M ’ THE DAILY News The Horticultural Society . . - - " | hs } EcK— re nove . sary nds than o * : a ‘ ' | WHEN Bt vin s PASSENGERS SOUTHBOUND ISSUED conn neearvine TRaAL A FAMILY PtH nesday fi the Board wf Trad HAVIN ities 1 on the — tH . Q rooms fais "oe iene ae THIS PACKAGE ’ » oo ‘ : M ; re got a aaa ditions will be published ton - : Lee SS ASSES rp myn HOW TO STRETCH DOLLARS IN|: Omi cS Se m WAR TIME mth and Phursday fron he A/ F bs H. Neckors x he a de . pnt age Ps ee Used “Frey v0" With Ty riday instead of z . | Ml ent 1 t in that name hs, v Saturda new schedule will cont I caw. M. M WwW. J. Smithers ‘ etal Haile irrested the balance of the «eweon —— WD. Hard. | Maing ° yeast sy and hie ens BARGAINS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY of the semsen und wife, « D. ante | anaes Yorker : W. 8. Simpson, Indian Agent lng WW yw fo c. « « We ve ia said to be at Telegraph Creek, Nl MeN 'Keteh Yr. Ww tb DD. Bei in old offender who has previous , “ I M a » be ! similar LADIES’ WATERPROOF MEN'S RAINCOATS and two Indians, | Mar ving, 8. A ir Hhitte vee . : Coate for n p-to. on the De Fossett «tea ra / . n \rhe beat « of ladie« 2 date wtelen . res. + + . ; a. coats sy designs und Miller, the second hand ma bed) J 6 j : atta, J ed and i Va greens: « 18 pays the highest pr « for gents ; avw ve ee © : 0 , One- cast-off clothing, tools, ete. W BG ' . ame ; aes ' : — , ao ; a " SUNDAY’'S BASEBALL m 4 ‘ McLa Db. A A Real Lever Simelation rahe ; on quarter off Regular Prices cali any time. Phone 5: ° Mel \ Meare, Dan Salt twenty-five per cent off. rhird Avenue f 3 . ; OLD WATCH FREE. : : . : ha 2 Northwestern Chet N st, M. Ricl Va ver. 8: Vietor a : Ml Mrs. tT t ‘ * Lost lady's hand bag t » , ' _ 3 “ma . ’ Sy ine, 6; Tacoma, 3 u. | “ Dingwe a . Children’s all- i ib- eatre and Seventh Street. A : Faney Stripe Flannelettes cary Sa an a os. . : Sy , | Sy ine, 5; Tacoma, 2 } 2 j Mrs. I a fawt indo blue ‘ : sais fe i oe oe = | Coast W. Ne Kingway R : mixt . wid width ! . © “Say sa ine ~ ick cream und hard t yual at 15 a a . Portland i oct aas ‘ i M Mrs. Englis ne k sk cardina ussengers as ‘ th days 12'.c ini 4% a at 28e Allies Se : tla Sacramet P Ml } y | 4 WW aig : : de ft Ind tb Los Angels Ver . Rea | and I RIBBONS Seornine of three todians «n the] 195 Angeles, 16; Youle | sagen . ~ A ; ’ , : sne iriver ; e whe set ° ” " . ly andl . De es ep EMBROIDERY LINEN as on @ wae ES LEAVE FOR ATLIN spoiling for aol t a : a i ji a Just arirved, pure Irish Em- drowned ON HUNTING TRIP | ee bey } es wide 2 combina- bb dery Linen. extra ever - . . District Said to be Sportsman's ae ' ry soft and pret- weave f drawing and rhe Myst Shriners held 1 Paradise—ali Kinds of Game tives”’ iss + ty designs They a the fancy W " (itis en is cereu : = \ s ii ! fact that t 7 ding shades Reg. 25 54 nehes wide ind very Sat da ‘ g und put Ml ind Mrs. } iu SEEDS! SEEDS! gives prompt - hard t et i .! 