yraday, August 20, 1914. THE DAILY NEWS —— — a tt we ae Se = a : ; ee i +} ’ eo & : ‘ ¢| 4 k : : i § ; ASSESSED OWNER 3 : e , i 3 3 ig | S - - 3323 z : | - ‘ # ae Se Ree ee Z _— f 4217 | «John Arthur Wood heme aa 2 20 3 i - ‘ , 4 4218 | éobm Arthur Wood : 5 3 a 2. 8.09 128.01 ‘ ‘i 4219 | John Arthur Wood 5 3 4 48 6.32 4 ‘ 4383 | Edmund ©. Stevens 6 a ee ae'38 6.32 “ c , i - 4505 | M. A. Clark ° 9 | ww 48 6.32 oP. + se ver 4506 | BG. Clark Bios. c. j sein ft io 4.4t “4 : 4558 | F. B. Deacon and G. P. i. Palmer? 255, led 8] a8 | 47 | galas 3‘Ss sit8 te ° 4659 | F. B. Deacon and G. P. I. Palmer eee egea tnd rein | $8.50 9-08 87.19 , —T — 4603 | M. and W. G. Davidson cecce yes Cae eee 6} 15 | 4 | G6le8 5 58 1°48 j on ae 4604 | M, and W. G. Davidson Pi >| 18 | 888 6.38 1.78 j pe r 4606 | A. Bergnae and G. Garassa 2 ag 4 3.27 28.68 | pe 4612 | Chew Yung z ee ee 6 | 6 | £6 ; ge.a% 3.27 28.68 . BONE 0) I Gis ids cccsce cee cc -itelie | ma 3.27 28.68 . “ 4027 | G, Gentile and D, Zarelii |‘... 5° ctmin + a 03 3.27 28 , F 4680 | Douglas Surling int aif lah Baa ein 4 $0.81 $35 ” et Mrs. Grace Shockley (South ¥%) ; im ¢ 63.65 3:48 asuza | ace Shockley (South 4) a |. gS ee “33 oa38 j . Price ; i ae | ¢ | 12.70 He Sa i UPOCP wccee 4 ; c e % 550 | a hs i o | 26 j 7 } 62.34 5.12 4585 | Joln Shaweroft te | : ’ 3.27 is54 | Jot Shaweroft $i 37) 380 | 3.05 | 885 | ge Shawceroit . 1 | #3 | 3:88 ssvo) | )«6OWK. OK. Brinn (nti ‘. sgue = & Beprreee | ' } 3.62 196 j Homan Mykieiuck i dabia-< a 47 30 | 8.08 A FRENCH ARMORED TRAIN, A MODERN BATTLE “SHIP” ON WH suis | gut wulehake «5 + eiR 1 | 9-08 EELS 4v71 | George A. Cameron :: : o us 3.26 has just added to its equipment this modern fighting device. it is a trai 978 | Geurme A. Cameron. ‘48 | se | 99 ' 3:95 ° 8 a train bu25 | Miller and Danford... de i a 3 ’ from the car behind the engine is a conning tower from which an sue Gua he b nang rapid fire guns. Rising Suse | Milter ~~. SS : . } a4 | a8 3-84 bub0 §. Kosang and H, BE. Olsen ..... es at rec e fire with deadly effect. buss | Angus MUAiister : sbeee aa ; i 4 is 4:43 er v105 DU Oi EEE. 6 5c 0.60 bp. 60.00 os } 3s » | ee 5106 i donu A. heeker vahae cae ee 5 | 8 ; 13 | 3.64 ; PROHIBITION COLUSA WILL LOAD Hy | tat J ERLE ta ECRETARY DANIELS ‘ONLY THREE WEEKS Cree te oe >? aon 1.) 3-30 vib2 j . Cameron oe i i ° ‘CONTACT MINES FOR WEST COAST WOULD | sureeY o waan| fief | oc Bicige oc ETB Tg | ae oi67 | WN, Baczynaski ' ae 2 ¥ | USE NAVY The sudde busi | HM. F. mehae 2 oa oe ; ; 3.30 IS A e ' uddenn: vith which | 6232 | HLF. Mckee aoe 2 oe 8.30 ritish Steamship to Act the | TO CARRY US CROPS war broke out in Europe is illo 235 | com yup | . j “1 i 8 3.38 | : pe wt S- 245 | . &. Sprague < i y 9 +, | Role of Blockade trated by the f a : 249 | Sian Cain : sh .. i " 3.30 August 20 rhe Runner ri ) me fa entioned by 260 | Shan Chin a tt a 5 3.77 he neutral Norwe- ; Washingt August 20.