eres er THE LATEST WAR news FIRST in THE DAILY NEWS LLL ALLAMAMLMM£L AAA, N 186 PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1914. -_— = LDERMEN WANT TO CANCEL REQUEST THE DAILY NEWS FOR TROOPS THE DAILY NEWS Makes a Special Effort to Give War News Immediately It Is Received PRICE FIVE CENTS YOR NEWTON ASKED FOR SOLDIERS TO BE SENT RUPERT VEST FORWARDED TO ATTAWA THROUGH PREMIER Mc- BRIDE—NO CONFIRMATION AT VANCOUVER YET N learns by wire! The announcement special corres Rupert caused a \ couver that the tion among the ‘ Phe ey ted to be com citizens on the stres e quite Rupert as guards y Mayor Newton, | frank in stating that 5s 3 equest to the Mili- | unealled for appeal and t through Premier|/io the loyalty ind manhood forwarded 0} prince Rupert citivs I far Vancouver mil lopinion _— T d that s haye received DOT princes Rupert has a. tha ed to Prince Rup | sufficient number f me the | frontier lo p ect he if, innouncing theirjof brawn, brain and ieee t by the city soli jwh mse daily life has bee a n clerk Hie alsolistant drill I | tecting right s to secure the | ind propert it rid lous t Hotel and other|think these vant protect ly believing the | What thes vant is chance ft granted le Hist and at quiy { CIAL MEETING COUNCIL TO DISCUSS TROOPS COMING his morning several of the aldermen and citizens waited cting Mayor Morrissey and demanded a special meeting of y Council be called to cance! the request for troops. ting Mayor Morrissey said a legal meeting could not be under twenty-four hours but it is understood an informal will be held € Acting Mayor at noon stated to The Daily News that he a motion would be carried requesting that the militia sent up to Prince Rupert. nm such an event,” said Acting Mayor Morrissey, ‘I refuse to nything to do with it and will refuse to order the City to send the message. 1! do not intend to interfere with any of the Militia Department of Canada may take at this time.” e Mayor further aceused the Daily News of circulating a that the ntilitia would have to be paid for by the city. This, rse, is an error. The News’ despatch from its Vancouver ondent is announced on this page. Who will pay for the Ss is merely a matter of conjecture. ting Mayor Morrissey said he has arranged for the old r Hotel, the Skating Rink and a Grand Trunk shed as ks for the incoming troops. He does not know whether re infantry or a battery corps. here is a report about the city that it will be a battery of big but this is a mere street rumor apparently without found- BRITISH CAPTURE GERMAN WIRELESS CE GEORGE IS REQUISITIONED FOR | Lond August 12 With the HOSPITAL SHIP capicre of Posoiand, @ German |possession in West Africa, by the l nk officials here | British, the latter have acquired a ved notice that the | Wireless plant with a radius of Prince George ]3,000 mites equisitioned by the tity for a hospital \OTTAWA DONATES Esquimalt MACHINE BATTERY now ») for red cross ser Prince Rupert ttl oo } Ottawa, August 12 The City are Daren lof Ottawa has sent to the Mother Hand a machine hattery rhe eost e - SUBMARINE of it will be &100,000 SUNK BY GERMANS | ANY SENDING | |GERM \| ANOTHER MILLION MEN August binarine 12 engaged mi) ferman its ird Ihe and | and was sunk with off Cruiser August 12---Germany to send 2. to the French border oncoming Freneh and yesterday eachtis arranging another p00 Ooo men t the mark | British Seribe for the Daily News French Evacuated Mulhausen NAVAL BATTLE IN MIDOCEAN, (‘Special to THE NEWS) Boston, August 12.—A_ battle at sea between a British cruiser, and German cruiser occurred | about 250 miles north of San Sal- vador, it was reported by the | captain of the Norwegian fruit! steamer Loveland. The German warship was final- ly forced to flee before the Brit- ish broadsides, according to the captain. Several shells fell near his ship. The battle occurred on Thursday night, August 6, in lat- itude 27, north longitude 74 west. Heavy firing was in progress for half an hour. The German cruiser then mov- ed away and the British warship gave pursuit, shelilng the fleeing vessel with her forward guns while the German fired his after batteries. Whether either was seriously damaged was not learned. GERMANS MARCHING IN (Special to THE NEWS) 12. — The! Brussels, August German army is being detached from its position before Leige and) is advancing throguh the heart) of Beigium. The main body of | the German cavalry is engaged in| a forward movement along § the front of the allied armies. A big battle is imminent. LEAVE RUSSIAN FORTRESS (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 12.—The Rus- sian commander of Sveaborg for- tress in Finland, has ordered the residents to leave there and Hel- sinfors, as a bombardment is be- lieved to be imminent. . No Advance in Food (Special to THE NEWS) Chicago, August 14.—Any ad- vance in food price on a war pre- text will have to be justified be- fore National, State and City in- vestigation. This was declared here today. SUNK BY MINE (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 12.