90¢ th ; ae | M © ° Indigest Senn Specia 15¢ & , a. - re s ive tod At ices a eed Stomach, R te See a es} tin, B.C, where they will spend Have received our 1914 Spring a, u : t Thee n Daws ‘ three months. most of which time Kidney and ceremony nd assisted thet oiler cet Mr M hie ee FIELD, GARDEN, AND Sold by alld receipe Warranted all p ner Best standard cloth English Shriners. After the cs in We tone tthe ie . ae F -7 alos FLOWER SEEDS price by Fruit-a cam crash towelling saa Prints, 21 gage, all abso- completed, a splendid banquet} «pe a in's Sarediat in on aie | Agents for pen ema d Scotch make, 1 %inch al- lutely fast dye. They was held in the Canada Railway | s iar Seated 3} DOMINION NURSERY & Se 7 was heid the da Ratiway | seer s an easy matter t ternative line n and = te come mm et nnd = News Cafe shoot wild fow y the hundred ORCHARDS co. coe hand Gas $0) ine Engi aon = 2 . es * rs of fancy. plain pon und there are an abundance of Desiers in Feed of all hinds re wide thees dave ORs Soe oc as cw Oc Ww : mountain goat, bear and mova: CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY ith , only at 12'-c stripe designs A SNAP WOMA N PASSENGER Mr. and a : ae an . fainter are alse} ; Mall orders promptly attended to AKERBE j aecaL SUING GRAND TRUNK) ™**ise the trip. Judge Young is| , RG, THOMSON &¢ CHILDREN'S COATS REMNANTS ~— ieee ae Prince Rupert Feed Co. § 2 Septeniber i : Mrs. M. Patterson Claims $10,000 808 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 , Als 8 . $4.00 Child's . - $2.00 FOR EARLY SHOPPERS | From G. T. P. for Injuries RIOTS IN BERLIN cooces | =1.50 Child's Coats ...$2.25] Ribbons, Ginghams, Em- Received in Washout dais £5.00 Child's Coats .. .$2.50) broideries, Laces, Lawns, aroma ane : " : PIPES SETTERS EERE ESTEE EERE £5.00 Child's Coats ...$3.00] Gurtain Net, Dress Goods, | Mrs. Marion Patterson, a news-|, mae as gust | cA A 6ePE fe FRESH $7.00 Child's Coats ...$8.60 Flannels, Nainsooks: Coat- paper woman who ik on the staff age despatch to the D ‘ u ail Pd Se * FOR A T A =F =8.00 Child's Coats ...$4.00] ings, Serges, Crepes, Prints f the publicity department of the] > 5 ” , } $ ABLES All This Season's and Towellings Panama Expisition, has entered], re Soe oe pms, 4 : suit against the Grand Trunk Pa- - : =e — ~~ CS * cifie Railway ts ' aie ese oe pet) ving to the gre ‘Xe ee” PROM SKEENA hivER ncn tek tikadien tte chock aha tt re®. of food. I i teeed. p TIONE $ sii THESE ITEMS ARE ALL MONEY SAVERS - , ie _—~ CK SRCl atoes . an hae of @ thel E eceives ‘ ay Sth this vear het rr e of which has} iF | * PRIDE, NASH & C0. ee, ann d' ta [ehaovers have ben weal HOTNCE TO THE PUBLIC {| nt SUree™ UTS °° § i T! me ‘e ind th : s ¢ ad by t | | SRE AAAA AREA AAA Store Opens Every Morning at 7 a.m.; Closes at 6:30 p.m. as ee -" a “Hhice. Paps s being refus-| was fhe cK ine = : ad eve vhere ind f dca ni Patters lileges hat she was | Effective Monday, aoe 10th, | ile t and bruised on the{@® Purchased with gold and sil Household Coal will be $11 per ton 3|| CAMAOIAN PACIFIC RLY. | ver DELIVERED IN SECTIONS 1, 5, 6; Special prices on large ee ee ee Eh : uddition to re- $12.00 per ton DELIVERED IN SEC- SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM entice fer hotels @ - eaaindl ental ane - TIONS ‘2. 7, 8 COAL WiLL BE PRINCE RUPERT TO prained . Weddi ; SOLD FOR STRICTLY CASH. NO 3) Try Them. They com ’ 9 er s shoe edding Belis SACKS W : i | shoes ‘Lt BE LEFT. i wONTABAL and return oer -ee fresh from the cardens t is alleced ‘} statemen — i TORONTO and return.... 