EE THE DAILY NEws Satur da OO THE DAILY NEWS es THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DAILY EDITION tion to the German cruisers that they will uphold the German navy with the pertin- ent remark that Germany has i Saturday, August 22, 1914 A contemporary calls atten- the earliest boasting of the the best news at possible moment. Never was that principle of self-wovernment “traditions” of the national 80 conspicuously illustrated or so ne naval traditions. Britain, on the other hand, has the splendidly justified as in this traditions of a thousand years very hour. Without command, and there are thousands of without compulsion, without families in Britain that have constraint, indeed without re- followed the navy from father quest, and—-what? An army to son for centuries and who mobilizes by the order of .the are enthused with deeds of their \ tween the British and German fleets, the and those of a nation that grew up mushroom-like in the night Canadian Minister of Militia; a million bags of flour go by or- der of Canada’s Government; a half-million bushel of oats the gift of a Province; two equip- ped regiments of infantry at the charge of two Canadian citizens; several quick-firing the heroic ancestors. Pro- iding there is a_i clash bhe- a test will be value of these given to traditions Very few. however, have fears batteries furnished by an un- for the success of the British named Canadian; a whole peo- tars. ple, the millionaire and the milkman, the man in the street and the man in the church, the There has been a good deal! of criticism of late about the | native-born and the alien, each news service given in Prince in his place, and all with their Rupert. Reports of one day hearts serving and sacrificing are often contradicted the next. for the cause they have made If anyone takes the time, how- their own. What despot ever ever, to watch the Vancouver commanded an answer so papers he will find the same prompt, a devotion so loyal, a trouble—only more of it. The sacrifice so complete? History Daily News has ordered a spe- cial service of from a thousand to two and what is given. does not know its like. Not elsewhere in any nation can it be matched except among those peoples that have learned free- dom at Britain's knee. thousand words daily must necessarily publish When it is con- sidered that it costs a cent a And—ereatest gift of all, word to telegraph it from Van- sacrifice unequalled. devotion couver it will be realized that to the fullest measure fathers who hate war and all The News is sparing no ex- pense to give the public the its vaunted glory, and mothers news and the best available. who love their sons more than Another source of difficulty is that a rush this time makes it hard to get possible is being done to get —_ their own lives, bid them go in- to the death-struggle which is none of their making and from which they may never return. —Toronto Globe. on the wires at service on time. Everything Sunlight Soap cuts Monday’s labor clean in half. The Sunlight way is so easy --just note. First you soap the garment; then roll it up tosoak. After a while you rinse it thoroughly and the dirt drops out like magic. Why scrub, and rub, and wear and tear the clothes when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the work with never a hurt to fabric or hands. it once— nT his Sunlight this way. At all grocers LUMBER SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SAGH, BOORS DISCHARGING A TORPEDO FROM A BRITISH DESTROYER AMERICANS ARE NOT REGARDED AS ALIENS Washington Gov't Furnished with List of Approved Ports— Restrictions at Others August 19 It declared here that} London, has been officially the only steps taken by the | to landing of foreigners British Government the British ed for Alien’s of to the country against aliens countries with which Great tain was at war. An order of council signed by the King was published in The Gazette on August 5th. limiting the entry of aliens to certain ports so that they could be sub- jected to examinatioh. This or- ider was not intended in the least Americans, it was prevent the Isles were those provid- the of the Restriction the ob- safeguard in sections Act, by ject which was from Bri- j to keep out jsaid, and had no effect on the landing of Americans here. Approved Ports Washington, August 19. Charge Barclay, of the British Embassy has submitted the fol- lowing memorandum to Secretary