— ve DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: nypert’s leading Paper Why not build @ tin roof over the city? The Provincial Govern~ mELIAGLe ALIVE ment would get out plans. Leena tse ~h-- nn ere 170 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS = AND TRUNK MACHINISTS THREATEN A STRIKE R WILFRID LAURIER COMING WEST — THE HOME RULE BILL STILL ALIVE~CANADIAN BEATEN HON. SIR WILFRID LAURIER WILL MAKE TOUR OF THE WEST ERALLY CONCEDED THAT THE TOURS OF THE LEADERS wean & YEAR'S CAMPAIGN AND AN ELECTION NEXT YEAR—-BORDEN’'S TRIP POSTPONED E RULE BILL ‘LOOKING FOR BOOM NOT YET IN THE FIRE Cor eld fe are Still Being Sir William Van Horne Speaks on Moderates Working Canadian Conditions rences Hard for Peace I j ; The Journal f n e publishes an inter r vith Sir William Van Horne ' ‘ i ‘ nditions Speaking of the recent drop in e. Aft ©. P. R. shares Sir William said ' re drop was quite unwarranted w there wil citi: D md geing the market was eaders Par il responsible for it. The it activity. The vay was just as good as ever ne indefat { was, he said, and although ection of a com is a reduction in business Amending Bill is, npared with their more pro- [pened = periods, there was no | . f a fall in shares and STERDAY’S BASEBALL jthose, he said, who took advan- jtage of fall would reap rich | tits American | sir W im said he had been New York. 1 Game | ast 5 i at recent references to ihe last half of the} j litions said to prevail wceount of rain.|in Canada. Such a state of things Washington. 5 ‘ wn to him. The money Philadelphia, 9 } string y in Canada was now Rost game post Ip wtica a thing of the past, he t of rain, ded, and with the fulfilment National » prospects Canfldians were Dittshéiee 6 x forward to a boom. 1, 8; Chicago, 15 ci ” 13: Cincinnati. 4 Football Mveting To-night ; St. Louis, 4 | — Coast | \ mpertant meeting of the i intn |! tball Leag will be held dto- San Francisco | ght the & \ndrwe's Rooms Veniee, 4 at B | Delegates are re- Venice, 4 quested to attend promptly. Northwestern soeniegiiiaiiidllan 1; Spokane Miss EF. B. Butterworth Jeft for i; Spokane, 0 Vancouvel this morning, being 1; Victoria, 3 hurriedly called there owing to Seattle, 7 | the liness of her mother. a ae aa a a a a aa a a a a ag. TONIGHT EMPRESS THEATRE - TONIGHT “A Race for An Inheritance” A Drama Full of Thriile “A Wild Night in a Balloon” A Wonderful Airship Picture “AN OLD MAID’S LOVE" Comedy “ARTFUL GONTRAN" Comed “THE WARWICK ENGLISH BIOSCOPE"’ ‘aining Many Recent English Happenings of ADMISSION, TEN AND FIFTEEN CENTS iblcielciehchelelelehelolehsloleleleieleloioieleisdieitt- 1-11. iohcheloieleielaielahaiaiaialelaiel NOTICE ro p ent.certain legal proceedings, I am comn issioned offer Let 18, Block 17, Section Six, on Seventh Avenue, near MoBride Street, for $2,500; third cash ani! balance 6 and 12 months; or $2,000 all cash takes this desirable Property, Deeds are in Bank of Montreal, Call, Write or Interest re T. McOLYMONT, Agent. pa ws is thought that Sir Robert A coast tour have found the time t “ ris propos-jth nonth, going through to th sutumt eoast and p t Prinee Rupert eded that a| This has bee found nposs eadera eans the | owing to press of bu ess at the year’? éam-! capita ind it is that the \' ite i an election! Pren after the settlement of quest ~ w pend will ¢« starts at St/away for a short vacation or 24th, and} Phe irrangement for the Vancouver about) western ‘trip will ettled at a ft is not yetiiater date. Sir Robert, it is ex whether or not pected, will leave Ottawa early in Rupert ; — ‘ Septenmibe and w d from a lmonth to six weeks the West orden's Tour Postponed lve will be back in time to say 4 Premier \ farewell to the D Connaught Western Can ib Quelbe the middie of Ox weeordinge toitober and t vel the ne g the months | govern: ge i Pp ce Alex Oetober Itiander of Teck ~STRINGENCY PAST). develop at any RIVERS INLET CANNERIES Inlet which is a record for MAY BE BIG STRIKEONGT.P.RY. - FROM FORT WILLIAM TO RUPERT 800 MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKERS WILL BE AFFECTED— AFFILIATED UNIONS WILL LIKELY DECLARE A SYMPATHETIC STRIKE Special to The Daily News Callum, organizer for the ma- Montreal, July 24.