128.00 ; oe A quiet w ling t lace or NEW WELLINGTON COAL CO. ST. PAUL and return . 8600 on every train if claim prepared the plain-|.. vedding took place on LINDSAY'S CARTAGE 4 STAGE §$ | CHICAGO and return 108.50 SSE = |‘ - : u Tayi Thursday ¢ g at the resid. FAR WEST FUEL COMPANY |] NEW YORK and return. eee 1S SHicitors Pasres vier, ' . . : j Other potn correspec ney ow ; 710 SECOND AVE ‘ . ence 0o Re Canon Rix The PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED |} Effective June ist Final retura larvey. Grant, &§ ' & Smith,igroom was M Horace Hale. “a i limit Octeber 31st Carpenters’ Toois Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery jthat at the time he accident} sawyer, and a well known young |——— eal aimee | —~ * southbound i Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle jthe stretch of line which thelman in the city. The bride was| eo Sutncens iis Eteneuns DEPARTMENT STO jaccident occurred had not beer ; : Sunday, 8 p.m. Phone No. 2 Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Faiiethionad: tow 4 terial Miss (i : ude Flack, a charming Phone 37 P.O. Be. 1704 3. - = med © ra iy boardivyoung lac ho came over fro | Rope Valves Ammunition for publie service, and that at thelGrimsby. Enelaad n fee a _ J. @ McNAB, Genera! Agent rinish ngiand, a fe renths ; Co. Ff h Pumps Hose Paint time the train was | eeding atlago. She made the trip over in a ee Sew ae Sere one feeeooooroororererss cst Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron "ieee a ableespeed the last run of the ill-fated Em- FIRST CLASS CUISINE o — 1e suit is the first suit ni press of Ireland from Liverpool, Hot and Cold Running Water in NOTICE | “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” brought in the i irts by @) The bride and groom were sup- on Boome, ’ ———— Oe ~ passenger against he Pacific | ported by Capt. and Mrs. Walters Only finest a se ene 3) IN THE MATTER of an application for — ber ‘ o e ew Sense , ’ ssi fresh ce , aT nee a id since it} Following the ceremony a wed- THE BEST woes. IN NORTHERN |for Lots 10 and it, io Block 11, in the FURNISHED = HOUSE FRED STORK’S HARD ARE was opened for service ding supper was held at the Knox BRITISH COLUMBIA | Subdivision uf p strict Lot 4g, jRange Summit Av: $50 | Five Coast istrict, ovine oO 1 W | Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Hale are for PRUDHOMME @ FISHE? | olvimbia” Map 64 — — per month e resent resis , ‘ary j UTICE (8 HEREBY GIVEN that it is ‘CALLIES DEFEAT THE me iding with Capt. | Proprietors ly intention to issue after the expiration|$ FIVE ROOMED HOUSE Af DRYDOCK Boys saTuRDAY| "|" peel 8 freh cumeume at ae Bath; close in, $35.00 hereof a esh certificate of tithe in the . — PAE. ia) g az > - ” j name | f : . Som WA ee above pe. month. a is rE Cre a) ay ; ‘ z i ned Lots which Certificate is jatec - Aes, SS tks Chay PR | Under the Foot! Leases ak . Chance to Make Money e ember | 1910, and is butbered 3131 FURNISHED caeins s# t one 8 » 2 © CLEOD, ld | es the Callies met the Drydock Money is tight and I need it, s a District ‘Registrar per month ae ocd CWS oles Club on Market P Saturday| Here's an offer: Up to August ist : ‘7a Keeisiry OMee, Prince Rupert, B f I, vening before