—Con-'* New York dispatch, that there is soe | or keses” tees a 5 i ao ; bis rysla by a mine Wed niin Oe “ mited th the problem of dis only a three weeks’ supply of im- evo | Gunes Soerech wt £4 ie 3 §-38 ) . ' alp » on : . : ; TTT y? oa ; the Duteh Island of|most hazardous voyage - : o i “ he country's enormous (Ported beer in the United States. | sozvo j uae red evenbes a ; s : 8 3.47 86 emp erat ad ¢ t ’ . ge MUS LEVY pss senesessseeees | carved 10 TEE Elly Gach teealedepeirction eas Maton et) | aa oe | ae © cae os 2.8. 2 eed a8 ‘ , om nfstration made ‘ ' 4: Mrs. M, UOIMDEPE «61.660 eeeee: . | circles to the pro-| Puget Sound since the Kuropean| cont made plans Tor a wavy Jos Scharman ..... ebeceee 7 : = 7 Hr rhe Hague convention] war began, the big freighter 7 . S I : y- n Wasltington = this Household goods and furniture - ee ee ' nie a6 Frank Buchan .......... Ge lucie tak wer 32, 26 . ft ; ‘ bn if King George. will jeave the The benkere nee ie a lhird Avenue. 153-tf frank Buchan ........ 2 vs | 15 3 38 $743 7 was to draw up|North Pacific in a few d ave been asked Marun Berrigan ...... u 2s 16 36.44 the use of these! ports on the w t ow cape Meo come fo Wallies aa ueulye We Waugh é 33 32 See? 335 s » west coast of 8 ylans , : veorge W. Wau sees 4 ts of warfare.| America — f South | pla for a resumption of the in- W. &. chapimen = rida 6 2s sa bs $0 ‘as ' forbade » le ° . ternational exchange market ¢ hath. 1, ADDOU ....... 6 & ao 35.36 mS orbade the lay- Lhe Coluss , : ange market and Kain. T. Abbott © 29 ’ 8.77 inchored automatic | tle even afte oa tied up in Seat-| restore the use in of international ; Sam Guiller .......... ; se to 30.07 3:30 ceept where they after hostilities began,|bills of exchange. The shipping | ao op ameguens bdoe $ r+ iv $2.33 3.62 Yiwith the announcement that she . ’ - W. weer 7 to 49.90 4.49 ted as to beeome | yy at shefinen will be asked to move Ameri- | Hi. W. Walker 7 3 20 30.01 3.50 sad been withdrawn from service|can grain and cott | -F. KR. Stewart ; 2 20 30.01 3.50 an e hour at most after|}and would be held at th oul and cotton to the Ku- | e eos 7 3 3 34.74 3.76 . ates bal . i eae : i is port in-}ropean mi ts. ‘ hte | »P. Hanson » . 17.91 : 4 ho laid them ceases | definately. e nar ket which have taken Grace Marshall 7 2 38 $7.91 ‘3 rol them eeeill bl them so liberally in the past | A. Dexter ; ; 7 $4.48 3.71 . jonsiderable surprise f x. . . ‘ ee As DOU oo vcbee 1 . f ewise prohibits the laying | pressed | irprise was ex In announcing the conference } Sicnan Potareom 8 2 4 7 $-33 bored automatic siaboat | xy shipping men when|call, Secretary MeAdoo said: Cella Chestertield 6 tu 18.19 2. ciel die aod Sainte the vesel steamed for Tacoma to It is of vital importance to the i pee wines ; at 84.76 3 v aS . me load for the west coast. country that two things be d ca | 2 eee cue eats eS aek aes v 15 31:38 ; 8 SOON 88 tEey BBY While lying in Seattle harbor]: ; Gone | McCaffery and Law . oo0 5 samen meme ° i4 40.40 4 inowe from their moor 8 ° larbor| as quickly as possible: First, pro | de By SO ee tdbk 46.25 4.32 sini ak tORT RG Carl Herman , ‘ a2 tu i0.1 ‘ lownsend, August 18. Ottawa, August 18.