september 1, 1944. »ALGIA SETTLED IN HER LUNGS Relief From The Pain Unlil She Took “ Fruit-a-twes im, ONT., May 5th. 1913. annot speak too hiehly « a-tives Vor over thirty years ered from chronic Neuralgia ation, experiencing untold Neuralgia settled in my 1 | took bottles of medici wtief, The doctor told me I vet better but “ Pruit-a ) i that the doctor ing me quick relief an I curing me sot have my present he sith anv! vas completely “ Pruit-a-tives”’ opportiinity of giving r about such a splendid Pruit-a-tives”’ Mrs. NATHAN DUNN 6 for $2.50, trial size rsent on receipt of price tives Limited, Ottawa, t for 25C- al e ot l= he Y DIAN PACIFIC RLY. MER EXCURSIONS FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO REAL NTO and return... "0 and retrn.... AUL and returm....-+ 60 and returmm..... 1 144.50 YORK and return... points correspondingly low. ive June 4st. Final reture limit October @1st. ncess Sophia southbound Saturday noon incese Royal, Southbound Sunday, 4 p.m. @ McNAB, General Agent Fourth Street and Third Ave sreer P.O. Box 1704 VOY HOTEL FIRST CLASS CUISINE Cold Running Water in all Roome finest brands of Liquore end Cigars kept ST HOTEL fN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA DHOMME & FISHE™ Proprietore THR DAILY NEWS ~~ La Citodetic et le } | Chtteau 4 THE FORTIFICATIONS OF NAMUR eee |e ” SMITHERS NOTES * eee ee ee Form the Tribune Mrs. Dixon, of Vanes experienced maternity nurse }locate in Smithers shortly Mr. and Mrs have moved from Aldermere to Hazelton, where he will assume his new duties as game psuver, an will G. Burrington warden Henry Avison, provincial health officer, was a visitor in Smithers the early part of the week look- ing after sanitary conditions Mr. A. E. Clendennan and wife, of Edmonton, passed through Smithers en route to the coast Mr. Clendennan is a Dominion health officers. F. D. posit ion Fason will take up the of assistant postmaster at the end of the month, when Mr Robinson, present will leave for the coast incumbent |; Directory PRL Votners Association $ | WINDSOR HOTEL of First Ave. and Eighth St WwW. % Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL i Avenue and Seventh Si pean and American Plan } Peter Bleck, Prop. | } KNOX HOTEL ‘e., Between Eighth end Ninth Plan, Rates b0¢ to $1.00 ; Per Day | Chester vo EMPRESS HOTEL ro Ave, Between Sixth aud Seventh Streets Casiey iIthough she has visited many of wen, OO 00 Oh: Om One ithe beauty spots of Europe and a BlAmerica, said that the lake and ROYAL HOTEL lsurrounding scenery compared ortey & Burgess, Props. favorably with anything she had Third Ave. and Sixth St eve rseen Plan Gteam seated A picnic party composed of ER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LIMITED econd Ave. and Sixth St Phone 102 is now open to through traffie. Mr. R. BE. James has taken charge of the Red Front Store. Mr. James and family came to Smithers a short time ago from Vancouver, and until the last week, has been employed by the railway company. Wednesday's train from the jeast brought a number of those who went to the Peace River country early in the season; among whom were Hugh Harris, Harold Glendenning and Ben Pet- erson Mr. kh. G. MeConnell and family left this week for their home in Ottawa Mrs. MeConnell spewt jseveral days at Lake Kathlyn and, A Smithers “stag” party spent the week camping on Canyon Creek, returning to town last evening when they held a ban- quet at the Queen's Cafe A picked team from Smithers went to Telkwa last Sunday to play ball with the Telkwa-Alder mere aggregation rhe game re sulted in a vietory [ the Smith- ers team by a seore of 11 to 7 The Moricetown-Smithers road has been completed to Lake Kath lyn, three miles west of Smith- With road to the lake the thoroughfare ers the present p issabie about sixty Smitherites spent last at Lake Kathlyn, where were entertained by Sunday they well TONEPAH-BELMONT CO. BOUGHT SURF INLET GOLD MINE The taki: gw over of the big gold property on Surf Inlet, Princess Royal Island, by the Tonopah- | Belmont Company, of Tonopah, | Nevada is a matter of very great mportance to the mining indus- try of this Provinee. The pro- { fitable operation of a great gold on our west coast will do to stimulate the mining industry in this part of the world than anything that could possibly happen. It is particularly for- tunate that this well-known property has fallen into the hands of strong and progressive a eoncern as the Tonopah-Belmont whieh in the field for other properties of merit. more so is Re * TERRACE NOTES REE ROR girls to try their marksmanship. severely