THE DAILY NEWS es Baal HELP SINKING HELP To the Thrifty Money Saving People of Prince Rupert and Vicinity THE OLD RELIABLE GROSSMAN CLOTHING HOUSE HAVE SUNK THEIR PROFITS INTO YOUR POCKETS. NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS CITY WERE SUCH REAL GENUINE AND BIG BARGAINS OFEFRED AS THERE ARE AT THIS SALE. THE REASON IS “WE NEED MONEY” TO SATISFY OUR CREDITORS AND AS MONEY IS SUCH A SCARCE ARTICLE NOW WE ARE GOING TO THE EXTREME IN BARGAIN GIVING TO GET IT —- REMEMBER -- NO OLD STUFF, THE GROSSMAN GUARANTEE WITH EVERYTHING OUR STORE |S FULL OF NEW GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLES —- DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE REAL MONEY ABSOLUTELY NO RESERVE -- ENTIRE STOCK MARKED AT GIVING-AWAY PRICES COME EARLY AND GET YOUR VALUES TRY YOUR LUCK IN THE DRAWING CONTEST -- 25° T0 $25 ARTICLES FOR 25° -- EVERYBODY WINS READ THINK COME AND SAVE --- EVERYTHING GOES IN THIS GREAT SALE “WE NEED MONEY” 500 Shirts, Regular $1.00 and $1.25, now... . .55c $3.50 to $5.00 Felt Mats................... $1.85 $27.50 fine quality Biue and Fancy Suits. . .$17.45 $1.25 and $1.00 Work Shirts................ 65c Excelda Handkerchiefs, 3 for................. 25c 24 $17.50 Blue Serge Suits............... $10.95 = por ye ork eee ie creas oa | $4.50 Work Shoes, to clear’.......... 6.6.5. $2.45 ORGS Weed OU. diss, 5. ceed ddeosas $1.65 $4.50 Dress Shoes, all go for.............. $2.75 ; 200 pairs $5.00 Oxfords, per pair........... $2.45 $4.00 and $3.50 Pants..................4.5. $2.95 $5.50 Dress Shoes to clear............... $3.95 $15.00 Guaranteed Raincoats .............. $9.85 | $5.00 Corduroy Pants ......... 0.6.06 c cee $3.45 $6.00 Heavy Work Shoes, per pair...... . $3.95 $17.50 and $15.00 Tweed and Worsted Suits, $9.25 | 75c Balbriggan Underwear. per garment... .. .26c $2.50 Fedora Soft Felt Hats............... . 950 $26.00 Biue and Fancy Suits.............. $14.95 $1.50 All Wool Underwear, per garment...... 95c “WE NEED MONEY” $1.25 medium weight underwear, per garment. . .75 | Sixty Dozen 20c Cotton Sox, per pair.......... 10c Thirty Dozen Grey Work Sox, per pair........ 15¢ | $1.00 and 75c Tweed Caps, now............... 45c | 60c Suspenders various makes............... 25c 60 Silk Ties, various styles.................. 25c | 50c Leather Work Gloves.................... 2c | BHD amMOretee in kc hb edececsccecess 55 COME EARLY AND GET YOUR VALUES Franee for the iiie power light expected to rty miles, . . : 8 he f Lew regulations ind ofieer in France il annual child under bonus . * * Lniversity Governors that Latin shall no mpulsory it the gates of Bucking- one night last week, ie demanded ted entrance, on seeing King 6: i the Mormon ‘ ne Alberta, is now well from the ntains is being used in temple (Granite i uction + o * Purcell, itive of the N.8., on after a the fell inte the and ‘ik before a boat could youne Halifax, Avon rivar, Thur day. flight, river, avia was at In ‘ mn } * * * of the ipany, Limited, w United as held nlion N.S., last week he howed that the apple in in & prosperous condi Co-operation has * done improve methods and to better markets * + ” '. Geddes Grant, a prom COMMission merehant of ) Spain, Trinidad, who was x last week, says that ried an excellent oppor tablish a profitable Sihe retining of crude m ‘Trinidad, 16 | subject | working for a medi > > * f mysterious fires in} Londen, which did inated at more than ‘as attributed to the} arson squad, 6. ae essed woman with ers in her pocket was ; ; Se A TOOLS PRR MOL BS HED ROLLS MOLLE MOLES SMCS, PEFR 8 British Columbia's annual fish catch is valued at $35,000,000, * * . | For raising 100 to 1,000 shares of a Cal- gary oil company, by forgery,| Fred Simon was sentenced to nine} n ths’ imprisonment with hard} labor by Magistrate Sanders of | that city. s 2&2 G. A. Cook, Canadian govern- | ment agent at Kansas City, ac- | companied by a party of Kansas | route to} City catilemen, are en i British Columbia for the purpose | lof selecting a territory in British | Columbia for the raising of pure- bred cattle * * . fhe opening of the Panama Canal! to the world’s commerce on August 15th was announced by Secretary Garrison Probably the first vessel to pass through the wreat Waterway will be the Crisobal, war department steam- er now at Colon. * * * The amalgamation of the Bank of Nova Scotia and the Metropoli- tan Bank, two of the leading chartered banks of Canada, has been announced, As the result of the merger, the bank of Nova Seotia will take its place as the fourth largest bank in Canada, with a paid up capital of $6,500,- 000. and a reserve of $44,750,-. 000 rhe total deposits will ag- gregate $67,043,789, and total assets 804,142,284 The net pro- fits of the combined institutions in 1913 were $1,592,662, oe @ By direction of the Canadian Government, Inspector Beytes is in Halifax fitting up an expedition to visit the frazen North in seareh two explorers who entered for a reeord of the Radford and Street } ularity ; sembly the north some time in 1911, and were last heard of in January, 1012. It is. feared that these men were killed by the Pequimaux, * * . j Prinee Alexand f Teek, the new Govérnor-General of Canada, made a most favorable impres sion at the Canadian dinner to celebrate Dominién Day, held at Gonnaught Room London, on July tat Phe Prince showed a CREDITOR’S SALE anor The Grossman Clothing House sneer LOOK FOR THE BIG YELLOW SIGN OLDS