THE DAILY NEWS leading Paper ALIVE oe Rupert's RELIABLE Leg Watlve py) ] THE DAILY'N PRINCE —————-—- RUPERT, B. ¢ MONDAY, JULY 27, 1944. | GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: With #0 many people coming up 4, to look It over, one would think that court house site would grow em- ‘Darrassed. . . < * : > a —— a PRICE FIVE CENTS T. P. MAY RUN SLEEPERS FROMRUPERT TO WINNIPEG MENCING ABOUT AUGUST 23rd NEW THROUGH SERVICE WILL PROBABLY BE INAUGURATED BE- TWEEN THESE POINTS | he etite | to ‘put! road. On June ist there was al passenger service | #ap of 201 miles unballasted and i rt through tol en yn a oe about se - i tn avorabie conditions { Fdmonton and Win will be sufficiently completed} aid Gen. Supt./ about August 10th for trains to s morning. | make good time. iltowether on the} The big Nechaco bridge now in finishing up, bas the flooring on and the rivet- t | anticipate the|ing will be far enough advanced for th?s service | by August 10th to allow trains to 1, : cross. bably run al No definite arrangements have on the three-| been made for the ceremony of from Rupert|/driving the golden spike. The \\ per A dining} head officials are waiting infor the train between! mation as to when the road will ind Smithers and| be ready. This will be given them t George to Edmon-|about August ist and it is expect ed an announcement will be then es has been | forthcoming The approximate illasting of the/|date is August 15th. AMAN RAN--MADE OLICEMAN SUSPICIOUS r Shiels Grabbed the Chink and Found Opium caine Ave W he in he dodged The offic kK must be quick China felt a “a gave a ed the ta and et It Ah havi 1 his tL get it ERAL HUERTA COMING TO CANADA rted Kee paid the drug medicine Mextean ex-President | T0-NIGHT REQUEST” Music Program BY the Westhoime Orchestra ! for next Monday and should be left at the Box r tnailed to Geo, Werner before Saturday “ROBIN HOOD” Fascinating Four Reel Feature NO A FINE KEYSTONE COMEDY © ADVANCE IN PRICES Admission, 100 and 160 "0G Wednesday and Thureday: “Nemes SWEET HOME” ‘“Deont Pive Reel Feature proved to}! a| ‘QUEER RUSSIAN CRAFT HAS REACHED DAWSON Party of tmeniqvante Went North | Some Weeks Ago on C.P.R. | Steamer One of the things waters Dawson, July 27 strange face of the a few days ago It down the great encountering a with the is a me of the } ved here fly ame mating ver without sand bar . fehtest barge or or meeting mishap, It yet a scow In some it like Pegotty's upper works ot loft and above; its rudder sweep” artistically fashioned. It 1 copper-bottomed nor it heathed with irom but a plenti- not particulars la has nh pi il { railed eat and a a crow’'s long is a supply of piteh fills the seams It has limited accommodations ifor the company of more than 70 adventurers These young men propose to upport themselves by labor The vy are competent travelers and on Way to Toronto Hq ite idependent, well conduct- fed and orderly in’ their habits The Daliy News) 1 The property seems to be held ! 7 It is report 1 commor hey are all Rus- ned sources that! sians It has not been learned la, ex-president of| what part of the Czar's dominions his way here ithey came from. Their ship, j}which was built in Vanpouver, OPS FIRED INTO ——_| ss ‘anon across tho White Pas in seetions and assembled again RIOTING MOB OF ss tate te tare Over the en trance to their quarters are the NATIONALISTS words Pabourk taberneak = in - tatet’ which means, “Welcome ‘| to The Dally News) stoop your head July 27 A man and — killed and several Wedding Bellis led when troops fired Che rioting follow At the Methodist Chureh Sat- of rifles which had|urday, the marriage of Mr. John keeled in for the use of | Wells, of this city, and Miss Elsie ilists Grant, took plaee. