August 28 1o14 rr ae THE DAILY NEWS $$$ | } | iain age | e &o i esto own ote! EB a ee Bi) ii]: i sf ai 3 ‘ we SEcee 38 - 1340 Patrick MeClosk« 7 rt. . ’ 136i | patrick Mecicakey . | 44 B. B. Smith... ee i ee ‘ H. B. Hanion ..... ie te ocrne fF 3.96 1729 M. Couture and ¢. Letourneau: _ | 5 1” ’ 41.73 j 4.0 1790 . nd ©. Letourneat 2 | ay 60 5a 09 j ® M. Couture 4 4 / a3 | a i 6.03 1731 Co p and GC. Leuwurnear 2 17 120.43 : 4 @ Couture and ©, Letourne 2 i 7 | «6 | Ces es 8.02 sty . Couture ....... oars 2 7 146 -inmeo 6.59 ie M. Couture eee terse. ini; ® 3 bef 6.59 42 ; M. Couture ......... v5 $409 im | o 954.33 4:33 17 Joma Arthur Wood...........: 1 3} 2 | dee a2 14.72 ' 4918 | dobm Aribur Wood Mot fe heed Eo, ae cs 1 ee I 4 Jobn Arthur Wood . poet se Sl orn 8.09 I 4588 Edmund ©, Stevens Se 2s 56.48 | 6.32 | 4506 H. H. Clark ..... ’ ers | eT eS a4 6.32 4506 | HM. CG. Clark «10... an. 3 ies | a 4558 | F. = cenaae one 0. 'P. i.’ Palme ; Pao k 8 Hr H j 4.41 4500, | F, B. Deacon and G, P. 1. Paimer Sam 4% si is | 6.06 a us | M. and W. G. Davidson nam oy Fee | 6.06 4604 | Me and W. G. Davidson . ae 66.4 ' +38 ois } Chew Yung . | 3 18 1 gear 5.32 SHORTAGE MENACES $360. | Dousies ofl 1 i i ie | seas | 337 | voces, Ae 4s0ta | irs Grace Shock) * (south %) 6 | 16 | =.) Bn 1 §.27 ° ; . » Shockle b a | 60.47 . t 28,—Re men aoe on —_ nniianpiiilaigea 4s0za | Mrs. Grace Shockley seu fe? oA at et an ah 8 4.52 i ep tanked ¥ irtiptee 481i | Mary M. I’rice - ”) os 24 j 6 j 12 ed | 5.18 Metz confet oie within the scope 4883 | Jolm Shaweroft tees si 24 | 7 “f i 2.63 pe of the . 6 i 12.70 : res { nine 1” mora- tons | John Shaweroft at as i} 16 | opiae | 2.63 ryan oday ie | John Shawerott a s | Be | 40.56 } 6.12 tion confronting 4505) | A. kK. Brinn a tan. ae | $6.46 | 4.04 f ing London despatches state that it 4vo2 | F. 8. Evans ..... 3 ee, ae $2.34 | 3.88 vuse of @ short now transpires that he MT OS | Son baile 1 oe | ieee Ya ‘ iencneeail G a vad moras] j94 | John Bulehak .... e7 97 ; 30 } 80.43 ' 75 eX torium not been declared bi 6 | Ben Johnson .. Pa oe eee } 6.01 | nane nolan | ‘ ared bills of | 4971 | George A. Can on: | 4 6 : j 3.77 Woolen exche ale , meron .. i} 4.0 | xchange would have bee 4 4972 | George A. ¢ ; > | Bias q oo 3.26 they will have a n pre- 50u6 Miller . Cameron ... 6 | 20 ' 26.00 | 3.2 \ sented ) | Miller and ; sv ® nted on the following day for| 2828 | Biller and Danford. . bite a.) oe 32.28 | 3.64 1 substitute £350,000 without means of mest Susy | E. Kosang at teh’ Gib beeeee : eee 36.89 | 3.84 ing them neet-| 083 | Angus McAllister ae 3 , 3 Te 4 29.66 | © -38 | . e108 | youu A. ae (t.. oo... 5 | et Sf 42.34 | aoe a Brazil W ® | John A. Meeker ........ |} 8 | ba.80 | 12 | ~~ Bras Wants « tong one | iif | fale Pie | RT Ee | o- ' e zili . 