Bryan: “The following is a list of ap- proved ports in the British Isles Dundee, Aberdeen, West Hartle- pool, Hull, London, Folkestone, Bristol, Holvhead, Liverpool, Greenock. “All other ports are prohibited ports, aliens, subjects or citizens of friendly powers. can land or embark at the approved ports with the permission of the alien loffice at the port; they ean land jor embark at the prohibited ports lonly with the permission of the iSecretary of State for Home Af- fairs in London Aliens, sub- jects of the enemy powers, eannot land or embark at the prohibited ports; they can land or embark at the approved ports only with the permission of the Secretary of State. Permission to land by the Secretary of State in any ease is to be obtained at arrival. Aliens deairing pdrmission Yrom_ the Secretary to embark should fur- nish proper passports of identity. U. 8. CAN SUPPLY BRITAIN WITH FOOD It is probable that States is able to the United supply Great AS THINGS AREINTHE | BRITISH EMPIRE rhe irrent is- Montreal, August 21 Monetary Times in its « sue sums the British position up British | has played fairly most as follows: “Once again diplomaey isfying the delicate science, (ince again it has main- tained the British standard of! honor, this time at the expense of | valuable points in warfare, now| gained by the enemy Germany | having pushed war, it has chal-| lenged a nation which has strain- ed every diplomatic nerve and sinew to preserve peace. Flout- ing Britain's heroic determina- tion to strangle war, now it must sat- cone 'face that determination in a grim shape. It is not war upon Great Britain alone. It is a challenge to the Empire, one which has done for civilization more than other empires hate even tried to dream. That challenge the Empire has Canada, Australia, South every dominion join with the Mother- this international strug- into which that Mother land has done everything possible to prevent the Empire having to answered. Africa, overseas land in gle, one plunge Vietory on one side may mean a new map of Europe, the flowering of autocracy and the predominance of belligerence Victory where the British Empire may place it, will mean the pre- servation of individual nationali- ties, the always arbitration lasting Seldom has England girded its loins in such a good cause, espe- cially as the struggle has forced upou it. Heaven knows of the prayers which have been of fered and the statesmanlike ef- forts made for War has come to bring it. Having entered the fight, the British Empire will proceed to the end. In this strug gle it has the help of some and the sympathy of all. except per- haps two, of the civilized nations of the world. May Right ride as conqueror! of democracy, and progress perhaps peace. peace. FOOD STUFFS ARE NOT CONTRABAND OF WAR Toronto, The Star American August “Foodstuffs 21.- says: be vessels except in very exceptional could not seized by German vessels consigned to British ports | _ | which the A icans would be! certain to resent. Even the right of search w I be dispensed with if the United States Government sent a warship along with a fleet of freighters to convoy then Americar f datuffs could be shipped to Britain from New York and Philadelphia and Boston d reet, or if thought desirable via Canada from Montreal and Hali fax FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE WITH PIANO - 5 ROOMS ONLY $35.00 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE ee er eee eee Prince Rupert Dairy Co. AM Cows overument tested. Every- ting sanitary and apen for in- ker & Wells, Fulton Cash Market and Northern Meat Market. Phone Green 262. Barn et Park Ave eer eee eee? PHAR RAKARAAARAAS KAKA 35-PHONE-35 ee) ee eee STEAMERS PRINCE J0}\\ OR PRINCE ALBERT Leave for VANCOUVER and tions for SEATTLE on TUESDAY EVEN yc: Weekly Services also maintained to Granp, set, Queen Charlotte VICTORIA akin Gg COnneg. 5 p.m Stew City, ete Art, Mas. Low Excursion Rates TO EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES on oa), good return until Ootober a4.) ' September i Passenger Trains leave for Priestly and intermediace WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, For through tickets to any point and ALBERT DAVIDSOW, G. T Agency all Atlantic n MOR 10 A Dave » full informar P. TICKET OF rice Steamship Line veg eC eo eR ee eee eee . * ’ GRANITE * * * . Granite of best quality * i* and thoroughly tested for * * sale, Gut stone or erushed *) * rock in quantities, * . NEIL J. MeLEOD, * . Telephone: Green 247 * * if * * a “eee eeeevneneneneneneee ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY Rooms : Second Avenue, Opposite Rooms open from #8 «a m. to ff Pp. @ Visiting Scotemen are cordiaily imvited For rates for hall rent apply secretary Empress Theatre S$. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS j President Secretary VERY LATEST Bive Prints of OIL DISTRICT ON GRAHAM ISLAND AT GOLD BELT REALTY CO 3 307 SIXTH STREET | | THE LITTLE GIANT | | VACUUM POWER CLEANER | Extracts All Dirt and Dust i Carpets, Rugs, Davenports, Mattresses, Pillows thoroughly cleaned. All work guar- Reasonable Rates, Estimates given. Apply PRED KLIEN ; Phone Red 269 P.O. Box 237 MARTIN & M’GOWAN: LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Cement, Grick and Tie Work Estimates Furnisned Phone Bive 320 BLYTHE BROS. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone 194 Satisfaction HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect anteed guaranteed spection. Every bottle subjected to Suite (, Federal Block 200 degrees heat. Ours is the only | plant in the city doing this. Orders PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. Gelivered or can be had at Knott's Bakery, Spurr’s Fish Market, Sta'- Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal PHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT | BOAT BUILDER H JOUNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green 321 —— 54 PO.bag \PERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING n Swansoy Me Brig Marti AV Second New Wellington The favorite Household Gog Cleanest, Brightest, Bee NEW WELLINGTON con Rogers A bert, Agi Becond Avenues Prone FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and Ut ™ sully J. BR. DYER. Black MrOR PLUmaine ae wong . > SMITH & MALLET Largest stock f Pipe one Vatrouver, Crane Valves at&t tings, Pipes cut wo order Third Ave., Head of Becont Prince Rupen 0. C. STUART @ccoun st 308 2nd Ave Peal PRINCE AUPERT. & ¢ i Alex. M. Manson, B 4 w. EW WILLIAMS 4 SANS@ Barristers, Solicitors & MONEY TO LOM Box 1585 Prince Regett apa. Bie Helgerson Block Genera! Cariege LADYSMITH COAL 93—Phone 03 P. 0. Box 203 P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant Audite, Investigations, Ac,ustmenth dations and Assignmes Smith Block, Brad Ave, =rmee JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Build a be Estimates Give Mov Phone Black 24 . IMPERIAL MACHINE Repairing Quickly Dom a. Britain with food just as easily, |circumstances. Under the dec- SRRRARARAAREERRERERERRIN | mn : > ™)OOW BAY ONE Ai if not more easily than any other |laration of London, which epite- er yy - oan toe ae -_ country could. The United States|mizes international martime law, RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. | JAMES GILMORE Smithere Government could not, and would]foodstuffs are not contraband of PRINCE RUPERT BOAT - not, do anything to prevent the|war, unless intended for the use ar, ' Architect 4 free export of wheat to any «fjof an army. When intended for HOUSE Civil Engineers ana 8. ©. Land) pride * r the countries at war. The Un'ted|the use of the non-combatant Boa Surveyors i2nd Avenue, 0 cot z Hi race Work Plumbing, Steamfitting States has a record wheat crop|population they cannot be touch- ts Launches — . —_ 00 this year, estimated officially atjed. The warships of belligerent | Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Cona- | \ and sheet metal work 930,000,000 bushels. The wheat|powers would of course have the for hire, Gasoline for sale jreentn ial Land cerveeae ome Sone A IVARSON & is crop of 1913 was 763,000,000|right to search American’ ships aoe =e © eee ee Ho mn a | Blu , , Newat “| Whit miths & at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld bushels, That means that 150,-|for contraband, but they could not PHONE RED 391 — Ts ; _— Boat Work 000,000 more bushels of wheat|seize grain cargoes without a di- North End of Manson Way - 0 Inn ISIS OI nnn intiininintitinttitets titties |are available for export. lent Raanse ae idieednbinant taom | mc@ride St. Prince Rupert, B.©. Phone 525 tsi Ave. Mane News by “HOt Scoop t All by Himself Drawn for The Dally Tr AA WHU RVING It) FIGURE OUT |S A SORTAH LIFE BOAT FOR MY TRANS- ATLANTIC AIRSHIP FLIGHT THAT WILL FLY GENTL VO SIAR T+ 8 NES SS Figured This Invention Ou ay. WL —_ Sind ~ BAL