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Dim- I mick, pastor of the church. The cibride reached the city by the Prince Rupert direet from Seot- EST H 0 LM land. She was met by the groom, who is engaged in the fishing th Ss business here» and the couple _ were wedded later in the day, PE RA HOUSE hey will reside in Prince Rupert, Put Shot Nearly 45 Feet Alex. Maedovald, late of the Prince Rupert Fire Department, and now on the Vancouver Pob. ice Foree, won the shot putting contest at the police sports in Vancouver last week His record was 44 feet 4% inches, Household goods and furniture good as new at half price, Crosby's Second Hand Store, 839 Third Avenue. as Winston save Aeroplaning 1 hurehill, “is at weupation for very young men Whom the gods love, fly young London Opin. *eeewerrorrorevoweearree ened | \\)I\: ere eee eee * TO TEST PARI-MUTUEL has will take of of horse races The Attorney- he believes ment against onths’ racing. steps will be tak- ® a magistrate in d municipality. ) It uthy legal battle. Bowser iat he to test the legality tuel system the W J i 4} eee ® M is * * 7 * * * * * * * 7 * * * * ” * * 7 eee eee ee O'NEILL CHALLENGES BARRY il to The Daily News) Jack O'Neill amateur of the ged Barry of England, rote i Ha ix, July 27 feated cham- world, has the » to champion seuller championship. WON AGAIN ON FOUL The Dally News Bordeaux Fr al t ance, July 27. the won rees Carpe weight champion Kid Jack und here Sat ntier, heavy- a decision the fourth irday on a foul. ver son in EEE OLD HAZELTON WON EEE EEE HH * GAME FROM NEW TOWN|* WwERE THE money 1s = * * : 7 re z log the * Great Ball Game in Which Much — 2 00d "eee : a m Changed Hand * theory that hard times are * owe renee ee * not caused by the lack of * (Special te ‘the Dally News * money but by the hoarding of * iH It July 27.—Old Hazel * money. The people are salt- * —aew oS @ Mace! |*® ing away the simoleons for a * ton won the league baseball game] painy day. Offer a real bar- * here yesterday against New| gain and see how many peo- * Hazelton by a se of two to one.|* ple will come forth with the * It was one of the best games ever|* ready oe ~ age z played here and was full of thrills * rhe Daily News reaches © from start to finish There was * the people with the money. # keen interest and several thous-|* It has the largest circulation * and dollars were placed on the|* Of any paper in the city. ® result. . ° The game was won by Pike, Ceres eseeseseses who batted a line drive over the rea ete bs fence for a home run sending in Fisherman is Missing Sinelair ahead of him. This was anata the only score by Hazelton. New The Chief of Police is in re- Hazelton made a run in the 7th|ceipt of a communication from when Barrett scored. the manager of Wales Island ‘The batteries were: Hazelton ; "1Cs ry c 8 » mak - Pike and Stokke; New Hazelton, annery, asking that he make en Jennings and Barrett. quiries for a fisherman who dis- All the eitizens of both towns|appeared on the 16th. The lost were out to witness the game and|man’s name is Vietor Anderson. the visitors were keenly disap-|He had a fishing boat numbered pointed on the result. EK. F. 145 and a gill net. When - aa last seen he was near Dundas Is- Miller, the second hand man,|land. Boats have been out search pays the highest prices for gents’|ing for him but nothing was cast-off clothing, tools, ete. Will | fo ind, It is thought some of the call any time. Phone 565. 825 halibut boats may have seen him Third Avenue. 163-189 or his boat. Special to The News Vienna, relations Dally July 27 Diplomatic Austria and broken last regarded by Mar- declared between Servia were formally War public night. the tial is now as a certainity. law has been Austria - Minister and Vienna. Military has been ordered It is believed there will be rmal declaration of war as subscribed to the There is gen- going in throughout Phe has left ship Hungary. staff censor- on the Servian wires no fo Servia never Hague convention eral mobilization Me mnitlenegro, Army Is Mobilizing London July 27. Minister stating ander ordered the moned Skupshtina morrow at the tal city of Nish, east of Be The Servian has received a despatch that Crown Prinee Alex wh acting Regent, i general mobilization of army. He has sum- to meet to old fortified capi {30 miles south- is Servian lgrade Russia Also Prepares St. Petersbure, has bidding the July 27, A de for- mn this year of information about the army and navy in this Moscow has been placed under a modified form of martial law. Servian of- fleers and reseryists return ing home, has informed the German ambas- sador that Russia will be unable to remain indifferent if Servian territory is invaded. cree been promulgated publicatic eity are italy Friendly to Austria Vienna, July 27,—Italy has in- formed Austria that she will adopt a friendly attitude in accordance with the triple alliance. Servian Army Mobilizing oF Vienna, July Shortly fort 6 o'eloek, Saturday, the tro-Hungarian minister at Bal. grade