| Schreiber, chief consulting _ | ine up Fitz Cigar Store tfi traits to Alaska and then to|sineet of the Government, re- } 7 - © }San Francisco, turned from an inspeetion of the e | Good farm land for sale on the | ~ a a G.T.P. from Winnipeg to Prince Phe a RT asco | Naas, fronting on river, $10 Lee Flowers for Exposition }Rupert, announces that all sec- the entire system. It quickly relieves the ailments caused le ellire at the Cres ee a seamen cal tee \ ate tinked. and by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion, Rooming Housg, Fraser St 169 0] tn otiees BAdN eabd Ee’ the Pan be ready to operate this ot “| headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness. a jama-Pafifle Exposition to Japan,|As thé Government < teen ° . | ‘ et etior is ‘ans Purifying. the blood, Beecham’s Pills improve and 8. M. Jobnson, who has been|Australia, England, Holland and|ed the ea ee ee eee : ranching on Queen Charlotte | Belgium, more than 500.000/that th gap Now remaining he Com lexion Islands for the last year, is hack ne plants are ordered for Ha — = ioe Rupert ts ear again in town he exposition grounds “7 Bridge The lone list includes rhod The directions with every box are very valuable—especially to women. = 9 THE WEATHER Pprrtct ee ee Sen: Baas lepine Mr. Wm, Manson returned to-) tendrons of hybrid varieties, dat ‘ ‘ oO : a . te @ uil-Dulps, ay-flowering tulips iron 7 m a visit ” a oe H arly tulips, snemonics ranun- | Furnished by F. W. Dowling Ss accompaniec Vv rs at d aie PRES Fe OE Fo ison. ' las hyacinths, Spanish iris, Observer. Fc pe> pe2 = Japanese iris, English iris, nar : am An imps a F wise ne of the ssus, red azaleas, seb poonies Wednesday, July & / ~ Niles loc al Eagles is called to take place ind lilies. Barometer reduced to sea / g called to take pla 7 04 oca in the K. of P. Hall to-night at ry sSVCS 2 : : 7 5 8:30. All Eagles should attend Conrad Town Deserted Bighest temperature — CPSU SNCS Se SO WS Sr Ls SrvsBA ye ce Lowest temperature .....! 10.0 Try Smith & - las’ ice cream. Children’s raincoats—boys’ or The Spokane, northbound George Armstrong, in company|Rain ....--.--.++eeeeee 10 ‘ e wipe’. “Weliane's. 168tf|was in port last evening She 7 a party of Whitehorse peo . We sell for less; terms cash. ey: jhad a full passenger list of|?'* who are spending a few days} From Whitehorse to George Fuller’s Grocery, 311 Third Ave. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | tourists, at Carcross, visiteg the town of ae oe ee Phone 4 uf fe. ok Conrad last Saterday He says The Whitehorse Star says: The Galiano, of the fisheries , = The City of Seattle went south] that what was the liveliest little} Rey, Father Rivet who has been service, is in port today. We buy and serve only the best|/this morning. Among the pas-|‘°¥" in the North eight years ago} i, charge of the Catholic | hureh ae, « the market affords. London Cafe.|sengers from here was Mrs. Thos.|'S "0W Wholly deserted except ro it this pide for the past several W. P.. Lynch’ returned this | * ie Deasy of Masset. “9 “aon on: aane woman who} has betn notified by. Supt morning from a business trip| Suits worth $30 and $32.50 of So G4 lives there all alone. Three of thine Dinan iol Uihaihietes diate south. lthe 20th Century make for $18] Kenny Munroe predicts that the|'"¢ best hotel buildings in the|'4 es aon 9 jat Bryants. 158tf| Komagata Maru will land the Hin-| \@%0". One of them all furnished | British Columbia and Yukon, You éan't afford to wear that * . * du trouble makers at Prince Rup- even to bar glasses and cash reg ren ee “mens a oe old suit any longer. Get a $25; Mr. Wm. Rowley, of Taews.a,| ert. ister, stand like silent sentinels,ja new field, Fort George, where suit for $15 at Bryants. 158tf arrived this morning on the Ru- ee ee reminders of former prosperity |no priest has as yet been station . + 6 | pert and expects to locate here. The second storey of the Pres- and haleyon days. jed Father Rivet will leave here Albert Davidson, left this) . a | byterian mause is being plastered Mr. Armstrong says there are} this week for his new home nothing f6t-e trip'to New Hazel- Window blinds, stock size, 3 ft.