—According|chinists’ union says that about to local leaders of the Machin.|}800 hundred machinists and a ists’ Union a strike of the boiler|'@"se namber of boiler-makers | will be affected in the territory. makers and machinists of the} i, case. of trouble the affiliated Grand Trunk Pacific from Fort} unions will join the machinists, William to Prince Rupert may | being dissatisfied with their work moment. D. Me- | ing conditions. == CANNOT HANDLE ALL THE FISH FURTHER NORTH THERE “ARE NO NO FISH AT ALL—THE WET WEATHER HAS KNOCKED BOTTOM OUT OF FISHING —BIG PACK AT SMITH’S INLET Smith's In-|Inlet cannery from Robt. Kelly and Bella Goola|and associates. three years ago ; . a6 On River's \for the sum of $325,000. ae On the Skeena and at Lowe In- Salmon fishing on let, River's Tnlet is exceptionally good. the have canneries more let the bottom has dropped out than they can handle. The/of the fishing. The boats are Smith's Inlet cannery already has|hardly bringing in any and the 19,000 cases of sockeye packed |seines do not get enough to pay, so early in| for dragging. If the weather the year, and it means a small| would break and show a few days fortune to the ownérs. The Wal-|of sun all the fishermen are sat- lace Fisheries, a Mackenzie- | isfied ithe season would finish Mann company bought Smith’s | well. ROYAL PARTY HAVE STARTED WESTERN TOUR AUSTRALIA IN LEAD IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT (Special to The Daily News Duke and Duchess of Connaught Chicago, July 24.—Australia Will Not Visit Prince has scored a one-sided victors | Rupert over Canada in the first clash (Special to The Demy News) for the Davis Cup. In the elim- Ottawa, July 24.—The Duke ination matches in straight sets A. F. Wilding of New Aeataud de- feated R. F. PowMl, of British Columbia by 6-1 6-2 and 6-2 N. Brooks won from Sehwengers of Victoria, by 5.4, 6.2 and and Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia have started on their western tour. The first stop will be Fort Wiliam and Port Arthur. Winnipeg will be passed during the night, but a visit will n B.C 6-2. : sc ee be paid on the return journey. Besides visiting the important at the Empress 7 . ee eentres of the West they will spend a fortnight at Banff. “A Race for an Inheritance” is ny vt ar the title of a thrilling drama to be presented at the Empress Chance to Make Money theatre tonight and tomorrow oe night, and those who like some- Money is tight and I need it, so thing really exciting should make! #ere’s an offer: Up to August ist it efboint to be on hand. “A Wild|! will supply my regular $25 Night in a Balloon” is a wonder- | eating coil fro $15. T guarantee | ful airship picture, showing the this to boil water in fifteen min- dangers and risks taken by bird-| Utes, and not to affeet the oven. men. For good rollicking com. Ferty new in use and giving en- edy “An Old Maid’s Love” and, tire satisfaction. ASk for refer- “Artful Gontran” would be hard|@"ees- The reliable plumber, to beat. The Warwick English|4arry Hanson, P. O, Box 395, Biosecope shows many recent | Phone 489. 168tf. happenings of interest in Erg- | : iand | Miller, the second hand man, ies p~iocnniasliiiiainianaiil |pays the highest prices for gents’ When a bachelor gets tired of | cast-off clothing, tools, ete. Will leading a single life he should | call any time. Phone 565. 825 marry and be led, i Third Avenue. 163-189 —— — ——_—_—__—— THE MECHANIC'S STORE THEIR TEN DAYS’ SALE VAST FERTILE LANDS DAILY NEWS SOLD TO ALL VANCOUVER OUT ASTONISH SEED MAN) LOCAL BUSINESS MAN| TO SEE MARINE BATTLE Dominion Seed la aa Express Apprecia-| Thousands Along Water Front, Visiting Interior Along tion of Recent Management— Disappointed Wher no Fight | G. T. P, Paper Made Distinct Came Off Progress slater | \ | ion. Provincial) - The officers of the steamer has just return rhe Daily News, which hereto-| Venture state that Vancouver p the line with! fore has been 1 as a corpora-|water front on Tuesday was like Kees Dominion Seed | tion