presented a note to the Servian Foreign Office saying that the Servian reply sent to Vienna Was unsatisfactory, The Austre. Hungarian minister, his staff and be- Aus The Foreign Minister | ANOTHER EUROPEAN WAR NOW IS REGARDED AS A CERTAINTY | Martial Law Declared in AustriosSiameery --- Servia Has Broken off Diplomatic Relations---Both Sides Mobilizing Armies . egation then left Bel-|u: {the ent at that has arisen between grade | Austria and Servia, All divisions The Austrian government re-/|of the German fleet have been or- fused all the requests of Servia|/dered to assemble at a pre-ar- for an extension of the time limit) ranged place on the Norwegian for a reply to the note, ; coast A message from Belgrade says One high among the naval. of- has | | | that orders for the mobilization) ticers who aceompanied the Em- of the Servian Army were given|peror, previously served Germany at 3 o'clock jaboard the fastest destroyer in | he service, Seat of Government Changed The King of Servia with his MPLES 0 OF’ TIMBER court and the garrison are leay SA g the Servian capital, ‘The Ser- FOR EXPORT TRADE vian g it will be conduct- | ed f n Krag yexats, where ae Provincial Minister. of Lands Ar- s the arsenhl for erme aud th ranges for Exhibit to Be ammul ictory, Sent Commissioners Austrian Fleet Busy Lp aguas ts ctor d es TD citdaail d Onitin Luly. 89 .scfilliie Aiea Victoria, July 27.—Mr. -H. R. ‘ illan thie . re ee ie Pag 2 SR MacMillan. chief of the forest Se te Ragusa in Dal-|ranch, in the Land Department matia I'wenty-two Austrian/of the Provincial Government, is warships issembled in the | preparing samples of Britsh Co- Bay of Cat 1. In oficial cir-|iumpbia timber (fir, spruce and ce- cles it is rpreted that these a ' th Se movemy ean that if Austria}“®" > *° ae export trade, and went to \ with Servia the first|!s forwarding the same to Domin- move © i be to seize Mount)!en trade commissioners where as ooking Cattaro. ever they may be located, This action is taken in co-operation Russia Mobilizing | 2 with the Minister of Trade and Bt. Pet ry, July 27.—The|Commerce at Ottawa. mobitizat of the Russian The samples will be sent to a army has be rrdered to proceed , , ' number of points in China, Jap- immediately, The Caar fully ap- lan Australia, South Afriea, South proved of ministers’ decision) america, the British West In- to this effect dies, and The Netherlands, be- sides points in Great Britain and Europe The samples will be of Germany Agitated Bergen, July 27 The German . Emperor has Jeft suddenly for both the finished and unfinished Siclin im lee Gain eaalalen oll product, and arrangements have already been made with the trade commissioners for the hecessary ee ee ee ee oMee space, * * he signs are yery hopeful that Victoria, 2; Ballard, 7. * SOLD FOURTH AVE. LOT *® inuch good will result from this Coast * */optical demonstration of the Portland, 7; San Franeiseo, 3. * W. J. Coley of Seattle, *| splendid manner in which timber San Francsieo, 6; Portland, 4 * formerly this city, is in */\ from this Previnee responds to Sacramento, 6; Los Angeles, 0, * Rupert for a few days, This */every kind of treatment for the Sacramento, 1; Los Angeles. 0 * morning he sold lot 19, block *#/ export trade, The department is Venice, 5; Oakland, 0 * 1, section 6, to J. F, MeKin. *|} desirous of combating* the notion Oakland, 4; Venice, 3, * ley for the sum of 86,000, #) which bas heretofore very largely - } * There is a seven room house */prevailed that it was only big] “Auth formation abont} * and a three room house on *jtimber which the Provinee wasl|football can ither seheduled * the property, The lot is ad- #/eapable of shipping, and with the} or postponed be had by eall * joining the Presbyterian ®/efforts of the various trade com-|ing up | { Store. tf) * ehurch property missioners throughout the world —— * #) Provincal timber produets should True lov: fewe—but not| eR H HB Sooure a good advertisement, far between : H.R. GRANT, NEW PASTOR, TO BE INDUCTED WEDNESDAY EVENING ORIGINAL SKY PILOT OF RALPH CONNER’S NOVEL WILL BE JIN CHARGE OF PRINCE RUPERT’S PRESBYTER. H. call to take ducted will be and Rey. couver, held big men West. On Wednesday RK. Grant, who has accepted the TP. TO RUN PULLMAN CARS RUPERT TO WINNIPEG—REV. GRANT INDUCTED ON WEDNESDAY / AR BETWEEN AUSTRIA AND SERVIA NOW CERTAIN = == —— —— —E= 1AN CHURCH evening, Rev.