THE DAILY NEWS 1M . = oo — _ = == wr or “i MAY SAVE ALBERT | 1 THE DAILY News ‘EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH sco iene STEAMERS PRINCE JOHN THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA i e Aay fe for the Published Daily and Weekly by RE p AT DEAT ’ R tr aan pctane Mere OR PRINCE ALBERT THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a beard rning for a gang in aterda ai ee ee 2 | if men and me dynamit An ' we EXCITEMENT OF WAR HAVING ITS EFFECT ON AGED RULER effort will) es ee Leave for VANCOUVER and VicTonia DAILY EDITION ool Rw Monday, August 24, 19494, —PRINCE WILLIAM IS REPORTED TO Have Some Of Whe rock chad Men tions for SEATTLE on TUESDAY EVEN ina. ' FLED FROM ALBANIA \Ibert ofl rhe an ae Weekly Services also maintained to Granby Stowe —_— cy oe is pretty wer’ wee ' a a ohe! set, Queen Charlotte City, etc %, May. The beginning of the pres. pendence of Belgium after the (Special to THE NEWS) has been in feeble health since Lloyd's repress sive ber : ‘ ent international war can be war and that only the foreien|) Paris, August 4.—A. despatch the war broke out and it was net | an be sever ' ize and per Low Excursion Rates traced to June 29th of this possessions of France would from Rome quotes “Messaggero” expected that he would see ai a -, ‘ ; ahs passengers TO EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES on sale yoy = year. On that date the Arch- be seized. Such a policy could) t@ the effeet that Emperor Fran- end of the campaign. His per-| and of taken off. There good return until October 315: MOO d0y duke Ferdinand, heir to the never be allowed by Britain) e# Joseph of Austria is dying, sonality has kept the Empire en-| mot ' the Albert Passenger Trains leave for Priestiy and intermediate poinis on mo ceibin theca, eed the Gis el. de the were nol edied & and that Prince William Weid tact and his death will probably | \"" te 9 an : nt of freight WEONESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 10 9 » NDAYa, were assassinated while driv- moral obligation to join her "ee from Albania. be a by serious internal), ekidocnt For through tickets to any point and full Information, apply i, ing in the streets of Seragevo, Allies. | © aged Emperor of Austria troubles The Sa turned t thie ALBERT DAVIDSOW, G. T. P. TICKET OF rice Bosnia rhe act was commit- ~ wre t i Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines ted by a young Servian studént ..For many days Sir Edwi | | and was supposed to be in re- Grey labored with the powers JAPAN DECLARED WAR AGAINST oe ew or venge for the anti-semeti ae to ce the to ¢ e “* eee OH ‘“ leanings of the Archduke who = Tt mn Northwestern re Cr i * e094 P.O Bar th gh] ohh in we GERMANY SUNDAY EVENING ssc". ! i er o be a secont aiser., ' inne * At any rate the Austrian Gov- was declared against Germany Seattle, 4 ne, © . Gnas . APERH NGIN ernment backed up by Germany on August 5th. The rest of the| _- - Dac Vietoria, © ~ po ality # AINTIN a i e ‘ es qu ’ took this meaning out of itand| happenings is on the lips of| JAPANESE EFFORTS WLL BE CONFINED TO THE PACIFIC—-| Coast : er nbs aaa ne OF abt soon insisted upon Servia mak-| gyerypody and need not be re-| WILL BOMBARD CHINA STATION OF GERMANS v, | sac thorougs 7 hed @! OLISHING AND ing explanations and apologies peated. : | : we Fran i [Tie Wn Ne aT * WALI TINTING that were not only humiliating Ditind thin Hotta diets it tants. | (Special to THE NEWS) fic. The Japanese government! ),..\\\., Oakland a at soon aril ‘ but something an independent iia i: alain aiid! | oa ° : Oakland iL, ‘ 7 il nation could fot accept. . i" “d a ’ , oo. el > | Tokyo, August 24.