THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, J Rbastionar, —— — DY Getiicteed (ac. “SMU CHANIC'S STORE ' ’ GEORGE NOTES , ; * ILLUSTRATED LECTURE * THE ME STORE r y : \#*# ee on nnoesereres nev 3. W. Woonelae th : THEIR TEN DAYS’ i | The Tribune * will lecture of The Land of * } F ; coneert wil Ihe gwiven bw the * Seott and Burt Thursday * ort George usica Society on # evening | with n ve | | August 7th, — * Presbvteria ( “vm h wan : * * js * Fourth venue ast usi ‘ News was elie Tuesday of ° ~ p * i eh ' n sean z : CREAMY °° BR. AL OWN : | we <é EKER EER RH . IS POSITIVELY THE BIG EVENT OF THI SEASON F. M. Rugeles and Wm. Landry y: | at | nt THE SUCCESS THEY MET WITH IS Dur ro SS a ED left Toesday for Bridgetow N S., where they will apend abou u =) THE “VALUES” THEIR MANY PATRONS ARE six weeks OWDER SEEDS! SEEDS! GETTING. THEIR IMMENSE STOCK Is jow eves ' d = . . BEING SOLD WAY DOWN CHEAP, inc a. es — Phe regular months eeting RAT AINS NO ALY Ha ved 191 CLOT ING FURNISHING GOODS, BO of the Fort George Bos f -s ve recelv our 4 pring OTS 1 rade was held Tuesday in the ; Seeds H i es Brate. wae Meld. Ssed as ri, aanoen Amo ETC. ETC. ~- GO AND SEE THEM E.\ a Done eRe Re RR HH FLOWER SEEDS } ; - } I Nay's new bakesh I * se apecitipa ’ akes | . A Cream of Tartar Powde |Cameron Street, near Third, is! PRINCE RUPERT BRIEFS * DOMINION NURSERY & : r now practically completed and | 22888866080 * ORCHARDS CO. Made from Gra jpromises that we will soon | FSH O8S 8 Dealers in Feed of all kinds vee or erorooons ibread from the new over Window blinds. stock size. 3 ft CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY - | * . * x 6 ft ioe each, at Ge D. Tite's Ma'l orders promptly attended to POPPI OPPO O PPFD Oe aa NO Al UM Dr. C. W. Swenerton a ¢ furniture : : orooerroooes ton i 7 int i sale i6itt Pri Or rhe ne , lirat Deus = ne , = Cen . .. rince Rupert Feed Co. comteve MADE To . i all on rursday, with { .. Burgess, “the mavor of SURE : sess: De pe» ja full line of drugs, stationery iLorne Creek,” is in the city for Sinton pee By gen wal 7 + sy oy oe S28 Sree lied sunaries, including choco-|two or three days i that ladies absolute CEs j ys. r . ol utey Di and Conigetions, cigars and + * * ‘ oeus » Pe. age ne an ocal News Notes obaccos and all the other lines| Warden Bailey, of the city jail ) mn inde ot repairs na which are carried in persent day : az 7 ' cine Gea jrug hor al nt the finger prints of Clay - * ome teem tieneutinsies siiiieiniait ad drug houses. 7 ae EP CROCE SS, ESS, ES OES SS l Pee jton, the prisoner who escaped by ante MRS. S. LANDO . a a : coleman epreeenet is sawing the bars of his cel! about Ch b S ° 718 Becond Ave Pp Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream.; Use Home Products: that's According to reports which lies weeks ago. to the a ' anen - urc ervices - ; hone an Tast a Canada First Cream 173.75 come from reliable sources al headquarter ind h ae. ogy ee Te evenlll fasty 35c¢ lunch e¢ y ' 7 * | goo “pesit o ie, sien ee dies ia. ™ St as since re 7 Cate at the anes * * * cor aon — f ae ade a ceived a photo of the man who is ct oe Sale for FIRST PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH ~ seeks’ 7 N T Lo . ancouvel and Seattle, returned h uve be n pe nding a few weeks’ | Arrangements were completed “t don a ror Se ree onmumeanee GRAHAM ISLAND OIL . = ' on the City of Seattle yesterday. at Ketchikan Hot Springs, return-jthis week for the formation of |e o08 2° 24 ft. in Sleek 11. im the os 2. 86 ed this morning on the Spokane , ; , OPTMatio O1 | Subdivistor f District Lot 642. nc , the & another loeal comp: ve Five, Coast District, P non Berea I TU HARES R. C. Hyde and two daughters . some Sibel estes ai ‘h ‘h lop | Capmbis, Map bee OO PATTULLO & RADFORD 5 for } | a i i » a is ; é 2 Th = : ie left on the Princess Alice yes- rhe many friends-of Mr. Eling,|been secured by th ae sae obs tapenocn @ nous ete i. ‘cme ha SECOND AVENUE oe Tsien a as : ee “een Cena ee . é : the romotors | oe , : 0 ae a e ve expiration : ms for a round trip to Skag~- , a vee as rated on for appen-|who are business men of Fort Gesie ch fresh sortincat Mot titte ti “> ONE DOLLAR PAR, PHONE FD i191 