a | eathering|{ Will supply my regular $25 () f ‘ If f 7 | 7 8 “|heating coil fro $15. I guarantee} ‘ INSURANCE S a = | SZ» PE « hon. (3 Hore. GCE cs LEE KS cae Sor ar LES SPU, eerie! spectators. Whas was, how-],, ; | ? : a : , nee paaeeeee ¢ : his to boil water in fifteen min-| is “ " ¥ parte 35e lunch at the —_ Try Smith & Killas’ we cream, aes we . ae e of the) votes, and not to affect the oven | ws 3 The Dail Ne ” FIRE, LIFE tafe. 163t e258 sardest games of the league was] porty no : on 18 Gender mene feel y ws NT 8 | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|"!doubtedly spoiled by the unfor- alg dir nse toe: ay ye See tater Suen 0.8, Cotes Soman CLA — Angus Stewart left this morn-| Phone 4, eg}tunate injuries received by twolences The reliable plumber SSIFIED ADS. 1 § ing for New Hazelton. .. 2s of the “Drydock forwards, which Harry Henson p ®. Box 395, | WINDSOR HOTEL . s KISSICK, F yy ARDS os. « | Adiar Carss left on the Princess |"°¢*** ni oo etiral from the ac am . casts | Corner of First ave. and Eighth St KISS! K See our $3.00 Boys’ Suits. They!Alice fo » game jus fifteen minutes from ! 9. : S! ae Ase ent bargait . } ene i beac the commencement, and at a time =o en ae NTs Br ; econ: = atl M Lilian Majory of Ketch when the Drydock’s were leading Old Steamer Soild Oe RENT I light ki DISTRICT AGE sf os. Miss slian Majory o etchi- . « vas - ‘ x : HOTEL CENTRAL ‘ wo ight wousekeeping " oe kan is a guest of Mrs. E. A. Mann.}¥¥ 1 seal to nil. The Drydock], The steamer City of Panama r us wiih light, heat and laundry |$ PHONE 19 221 SIXTH E. E. Confectionery sells high | o: a oe Club are due all sympathy at the }” ult” by . Pacific Mail Steam peste aid tana owe ud. Norfolk Kooms, Fulton St. 85-91 a ) i ship Co.. 872 ae aak ns fe esecoocrors class ice cream in bricks; aleo| Ladies’ house dresses at 90c,|!055 Of two such valuable players third tine ee : on ' fe s Peter Biack, Prop. FCR SALE pure candies. 155tf.|/alomst given away; get one. Ja- and it is hard to conjecture what / . wed sale ialilhaieenins a | 2 ee bour Bros it the result might have been had|@¥UCrs are the Rolph Navigation - : . } : . ; aia & Goal Cx Oakland Cal who SNOK HOTEL SALE 400 Shares Graham Oi! Pields Clearing out men's boot at #2 oo they been able to continue the ’ . : Lid. stock, 15 cents per share for - wh game t ull s nan os will dismantle her and have her First Ave., Between Eighth and Niow quick sak Apply Box 92, Dally News we want the space. Worth 84 and We have 35 pairs ,of ladies ame at full strength As was z ; 188-190 &5 Jabour Bros it) j r ’ , to be expected, under such = ei: converted into a coal storage sopens Pian, Rates b0e 6 91.00 FOR 8 BD. u ul 5 , slippers at $1.50, which formerly vsinad th Gall plant Per Day te -"l r " beet, “6 £ wae, “4 8 > 2 CUulbnslances e i ‘2 800 ut a 1, porec or p ; never Deen * * sold from $3 to 84. Jabour Bros 7 - ' allie ain i Beener & Beener, Props. used Apply, G w. Lindsey, General ROO! iF) FLAT Norfolk Rooms. Steam heated, | a eu the lead crossing over at half —_ ie at Delivery 178-179 i hot and cold water. Terms rea- a tine with a lead of 2 goals to 4. FOR SALE.