—The Em- beat Germany an ultimatum t t : i Sak. Ie relephone: Green 247 * “4 ee ae every day 1a iermany iad peror of Japan yesterday declared | abandon their China naval sta- : ie uwe* M ti S decided to make war this year seni ie On All the VO” and this was not replied to. I \ ; a . * artin Wanson Servia, backed up by Russia, and grasped the opportunity in | ar aga many. The Germans have been busy dur-| eee 008048888888 @! Second Av ur Mebeia refused this while at the same the murder of the Archduke. |dapanese embassies have been wed the past k i trength ee ee ae : time giving every proper as- Another election in Germany |formed of the event. War was ae wee = we “|now wor on the Prince A — surance that should be re- which is due next year might ening the fortifications and min~ |) nad the honor of havin “ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ; —- whe} nel ; ere formally deciared at 6 p.m., Sun- | ing the harbor.. The Japs will Se Ret atone. Ct h oe - “gr = jus - ie , + nina in oa day, Japanese time. | mahe en aneeatt Gn the German || nm the . aim - enene | Struck, 1owever, or 1¢ pre- mands o 1e ociall Ss an | o th Suez Cana aa heat dicted big international war avert this something had to be rt a oe Gh Oke jain ltereen. with both ships and a = open thea . . a. Pe The favorite Household cog and before many days Germany done. The war levies on the ‘pro anty Be connned te the Masi- forces Satan uses many different | Visiting Scotsmen are cordisily invited.) Claanest, Brights ; a cae gen ; : | : ‘ For rates for ball rent apply secretary » Srey Oe had declared war on Russia nation had just come to the jkinds of bait, but he ean eatch a she would guarantee the inde- strike and hence the war. Seeeceinne| eroricewte'< MERCERGHTINGATNAMUR 0 [= |e ee ee a ‘ ; : BATTLE LINE 20 MILES LONG VERY LATEST Blue Prints of FURNISHED OIL DISTRICT RUSSIANS CLAIM BIG VICTORY--- a TAKING OFFENSIVE WITH SUCCESS—PROBABLY ONE FO R R E N T ~ Sane peal Te APA RT MENTS CERMAN DENY OF THE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE CAMPAIGN omenemmesces } } ()()/ |) BELT REALTY CO §) a. wo anu turoe-room al S DENY THE REPORT | syns: rem meen eet ue | NEWLY FURNISHED MLS totes cclaeedinn enteies wnstion POWER GLaARER OR PI PLUMBING AND | sr inideecidedialiad | 6 ee J. K. DYEA. Phone Baad WASHINGTON GERMAN EMBASSY CLAIMS THE FIGHTING Germans oan ystoray morn: Cvecwgul HOUSE | ee eae ane FAVORS GERMANS on WAR AIRSHIPS READY TO \from Namur to Charleroi, a dis-| London, August 24.—Late des~ WITH PIANO 5 ROOMS carpets, Rugs, Davenports, mattresses, | SMITH & MALLET Sa —_ i | * | Fillo oroughly ¢l 4. All work . ¥ CROSS ENGLISH CHANNEL jtance of twenty miles. patches tell of a bloody fight at |antecd. ~ pean A Doing ugiee esas } Ler par stock ko t ree at | Luttre and a fierce battle waging Apply FRED KLIEN tings, Pipes cut to order nn FRENCH TAKE OFFENSIVE in the Province of Hainaut, be- ONLY $35 00 PER » Qed 080 0. Gea 887 Thire wren, uae Son The French forces are taking tween the Germans and Allies. Special to THE NEWS) of the Russian official stories 7 St. Petersburg, August 24.—|The embassy claims the Cormane| MONTH MARTIN & M’GOWAN O. ©. STUART In he nocene ae eee wok oer tourersgerme: SUNDAY WAR BULLETINS on re, perenne, eee teens three day battle over the Germans nen. | PATTULLO & RADFORD “nee an or, ae - on PRINCE RUPERT. near Gumbinnen in east Prussia | FRENCH DRIVEN BACK (Special, to THE NEWS) a late last week. The Russians de-| SECOND AVENUE feated three army corps and are 't also states that in Lorraine London, August 23.—A British and German cavalry brigade had LYTHE BROS Alex, M. Manson, B.A a sharp fight on the field of Waterloo saturday. B W. B. Williape. 