5 » a 4 ‘ : 7 os a o.. razilian Congress has| 288% | Ha Gamerom oo .c. se... o 1 38 | Be } 3 5.30 | 0. Box recémmended a moratorium fi 6162 | Max Dierstike ..... et oe } it | #4.86 ' 5.07 | | four’ months, and a new issu a Sati x Becafneski copiers oe iy | Seceo 3.64 ’ { ssue by: ’e. mehee .... ; “4 4 TEL i paper currency. Brazil is pre b ease Ge MO 60s cate 5 i 3 i 3 | 8:37 : 3.88 y. ‘ inte nites : z 3 | ably not in the best anal o2ay 1 a Ad se seees dbo as si 4 i af 86.07 | 3.30 FIRST CLASS CUISINE position, as it had sontomplates cue | Mine. filly seer eeeewees sj ati ft 46-07 | 3:30 and Cold Running Water In in Great Britain, a lar ; S508 |. WE PED. dss s bungee vee . 2 Te i Ss'an | 5.18 all Roome ts Rabletelgiptpetes.: ° 6 | #8 3 86 53 | 6.18 a a uty between Canada and Europe ioned for transport [that this cessat s pointed out] ovis | Marun ee ood bene : | #3 15 j 73’ te | 4.44 iPope. ressation of forei 6u2zd Mrs. Eli eee cccsoscccerseeee | 23 16 > ad i 4.12 ; payments should jute. the ones naan W. Waugh. hee: SaEe 6 | 38 + 3 23:08 | 3.35 , Chinese government to pay — Kath. 7, AbDOLW ..... ote stmt 86.07 3:30 | i troops regularly from th r : rt ae Collier ........ =? $ 1 S fae 36.07 j s‘se ‘ j ceeds of various e pro-| ois | aw Yamaguehi . Prose |e} w time 3:30 | : oat rious revenues pledg-| 6199 | Walker ..... #4 $ | 31 | t6 | 32.33 3.68 i te a" foreign debts and thereby] (31) | : isis | Soros | Sito | o eliminate the dange . 6210 . 7 { 26 ' 30.01 ; ' EFFECT SALARIES soniee. anger of mu- ost res ! 3 | 37 17.91 3:34 . _— ’ 535 ' . 2. rs PRL. Vintners Association Fe The Peruvian government has ones A. DOME «+. -+sereveeeeeses ss eepva i : 13 ob eee | B80 j —— a issued ¢ anne Suid 5 » Dexter ..... eevede <6 1m SOREN Sete tees . ; GREAT BRITAIN’S DECLARATION oa da decree proclaiming a bane | Geurge Wis ; i : : : eT $50 WIND6OR MOTEL HAS BEEN FOLLOWED moratorium for thirty days from| 63327 | 4 Dexter baer: 5 | to i a2 a8 ! 3.66 | BY OTH August Sth. 6528 | A. Dexter : os ) er See 2.01 | of First Ave. and Eighth 8t. OUNTRIES —_ MORE EXPLAN | 7 £4 8 31.88 | 3.88 | Ww. & Wright, Prop. A- eee 6620 | 7 io | ; 1 €0.40 | 4.02 — TIONS OF CONDITIONS ZEPPELAVE NOT DOF ce | Plait | Ba) ay HAVE NOT DONE bese i i.) a :. HO cee MUCH) ®o" ; We aa: aes | 3.74 oe re Montreal, August 28,—A mora-|that — ests | Lagat" Bueaselia Pi wi t bea | ache | we and § st ais “ 1ora- hat ¢ rener? in . ari ‘ b zi ¥ : . ropean and American Plan | ium has been declared at va-| been : . ne » moratorium had Paris, August 28.—Zeppelin gees Fr. a z 3 | t. i 3 i e°s3 | rious as i o declared in E ‘ airshi "ee 5852 Pr. A. E regres oe i s 3 ° Peter Bleck, Prep. 0 tim during the past os England. rships, of which the Germans} °*%! | ES. RE nh Sedehenc nen i : atime 4 93:97 ' 2.46 | 3 oo pneee in Great Britain. France hat the Dictionary Says expected freat things, appear a eee | Z A. Ellis .. 7 33 i 23 i 17.08 | 3.38 i Guedne ’ ance, re “sigan , as| ©922 | Dunean Brown .. 