will hereafter be controlled one great grand stand. Between ‘ charge of the : 10,000 and 20,000 people were | British Columbia dis [by @ private fadividual lined up all day on the wharves, 1 Keegan is making a! Eight months ago the presention the roofs of buildings, and at try opened by the Management to charge under]aj] the windows facing the water | d appointing seed in-|@" option to purchase in antici-]| front, keep reports on the | pation of more rapid development They were out to witness the stricta ; jin Northern British Columbial]pattie of the Rainbow with the Mr. Keegan is surprised at the j than has taken place. Because]Komagata Maru. f agricultural lands |‘ f other business arrangements The Rainbow came into the pe p and is remaining in|it bas been decided not to exercise} harbor with six gang planks ele- h Leric for a few days to | that option and the company was|yated ready to drop aboard the nake several side trips. wccordingly notified. Hindus’ ship. All the gang planks , iii | At a meeting held yesterday,|/had steam pipes to protect the LOCAL LABORERS FORMED a Fr. G. Dawson made a pro-|boarding parties in making the UNION LAST NIGHT |" to purehase the assets of|landing. the company and a deal was ef- But the fight never came off Officers Were Elected at ection | fe" ted rhe present management|and the erowd were rather dis- Held in Carpenters’ Halli vill continue in charge tempor-| appointed. oa irily in order to allow Mr. Daw- - ipeoilitlinantinnsientigte Last evening a meeting was|son to make final arrangements AUSTRIA SENDS ULTIMATUM he the Carpenters Hall fi r| Tne Editor takes this oppor- TO THE SERVIAN EMPIRE the pu se. Ot iintati the tunity of thanking the publie for chosimmmaasen , the generous support they have Vienna, Austria, July 24 An- borers into a trades unt shown during his management) ther war cloud hangs over Eu- vi epresentatives of local| towards the paper and the policy . 6 rope which may result in the a we present and assist-| pursued Fearless criticism of ] the w ogether wtih John | public issues is the duty of every ish of arms at any moment. O'Briet reanizer of the Amer-|newspaper. and that The Daily \ustria has forwarded an impera- i Sadan’ + oti Nowe at teadl some extent bas note to Servia demanding he n starts off with thir ittained to that ideal is evidenc hat within forty-eight hours sat- by.dith eneenbeda.. whine uate ddnied bol nly.by the public ap-| sfactory assurances regarding known to be anxious to join rhe} proval 4 { e referred to eS ut ae pan-Servian movement, to aah. meee. te be teh wont iby the . 1s resolutio ¢| Which is laid the assassination of Phureday night in ialaninte s ot ais take com.|*** late Archduke Ferdinand and isn etictrn-alecisl time ..antee ‘evs they expressed sat-| "8 wife. Peremptory action fol- follows President, D. Dunlop;]!sfa n and appreciation of the wed at interview with Emperor vice-president, R. Hildebrandt; luet of paper in the last|*'anz Josef Count Ische. The secretary, W. H. Denney; treas-| seven mo - and in the fact that | TUesten of war is being discuss- irer, Thomas Maitland; trustees,|during that period the paper not ed freely throughout Austria, and E. ©. Réss, John Carroll and Thos.|only paid its way but made con-|* ' mber of the Vienna news- Reid; guide, W. Byrne; guardian, | siderab | gress. Even the cir-]?*P°"s are apousing the populace Fred Turk culatior that time the larcest with their opinions that war is : Ci ae is the . was thereased by inevitable. Other European “OUR MUTUAL GIRL” fully twenty-five per cent. powers 080 a! eee: oe 2 pressions of opinion as to the Fhe over popular “Mutual Girl"le @ eo 6 0 6 OSE OOSE Ce tcome of the critical situation which may again plunge Europe holds forth at the Westholme|* * to bloodshed. Opera House to-night, the 41th . IT IS CONTAGIOUS * Cibetrhedelashnnglaliapealliecnpeapatiingen instalment being due on the] ; : PER MONEY OF Prineess Beatrice to-day This . B ered i i alg 7 PA : number promises to be exception- ®t = aa a Ms se - ered a 7 NEW TYPE TO BE ally interesting, particularly to ee hk eedinn St catia tga