way. dicitis Sunday. will be pleased to|George, Prince George and South | mmm, OF Lous, Gall for om above 2. ; } . en8 know that at noon today his|For- Georg viewers: By | a a a 3 orge eee yer 910. an @ . A neat fence adds much to the/¢9™dition was slightly improved HF. wachnon _— o | worercoroecoooorcrc rs: (64! beauty of a lawn and protects it , = District “Registrar ) ‘ I s its J Land Registry Office, P ne . Phone 37 P.0. Bo: ee beauty. Phone 583 for Fritz, the Aeroplaning,” says Winston sorties nie, Sear vote oe ag GOLD BELT REALTY CO Handy Man. 469-1714|Churehill, “is an occupation for] wy wil) ni _ | Sep ir oS 2s very young men.” Whom the gods isentah j ; se stock in the B. C 307 Sixth Street be . . - . "tds 4 2 o { . ‘e , The city engineer reports that love, fly young.—London Opin-| days at Se eae ag — a FIRST the cost of giving section one|!°®- aye sh cents Mer snare. H: FRESH CLASS CUISINE McLachlan. hone 382 73-4 Hot and Cold Runni in $) roads a top dressing of stone is see a. 3 ’ rs ore ali Goons — 18e per square yard. Miller, the second hand man. me en Only finest brands of Liquors and Don't trust the future “for oe pays the highest prices for gents Tenders For Pipe * ous one tke hope 5 “ . ” something to turn up’ John 8. Duncan, who has been cast-off clothing, tools, ete. Will Tend i Brod FROM SKEENA RIVER BRITISH en Daily News provide for your old ait spending a few days in the city,|®@!! any time. Phone 565. 825 enders have heen received by c The Home for the Aged an : left for the : san eed hae oe “°lthe ‘city for sewer eee PRUDHOMME & FISHC? CLASSIFIED ADS i ound ti or the north on the City of iird Avenue. 163-189 He 7 pipe rom Parsley, Onions, Mint, per ae . other institutions are tv’ ) Seattle last evening. 6. meg oF & Clayton, Dominion bunch " : Ba eortetare people who intende: te but >. hmong the gaanthpeds a the| pigs Companys and the Pa- Cauliflower . .12%¢ ath ibe | . - | didn’t take out an Endo According to the city engineer's Prince John to Masset last even-|.. a eo Company The city en- Green Peas, per Ilb.....10¢ FOR RENT ment Policy when thoy = reports the cost of grading the|!™& were: Wm. Lynch, N, ‘Lin- oe and purehasing agent are Spinach, per Ib 10e ——— — — |} young. excavation grounds ts $2.50 per quist, Mr. Porter, G. F. Hart, E. os at . meefing Wednes- Cabbage, per Ib io FURNISHED ROOM for rent; motiern con- | The Excelsior | insu and tf Pu , Agi wn oe day ‘evening : pi a ee oe S pe oO ‘hohe _ on rock and 80c per yard ‘ Atkins, A. Terrace, N. CGama-|,,, awarded when the tender will Turnips, per Ib........- O° ‘ #5 per month, Phone 184.) ance Company issues Ent or earth. dorre. _— ; FOR do t an Lineal I vomed 5 wments matur at any 9a o 2. % en Special prices on la Hotel ' flirector per meas "ove rWwerk's Jewelery Beste | age desired i il) patel The handsome cup donated by A report from the city engin- THE WEATHER orders f hotel og , 3" )@ ticulars © i or writ Mr. F H. . ner ty rn — or o 8, ° nT lwo furnished rooms, $10 per a 13 . F, H. Mobley for the football ]/@e? to the City Council shows the era Try Them. They come ch, over Wark’s Jewelry Store, | ; | championship of the city is on cost of the hydro electrie to date July 28. 1944 fresh from the gardens Member p : a \venue 171-173 | DISTRICT AG NTs exhibition in the window of Fitz to be $147,572.71. "This includes Barometer redueed to sea on eeaty tenn $ R.L. Vintners Association cigar store. the pipe which has been econ- SOE o-0idsamuae 09 «« ae idainatt ven Cs KISSIC EDWARDS . = a tracted for. Highest temperature coed ee WINDSOR HOTEL = , ie witnets atiticiitin:: tun gh a |Lowest temperature ..., 52.0 LYNCH BROS. Corner of First Ave. and Bighth St i SALE—Two high grade Heintaman KISSIC! >of Sune show Shans dcathe ee a 2.) ie W. H. Wright, Prop. Wark piengs a8 sacrifice prices, "a and ten births. The medical health|!aced American corset manufac-| [ron bed, spring and mattress DEPARTMENT STORE ‘ ~ FOK SALE or wilt trade for property, 30 Phone 19 g2i Sixth & officer reports the city milk and|tured. We carry a full line of|for $10, at Tite's big furniture Phone No. 2 CO. GE, Everything tn good conditi a rice’ and “r : ‘? , p on. Price water supply good them and our experienced cor- | Sale. ' 161tf ‘Jurapean end “Anaartase "Pios rms arranged, Apply Box 120, Dally OG nnn [scticrre is always ready to fit you.