—-The de- GEORGE HOTEL BURNED ~— Coe ceeee veuowne 4 ; % 3. fee 3:81 erly the fine re ee token A itestee “ oe ‘ : a3 5 0.47 2.51 nacht af Soe tails of the artillery division of A Sunday fire recently totally Wm. Brucss chic z 3 RY to:33 5:98 anada’s expe mi “Ce ¢ : th. BrueMS .....665 . president of the defunet} “"" la's expeditionary foree was|destroyed the Dominion Hotel, Cells Chesterbeid emancs ; i$ " 34:48 3:35 Steel Cory i ounce “ pis ener Bone : Celia Cheste téiwe : . poration, is now }#nnounced by Gol, Morrison, di-[corner Fourth and Dominion Sts, Mrs. Jane Walp” iis aie end ; 3 3 19.73 | is doing patrol}reetor of artillery. It will con-]Prince George. When first dis john ‘Shawesots’ 2: 3 i 7 30:49 inee of the straits] sist of three brigades of eighteen|covered the fire had made such sone Shaweroft .. : 3 a4 42.25 4 pvenadia Government pounder guns each, making a to-|headway that to attempt to save Jonn Taoeen 7 46 is 3°55 \ has several smallital of 54 guns, with one heavy|the building or contents wa ut John ‘Guawerott "” ; is 23 is.o8 #8 \ a . . : . F oe” ro: cemerses . puntos oe eee battery of four 60-pounders ad-jof the question. Financial loss VK. Town Properties Lid... ; 3 a 40:38 43 e Canadian fisheries eruis- ditional rhe total foree will be}is estimated at 36,000 i, bs. — —_ z i 12 19.73 3 < cruising off Cape}23 oficers, 772 men and 746 The building was owned by W Oscar HUB .o 62s... ; $0 ; 45-41 $3 | ne for German mer-|horses for each brigade, mak ; saan : Anton Anderson Z 50 fo 19.73 i - ach gade, making a/G. MeCaffery, and was operated Anton Anderson z 50 ia 22.17 2 essels According to re- grand total of 59 officers, 2316|/by Mrs. Mary Burton. The loss . : t 33 20:10 33 ght here by imcoming}men anu 2318 horses, for the} was only partly covered by insur- ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE : 1 37 a5 °ip 3 Me steamers carefully |three brigades. The heavy bat-|ance. Slight burns were received CALLAGHAN 5s i *% 83:18 3 a ll vessels entering|tery for the 60-pounders will be|by Wm. Cook i 3 3 - 26-50 3 ; ’ a OOKe, ato e . no sg 29 its taken from the Montreal heavy] ployee, of 8 _postotlice ein~ Who is in charge of the first bat- : 7} 26.50 2 ai H bite eay ployee, of South Fort George, and tle squadron of the British 5 7 * 14.08 16.78 , pherson has re-|brigade and will coysist of six]Mrs. Mary Burton, but are not ion His 1 8 8 18 43:32 11.95 e command of tae Chi-}ofMicers, 190 men and 4144 horses,| serious. 7 y. is J ag ship is the 8 8 49 33°33 is 87 Lorton and will report ; ron Duke. ; a3 3 % 7 19.81 British Government for — ; Hr +3 8.40 it 33 the navy, he being a MUNIC 5 12 HY 5-32 411.65 f the B E RUPERT si i348 ie British naval re- . 86 13.18 . Le : 12 | 37 15.43 33-38 oii SS So] NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID T ko Rae SES DHE | GRE] BD ib ean ae AXES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PRINCE | SS {8 USERS PTT PR | ae 794 Alex Wule .......0000. : : 8 3 HP io: 38 . $3.97 RUPERT, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA sor |W. i, Maire 2222 | 8) T a | RS | ea) ie ! . H, Haire...) : : ‘ . . 