—The Ger- man torpedo boat destroyer re- ported sunk as a result of an ex- plosion of its boilers on August 5th, was really sunk by a mine laid by the Germans off South Godser, says a report. GERMANS WORKING IN (Special to THE NEWS) Brussels, August 12. — Ten thousand German cavalry with gattling guns, followed by infan- try are operating between Ton- gres and St. Trond. RECRUITS WANTED 2 FIVE HUNDRED EX-MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL NORTH- ae MOUNTED POLICE ARE WANTED TO RE-ENGAGE aa ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. AGE NOT EXCEEDING 7 RY -FIVE YEARS; MUST PASS MEDICAL EXAMINA~ . N. MEN RE-ENGAGING WILL BE GIVEN RANK ELD ON DISCHARGE. APPLY ROOM 1, 525 PENDER STREET, WEST, VANCOUVER, B. ©. A. E. SNYDER, MAJOR RECRUITING OFFICER, FOR RENT Newly built house, 5 rooms and bath, completely fur- nished with piano, electric light, water and telephone. Will lease for six months or longer. Apply: — 871 SUMMIT AVENUE PHONE, GREEN 508 AUSTRIANS BEAT POLES (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 12.—A des- patch says the Austrian troops have occupied Mirchow in Rus- sian Poland, having defeated a body of Cossacks. The losses are given at 200, killed and wounded Russians, while those of the Austrians are said to be 140 wounded. LOST MUELHAUSEN (SPECIAL TO THE NEWS) Paris, August 12.--The War Office has made an official an- nouncement to the effect that the French at Muelhausen were com- pelied to fail back before an overwhelming force of Germans. They evacuated Muelhausen but held their own against the Ger- man advance. A later supple- mentary bulletin says the French troops placed in occupation of Muelhausen had withdrawn to the high ground south of that place and made a_ stand against the Germans who were attacking in) force. They repulsed every at- jtempt to dislodge them. | WOMEN DEFEND CITY (Special to THE NEWS) | Paris, August 12.—According | to a newspaper despatch, women workers in the Belgian national arms factory at Kerstal defended the village against ano attack. The men were away serv- ing with the army. The women. swore that the German troops| should not take the factory and armed themselves with revolvers and other weapons. They repul- nition became exhausted the wo- men barricaded themselves houses from which they poured boiling water on the German sol- | diers in the streets. Many Ger- killed. AUSTRIANS ENTER FRANCE (Special to THE NEWS) August 12.—The of- bureau has issued a statement saying there is every indication that an Austrian army corps has penetrated Switzerland j}and succeeded in entering Aicase. | | This is acceptet as the real rea~-| |son for the French retirement | \from Muelhausen. If they re-| mained they would be in danger | of an attack from the Germans in| front and the Austrians on the | right flank. London, ficial war BATTLES IN PROGRESS (Special to THE NEWS) Paris, August 12.—The War) Office here has announced that! the French and German troops) are in contact for twenty miles along the frontier. Engagements are taking place at Longwy, Lan- guion and Marvilie in France, and Virton in Belgium. MAJESTIC THEATRE SPECIAL PROGRAMME An Extraordinary Attraction Special Musie “The Mystery of Wickem Hall’ In Three Parts With “The Prize” Concluding with an BExeiting Comedy “The Qure”’ Admission, 100 and t6e | th sed several charges of the Ger-| | man Uhians. When their ammv-) jo: injed ne mans were disabled, wounded and |. U. S. PROVIDES BILLION DOLLARS IN NEW CURRENCY Washington, August 12 More than a billion dollars in curreney is to be added to the circulating medium in the United States — by the action of Congress to meet the situation resulting from the European crisis. This new money backed by the prime assets of the banks, may be issued under a modification of the bank law, passed in both House and Sen ate. All national banks and all state banks and trust companies, mem bers of the new federal reserve system, and those which have agreed to join, may issue notes under the Aldrieh-Vreeland see- tion of the bank law, up to 125 cent of their tal and surplus There per combined eapi- cireulation in United States more is now the currency han ever before in the history of nation CAVALRY FIGHTING (Special to THE NEWS) Brussels, August 12.—Hostili- \ties began Monday between the, German cavalry and Belgian cav-— alry on the outposts of Mesbayo the district, west of Liege and north | of Meuse, which forms part of the Province of Liege, Lomburg and Namur. ’ GERMAN CRUISER SIGHTED OFF ‘FRISCO San Franeiseo, August 12.