THE DAILY NEws « a Special Effort to War News immediately Receivod nena — I) \ PRINCE RUPERT, B. €., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 QQUARE and CHURCH ST. MARTIN, LIEGE? ee UNIVERSITY BLDGS. dd EGE» SRAMPARTS OF CITADELSZ/ZAGF * INTERESTING SCENES IN THE CITY OF LIEGE pictures were secured aboul tw th ib by Canadian who had just eturne dfrom abroad. They give a he architectural beauty of the hich bh been the ntre of bombardment between the German and Bel G RIBLE SLAUGHTER G ERMANS CLAIM VICTORIES IN VOSGES DISTRICT BATTLE ALONG THE WHOLE FRONTIER Waka AL REPORT FROM FRENCH WAR OFFICE— THE REPORT DEFEAT OF BRITISH AT MANBERG AND CHAS- RITISH WERE ATTACKED BY SUPERIOR NUM- ING FRENCH OUT OF SOUTHERN BELGIUM-- BERS —- HAD TO FALL BACK BELGIANS TOOK OFFENSIVE 500 bodies in four Special to The News-11:30 a.m.) |Sambre River and Namur city and THE DAILY NEWS === SH MARINES HOLD BELGIUM PORT OF OSTEND TISH WON FIGHT AT MONS--ALLIES}ARE STILL HOLDING ENEMY ON THE BELGIAN FRONTIER GET THE LATEST WAR i NEWS FIRST ’ IN THE DAILY NEWS ae eee 8, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS War Situation To-day. ‘MARINE FIGHT LASTED TEN MINUTES --BRITISH WON IT (Special to The News-11:30 a.m.) a hie o 5 asl sa The official reports from both the Paris and London War ndon, Augus — "= Office \ |teat flows deapeich from. Grin- S apparently do not consider the evacuation of the cities on disi says a British destroyer sank the French border yesterday as serious. This plan had been agreed an Austrian destroyer off Corfu “P°" last Monday and the Allies armies have drawn back to po- yesterday in a fight which lasted sitions selected previously, and which can be better defended. only ten minutes. Today's later despatches show that the main bodies of the | BRITISH TROOPS LOST HEAVILY ON WEDNESDAY \epecial to The News-11:30 a.m.) Asquith announced in the Mouse of Commons today that the Brit- ish troops in Wednesday's fight German corps. The voth sides were great. NAMUR FORTS ARE STILL HOLDING OUT (Special to The News-11:30 a.m.) Paris, August 28.—The Havas News Agency here deciares that two motor cyclists of the Belgian army reached Paris today. They say that Namur forts are still holding out. RUSSIAN .JOMEN GIVE JEWELS TO RED CROSS August dispateh Company that in le appeal by the jewelry of all being sent to the Red Society. Wedding and watches, bracelets, I 28 to says A St Reuter’s maon sbure I an Dowager hkmpress inds ther ngs, 8:30 a.m he ' x rhe follow. | " in the region of V Berlin, August 28.—By wire- the Meuse River, in several days’ d by the War /trime less to Sayville, N.Y.—The head- about eight corps, between the Distriet our On Meuse ou a quarters here has issued an of-|battie, and are now pursuing . . "a — - . . ‘a ae ae ficial report that the western them to the east of Mauberge. eee grt eatly superior enemy has everywhere been de-| General Von Marringen con- The Germans |i ber a were obliged, afte: feated and is in full retreat after |/tinues the pursuit of the French bie which is an/b i resistance, to withdraw nine day's of fighting. |forces in Vosamges region. « little fo Tite rear. On OUP PSIG General Von Kiuk defeated the) Four Belgian divisions attack- between Vosges jour a maintamed their 4 British army at Mauberg. He |ing from Antwerp were repulsed. fensive move. | sition renewed the attack yesterday and) Mauberge is just over the interrupted for Phe irmy OF ADINC’D theeatened to surround the Brit-|French line about fifteen miles ( nan losses were |by ai it moverment held ish. south of Mons where the British 500 bodies | befo al German divi Generals Von Buelow and Von claim a victory yesterday. The mt three kilo- | sion main French army is some miles to the north and east of this point Hausen have completely defeated the French and Beigian forces, of ALBERTA MILLERS TO GRIND ON SUNDAYS CALLED FOR VOLUNTEERS— OWN SON RESPONDED ISH VICTORY NEAR MONS }‘The newspaper adds that import ant conversations are proceeding ' to The News-11:30 a.m.) ALLIES ARE STILL IN BELGIUM Pa \ugust 28 Colonel Edmonton \ugust 28 Claim Folque ommander of a division|ing that the eeessity for thour : f art at the front, recently | which the wat tuation creates is FIGHTING YESTERD AY NEAR CHARLEROI---THE needed a few men for a perilous|one that must be met if Great }missie and = ceatled for volun Britan te succeed, the flour GERMANS BROKE THROUGH AND WERE fleers millers All ® have come Lo Those wh undertake — this | the Attorney-General’s Depart DRIVEN BACK | mission will perhaps never come|ment witl equest that they be * back,” he