40 Confectionery sells high $043 Matt and Mich Slav Be iy, 7 : ik 4 iF be Be ee sells en eed : . . ce ws Matt and Mi BE Bteeeeoceewe 8 15 22 15.62 a cream in brieks; also ' WHEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on Wednesday, the 9th Day of September, 4.D., 1914 at the Fred Sewehuch pee P* SPORES S 15 23 15.62 38 18.40 ndies sass | ROUr of 20 c’oleck a.m., ot the Glty Wall, Prince Rupert, B @.. } shall coll . Fred Sawehuch : eaesees eee 8 | 1b | 24 28.66 “43 "Oe 55Uf. | tands in the list hereinafter set out, for delinquent taxes and — a oh pulie Suni Se Kath. Fe ADDON SLL LLL TLIT Ts seein 3 | i | Be go°as 4 33: nd * ath T. 26 = * 43 o interest, costs and expenses, including the cost of advertising rman ieee tonto bn ee and for Mrs. Sarah Britton SPA taehia athe z = | 3 a8 .06 143 8 due is not sooner paid: — : . amount | Prince Rupert Town Properties Lt 8 | 47 7 13.38 3 ie | D, Cohen roperties Lid. ....... 7 : 47 : 13.38 “87 i “3S - Sie | WES . caatdeacceies eS ' ey 18.20 : . | Mrs. L. Leahy rrr . a 3 13.38 r : ; “-e | = : | Mrs. L. G. Leahy . te : s c 6 a Ee zt | aim Jelly _, es ni ats 3 3 ‘ 33°30 . + 3 ‘1 en 7 z 2 , Gangene ..... . : = ASSESSED OWNER & Sap se | = B. Gangene . 1.12: . 36 7 16 9 83 t 33 ze © Eobes se | & John Giwron |.) °°: ® 38 8 16.97 85 19: 8 Saace | 8a 2 yey EIN Seite paca : 38 8 8.14 “a ; 3 at sti mt = Donald Brown ....°...... 413.21 66 15.87 J. Condon pt 8 29 16 14.46 6 1 ; , ; ee vacant 8 30 17 13.24 : 05 Mary Doldge | F. 6. Evans . 1... eae ng one on . 66 4 06 | Mary Doidge ; ' 5 | 37 $35.50 | $3.77 | $39.27 | Jas. MeKOOWM 6... eee ee eee .1 Be 8.75 wr 11.19 107 | Gilbert Brown ; & 38 $6.50 | 3.77 39.27 | JOR. SOROREER ot eseriedesinenses 5 31 17 8-3 +64 13.39 109 | John Brown ; $ 5 38.32 3.92 42.24 wt 8 31 is he +40 10.49 142 Mrs, Grace ; ° 7 96.76 | 3.84 40.60 rece eee ’ 34 33 §.05 40 10.45 192 D. M. Peyton i 25 116.59 | 7.83 124.42 Tos, Liston 8 31 36 4.40 2 68 212 A. H. Hewitt 5 9 55.49 | 4.77 60.26 | 2m Liston 8 34 3. 18 86 , "| 1 v 5 220.69 13.05 933 K.P. Williams 37 4. 3 224 | Ben Blackwood i 0 22 03 233.72 tt ea 8 32 3 225 | Ben Blackwood ; ; 17 $62.41 20.10 $82.21 . = wee ams 8 39 3 9.990 50 1 481 | 8. Commoaaie, ; 49 18 330.19 | 18.96 358.15 | Benes seeevens. 8 33 3 9.09 -b0 12. 52 | J. H. Hilditeh i 20 ta 5088 | $.38 $0.98 oar eid. 994 65 8 33 v 8:3 + . 650 Hi. Hi, Neale ..... (i Rie 100.32 | 7.08 107.34 | os omens 8 | 35 3 6.08 33 604 Bem 200 oe ccscceese t $8 10 74.70 | 5.7 80.43 Gus Quist. ...... 8 35 97 46.50 4.92 50.8 709 P. BR. Town Prope BO, coos i 24 52.42 4.62 57.04 He a “aoe me eaee 5 35 28 43.2 2.66 1 $ 710 Pp. KR. Town Properties, Lid..... i 2 $3 269.23 | 15.46 284.69 nF senee 8 36 ; 13.2 2.66 15.87 742 Mrs, BE. M, MCMOPdIG ....06eeeeeeeeee ie i 27 20 847.96 | = 94.38 201.62 a ¥ woken 8 36 4 $3°h “at 8 743 Mrs. E. M. MeMordle.......+e0.