6.44% now pursuing them. |the French are retiring to 0 . a PLASTERING CONTRACTORS WILLIAMS @ SIANSOI GERMANS DENY ‘frontier and have been. hurled As yet there is no official confirmation on the Brussels story Barristers, Solicitors, t& Washington, August 24.—The back in Alsace of the British and German cavalry fight at Waterloo. EA ea ee ae ee a Crees Wwe mony To .0MN ’ er . . . Satisfaction guaranteed ox 15 German embassy’s statement here’ North of Metz, near Longwy, A body of German cavalry were annihilated yesterday in the Prince Rupert Dairy Co. Helgerson Block ” pee is almost in direct contradiction the Germans also claim victory suburbs of Malines by the Belgians. al FOR GUARANTEED PURE MILK —_— The Russians were successful in defeating the Austrians at AND CREAM several points near the Galician border. eee anal fr anetet Au Cows foverament waned. Every- Uiag sanitary am open or in- The Austrians were defeated again b the Servians at Mount spection. Every bottle subjected two FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Paer and on tue River ae plant inte ety doing this, "Driers <= Suite t, Federal Block Genera! Cartage sRINCH RUPERT C, | Pit! PERT, #8. | LADYSMITH COAL Bakery, Spurr’s Fish Market, Stal- . 4 . Ete . Se Pt eh kef & Wells, Fulton Cash Market Phone 300 P.O. Box 1635 93—Phone—03 and Northern Mest Market. — * 710 SECOND AVE Cita taten Git, ete 6 Dien tae DR. GILROY, DENTIST P. O. Box 203 EER eee Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery SII ORE ER REE Crown and Bridge Work a P. ROBERTSON Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Specialty. m . ta tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns thttttttktketttheeettenees |Office: Smith Bik. Third Avenue Ghartares Aes Rope Valves Ammunition ennrpnammees | —— oy pecignaesl Pumps Hose Paint UNION TRANSFER CO oon Block, Srd Ave, “rince fi GENERAL TRANSFER ANO STCRAQE, JOH N Cu RRIE South Wellington Coal PHONES ; 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 Contractor & Build 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT 35--PHONE--35 TAXI Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Estimates Given on Moving bu BOAT BUILDER _ Phone Black 294 MN. JOUNSTON IMPERIAL MACHINE ALF HALLIGAN SES SEERERERE ERE EERE ER er ee Seal Cove Phone Green 321 Repairing Quickly < : Hinh- Plumbing, Steamfittin |__|" a Milice : High Grade Work and My metal _ | PRINCE RUPERT BOAT TCM, AGHEW ‘ JAMES GILMORE at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld HOUSE Civili Engineers ana 8. C. Land Architect FERRI IIIT III ITI IA IIIA AISI AIA IAI IA -|FIRST BRITISH WARSHIP DESTROYED DURING THE WAR Boats and Launches | en ane Avenue, near McB * s for hire, Gasoline for sale _ Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con A IVARSON & C0, cum | Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- e The Amphion. This shows the fast, unprotected cruiser of the j'ng, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric ; Horses! e a Ws Boadicea type whieh was blown up and sunk by striking a PHONE RED 391 | pee Printing, Negatives end White Blacksmiths & k ea y e floating mine in the North Sea, placed by the German mine “orth End of Manson Way yl ie Boat Wor steamer Koenigen Luise which was sunk by a British destroyer Mansel McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 525 fst \\' Scoop i 18 Such a Pleasant Li'l Optimist Drawn o The Daily News “Hoe pl ee iat — ny) —» =n: SO = . / QOH SCOOP-T WUZ \ - AN THEN < GOT VO VHINKING— THAT LM AND MEH lok NO Up FALL Zi SUST READIN’ HERE. “HAT MEHBE SHARIKS WOULD OUT AN’ ' p FRO ABOUT SHARKS THAT FOLLOW NOUR TRANS-ATLANTIC eee, Coot FOLLOW STE AMERS AIRSHIP- YOURE GONNA SAIL "_ OccaN i 4 y Ra mM mT — FLASH mm i FOU A ad ss TTT mT Hint (HTT Le WALT? -/ ae