THE DATLY NEWS THE DAILy NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT. th. FL MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, Bh. 0. |: HEAD RC. MANAGER ophone 9s BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National York City. Seattie—Puget Sound News Uo, Newspaper Bureau, 219 bast zurd St., New London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Daily, 50c per month, advance). $8.00 per year. Weekly, 2.50 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Canada, or $86.00 Weekly, $2.00 per year. United States and Mexiey: per year ($5.00 if paid in All Other Countries: Daliiy, per year, strictly in advance. Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 tn ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The \. The following timely article appeared in a recent issue of The Daily Colonist: “You may quote me as say- ing that in my judgment there is nothing in the present sit- uation, nor in possible future developments, which justify any alarm being felt by the people of this Province, and particularly the business com- munities, as the the perman- ancy of their positions as citi- zens and property interests.” ‘This statement was conveyed to The Colonist yesterday by Sir Richard MeBride, The Premier continued: “We are passing through.a testing pe- riod. Let us be calm, as we are courageous and confident. “I take the view that it be- hooves everyone of us to be considerate of the position of his neighbor at this crisis. In a thousand ways embarrass- ments involving pecuniary re- lations may ensue for a time, but this only imposes upon us the obligation to devise a thou- sand ways for allaying these embarrassments. “It would be as unpatriotic —______ .8 carriers, Saturday, August 8, luli as it would be foolish and un- warranted for each individual at this time to act the part of a self-seeking Most of us are non-combatants; but we must see to it that we acquit our- selves like men in the peaceful paths of good-citizenship.” o. oe * * * * * * Phone Green 252. a * | ERI pl iI Hite VERY LATEST Biue Prints of OIL DISTRICT =}. | ON GRAHAM ISLAND AT GOLD BELT REALTY C0 307 SIXTH STREET AAAI IIIS TOI II AIO NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of City of Prince Rupert has determined struct a wharf running out into the harbour of Prince Kupert, “Ee part of Waterfront Lots “D” and “E”, Section Two, in the City of Prince Rupert, which portion of said waterfront lots is the property of the City of Prince Rupert: And take further notice that the city of Prince Kupert has deposited a description Lind and plans of said work itm quadruplicate SEEEEERESES ERE EEE EER EH with the Minister of Public Works, and 5 duplicate copy of such description anc pians has also been deposited with the ALF HALLIGAN |} Registrar of Deeds for the County of Atlin, situate 4 > ‘ er -rovinee jaimate ar Drives Rupert: 1B TRE PROV CS | At iggenininni niacin oioiiciinioot Dated this 6th day of August, 1914 epee ieee ee eee: aa ai i. C. sDMUNDS NOTICE City Clerk ape, iy Ch IN THE MATTER of an application for = s KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes P.O. DRAWER 1524 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges ‘Tinware Graniteware * Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ the issue of a fresh certificate of ttle for Lots 10 and 11, in Block 11, in the test Ave. and McBride 61. ‘LUMBER SHINGL®” , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINLE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ; A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager Subdivision of District Lot 649, Range Five, Coast District, Province of British Columbia, Map 864 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that it is my intention to issue after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof a fresh certificate of title in the name of Louts Galli for the above men tioned Lots which Certificate is dated December 15, 1910, and is numbered 3131 H. FP. MACLEOD, District Registrar Land Registry OMece, Prince Rupert, B Al aT bs PACIFIC eee Tri-weekly oervice to Vancouver, Victoria and S-at; Saturda \ er x 4° ’ % PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING COMPANY Tar and Gravel and Ready Made Roofing Damp-Proofing Water-Proofing Repairing P.O. Bos 439 PHONE 206 BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 Satisfaction guaranteed HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite (, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. OC, Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal PHONES: 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER | " ‘ Sea! Cove JOUNSTON Phone Green 321 RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con ‘ ~ > + (@) SURE-ABE-T \ TES WANNA PUT UPA JOKE ON SCOOP -' gf ~~ SN 7N\\4 = iia \ a Md (s % mw CARE OF THAT (TS TH’ BEST JOB OF MOUNTINGS® AWILDCATIN % FH MANITOWISH AN’ =}\ I'D HATETO HAVE rge leaves Prince Rupert MONDA Sreamer Greece too leaves Prince Rupert FRIDA . A ¥ Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert tv. Prince Rupert Tur a, 0 os Low Excursion Rates w A and UNITED STATES on sale uni » ao goed return until October 31st * 30 6.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freight, gasoline and ox For full particulars and all information of Interest to travel. _ 1. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart Blook, Third Avenue, p THE G. 7. PF ENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lincs eS Be TT NIC renee, -_ pil eee ee eee ho es V. Box * * * GRANITE * 4p * * tc IN( * Granite of best quality *| AIN * and thoroughly sted for a OLIS AND * sale, Gut stone or crushed * WA ; * rock in quantities * Al TING * NEIL J. MeLEOD . * Telephone: Green 247 * * if * i . . « Martin Swanson “o* ee eee eH Seeond Avenu Ls ' ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY Wellin tan rooms : | Uld Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Theatre Rooms open from # 4. m tw ff p. @ The favorite House Cece! Visiting Scotsmen are cordisily invited For rates tor hali rent apply secretary. | Cleanest, Brightest, Bes ‘ i 5 ’ Nis 8. 0. MACDUNALD, HAS. DENNI ‘wEW WELLINGTON COAL 00, President Secretary Rogers & Albe ‘ THE LITTLE GIANT Second Avenue Phone tf VACUUM POWER CLEANER . ~< Extracts All Dirt and Dust FURNIS Carpets, Rugs, Davenports, Mattresses, Villows thoroughly cleaned. All work guar- APA RT MENTS anteed. Reasonable Rates, Estimates given. . wer in two and thre suite Phone Red 269 P.O. Box 237 ; - J. RB. DYER, Ph ack 9 MARTIN & M’GOWAN ORNAMEN PLASTERERS Phone 174 Box pri = a FOR PLUMBING AND weaTie Cement, @rick and Tile Work -” Estin ates Furnianed SMITH & MALLETT Phone Biue 329 Largest stock of Ptpe rth @ cunanpenunntins Vaimouver, Crane Valves and Mh tings, Pipes cut w oro UNION TRANSFER CO Third Ave. Head of Second tire Prince Rupert OB. C. STUART Bocoun ont 308 2nd Ave. “i Phone mt PRINCE RUPERT Alex. M. Manson, B. A W. EB. Williave. & 4 WILLIAMS & SIANSON Lie Barristers, Solicitors, Et MONEY TO LOAN Bos 158 Helgerson Block Prince peru bt Office corner 2nd Street 4 PACIFIC CARTAGE LADYSMITH COAL 93—Pnone 63 uN P. 0. Box 203 pres P. ROBERTSON Chariered Accountant Audits, investigations, Agjusimen's LI dations and Assignmen | Smith Block, Brd Ave, *rince Rupert & = } JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on Moy Phone Black 294 IMPERIAL MACHINE S Repairing Quickly Done Lp COW BAY PHON pe JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near M sire A IVARSON & C0. » duly 26th, 1944. Vrovineie! Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric neers ADVERTISE IN Blue Printing,* Negatives and White Blacksmiths & Horses PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. T D . N Prints. Boat Work Branch Yard at Smithers All se wa HE ¥ EWS McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 525 tst Ave.» me > t j To Bag a New Wild Cat Bape Sor as Bolly Howe ET SSE — SS Uf (4) | | } ‘ | | | i ~ ? / ij is \ ee a igus ’ \ ras \/ Sie } i \ 5 MD 94 © a -inre-syeto 04