7 - | 41.08 7 — | a? ne, Brazil, Peru and China lhe werd “moratorium.” ae- yet to have been inoffensive, ac coat | aan. snachen 7 ce * j 20.41 i cot ve, Between Eighth end Ninth 3) pateh aaa save’ a Berlin des. |°?'i® to the New International cording to opinion in the French oon 1 Lealiy i | oa | Se | gorse | S08 | 5 Plat patch, a yooratori . Eneve ni 7008 D. Leahy ..... ae 24 7 : ! an Plan, Rate j un is dee > inevelopedis . i c ) . . 0 MT ceseves coe ' 19.73 — b0c to 81.00 Junnecessary deemed Ts pedia, comes from the oe mgd of on fifteen Zeppelin a a fuawerett ; ; ro ‘ | oe. 38 | 2 atin moris lay , one is believe as ca Shaweroft i -23 saner & Besner, Props. | The rising generation at least ; noria, delay. eins ‘bes et es - _ beon| 1388 | gee Soe »+ 5 Po 3 } 56.39 | i ‘ , oe S eas ‘An extraordinar a : e fire of the Liege| i098 | oe Gluck .. 7 } 43.16 ; agin annot be blame “ ; inary act ofa “—~ > . sleet 7008 | P, - ot i ' es Seale ned for unfamiliar-/ernment by which the e a gov-}forts on August 6th, and another 7099 | BP! Wickdal and : ; . eps i to ’s0 | 3.43 | whester ¥.-D. Castes th the word morator ; ; 1e collection| was demolished 7102 | N. Seh A. Bendiktsen.-+ --+-+-- } 323 | 18 j 19. | 3.00 em Iwas at ium. Itjof all debts is suspend ied in a shed at Metz} 7103 N. Scheinman and M. Albert. ...°- 0 s-+sssre0ccer5000) ok ee se | 2.90 PRESS HOTEL lw ' ew one to Wall Street,| specified time 4 — for ajby the French aviator Finek, Tw 745 | Necormick a rs to tateetaeaeeeenenes i i 33 $3 1a. 33 j yee | , which is gener: i y *. recent instance ~pa he ° 0 7304 | “» see 2 24 2a 2.99 } Ave, Between Sixth and scar tee generally reputed to]is the moratorium deeree stance}others have been seen by Belgian 3304 | £7: atemuece 7 38 ee Pgh | 3.90 | Seventh Streets very word in the financial} gentina in 1890, ¢ arees by Ar-javiahore apparently wrecked | 7332 | Dan Mekean .. ; ay} su | Boba | 3°33 n Plan, GO to 61 Per Day vocabulary and to have invented] great fins 90, at the time of the} wind squally in the forest t . 33 | (ol Se 7 <0 Pz } 46.25 | $133 | ja few besides, A large bond t the | inancial erisis which led to|Metz and Aix-La-Ch a eganemly S| Carl Hermon. 7 | #8} 00 | foas } cbs ianie, ° i ond house e. suspensio , tt Aix-La-C | 7 .47 2.5 ine jin New York received a eabl ‘ suspension of the Barings offother has bee apelle. An- 76 | Jobn A. Meeker 7 = i aa. | $0.47 , : iY . NOTe. lweek from it I a cable last|London. Such an act may cause|B as been brought down at a | o A, Meeker 7 43 ! a Se 2.51 seme & Genenel re s London corres-| international c 7 cause adonviller, near Luneville 5 — Bruens 7 “aa | 8 | 49.73 4 2.99 i Props 4 pondent which ended up, “ 7 nal complications. ai ihe rem ; ’ ; bs or Bruens ..,. 7 | @ | 13 | 19.73 | 2.90 ird Ave. and Sixth St ltorium expected.” Te p, “mora According to the Eneyl anal nainder, two are sup- ef com Chesterneld 2 a3 | is 31.45 | 3.67 Plan one | . 1e message | Britannic fet neylopedia | Pose to be on the Russian fron- 7 | Mrs. = Wait mis. b Mea 3.26 oS meates $) Ws net in code, but the word)tir nica, “The term is some-|tier, and the ethate an Balon: 46 | Jas. Lollas te : “ i . | 40273 3.99 » de L. LOR . « fe s.8 2 ° iR WHO moratorium stumped the cable nes used to mean the period|#amburg and Kiel “ws | 38a Seeeeree 2 a | + | pee | 2-86 LESALE LiquoR co. Siclerk.