|« Peter Biack, Prop. as — Mrs. Van Dyke, of Seattle. « Demers’. 1698175 ee ere Ee . _— i yke, of Seattle, and 97175 oe oe Miss*Madden, of Vancouver, who oe ~\ GNOX HOTEL aa - nt have been Mr. George]. YU Should hear Rev. Mr. First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth RIKUCED ar © Frizzell’s, left yesterday on the Woodsides’ lecture on “The Land 3 Kuropean vag, Sapee bc tw $1.00 ‘Appl PO p WALT wae eee Prince George for the south of Seott and Burns,” at the Pres Beener & Beene $\ 1 : ® p ; . 8- er, Props. \NTED TO BUY,.—-WUI pay $100 for 500 *“* « byterian Church Hall, Thursday _— are 0S. Cee, ae ae The Prince Rupert Towing C evening. It is a sple clined ’ 76, care The News 174-173 g Co., s a splendid travel 1. ¥. Rochester \ ' neuen seiteanl V.D a WANTED.—-You vane ‘ she ree- ver genera! towing; the new crude oil lecture by one of the best lee- Empress More. — work wages $30 cannes Nea ete m seamed Seve tug “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Red| "hs British Columbia. ; Third Ave., Between Sixth ang Ney —_— ne v. oe Creek ; s 391 or Black 322 Address: P.O eS as Seventh Streets wae pita i7iu a ; pean NTED—Gas we or , _ = gency for the “Avance” hli Green. the Indian who was Sure Pian, 6O to 61 Per Day sullabie for Seaty Opesther a Will ex. odes ienite Ol) Motor se5t¢ {found guilty of robbin : - Gums a change lot in Bellingham, Nieola Coal : t eul ¢ Cunning. is made in substantial weights ‘tock, Interest . : . lenin a: ’ st in townsite on Kettle A on - Fo ham's Store, Port Essington, perfect satisfaction to ee Wignined designewét (0 Seaw wae HOTEL Valley railway Write 24ti Stephens Bt, Four-roomed Hous ines ‘he finance committee report. |#lone with Campbell, the i tifully finished ‘ . nd kuropean Plap ncouver, B. ¢ 162-168 ie cn Ite p ae Ce pbhell, the Indian y and possesses @ lasting strength which assures F. W. Henning, Manager RELIABLE BK ; WANTE Section Six : unell last even i escaped, was this morning We are the only Sliver Manufacturers in Canada selling direct ea: on — —- tena eee Warten. were “d - , , ing ~ they had taken up the |entenced to two yearn the pen te the consumer, ROYAL HOTEL : bal Liability) $1,000,000 eorporetion question of wild-catting in oil itentiar Out-of-Town buyere should write for our catalogue ‘ eases surrounding Monarelr in Calgary which jortey & urge Props OU Plelds, whie ‘ . . : , Tay Atocks with he Government ‘ en and describes our fine family patterns in both Sterling Third Ave, and Sixth t i eye, owen cone OTe i crane |rewrcreomad fMousc, © i he had reperte ver and Sliver Plate, All orders \ « Strong board of directors, Who are Agent and he had reported it to| Jennie Brown, a Pesident of prepaid to any point in 8.0. wrepean Plan Bleam Heated uccessful “business men WO RILLING Strdet sa the Attorney General Com Avonue, wae requested 4 —-— ; CONTRACTED FOK and WILL START AT . ® a) — == - ——— — BEAVER ONCE Opening price low, Rapid Hise — . }appea police court about two WHOLESALE LIQUOR Go ertain, Por reservations and’ further The Railway Men's Athletic} weeks aga but she skipped out I — pertieulaiy wine of welts, Giving teter: of : - ‘ a - Second Ave a culars wire or write, giving refer a ae ‘. et, ; ~ A, Som Ane. Ge) ane Henry Bir 5 G& Sons, imit d Powe 108 ” Noehren-Mannix Petroleum, Limited, 29-|Cabin on Fraser Sir “ Intyre Hall for tiv permanent|came back and the request was e . ‘eee —_ ee, a | quarters and will iis (he hall with repeated This morning the ant - - aa PRINCE RUPERT ve . Sthietic equipment. 0. ‘Thursday |; ee eS ae hee JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS cn imPonTin eo., misOELLANEOUS night the hall will be opened with | ing idesivable and gave her | Geo. E. Trorey, Mamesing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Fraser ano Gixth Sts fk ( a grand ball. ja Week lo get out of the eity —— Phone 7 rOLEN—A pate of gold euff-links inital ° Jey ee 4 ed “J, | heturn to Hoom 26, Em. | press Hotel, Heward and ho questions . eee! asked 163 108 | Revond ave, '