said, “and he who com-jallowed to operate thour mills tt August 28—There was The German advance forees | iy) 4: (\s will probably be one of the; this Province on Sunday The ‘ghting at Marchiennes, were also repulsed at Post A | first sons of France to die for his|Attorney-General has given his harleroi, on Thursday, Marque, and the Germans were | “ountry in this war. eee se OO oa a “ © Germans broke through repulsed at Tournai, some dis-| Volunteers were numerous Ajsued so long as the acute situa neh lines. tance east of Lille. ee —"s of . a = yr tion exists Allies pushed back the The British forces are report-|*° 0! asked for © SHBG Gens | amen advance forces into the ed to have defeated the Qermane | eee eee, we - pe ern RENEWS DECLARATION a body. at Mons. lof Col, Folque The latter pated. | Paris August 28 In view of | but did not flineh His son did} the appearance of Germans on < phot come back her southern frontier, Holland ES NOW IN SEND NAMES OF | has renewed her declaration of jneutrality to Paris and London CONTROL OF OSTEND BRITISH KILLED DUTCH FIRE AT AIR laceording to the Petit Parisien — | SHIPS OVER COUNTRY. Arsterdan 28 IN FEW DAYS pa Suauet 28.—The Brit-| (Special to The News-11:30 a.m.) iis gaan ie aulibens annus Weal ‘"® Toree are now in full : s ' | of Ostend. They cone London, August 28.—General German air eraft which | f August he erlands Neth the |} French minister and a special en llague between the foreign minister ‘anding all day yesterday \French has wired to Lord Hien | HOR Over ag \ vn lvoy from the French foreign of ‘ n ollowine e course o i ; a quick firing guns. | chener that he is hoping to send). oe : a wens set lied | flee i : ; i a | bainet ene tea - the names of the British nites | ofan Desiah anidiora ates at | NEUTRAL GOODS SAFE . jina few days. jit and the divigible disappeared} - | iver the German frontier | London, August 28 Many en RED BIPLANE is | Another Zeppelin tlew over | quiries are being made at the EXHIBITED BY FRENCH GERMANS INVADE | Maastricht last night and follow American consulate concerning ed the road to Meeren, afterward American geods on seized ships it, Peo | BELGIAN CONGO disappearing = ard) Americar ’ ae , | jbut Consul General Skinner thee \Nugust 28 German aeroplanes also have|having no trouble in obtaining ’ rhinnne ) : heen seen in several direections|the release of this merchandise Haine eaptured at ws-11:30 a.m.) } OOH milhded to the 82 (Special to The Ne eouting over tlolland jon proof of ownership to the ther trophies to be Paris, August 28.--A despateh British atuhorities, The British foot of the Alsace | here says the Belgian Congo has \ wise man knows all he tells,}admiralty has euled that neutral lheen invaded by German forees.' bul he never tells all he knows goods are not subjeet to seizure | d and silver purses, orders of and silver utensils are Ving by every post. The Grand Constantinevitch, of subseribers, sent three | gs, the containing a relic of Barbara, the patroness of {)) ithe one first | Saint | warriors CANNOT MAKE ALIENS GO HOME AND ENLIST Washington, August. 27 In answer to many appeals for in- nation from naturalized citi- ‘ ind foreign residents as to ms under which they may be returned to their native lands fo tary service, Secretary Bryan today issued a statement saying the United States was not 2 pa to any treaties under whic! ch persons might be compelled to return for military service and saying there was no way in which they might be fore ed to the armies so long as they remain in the United States jou COLOGNE PAPER SAYS SOCIALISTS ARE WELL London, August 28 \ Berlin dispatch to The Cologne Gazette under date of August 17th, a copy has been received ‘t that Herr Socialist leader, he declined to is untrue and at the in Berlin undisturbed that neither any other of which paper the the because here Liebknecht was shot do military service that living says repo Liebknecht time was The hosa Social paper Luxemburg saves hor had been shot ist ol with POLES SAID TO HAVE London, August 28.