— fle ve cable}over which — the dy" iel. and on the { | 4obp Beewerots +] tha.) Gees 3.02 LimtTeD _ « fiinally consulted his] period of 1e@ «indulgence or}French frontier, 53 | i 1 werortt 7 | 4 | i2 | 33-28 4.12 econd Ave. and Siath St ‘hanes book and diseovered that]; G OF grace stretches. A mor- - o~veiiiinias 2 | John diawerett : fee oe i 30:38 4.37 Phone 108 jrn07 aterium was the symbol a atory law is usually passed in Chance to Ma ; | es Shaweroft 7 i % ' ; } 15.6 :-3s ’ ’ some 8s ‘ ° . . ste eeeee , . ee ae we SQW. OR ee for $7,000.’ me special period of political or ke Money 5 | P. > —e Preberaes Lid.. : | * | 24 ashe 3.38 is eusenie | Unfortunately a ."lecommercial stress. For ins ; - 4 | H. B. , Lid.. ; } j it | 19.73 01 IMPORTING 00. ly this interpreté . For instance M , 5 eeece ete 2.99 ne | did pretation}on special : ‘ ce, oney is tight and I need it | Osear Huso ... . 7 | 50 |. 19.73 2.90 LIMITED |did not fit in with the sense of] Fr = occasions during the}here’s an offer: Up to A t tet 0 | Anton Anderson |... 7 | 80 | ‘| Seas 4.41 Fraser ana Sixth ithe message. The “ranco-Prussian war ; , , ugust ist} 7 | Anderson 7 | oo , 2.09 f Sts ~ ie office manager war the Freneh|I will 7592 A. M. Ross fa 22.17 4 anager | governme ’ ill supply my regul 7593 P teeenees 7 | 50 1 v S.4t Phone 7 ;Was ¢ alled in He couldn’ nent passed a a . gular $25 @ A. M. ++e 8 7 22.17 h ‘ , yo , moratory | he ‘ X 594 > seeces } 1 36 3.a1 teers. Phe partners in their tara oo Ip | laws, heir international valid. th soy coll r9 SOS. Seer 74s bt ao 3 oy <2 30:10 300 Fito shed any light on the n — ity was discussed at length ad owe a ye rey im Afteen min- i318 | E kL Murray. 5... § 5 % $3.13 3.3 soccccoee ; ° * matter. upheld.” ant , and not affect 77 5 ts 5 4 4d 3.11 secercccccooroore, Phe cable company wi ipheld. : ect the oven 7747 | Mrs. Bd sece 5 26.50 et , vas persuad-| ©} Forty now in v "| 7764 ag se § ‘ 3s 36. 3.32 EDS! ed to repeat and the sanecellor Lloyd George ise and giving en-| 7785 Ruben a . 6 io roe 3.32 ~ SEEDS! | message | nounced i , ge an-|tire satisfaction, Ask f 7799 Ri Nugent : 7 6 ‘$e 3.70 £ $jcame Lack with that curious in the House of C or refer-| > | Robert t 5 8 9.10 2.46 5 | ‘ word | mor ths Lom. ences. The reliabl 7500 | G. Brown 8 18 | 413.21 ; istill unchanged The ons that a general mors - iable plumber,| 785! | D. Go agen by . iv 15.91 2: 8s received our 1914 & lremaine . The mystery} would be in effee oratorium|Harry Hanson, P, O, Box 8 7352 | D. Gan Reet eet eneeeee ; $j 0 | te-e7 | : Spring aera d unsolved until some-|]Wage : ect for one month.|Phone 489 x 395.) 7553 | D, Cohen : iv | 9.10 i , D pe Ihody happened to notice a piece ages, salaries, rates and taxes ; 168tf.| 35/5 | Chas. Viton *. s tt 3 } zie : ’ N, AND on the news tie ’ government payme a ° ——- ; ton . > 12 CS $0 | 48 ‘ ews cer to the effee : yments and na- rs . 