ta or @ the ladies, * by the pr aa a ad * CIRCULATED \ fine two reel feature, “From] , i . — a oer one > Out the Dregs tells a splendid : r wat aii . . ae al alk aiemaatebin thkamsel * the C ty Couneil was to go * a ; ee ~ en peng 24. Little Billie's Triumph,” is a zs "~ Se the work immedi- * tons of dollars worth of paper Keystone comedy with little Billie a total cost of the *)/money of @ few type will be put n the title role. A new mutuali~ “°° 's it $2,000 and it *)into cireulation upon the estab- weekly will conelude the program : 7 we ‘a Pee tei “ *liishment of the federal reserve On Monday and Tuesday next] , ae eo a aaa a : banks within the next few weeks, a splendid four reel romantic tai os tha . * Under the federal reserve bank featur ‘Robin Hood,” will be . : mena act each of the federal reserve shown and the management pro : ut pol ins in promising * boards issue in the form of fed- mises this to be an unusually : ns q 7 — aa eee . eral reserve notes, a_ distinetly fine attraction, Sir Walter Scott's | | — . ee but ST new sort of paper money. Com- story is followed in the most im * a 7 ae ro ; mercial paper will be the colla- | portant points and both the ac-|, nie : be integms We »|teral advanced by the various tion and scenic effects are excep-| , y | banks as security for these notes, tionally, well done eREHEEHEESEHREO ES The new $5 note submitted by : es ie the bureau of engraving and WETS LEAD IN FIRST DIVISION Bamsahold saat printing is typieal of agriculture, ousehold goods and ‘teraltene . queen : a : rhe portrait of Lincoln is on the The wets are in pronounced ee now at half price. face of the note, and the back Crosby's Second Hand Store, 839] °° i . majority in Southeastern Alaska Pied Avenue 153-tf shows a harvesting machine and according to the enumerations “— allegorical figures typical of made by those appointed by the| ~~ — . farming. The $10 note bears a courts to ascertain the sentiment ~ portrait of Cleveland and a man- of the people over 24 years of ufacturing scheme, The $20 bears age on the liquor question. In EST HO LM Jackson's portrait and is typical the eight principal towns of of commerce, having a steam- Southeastern Alaska it was shown nee ship, train and other mediums of that there are 5,054 people qual Cr , trade on the back, ifled to express an opinion on the OF E R A H O U SE Grant's picture is shown on liquor traffie Of these 4,757 the $50 note, and Franklin's por- favored licensing saloons: 974 TO-NIGHT trait adorns the $100 bill, Both were opposed to it; 395 non-com- of these larger bills are typical mittal, and 297 were not seen enwainee of the arts, Large tract of good farming Morons lestenens of Newspaper for Yerrace land now open for free settlement “OUR MUTUAL GIRL” —_—_—— Mm Oregon, Over 200,000 acres in Mr. W. N. Swartout, formerly all, Good climate, vich soil, and| “FROM OUT THE DREGS" f the San Franeiseo Chronicle, does not require irrigation to| Pine Two Reel Feature ind who came north last year to raise finest crops of grain, fruit gel in on the new country epened | and garden truck. For large map, |g LITTLE SILLIE’S TRIUMPH up by the G, 'T. P., has deeided to full instructions and information, | keystone Comedy locate at Terrace where he is and a plat of several sections of | starting a newspaper to be known eee good claims, send | Mutual Weekly Gazette as the Terrace News Letter, The 4.40 to John Keefe, Oreg : sh issue t sar 2g os am peas City, | tuinten: 00 ind Wien Ghtienen hs apes nas will appear about Au veyor and timberman An opper Coming Next Monday and Tuesday Mr. Swartout has chosen a tunity to get a good fertile ened } “ROBIN HOOD” good centre and with all the en homestead near town and market,|2 « Rig Reels - No Advance in Prices thusiasm at bis command should 170 203 | make & success, IS POSITIVELY THE BIG EVENT OF THE SEASON THE SUCCESS THEY MET WITH IS DUE TO THE “VALUES” THEIR MANY PATRONS ARE GETTING. THEIR IMMENSE STOCK Is NOW BEING SOLD WAY DOWN CHEAP, INCLUDING — CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. --- GO AND SEE THEM EARLY HOFFMAN'S ennsenanneeal