—A nan man-of-war, believed to the eruiser Nurenburg, has sighted off the Golden Gate. The Nurenburg was last sight- ar the Midway Island, west of Honotvtu, on July 29, bound west. She could nave reached San Franciseo today if she bad turn-|ppejand did in the face of the com- d east at the time of the dee-|,on enemy There was also a ara of war, After steaming) nopular selection of hymns in slowly past the Golden Gate to which all joined heartily the southward, the cruiser turned aise ibout and headed north, She is THREW GIFT OVERBOARD evidently standing off looking for : : prizes BaSKET BALL Married Men ve, Single Men, at the Auditorium, Wednesday eve wb 8:15, ugust i2th Ad mission 25e 185-6 BASEBALL TONIGHT A baseball match between the Cathe Club and a picked team from the city will be played on the ball grounds tonight at 6:30 JOINT PRAYER SERVICE REBUKE OF THE PROPHET v. Canon Rix Makes Strong Plea for Unanimity of Action Be- tween Parties | Rup- service! | | Reo The churches of Prince held a joint prayer night in the Empress Thea- ert last tre whieh was filled to the doors A good many people no doubt went there to inter- join in an | cession for the suecess of the | British forees in the field, but it was not exactly this. It was rather like the reproof of the old Hebrew prophet. Tt was a time for self examination. What had Prince Rupert that they jshould receive special privileges from the Almighty? What have Is not our whole age done you done? steeped in materialism? Who thinks about God when there is a chanee to make money? Now trouble has come. will God say: “I cannot hear your prayers; your hands are full of blood”? The call was therefore to repen- tence that God might have merey upon us. But there was a note of hope. The British nation had done something for \the advancement of the Kingdom, and for this she might get her reward. It therefore in order to intereede for the British cause in order that that ngtion might continue to nourish the liberties of the world. The service in itself was not so mych an intercession as to show the way in which this should be done. Those taking part in the ser- vice were Reys. J. F. Dimmiek, Ww. EK. Collison, W. W. Wright, G. A. Rix and H. R. Grant. The address was given by Canon Rix and was along the line indicated. He also pleaded with the people to set aside their political differences as the Nationalists and Ulsterites of that was Yesterday one of the ladies col AYOR ASK TROOPS SENT TO RUPERT-—-CITY MAY HAVE TO PAY THEM-—CITIZENS INDIGNANT Acting Mayor Refuses to Interfere ‘ CITIZENS THREATEN TO DUCK POLITICIAN Gathering at Corner of Third Ave. and Fourth Street Dispersed by Police Yesterday afternoon a big crowd of citizens gathered at the of Third Avenue = and Fourth Street and were express- ing their indignation in violent terms of the stopping of enlist- ment of volunteers here, and of sending Vancouver troops to guard Prince Rupert. The crowd was highly excited and threats were made to mob a local politician and throw him in the postoflice pond. The police fortunately turned up and dispersed the mob before any violence was shown. corner NO ANNOUNCEMENT ON OPENING SERVICE 10 EDMONTON YET W. C. C. Mehan. general su- perintendent of the G, T. P., stated this morning that there is nothing new to announce re- specting the opening of the ser- vice through to Edmonton, al- though a definite announcement will be made in a few days. Ar- rangements are going ahead for the opening on the 23rd as pre- viously anticipated ayd it will depend on developments whether the service is started or not. FOUND WRECKAGE RAINBOW-—-PROBABLY THROWN OVERBOARD Victorias August 12.—Wreck- age has been found off the coast of California which has aroused some there that there have been a naval engage- ment betwe the Rainbow and the nan cruiser. The naval authorities at Esqui- suspiciol may en Get WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT Great Spectacular Produc- tion in Five Reels COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO” “THE With the World Famous JAS. O'NIELL in the Tithe Role A Super® Spectacular Production of Exceptional Exceiience ; Admission, 180 and 260 Children, 106 leeti for the hospital ship had an exciting experience aboard the | Prince Albert When she ap | pro ihed one sailor he flared ap fleok a dollar from his poeket and } j threw board An officer of ithe ship saw the dollar fall on the | rail of the ship and reseuoed it, He then deposited it in the teas,4- ital box, which so enraged the jsailor that he threatenad to get a gun and shoot } Phe police were sent for and jarrested the man, whe Was sup posed to be a German, but hel proved to be just a bad lemp red follow lle was let wa, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Phone 4 ut! malt account for this wreckage found off the California Coast. They have reeeived word from Commander Hose of the Rainbow that thal vessel was stripped for actiqn. In doing so all unneces- sary woodwork was thrown over- board, This accounts for doors being found on the beach as re- ported, AUSTRALIAN FLEET LOOKING FOR FIGHT Melbourne, August 12.-The i}Australian fleet, it is learned here, | has sailed for Chinese waters. She to engage the German ;cruiser fleet in the hope of elear- ing out these vessels. jhas gone WE HAVE JUST INSTALLEI BATHS SYSTEM AND Alt EMPLRE TURKISH BATHS As GOOD A BEAVIG THE LAGI » A FIRST CLASS TURKISH READY TO GIVE THE PUBLIC hb AS CAN BE HAD IN CITibs | EMPIRE THIRD AVENUE BATHS |