7ois) | Red, sb te: 36 } 13.48 5 caine ianens © effect|tional insurance are not to fine Wanted, a boy; reference re-| 4943: | a eee cess : $8 so | Asst ‘ Agents tor — me{quired. Apply 824 Third Avenue.| 79:2 | Aes tue teeta eens $j is | as | oats | 8: DMINION , ee “| 7943 Alex Yule ‘ ; + 20 10.45 | . INION NURSERY & MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY : ety | MA. Greving”22022020250122 ple ie | ie | ae CHARDS CO. PRINCE RUPERT. woot | W. Hi. Male 2000000000022 eee eee eee ealers in F NOTI : ° Si a eee ee 8 ms. fe ae +78 EN FE we ae A LAND FOR UNPAID T. 8044 | Matt wiich Slaves aver a . i i | $e ERs #8 nS Soe Le AXES A a iat | de San nS emery IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PRINCE | $33: kisi Rich efi | | ore promptly attended to RUPERT, P soso | Keth. fe abbots 21. te | | e.66 3-3 ; OF BRITISH tte | ah aR plik | pe | ee ce Rupert F . | ROE | Nise spam Brito 2522220002: Sj is | 38 | ioe | acs 8108 oe aia ai oe kal sj 3 i . pert Feed Co. | HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on Wednesd $108 | Pritice “Rupert Towa’ Properties [14 Loses ei is | te | Tea0 3:43 Third Ave. hens’ Bleck non of 10 o'clock a.m., at the City Hall as * the @th Day of September, A.D., 1914. at ett Cohen -_ Town Properties “id. .-..--- Ca 8 +3 i 7 | 13-38 5-33 ve 268 ands in the list herei ’ nce Rupert, B. C. ’ WV. at the | Bebebeheget es weet tt tee eeeeees 8 91 : 3.38 2-92 nafter set out, f » ' shall sell at 8201 ayo PE : La 18.20 . interest, costs t, for delinquent tax public auction the | 5202 | ~ ae 2 1 ted 4 o:30 , and expenses, inel es and *ubsequ i L. G. Leahy 8 21 {| 13.38 2.67 HOON d » including the cost ent taxes in arrears, and f $335 | Edith Jelly i 13.38 ; See ue is not sooner paid: — of advertisi nd for 8412 tee oss . zi | tf i 2.07 a eat . ng the said sale, if the total amount | i}! ‘Ganpene sil? ttt 3:33 R i a a 8427 | John Giwron’.)).: Ci et Sia 2185 — o- sana s4aa8 y 7 Beak seer 5 | 16 97 Hei eal aaree pe eiatinitantalirtlah ih aaasi latrines, a514 il aoe - - Re Ss | 28 22 | 8.14 2.85 " ———— | $545 | Fo 8. aaa see 5 | fe 13.21 3°33 ; 550 Jas. : seeeee ; - 66 ‘ ee ASSESSED OWNER j c 3 oe |. i. ee + | 3 ce (ULC ab z°38 18.87 2 8588 Thos. Liston ...... 3 | $3 | toes : 149 < 85589 Thos. Liston s } 3 is | 8.05 2.54 13.35 - 860 > se ; St 36 = 2.40 10. 9 -PHONE--75 ses 5 i i 3 2 S604 | BP. Williams. Bj a | a | ake 3:48 5:36 — . jai ‘ * oe a ete. Lk abet ae j . 2 a 107 | Gilbert Brown 7] yy oot | De COMED ..cecseeeees eet , 32 : } 9.99 2.50 a3 3 109 : S52 | D. Cohen tenee cdo eeeecccenece 4 9.99 ae NCE 142 Ny Brown nm 5 8518 Sie mL is 370 1 9Ve ne TREN Se tee ask i . BY 8 6.51 o-ae 12.49 5 rs. Grace C, ; tee oat } : ° : RUPERT AUTO CO (8 |B. M. Veston eo | 3-83 Soih Gem Games Puzc;eseses ‘s | BYR) S| sect 23 3:33 , Hewith ... ; . 8850 se i | 97 3. “@ 50.82 thtene 994 5 7.83 . ee eR ee een es tbe ee. | ‘ 43.21 . tataneenaenwann| 2h | Ben dlackwood : Bi ai) | ie memes SL Ta | Bat | Ree | ia sumaneddi nets ast | 8. Commoazgie, 17 J ; } ; Mehae . 