|and fitted up in preparation for sufficient buildings in Conrad for | General regret is expressed ton-on G, T. P. business. x 6 ft., 45¢ each, at Geo. D. Tite’s|the arrival of Rev. H. R. Grant,|* tw" of five hundred population | that he must leave Whitehors i furnitnre sale. 161tfi| who will arrive July 29th and that if that section ever has | and the best wishes of all will * Get it now—that raincoat for a © = ® another mining boom, the own-Jaceompany bim to his new and hte wife or for your boy or girl. Get a 20th Century suit at Rev. Mr. Woodside, of Fairview|°™® ©8" wey nr ae — posses-) broader field of labor. Lots of ‘em at Wallace's. 168tf|Bryants. Special price for a few) Presbyterian Church, will arrive|*'0" With practically no outlay nee days, $15 158tf| next week to assist in the induc. |¥"@tever.— Whitehorse Star Inlaid linoleums reduced to . >=. tion of Rev. Mr. Grant. Mr. j Norfolk Rooms. Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea-| [ron bed, spring and mattress sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton. for $10, at Tite’s big furniture ie? sale. 161tf Thursday we will have on sale ee white middy blouses trimmed You have put it off long enough with blue for $1.50 each. De-j|and you really can’t do without mers’. 168\it—a new raincoat from Wal- ee lace’s. 168tf Messrs. Wm. Manson, M.P.P. = 2? Mayor Newton and City Solicitor D. M. Moore, one of the pro- ~ ‘Geaet prietors of Cassiar cannery, left Peters returned on the George | ih ic morning for Sockeye. He ex-| this morning from Victoria. pects to spend a few days among . th he Sk If you can’t pay for it now,|""” re ‘ mes y ‘redit is probably good at ‘- : Wallace's Seo theul aheut: the|. The Prince Rupert Towing Co., ee ‘ seats) fener! towing; the new erude oil ee tug “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Red " a 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. wee z Ring ane ~ — ° Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” magnificent four ree ameus Crude Oil Motor. 1e5tt Players production, at the Em- : as. & ee wtusivs men. The Rupert Marine & Iron Miller, the second hand man, Works are putting the, new tol pays the highest prices for ladies’ shaft in the Sohing amet Pal. and gents’ cast-off clothing,|°O" today. The boat broke her tools, ete. Will call any time.|*"@f’ while in the harbor here hone 565 825 3rd Ave. 163.89 and fortunately was able to signa! << for a tow. oes “The Ring and the Man,” a + carte .6¢ Venetia Maite é sar 0 anco SUS, magnificent four reel Famous : : . ° ineluding Rev. Dr. H. F. Perry of Players production, at the Em- ; ‘ press Theatre to-night. the First Baptist Chureh, Van- a couver, D. G, Williams, Esq., and » The Ladise’ Aid of the Presby-|J. J. Wallace, Esq., arrived on to- terian Church will hold a meeting |4ay's boat on a visit to the local in the Church Hall on Friday af- ehureb They will meet as an ternoon at 3 o’elock 168-9] Pdination couneil tonight pre- . eo paratory to the ordination of ie young ladies arrived on the Rev. W Wright, which is to take : : place on Sunday. Dr. Perry will emegd pete norning direct from | Geliver a lecture to-night in the England. They left on the train}ehurch on “Business is Religion bound for Houston where they ex-|and Religion is Business.” There pect to settle. There are no men)will also be a concert on Monday in the oe evening. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S.S. VENTURE Naas, Mil! Bay, connecting for Aiyansh ; for Vancouver Saturdays at 4 p. m. S.S. CHELOHSIN Arrandale and Granby Bay every Sun- for Vancouver, the South, Tuesdays at Sails for Simpson, Fridays at 2 p. m.; Sails for Simpson, day at midnight; 9 p. m. PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. A. E. Rand, President, J. 8. Pearce, Manager THE. PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Band Sawing, and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. tures, House Finish a Speciaity, Factory and Office: Seventh ae Hays Cove Circie Telephone 218 ~- P.O, Box 207 Princes Rupert, B, C, A Cream of Tartar Powder Made from Grapes i Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V. TAKE NOTICE tat Lancelot Russel Walrond Beavis of Esquimalt, B. C., oceu- pation master mariner, intends to LU for permission to purchase the follo’ Jeseribed jands: Commencthg at @ pos planted tile distent and in @ northerly direction Trom entrance to small ao re or less ;} America’s | j thrive in | | | | ular lecture on Scotland while he is here. Se Rev. Dawson, of the Lytton In- dian school, was in the city to- day. He is going up the river to get some of the interior Indians interested in educating