--20-ft, launch, neatest boat ot sonable, 6th Ave ad Fult | Authentie “information about In the second half the Drydock 5. ¥. Rochester Vv. D Casey im the harbor; cheap for quick sale, In BA TH $2) Oe, Ors AVS, 2D ulton, {football games, either scheduled . EMPRESS HOTEL quire P. h. Harris, News OMice, or c. ¢ Wi Ait, ee ae om 7 ‘ od . be hed hie il defence adopted the one back Loop, Cameron's Jewelry Store. ie iliiae iien tnt b00-Gaun joe pos ee one ne aad by call-jeame, much to the discomforture Third Ave, Between Sixth ano ntalinenlineamtie , os ST aes sy, | ae Up Fite Cigar Store. lof the Callies forwards This ee Seventh Streets by at a.m, thi mrning she 139-tf NOTICE | European 60 WANTED . Ny goes south Tuesday at 9 p.m ee ae “U8. [style of play is never at any time} rer S HEREBY GIVEN ten, GO 0 01 Per ey 3) FOUR ROOMED HOl mere 0 _ @ . a e > -_——- -- -— UE Hibs am ¢ ee beneficial to the game, but in} oe es one and Chattels GIRL WANTED.—Apply Shooting Gallery . Boy's civth blouse suits atly e on spe eee these methods alone lay the Dry onging to PAULIS & SA- ROYAL HOTEL 189-186 ai") ny R ST STE elias, (heenoss aves ail oenpe ay OmpaRy, with he a -Idock's o1 hanee of vintaee. VERINO, Fulton Street. have Cortey & Burgess, rops W ANTED Situation wanted taste ON TAYLO 4 ‘louse ers n ictorie " i * f jood © ‘ Jabour Bros isin. . Ue., French Maan ee-lecee eee ee tom eaten ofa ae, ” ane ) sity rench has just re-leame ; i i . age, registe at ‘ on ee , un i her goal by Adam Eurepeen Pian Steam vee KL = WANTED.-Apply Prince Rupert } Rough House Charlie Burns turned from a trip up the Btikine. | settied e, the Callies run Prince Rupert, B.C., duly 27, —_— ——- a “itar Factory, Eighth 8t isi $. 0 ’ ' $ ace ning out » ter © eee ae 1914, and that same will be BEAVER WHOLESALE NELIABLE BROKERS WANTED,—-Noehren and Chet Neff with his manager, ss M > FOGts sold at Public A oti LIQUOR co Mannix Petroleum Limited, (Non-Per Dan Salt, left on the Beatrice for Has Thos laylor who. was i _ < { wted aa ref uction, on LIMITED sonal Liability) 61,000,000 eorporation, Vancouv ce ’ with the Shriners on their Daw. | cree Thursday, August 20, 1914, Second Ave. and Sixth a ‘eee surrounding: Monarch in calgary’ APPLY To i 0 er. . 2 elds, which s struc eck crude son trip, did net remain over it |3 at the hour of 2 p.m. Sale Phone 109 i. = =Well ee QS oe ry pert a he expected On By th ft bis lan to be held at the warehouse a RT ——- Strong ‘board ‘at ‘ditwctorsy who are al It is a matter of general regret], g here and @nding that theled in 1s a aatina at of Stewart & Mobley, Ltd., PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00, CONTRACTRD POW and WILL STARE AT that the water lily crop on Lake | (Grand Trunk was net open yet he | Luxe! tral} Prince Rupert, B. ©. nereD Cortaia porte ee + nae tt ther ( R Naden (0., 7 } ; : ‘ ired neutra ‘4 , or reservations an ur Bi. Joe will not be ripe in time ; tle cided to go an through to Vic- |territ j ‘ ' ead in STEWART & MOBLEY LTD. Preser ha Siath Sis — to "Veanera mueapareys, ° ” , . a sho . a ul ith 7 : ' : ; hone 7 culars wine or write, giving refe j f for the tlower show this week jtoria on the Aliee, dependence * guaranteed o Grantees Noehren- Mannix Petroleum, Limited, 22 COND AVEN i | Set fCees 4 Domiatee Bank Chambers, Bdmonton, pera