4, 1004 rik DAILY NEWS ao as 3 The Dollars Saved have a Double Value These Days ~, GIGANTIC.. CREDITORS SALE We must raise $10,000 at once to satisfy Demands of Creditors who are forcing us to sacrifice our | entire $25,000 Stock. No Reserve. Prices Cut Wide Open OO EE TIE, TO TURN $10,000 OF THIS STOCK INTO CASH ARE MY ORDERS GET IN THE BARGAIN SCRAMBLE! oo PRICES BADLY BATTERED --- THE QUALITY NHURT Now | am emphatic in the assertion that every SUIT, HAT, PAIR OF SHCES OR GARMENT of any kind in this entire stock will be marked to the give-away point regardiess of its intrinsic worth. | have followed them out to the last degree. Every piece of mer- chandisé in the stere is cut to less than cost of manufacture Not a single article reserved. It's up to you to share in the great- est cut slash sacrifice this city has ever known. Read every line Scan every word. Here's bargains that will make this sale a record breaker. B, M. CARR, Adjustor. The exceptional little prices will place them within reach of all. The Fiood Gates of Demand are open and will almost engulf us with buyers. COME AND SEE. Compare Our Prices with Any Ever Given in Rupert Before MEN GET A HURRY ON: LOOK, READ MEN'S $4.50 SHOES T y Pairs Good Strong Work Shoes. These 2 45 jular $4.50 values e e they tast our ce only : $2.45 .... ONE HUNDRED MIXED TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS. All the latest LOOK! "$17.50 AND $15.00 SUITS - $995 1000 Articles, values from 25c. to $25.00, including clothing, styles and all sizes. furnishings, hats and shoes, to be sold for each é SE GHEE 50k vc oo oc cecbban eee aecebhe $9.25 . EXTRA! EXTRA!! SUSPENDERS ee 25C. MEN'S SOX MEN’S $2.50 HATS FIFTY CENT SUSPENDERS IN MEN'S $2.50 A 100 DOZEN MEN'S TWENTY- | 1, First Fity Men entaving the VARIOUS MAKES, Mixed Tweed and Worsted Pants Bb vory article is attached to a string and displayed in the CENT WORKING SOX, store Saturday get a Now extra good value these ¢ : 2 ‘ . : ; . TO CLEAR, PAIR for only window; pull the string you fancy and secure the prize $2.50 Hat for YOU CANNOT LOSE! 25 CENTS $1.65 WORK GLOVES CAN YOU BEAT THIS? * "atowes att’ oo" ioies cause 5c. TRY IT! - 10 CENTS 00 CENTS ie seer aps care bt ; 75c AND $1.00 CAPS IN THE $14.95 TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN FEDORA FELT SOFT PER PAIR HATS, all styles and 5 CENTS Parone a: ALL NEW AND NOBBY PATTERNS. Fancy Tweeds ae and Worsteds, also . Blue Serges. Your 45 CENTS GROIOD 2... 000000 c ce Geen eres s $14.95 ... Sale Opens Saturday Morning July 25th, at 9 a.m. $1 DE SUITS ae 75 soa lMEN'S SOK clear HATS S H 0 E S ai S H 0 f S RAINCOATS WORK SEIRTS TIES $5.00 to $3.50 Soft Hats $15 Raincoats, guaran- | 15 dozen $1.00 and $1.25 50c Ties, all styles and all sizes, per pair Now GOING WITH A RUSH teed waterproof, now Shirts, now only shapes $10.95 25 CENTS $1.85 toe aire Work, Sides, Steak $9.85 65 CENTS 25 CENTS Gate Grie® ...: castnuwevs $3.95 $4.50 and $5 Dress Shoes. . $2.75 . U-WEAR ~ SHIRTS PANTS $5.50 and $5 Dress Shoes. . $3.96 HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES U-WEAR 75¢ Summer Underwear, | $1.50 Shirts, light makes, | $5.00 and $4.50 Corduroy 200 paire Oxfords, $5.60 — = 10c Excelda Handkerchief 50c Leather Working Pure Wool Underwear, all colors, per garment including Mhaki Pants, now only wpbusse (OP 00s chau $2. 25 CENTS 95 CENTS $3.45 ne te ees 5 CENTS 25 CENTS | NTS 95 CENTS 2eee “ecg | Grossman Clothing House | ;, ="... Washington Block, Second Avenue, between Sixth and Seventh —— It Means Money B.M. Carr - - - - Adjuster in Charge a Follow the crowds And Save