the voung at the special schools. os ae H. Dunean Seott, Deputy Min- ister of Indian Affairs, left on the Chelohsin last evening for the south. He was in consultation here yesterday with the various Indian agents in the district oy e...4 A sample of magnesite taken from a deposit near Atlin is on exhibition in the Board of Trade rooms. This is used principally} for making firebrick The own- ers are trying to interest English capital as the deposit is very val-| uable, 6 «¢ The Board of Trade Commis- sioner is in receipt of a com-| munication from the Edmonton Industrial Bureau, asking for ore samples andgame trophies. There is @ special request made for a seal or a sea lion which the Ed- monton Board wants to mount for exhibition purposes It all depends. Wages are too blame high when want some work done. And the are too blame low when y ire hunting for work. bay close west side of Ste-| LANCELOT RUSSEL WALROND BEAVIS Hand S, 1004 Published May 26 to July 87. North Has Marvelous Capabilties 1 lal afte July 22 . tk 2 ted plant Luther Burba y Daws Burba brother n Spec at ‘ . y visiting of Alaska a velo ares the valleys | have mar ope 5 preduction Mr Burb time \ that to « will to i is will ‘ adapted thor there and water ld with a potato oughly that equal and that will enabl t tho miles valleys, | suf Hi ati te vill he nditions be fr any from 1 in the e ee wi Alaska, of et Lie Ler sands fine pot United States ands ich +} To ‘ needed pe short needed. “Alaska the future should = ship celery and The governm rivers afford the Siber . tat al. wil are ready he and ni more may be looked to ipply Alaska cabbages, for alse} turnips, | | s of root crops. | it railways and| natural higch-| apples should ways. lar Alask Phone Red | 162.7 Rosebel} Launch 400. | Wanted " IMMEDIATELY Agreements of Sale Discounting Prom $2,006 Harrison, Gamble & Go. Third Avenue SEEDS!. SEEDS! Have received our 1814 Spring Seeds FIELD, GARDEN, AND : FLOWER SEEDS Agents for } DOMINION NURSERY & for Submit lo ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY 3) Mall orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Skiaki Bay, on the 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 phens Island and adjacent to Heation | peeenee post of Lees, thence cast’ twenty ™ _ hains, thence ith forty chains, thence, ——______ — = west twenty chains, thence north forty cupins, following the suore line to. the ; "aw : ont of commencement, eighty sceres| ADVERTISE IN THE Dai_ty NEws Play the Piano in One Hour Without Lessons or Knowledge Music Anyone Can Play the Piano or Organ in One Hour. Wondertul New System That Even 2 Child Gan Use. 1 p.m... -R one can learn to. play the Piano or Organ - With this new method you don't have to know one note from another, yet an hour of practice you can be laying your waveree music with all the bngers of both hands and playing it well. e Seendien is so simple that even @ | ehild can now master music without costly instruction. Anyone can have this sew method on @ free trial merely by asking. Simply write sayine. “Send me the FE Worm Music ‘Method as announced “in in The Prince Rupert Datly News FREE TRIAL complete syste together mes of music will then be sent to you ree, all charges pocaye and absolutel; aot one cent to pay. You keep it seve. jays to thoroughly prove it is all that is laimed for it, then if you are satisfied send us $1.0 and one dollar a month until 6.50 in allis paid. Ifyou are not delighted eh gene % back in seven = ove and ve risked nothing and will ander no obligations to us. 7 a nurober rot > keys on r organ, a! it ress Easy Method Musid’ Gow a Canada. OBB Oe” TAKE A POLICY IN THE EXCELSIOR LIFE OF TORONTO Canada’s Leading Life Co. FOR RENT OFFICE ON SIXTH STREET KISSICK, EDWARDS & KISSICK Phone 19 221 Sixth st. Ot ag with tb | ceneaeeaereeaeeee® > HOSPITAL TICKETS t General g Hospital entit the hospital Institution of the fol. rhe Kuper hospital ts Prince are issull hich ricke “ e holders to treatment at including the Resident Dor lowing rates Monthly Tickets. . $1.00 Six Months’ Ticket $5.00 Tickets are on sale at C Orme'’s 2nd Ave Drug- store and at the Hospital, or by mail from the Secretary of the Hospital ***e eee errr e free the services at the r, ee ee ee ee ee ee From the South Among mw the mi the passengers 3! Prince Rupe Mr M immers, Dr kildson, D. W Miss Quirrell, J ers, M. Newtor B. Trites, L, Manson, Mrs