August 9, 1944 | THE DAILY NEWS Hon l of cled dus a Burrill Agriculture, negotiations Vancouver PARIS WILL BE DEFENDED BY GREAT AERIAL FLEET France Mas 5,0uu Ships of the at Air to Greet Arrival of Germans | \ i.—The present the first great aer It will be, in i 1 contest between i firig ind aeroplane I ¢ greatest fleet of i" i the world Rapid prepa i been made on bot f such a confliet. In case 1 siege of Paris or any jOother French forts the aerop. anes iwould d stimatible damage to the remy It estimated that the broeneh acroplane tleet will number more than 5,000 Giermany has a big aero ne fleet in addition to it's incomparable dirigible equipment gal day, re 86 iO? a) RY CUE SY, yen . G | News Nelo Loca ew 3 eS EGE, TERME HELE: ev.) " tof ‘ pesdeintien « Daily by Late War News ih & Killas’ ice cream, | We sell for less; terms cash > on Fuller's Grocery, 341 Third Ave | serve only the best eae fords. London Cafe, Norfolk Rooms. Steam heated 8 hot and cold water. Terms rea was in this morn-|sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton ith > . - “ ‘* The Eva is expected in toda Pioneer Cleaners southbound Bhe will ta | tifeold) storage compa : » ea Donald D to Vancouver eft by this morn- oe, = i trip to the south The Albert left at mid ht 43-9 Vancouver. There is no truth luneh at the Royal;the report that she ha 163tf\en as a collier for the aint »_ eum ees’ @ vy in season cooked Mr. Andrew Joh f it. London Cafe, |Mogland, left this 1 139-tf, Rupert Hie will endea { , * cure passage through the Koyal Bank, °° : by the Rupert Al. Hateh. the wrestl 4y Vancouver this) mort | > a match with Chet Meltnt ) eft by the Rupert {net be pulled off for some t morning on a ° ° ° rip Mr. and Mrs, F, G. de M > is left by this morning's boat M | t at midnight for|de Mussy is a lieutenant the charging 150] French army and is returning ¢ he G. T. P. France in obedience to the call t » ta arms . this morning for = % potred Joe in The Dominion Government has iatrimony. made the bills of all Canadian . 6a chartered banks legal tender to tupert Board of}meet the probable crisis of wat on Friday even-|times. d rooms. = * oe The Prince Rupert Towing Co., who has spent|@enetal towing; the new crude oil | s in the city, left}tue “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red} his home in Vie-]391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” . 7 Crude Oil Motor. 165tf of the Prince - - . winner of the REAL E C GE and buggy re- TY X HAN here ELECT OFFICERS . * . & wad that witnes. of the Rupert for Does Not Want Geatiene Three vas at the wharf this and Four Put on Market ‘ her off. A large . tic Frenehmen The annual meeting of | the te to the land Prince Rupert Real Estate Ex fight for her li- change elected new officers and < a hearty send|*ransactéd general business peed ; The most important item was s ¢€:% to rescind their previous recom Theatre have mendation to have the Grand ture in the Trunk put Sections Three and part of the Four on the market this fall. The r admiral.) ¥8" makes this move inadvisable cture came David Hays who has been arose and president for the past two years h. Patriotic has retired and the board passed great en 1 resolution of thanks and appre ciation for his services. The new a a officers of the association are the men who President, Th. Collart, post office Vice-President, Chas. Halsey { g for France Secretary, G. C. Emmerson try. He leaves lreasurer, M. P. MeCaffery. dies, a boy and Directors, W. 8. Fister, David pert. There is| ays, T. D Pattullo, D. R. Leslie f the highest |© Kk. Bainter, M. J. Hobin. ve Se Chance to Make Money in who goes to Money is tight and I need it, so here's an offer: Up to August ist . 2-4 I will supply my regular $25 passengers south on| heating coil fro $15. T guarantee t this morning|this to boil water in fifteen min- . nes, Mr. Barrett, | utes, and affect the oven. \ Mrs. Melntosh,|Forty now in use and giving en- Bell Simth, 8, A.|tire satisfaction. Ask for refer- by S. M. Newton, P. | ences The reliable plumber, \ itch, J. ¥. Rech.|Harry Hanson, P. O. Box 395, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. B.| Phone 489 168tf. Mrs Clarke, Judge \. Green and wife, H Household goods and furniture rew Johnson, J.) as good as new at half price. Rostron, Mr. and|Grosby's Second Hand Store, 839 ) Third Avenue 1538-tf AUSTRIANS HAVE NEW BRIDGE IN RESERVE London, August 7.—It is stated in connection with the blowing- up of the bridge aeross the River Sava by the Servians, that the Austrians have another bridge, in sections n their side of the river, which they can put up in a few days CINDERELLA Ever since Cinderella left her glass slipper on the step, ladies have been seeking the hew and novel in footwear See the new Oueer Juality’s, at Peck’s Shoe Store 183 FOR SALE Five room house, very com- fortable, an acre of land and 200 chickens nicely housed, at Sockeye, Mile 16,G.T. P. Excel- lent soil and beautiful location. Price and terms arranged, Box 78, Daily News, tif “LUCILLE LOVE” It wearing “Baby Doll” slippers so they must be correct. Ship- ment just arrived and are on dis- pla yat Peck’s Shoe Store. 