|Conner’s popular book, “The Sky charge of the Pres- byterian Church here, as pastor. in J. W. Woodside, of Van- will conduct the services. The new pastor is one of the of the church He is a pioneer and was the character pictured in Ralph will be in- The ceremony the chureh hall in the according Mr. Tests on anfficipated clean-up. the weather An ceived from Government of the Ca cording to is said, 1 repairs done in Canadiar Limited, of the rhere would have particular that the most ready pert, idle. Seattle 1 6; remains mild will start washing up immedi-!little camp at that point. Esquimalt, which is particularly affected, put! North. question which led to the dis-! closing of the new situation. have sions in the past on which work been done The Fiddler Creek and Lorne Creek District up the Skeena is going to be a busy mining centre. to who came down yesterday after spending a couple of weeks there. Burgess’ ting in a big hydraulic washing out gold on Lorne Creek. They are now building the flume. their produced better values than they and shaving water they expect to make a good Their plant ready about November AMERICAN VESSELS MAY REPAIR IN RUPERT Will Not Have to Pay Duty Repairs, According to New Gating intimation of portance to the shipbuilding trade adian Northwest. Pilot.” He has been moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of British Columbia which is the highest honor that can be con- ferred upon a minister of the church in this Province, Rev. Grant was here with his wife for several weeks this sum- mer and became very popular in the city. He will arrive on the Prince Rupert Wednesday. LORNE AND FIDDLER CREEKS WILL BE BUSY MINING CENTER HYDRAULIC COMPANY PLANT WILL BE READY ABOUT NOV. 1 —MARTIN WELCH DOING DEVELOPMENT WORK— NEW PROPERTY TO BE OPENED Chas. E. Burgess, company is put- plant for property have lots of will be ately. Otherwise they will wait until spring. At Fiddler Creek the © Martin Welch company are just starting their prospecting work. Their camp is alongside the railway. Directly across from Fiddler Creek are several bornite copper claims held by the Continental Developemnt Company. There is a six foot vein of this rich ore showing on the surface and the company is going to do some de- velopment work immediately. With these three properties ist and if they nas been re- United States the utmost im- working within a radius of two or three miles there will be quite a ATLIN FISHING CO0.’S SCHOONERS DISABLED on Carlotta G. Cox and Borealis Are Both Out of Commission Two fishing schooners of the Atlin Fisheries, which lately have been operating out of Vancouver, are disabled. Ac-| it to American vessels | ports. Yarrows, been many occa- in Canada on American ships because of the convenience of the nearest port, but the owners, after considering the matter, have preferred to go to the other side to avoid the charges in question, This revision of the tariff is of interest to Rupert now big dry dock here is al- for ships up the coast in need of re- pairs will naturally come to Ru- business. All YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL Northwestern Vancouver and Spokane were Tacoma, 5. | ly firm | The schooner Carlotta G. Cox lost her tail shaft off Sound Point Millbank Sound, and is anchored a recently introduced | there awaiting a vessel to tow her Unted States tariff regulation, south. A tug will be despatched o duty will be charged on| from Vancouver to bring her in. The Charlotte G, Cox only recent- underwent extensive repairs, following her grounding in the The schooner Borealis got her ‘machinery disabled while fishing in Alaskan waters and was towed to Sitka. From Sitka she was towed to Petersburg. where the steamer New England, of Van- couver, picked her up and towed her to Ketchikan, where she is undergoing repairs. The crew of the Borealis came in on the Sophia on Saturday. Carpenters’ Union A smoker will be held in the Carpenters’ Union Hall on Wed- nesday, July 29th, inst., at 8:30 SNAP LOT 1% BLOCK 14, SEC, 1, | $16,000 | TERMS, $8,000 CASH BALANCE AT END OF TWO YEARS; INTEREST 8 PER CENT BOX 71, DAILY NEWS p.m. All carpenters are cordial- ly invited to attend. Regular meeting will be called at 7:30 sharp, Frank Salter, Secretary, 172-74 Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone A, tt = ae — - ——= it lil al ila