ton, Miss Hint Miss F. Hintor Master Thon Petters Mr. © Smith, P. I W. H. Thom; r. N. Hibben G. Ball, Mrs Heater, © D. Thor Wol I Duneat Bh. Cart Mrs sa B n J Mrs ing were ana = sey Pet G Mr Hin linton homas, Mra Mrs J ssman Mr. and Mrs, Stephens, R WwW Ww Srna Ma allace - M M and iith cere Ww eh l J Ball Father's Purchase Father were on bight a Rubens when we the ¢ tinent last nmer Kea What horsepower? The Wrong Fioor De beans here?” No, ma‘am; up- Phis is the ground floor,” pper und coffee Assistant you keep un- stairs Fee _ — A esi : ativ ? OLD Wall bil Le E.) (bul face. « _- nt "We rite vine St ai here wt et ——~ shh © lous offer We exsest veo to tl yur haom shoot ow aed Ghew them the teeuts © atch Den t think this offer too geod te he tree : 38 conte day snd vtin 6 Free Werek wit be emared —WiLIAAMS & LLOYD eral Jevevtions (Dept, 4), @. Cormwailie Rost. Lor 5 Eveiand WANTED TO PURCHASE FURNITURE of al) descriptions. Highest price paid for conte ae ss residence Auctions eMciently onduc Terms moderate and prompt Spubamente Goods received on commis- stuf New and second hand goods offered at bargains see my iine before buying if you want to save mone PRINCE RUPERT AND Phone 681 “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT PURNISHED veniences Modern con Phone 154. 1660r roomed Mat with bath, $25 ver Wark's Jewelry Store 163u wo light housekeeping rooms eat and laundry found. Nor Fulton Street 163-168 KENT Furnished fromt room with and board, Close in; rease Apply Box 69, Daily News, 1534f ROOM for rent; #5 per month. PUR RENT per mont ‘ NI I «i folk. huon A roon terms Ft FCR SALE Heintaman prices, at 1638 SALE or will trade for property, 30 fsoollne launeh, new 8 b.p. engine bve Sing ta good condition. Price end orth. arranged, Apply Box (20, Daily News 1ia-u SALE Koll cot bed; parlor chairs; ‘grass chairs; dining room suite, ed oak, Flemish, ineapensive * table; missfon chairs; lamps; : et Apply, Mrs. Stewart, 346 h Avenue West 166-8 ALI Two bigh gerede \ riates at sacr.dce Wark s Jewelers. On WANTED Woman for urs each week housecleaning, & Vhone Red 183 ar -D-—-Man and wife to manage rail- lunch counter. Apply W. J. McLean, T. VY. News Stand, 166-167 WANTED--Gas work boat, 50 ft. or more sullable for Beavy weather. Will ex- change lots im Bellingham, Nicola Stock, interest im townsite om Kettle Valley railway, ya 2411 Stephens 5t., Vancouver, B 162. 168 KELIABLE BROKERS WANTED.—Noehbren- ‘TED WANT Way Mannix Petroleum Limited, (Non-Per- sonal Liability) $1,000,000 oneperenen. Leases surrounding Monareb ager? OU Plelds, whieh has struck bisca crude ul Well Qnanced. Good literature Strong board of directors, who are all cessful business men, DIILLING ON FRAC FED FOR and WILL START AT VCE ning price low, Rapid Rise ertain or reservations and further ences to HH. Leonard Humphreys, berteulars wire or write, giving refer ‘Noehren- Mannix Petroleum, Limited, $2 2+ bomiaten Bank Chambers, Edmonton, Alberat MISCELLANEOUS A pair of gold cuft-links initial LL.” Return to Room 25, heward and no questions 163-168 LEN ! ; * Hetel asked s**t ee eeeeeeeeneneeeene © | i, RV ne CHEAPEST poy ee ON THIRD Ay ENyE LOT IN BLOCK 24, on, $14,500 (0 Quarter cash, » alance 1, 2 and 3 Voars PATTULLO &@ Ra DFORD Second Ay, eee Corre se eeeees GRAHAM ISLAND SHARES ONE DOLLAR par ONLY 25¢ THis WEEK GOLD BELT REALTY (0, 307 Sixth Street CORSETS MADE To MEASURE aa that ladies u for te at inds of stout all repairs oenty, done MRS. 8S. LANDO 718 Second Ave Phone an PRPPREEEEEER ERE OE Se eee sey ee ' ' 75-PHONE-75; PRINCE RUPERT AUTO aa} Ahhh hein REE eee eee PRINCE RUPERT B0;T Boats and Launches for hire. for sak Gasoline PHONE Fro so Worth End of Manson Way Woreerrorororooorsrerccrert RARRARAAAA RARER ee eT ETEN ’ . : ' * -- ’ ; ’ : ’ = ALF HALLIGAN " Satake eeeeaeeeeeeereet CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROF PRINCE RUPERT TO MONTREAL and returo nang TORONTO and return 1 ST. PAUL and reture ue CHICAGO and retro ane NEW YORK and retwre ‘ a Other points correspond: sf! a. Effective June {st Ft ree limit October ti+ Princess Alice southoo.%¢ Gaturday noc’ Princess Destetee southbound Sunday, 8 pm 4. @ MONAB, Genere! soe" Corner Third Ave. and sixth & ee To Rent over Hays 125 Three-roomed House, Four-roomed House, Fifth *™ v Section Six seo lor Foureroomed Mouse, ©" “a Street al $6.0 Cabin on Fraser Stree! GR. Naden Co., Lit Revond Avenv’