183 Authentic information about either scheduled can be had by eall- football games, or postponed, ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tf If vou stoek of generosity will not go around better begin on your family, ie oe — tree, SOOO InIOininIniniiini enti tit EE EI RO InIDIDISISD oi } H { ~ THE DAILY NEWS The Prince Daily Rupert. is care bia. SANE mism and reliability. The Daily SPICY IMPARTIAL the wily INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to, INTELLIGENT oe l { | | | | | { { — a ~ NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C News goes into nearly every home in It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable: the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- It treats these subjects with moderate opti- News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bixger circulation than any other paper in It is read by the class of people the DAILY NEWS It has all ere Tt ees ee ~. ~ / / / } } } zo thee cunteslanninen ts tosses Acca AAA AAA RRR REE Orme mesr emer “ . ne eee eer om ~~~ CREE RE « * & HOSPITAL TICKETS * * * ” rhe Prince Khupert General * * hospital are issuing Hospital * * Tickels, which entitle the # * holders to free hospital * * treatment at the Institution # * including the services of the ¥ * itesident Doctor, at the fol. * * lowing rates: * * Monthly Tickets . $1.00 * * Six Months’ Ticket. ..$6.00 * * Tickets are on sale at G, # * if. Orme’s 2nd Ave, Drug. # * store and at the Hospital, or # * by mail from the Secretary * * of the Hospital * os * RRO eee Large tract of good farming land now open for free settlement in Oregon, Ove "O acres in all. Good elimate ch soil, and does not req ‘ rrigation to raise finest ero; f grain, fruit and garden truc ror large map, full instruetior ind formation, and a plat of s« al sections of exceptionally g i cla s, send $3.40 to John Keefe, Oregon City, Oregon, Three years a U.S. sur- veyor and timbermar An oppor- tunity to get a good fertile free homestead near town and market. 170-203 Kk. KE. Confectionery sells high class ice eream in bricks: also pure candies, 155tf. A wise man may be above his fellow men, but he will nét look down on them. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SALE CHEAP One 15-hp 4-drum friction electric holst, complete One 7%-h.p. triple friction drum elec tric hoist, with ratchet, pawls and brakes, fitted with Westinghouse No. 304 type M. W. 2-phrase, 229 volts, 60-cycle motor Motor No, 828139 controlier No. 115054; resistance No. 8407 One 7%-h.p. triple friction drum elec- tric holst with ratchet, pawis and brakes, fitted with Westinghouse No. 304 type M. W. 2-phase, 220 volts, 60-cycle motor. Mo- tor No. 895010 controller No, 120019; re- sistance No, 427787. One 10-h.p. triple drum electric hoist, with ratechets, pawls and brakes fitted with No. 101 type “F" high torque Westing- house 1)-R.p. motor, 2-phase, 220 volts, 60-cycle motor, With controller and re sistance One 6% X 8 doubie drum, double cy- linder engine, catalogue No. 37, with 34x 84-inch 125-ib. pressure mass; standard butt and strap joint boiler ratehe ts, pawls, brakes and all fittings, including a 38-inch whistle Engine N 9348-9; boiler No. 10843 (me 7x10 Lambert Skelton engine. One Vulcan giant trench shovel, No. 1623; scoop 1 yd sige 35 feet deep. Two i-yard N 2 lary scoop cars.| Concrete Mixers Six No. 28 Ransome mixers—one yard, | equipped as below | 1—On trucks th motor and charging | hopper (108 in | : On skids charging hopper (133 tnehes 3——On t \ with charging hopper. 4-—-On skids, with motor and charging it pp r dock | On trucks, with charging hopper ax ,ek 2 6-—On skids, with charging hopper (144 inches 600 as te | snatch blocks All £ rifugal pumps, engines, et« 20,¢ t bber fLelting—-all sizes ‘Motors—al Sizes One 1 0 R.P.M., 220 volts, 2 phase mot Cump Cars 34 1 yard dump cars (stee | tunnel ears Also ste« ms for concrete sewers 50 tons b. rails All abov vterials im Srst-class n dition SEATTLE JUNK COMPANY 902-8 First Avenue South., Beattie Wash. A Real Lever Simulation OLO WATCH FREE, A_ straightforward ger perous offer from an estab firm. We are giving away Watehes to thousands of people all over the world of @ + advertisement. Now is your chance to obtain one. Write Row, enclosing cents for one of fashionable Ladies Long Guards, oF Gents’ Alberts, sent carriage paid to wear with the watch, whieh wil be given Free (these watch guaranteed £ shoald you “ © years), take ad vantage of our We expect you to tell your fr thow them the beautiful ow but vain & Free Watch. You AMS & LLOYD, Wholesale awailis Road, London, N., arvel offer ad us and Don't think this offer too good to be true lone about 25 cents today snd will be amared ~ Wi LI Jewellers (Dept. | +), ©. ( BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKER’S ASSN. REOR:, NIZATION Aug { i ticipated reorganiz.