+: aero eon i a7 | 3 B).86 | 488 55.70 : > oe cin 3 oe +88 34 767 Pp. RK. Town Properties Ltd,.... oak i 27 : Si.aa | 4.56 55.70 John’ Shs hac 8 37 3 44.2 4.21 a 807 Mrs. M. anda. « «+++ doahavtsbiaiancea t +e 193.08 | hat 132.64 sone eawerels 8 | 38 : 33:3 $33 , ‘ 5 rs. E. CMOPle,.. ccc ererrerecevens ie en : 42.05 oa ft OG ° ‘ oa3 mee, BE. M, MOMOPAI@,.. 5. cere rere ener renee i Hh Ht 33 . ; 20 4s 19 pnd Thome 3 3 i 13:3; 33 | Pred LAMBA... ...sseeseeeeeece : : 14 46.97 oe fee . . saa Fred Lanza rest ply ; 33 30 59.04 4.95 63.99 zone, Shewenens . + + 18.20 Ot Bad Fred Langa ...sescseerses aabecaantet pee i 20 43 81.98 6.06 87.21 Jot Pee Rett et seen gneses 8 42 15 43:8 . $ § 848 A. Nicholson, A. Quinn aad’ B, Quinn ........... i 90°| fe 57,19 4.86 62.05 qonn Epeweraly y 43 «| «(83 $8.3 ' 1 oi | KS. Hyde Bescetyr cay seae tel baci +) a) ‘4 ob a8 4.07 53.91 1". tonne 8 | 43 $0'8 “38 015 Kh. C. Hyde ee ; 33 i 196.85 11.84 208.69 + F. Coores 3 84 20.2 : 3 v47 | OB. G Hyde ; | 8 2 127.34 8:37 | 198.71 Ps CORRE as 3 | a ; 18.8 98 o47 Kh. C. Hyde j 3 ” 104,72 7.23 111.95 tin See ; 33 ‘ 19.0 05 - ‘ 077 Kn Hyde ; i 3 10 109,72 it.b4 202,26 ro, uckley ..., 3 ; 9 10.8 64 078 Kh. GC. Hyde . POR es eRe Se Oe tere. eA 1 HF at 63.52 5.18 68.70 > 3 hoes and B. L, Tinsley. ae 8 3 i 10.8 34 1 N THE F 1059 S Comimozsio, B, Bregolissi and P. Krikokapich ,.... .: 36 73 62.08 5.15 68.08 K. §. Ross and B. L. Pinsley.. ..... 8 37 15.4 . 1 RONTIER 1040 3 Commozzic, B. Bregolisst and P, Keikokapich .).:.; i 35 19 43.40 4.17 47.57 ao oo oo and B. Lb, Tinsley. , : 3 a7 8 15.4 .17 1 nl 1070 ban Dindebers roa i 36 20 44.25 4.21 48.46 0394 Marin DammnEEREn Potro er seencons . 50 ° i a wing locati 1266 H. F. Mehae.. : ; 20 32.46 | 3.62 36.08 aaoe I : B OMMMOPENOR osc ce sce nnseee rene 8 H ae tt.t 66 d in on of places) |) Louis Calder te hen 2 3 83 107.43 | 7.37 114.80 a0 8. Desese REE cues dakh: css ss 8 e 38 13.2 66 despatches on the| |)', Patrick McCloskey ; : a4 124.16 8.21 132.37 z Oe ORCOR esi ees : 80 28 17.0 ; oh and Bel @) ist Patrick McCloskey 3 aa 30.43 8.06 43.0 0436 ue GOOD sicecctas ; 50 29 17.07 88 = gian frontier.| 178 ete eee 3 ib 41.73 a as er 04 W.. GNI ce ee 5 es a : ot 3 8.04 ‘ 5 Captured and 1554 MW, B. Hanlon ..... sre: og enaebn eae ‘ 22 60.58 5.08 65.64 ot AMR PE ees ei icencce ese 3 ot ‘ 8.04 ; by Ge nd Vise set) i720 M. Couture and C. Letourneau,....+ $8 22 120.43 8.08 128.45 peue Amanda Anderson ..,..,,,.. Teo tee! | a * a6 9.98 ‘ rmans, A second i730 M. Couture and ©, LeUlournea@P....sceceres s : 2 17 18 01.83 6.50 08.42 a eee ot 36 13.36 cs to is west of Metz and t7et M. Couture and ©, LOMOUPMOBD..++++ererrees 2 17 ib at 288 08.42 DATEL _ ~ ee i be FE . nd a 6 . Couture 90 40 sneeen o0geke habeas bheee cinens ; ; 98. ATED ’ at Near Belfort, i817 M. Couture . ee ee eee auei Rabb leemners s a ; $3 3 984.33 7 269 is the 10th day of August, 1914, ee ' ; 139.5 oicine d are ‘ te 2. D, JOHNSON, onmupe easurer : 1 » : pe usurer and Collector for the Munivipality of Prince Rupert, B, G,