—Premier ment of the great German army has interfered SET UP GOVERNMENT Allies’ armies are still holding their ground in the vicinity of Charleroi and Mons which are some miles north of the Franco- |Beigian border. They would appear to be in good position. Even accepting the German version by wireless to Sayville, the outlook is almost better than can be hoped for. Practically no progress is being made by the Germans. it must not be supposed, however, that the forward move- been wholly checked. They are bound to pierce the Allies lines in places by sheer force of their numbers. in fact their whole rian of campaign has been to were exposed to an attack of five throw overwhelming numbers into Belgium to sweep a path to losses on Paris in a few days. it was their only hope. tn this they have | been greatly disappointed and with the British and French check- jing the advance of the cream of the German army in front and the Russians jsweeping over the German reservists in the rear, the Kaiser will soon see his bubbie burst. The occupation of Ostend by British marines gives Britain a feeling of assurance that there is little danger of the Germans getting a sea port near the channel. Antwerp continues to hold out and is bombs from airships. Latest News of the War (FROM THE 8:30 O'CLOCK DAILY NEWS BULLETIN) only troubled so far by oe BARADOES VOTED $100,000 GOV'T ACCEPTS GIFTS London, August 28~—The Im-! perial Government has gratefully accepted the offer of the Ontario! Government to send 200,000 bags Special to The News - 8:30 a.m. London, August 28.—The leg- islature of the Barbadoes now in voted $100,000 as a con- session of flour to the Government It! tribution to the Motherland jin also accepted the gift of £20,000 the present emergency. The Col- from the people of Barbadoes.| | ja) Ofice has suggested that rhe gift was made in the form of the gift was most acceptable in sugar. A third offer from Prince a the form of sugar. Edward Island was accepted, This 100,000 bushels | any fort.| PRINCE HAS APPENDICITIS Special to The News - 8:30 a.m. London, August 28-——Prinee Al- bert, King second son, who has been on the North Fleet, was recently taken ill with appendicitis and rest and quiet is is to eontribule« of oats, delivered free to CANADIAN CONTINGENT WILL GO AS A UNIT George's August The Cana- inary force will take | t and will not be} Ottawa dian expedit the fleld a 28 sea divided rs a request Was re-/| necessary The Prince landed in ceived from the War Office that/a port in Scot!and His econdi- there sh be a supply column )|tions is causing no anniety. with the Canadian division. This is taken t ean that the inte-| ALLIES DID NOT INTEND grity of the Canadian army divi- TO DEFENT LILLE sion wil preserved. The arms onan just asked add 4.678 to the I j August 28.—The Os. number licers and men with correspondent of the -iEx- the contingent, including nurses quotes a Belgian officer te and doctors the effect that it was decided last Monday not to defend Lille. On BRITISH MARINES Tuesday the Matin published a roclamation announcing the ev- acuation by the Freneh troops. OCCUPY OSTEND TO DEFEND CHANNEL Lond m, August 56.—a is ROYAL MESSAGE stated the British marines = «o¢ f x cupied Ostend to prevent the Ger Special to The News - 8:30 a.m. mans getting a foothold om the Antwerp, August 28.—-King Al- English Channe From both sea bert received the following mes. and land eome official reports sage from King Géorgé* “t* am which are considered promising shocked to hear of the danger you in their augury for the future run from the throwing of bombs and hope that the Queen and chil dren have not suffered. TT am4ol- lowing with admiration the great THIRTY BRITISH WOUNDED , - ugust 28 ’ , ” London, A he frst! goods of your brave Grmy batch of British wounded from the Gontinent, numbering thirty, * irrived yesterday ifternoon at GERMANS ANTICIPATE Folkestone from Boulogne ANNEXING BELGIUM London, August 28.—The Lon. don hewspapers quote the Ger. Rund. BRITISH READY FOR FIGHT Taglische iin bak Hee rhe Brit. |!" hewspaper New Yor August 28.Count/ish Press W Bureau gave out|sehau as declaring that Belgium loha \ Bernstori!, Germant|the foll rhe French oper bilterly will rue the day she dared Anbassador to the United States, | ations “ iver a distance} t ppose her mighty neighbor has a unced that his govern.l|of 250 1 sitated certain) Great Britain, the German news jment had been trformed that | change: position of our) paper alse says, will pay dearly Rus ivil and military au-|[troopsa wh ow ocevupying | for her interference in this war hth had withdrawn from la stron, wel the German|by seeing the permanent estab. Pola d that the Poles had/ advance | upported by lishment of a German naval base in independent gover: the Fre both tanks jon the coast ef Belgium niet Warsaw as its eapital Phe n h armies ap rhe Pan-CGermanic organs de ae pears t nt here islelare that the portions of Belgium l inge or stove does not! tittle a ive a good now overrun by the German army deay l! eall for Prity Phone | aeeount in the po.) will be permanently teorporated j O83 200.202 | sitions ney in the Geeman Empire