| Vancouver, the British Colum! Association is be presented to the sharel a statement siened | dent of the company j cular reads: ‘The board of direct British Columbia Packers’ A ciation have decided that best interests of the shareh j the busine of the ‘ should be conducted by a corpora tion organized under the la the Dominion of Canada I this purpose, the British Col bia Fishing & Packing Compan Limited, has been neorp rated under the Dominion law vith a capital stoek of $25,000,000, di vided into 50,000 shares of one hundred dollars each, all of one class, which will be sufficient ft provide for the exchange bel mentioned, and leave a halance of £707,200 available for future de ve lopment. The business will be eontinu ed without change under ihe same directors and officers as at present. Shareholders are hereby of fered the the common, British ciation, opportunity of exchang shares both preferred which hold Columbia Packer for the Columbia & on in the pany for each share, whether pre- ferred or eommon, in the old company deposited under this of fer on or before August ist, 1944, “Shareholders representing ing and they in Asso British Packing the new shares in Fishing Limited, shares Company, of basis two come SEEDS! SEEDS! Have received our 1914 Spring Seeds FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CoO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A 6PECIALTY Ma'l orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 808 Third Ave. Phone Biack oe Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 SAVOY HOTEL | FIRST CLASS CUISINE Hot and Cold Running Water in all Roome Only finest brands ef Liquore and Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE™ the | more than a majority of the out standing share eapital of the company have signified their in- tention of making the proposed exchange, “The board of directors of the! British Columbia Packers’ Asso- elation recommends all share- holders to accept this offer,” Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest of washing cut out you'll feel like maki good day’s work by doing at least part o ironing. Follow the directions that eut your work in half and remember there’s nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement. unlight Soa All grocers sell and recommend it ita the | ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR | Sifted ever so fine through silken mesh, The “Smoothest” Flour milled. Your Grocer knows. Holel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association SEER EREE EEE EEE EERE EEE EE EE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIRCUIT NO. 1 * @ox 125th St and 3rd Ave Box 136th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14-—-s8th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 15.—Junction of tst, 2nd and fra Aves. Bon 16—ist Ave., between 8th an! Oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17. 1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. @ox 22--3ra Ave. and Sra St (Post Office.) @ox 23.Srd Ave. and McBride St @ox Ave, and McBride St Box 26.-2nd Ave, and @nd St. Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St Box 27.6. T. P CIROVIT NO. 3. Box 915th Ave, and Fulton St, Box 82. Borden and Taylor Sts Box 84.-7th Ave, end Folton St, Box 3.9m Ave. and Comok Ave Box 87. 8th Ave. and Dodge Pi Box 38-— 4th Ave. and Thompson 8t OIROUIT NO. 4. Box 41..1th Ave. and Emmerson Pl @ox 425th Ave. and MeBride St Qos 435th Ave. and Green St Box 44.40) Ave and Bast Bt Box 46-—7in Ave. and Bbertes. Box 141.7 Ave. and Young St RRA RR OD eR RRR RR ee WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St W. M. Wright, Prop. | HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth Eurepeas Plan, Rates b0c¢ to $1.00 Per Day Beener & Besner, Props. dD | J. Y. Rochester Vv Casey EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets | | European Pian, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL | American and European Piao | F. W. Henning, Manager | eee | ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, prepe Third Ave, and Sixth St “SMOOTH AS VENT —— ——— (7 BIRKS’ SILVER FLAT WARE is made in substantial weights and dignified designe—it is beau- perfect satisfaction to the purchaser. tifully finished and possesses a lasting strength which assures We are the only Silver Manufacturers in Canada selling direct to the consumer. Out-of-Town buyers should write for our catalogue which iustrates and describes our fine family patterns in both Sterling Sliver and Silver Pilate. Ali orders prepaid to any point in 8.0. SSeS Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS | Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C | | Gurepens Pian Steam reated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LiMiTED Second Ave. and Sixth 81 Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00., Fraser ana Gixth Sts Phone 7 ee SEES EEE EEE EEE SEER EERE EERE EERE ERER ERE BE Be High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steaming and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld at fair prices | LimiTeo PARRA RAR RR ee