36 ta 4.31 f ‘ ee oman i a fpmoaae. ‘8 ’ ; 2 HH sar) uF. Meliae 8 | 37 : 30.89 3.53 $0.43 “'AN PACIFIC RLY, Ses | fam Lee. sscss ss tet 18 $0: $-88 | be. Sess | nee eles “yell Bo) oe eee $8 UMMER Exo 709 | 6f. R. Town proportion, MOQ. ..0. seers. i ‘ 40 7. ’ ; 07. 0153 ona 5 Geneon | 8 38 awa 21-38 6.51 PRINCE ee FROM ai3 | t K Towa, Properues a. i r 3 é 4.62 Be O14 Soha gpewered ‘ $ a3 | oat $837 488 PERT TO 4306|soMra MeMOFdle 4.440405 16.46 ‘ O15 HP ' | & | aoe 6 15.87 : : | Mrs. E, M. MeMordie.......s.. 13 247. ° 284,60 ‘ ee Res ak ape 2 OR RR eek ae 8.20 2.91 : ‘EAL and regure a> |. Bh. town jehordie. ianttt 20 $709 14.36 261.62 e183 Jonn Shaweroft aa oe +e 10.84 2 54 * ii 1) and reue: “eeee 407 | Mrs, M. Kendall. ...se0s a pH bi.t4 . . Be ae o180 joe eee | 8 43 | (83 13° 3t 2.67 16 4 and return... : 0 ox’ WP” of MaMeadin. occ cce ane 124.39 ’ 70 9190 Pp be see | & 43 24 2.66 15 rat POMP. 5 ss 06.00 S34 Mee, E Mord eeeee 4 5 2 192.61 ry. Conrad .,., s 7 } 20.28 87 the eturn 2 90e.6@ at. WUD Ch, crectcaltcstena 28 3°88 Ot 42.05 Vim’ Buekley "222! .< se i . |) ie ae 33-38 sie ng feture 144.60 haa Fred Langa rte. 20 49.83 4.20 48.10 ; rim Buekley ....))° i 3 46 : | 19.01 2:96 21.00 June 1a ee low. Bas Fred Lane wre 940 8r ae a0 50.04 3: ; eet 999 a e. pose B. i. ‘Tinstey!: ! S 46 8 } he} 2.54 5ae Print Detober S486, ee |) a ee oe Quinn ‘and’ BY Quin ST 3 Bets 6.06 $738 oe; KS: Ross Er fou: | 8 a iy 1b ae 3:97 43.38 a May southbound vib | KG. Hyde .. 0 oO ae eee cas eae 9p 0GAIE pa npeae nf 46 40.44 86 62.06 9304 sani Dommersnes nee: . ae ae 15.49 2.77 1 4 Princesttutday noon oi7 | Ky G. Hyde saat ence ee \Geen A Abe enans oh : 196.85 $7 53.01 9309 arte Dommersnes | ; 8 | 60 16.48 2.77 a 86 Royal, be o47 | ok G Hyde > hie die bh a ae 2 197 41.84 208 69 \ Fr. B. Deacon 8 22 41.16 18.19 Sunday, ® uthbound 077 nh. C. Hyde od ee eee oe toe " 10499 37 135.71 esee Fr. B. Deacon .)).)! s a 93 13.24 5°33 13.73 em gra |B Hyde sooo someone Th ERP RE hOkS gNie i Ay 109.79 an'ba | bon'be 43 P. W. Clayson whe s | oe | ee toes He to.08 a 0a ‘ommossie ‘. Be te te te , , . : : . Clayson . ; 17. ’ ; MONAB, Gen. a 1040 z ‘ pammnonsie, B Bregolis and P. Krikokapieh nee HH 63.62 “18 32: 33 vase Amanda adar ees s | 6 33 } ast 2.85 i808 Foup eral Agent $ hozele, B. Bregolisst and P. Ketkokapieh °!) >): 62.03 0439 \ F608 s | $1 3 2.40 h Stren 170 Dan Dindebert okapich ... 19 43 5 68.08 inanda Anderson S ‘ 8.04 40. and Third Ave i260 | H. PB. Mena 000000 tO0 CGR RRERS ay aoger 20 $2. 38 4.47 47,67 i at 35 9.98 Se 49. Se een 1ae0 Louls Calder ; ree Peh ee eee abonen aonnde 20 $2.46 “9 48.46 er | a6 | 13.360 48 ooehee aadtanes ine ches 83 107.43 ‘3 86.08 DATED the 40 on" to.68 eateeaitna | a | 124.16 x i 138-38 th day of August, 1014 cel PY Rh / . tarlapigeretnem tense KB. D, JOHNS Treasurer and Collecto ; JOHNSON, vr for the Munie: uni¢ipality of Prine : yo rince Rupert, B, G,