injured by a fall. Mrs. Firestone Helen. ow their daughter, as good Jennings brothers. Third Avenue. Doctor Traynor was called to Kitselas Wednesday to attend Miss Kathleen Durham who was returned Wed- Household goods and furniture as new at half price. Orosby's Second Hand Store, 839 153-tf THIS PICTURE SHOWS THE CITADEL AND ENTRANCE TO NAMUR, ON THE RIVER MEUSE, WHICH AT THIS POINT TURNS VERY SHARPLY Kee KEE |* NEW HAZELTON NOTES * EHS Herald have Omenica Simpson Bros. shipment of mine near Telkwa. The gravel trains are quite busy on the line of the G. T. P. jin this district, bringing filling material and ballast up to about Mile 210. Many train loads have passed east on the line. sent from in a their nice ore On Sunday's train Sam Morris, the negro who shot MeDonald, the section foreman, was taken in eare of Constable Lavery, to New | Westminster. Morris will be itried at the fall assizes. The Beard of Management and the Presbyterian Chureh met on Wednesday of last week The principal was to make arrangement pulpit supply for the year 1915. The meeting advised the super intendent pf missions that the Church is prepared to care for an | Session of businéss for pearance bring good returns. REWARD FOR THIS FLAG Winnipeg, September 1.—C. F nesday from a trip to the Alas- Herbert of Winnipeg, in present- kan ports ing a flag to the 106th Regiment . ee , of this city, made an offer of ee | re amg : a 8600 to the man who Srought it Be as, gave a birthday party las ath afte it teitaeed dieoush Saturday night in honor of the Pe adevies birthdays of Mr. Durham and|’ ; The immigration authorities at Saginaw have unearthed in a laundry building what is believed to be one of the largest Chinese smuggling syndicates in the coun try. CE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., LimiTEéD freser ana Gixth Sts Phone 7 EDS! SEEDS! received our Beods >, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS Co. re in Feed of all hinds FEED A SPECIALTY orders promptly attended to ce Rupert Feed Co. Third Ave, Phone Black 268 “SOC *— °C RM; ORC R Reb eE * 1014 Spring EN OOOO RROD DR A TAXI! 3--PHONE~75 NCE RUPERT AUTO CO due is not sooner paid: — 107 Gilbert Brown 109 John Brown tae Mrs, Grace &. 192 Db. M, Peyton ane A. H. Hewitt Ben Blackwood Ben Blackwood 5. Commozstic, b “*)*)) et tee ee } ast } Ss. Commoszie, 553 4. H, Hilditeh 650 HH, H. Neale 604 Sam Lee .. eee 709 Pr. KR. Town Propert 710 PrP. RK. Town Properties, yar Mra. BE. M. MeMordie ...++++> ° 748 Mra. BE. M. MeMordle.....-+++> 767 P. RB, Town Properties Ltd 807 Mrs EB. Mendall...s-e+eee> sso Mrs. BE. M, MeMordi@...«+++++> sat Mrs. E. M. MeMordle......++> Siti |) «Fred Lanse ; eoeeeeeres baa Fred Lanza 845 Fred Lanes B48 A. Nicholson, Ota Kh. 5. Hyde ots hk. C. Hyde oa? hh, ©, Hyde 47 kh. C. Hyde 977 Kh. C yee Cc, Hyde ** ee 1989 z Commossie, B. Bregolisal ASSESSED OWNER apd P. Krikoleapieh’’.!!!! krikokapieh oneeee Bregolisst and P FULSS See OCOoce Cocos IVAOFSe Cvs CSF 1 +o . ee i : : : — MUNICIPAL ITY OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. . NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID TAXES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on Wednesday, the 9th Day of September, &.D.; 1914, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., at the City Halil, Prince Rupert, B. C., | shail sell lands in the list hereinafter set out, for delinquent taxes and subsequent taxes in arrears, and for interest, costs and expenses, Inoluding the cost of advertising the said sale, if the total amount at public auction the & £3 ® bs | § : sf = - § | siaes 3 2 5 38.32 3.92 7 36.76 3.84 25 116.89 7.83 v 55.49 4.77 4 220.69 13.03 417 362.11 20.10 18 339.19 18.06 47 46.65 4.83 18 100.392 7.02 10 74.70 5.73 a4 52.42 4.62 2 269.23 15.46 13 247.26 14.36 20 51.14 4 21 61.14 4 45 124.389 x 5 ga. y 1 28 43.00 4.20 29 42.83 4.4 ae 50.04 4 ae 81.45 6.06 a8 67.19 4.86 46 40.44 4.47 i 406.85 41.84 ® 127.84 8.37 v 404.72 7.23 10 100.72 0) +98 1 63.62 8 22 62.03 6.16 10 3:33 4.17 20 44.26 4a L Ee aay authe — : ordained minister during the From the Newsletter year, Provinsion has been made Don't forget the big Labor Day|for the stipend. which is a mat- elebration at Terrace on Mon- | ter of congratulation for the day, September 7. There will be| Presbytery and for the support-| a baseball game after the races\erg of the church, as well in this and dancing in Progress Hall in|district. It has also arranged in the evening. la satisfactofy way with the school Walter Wright, Jr., chief of the | board for the use of the church Kitsumkalum Indains, and Miss/hal! for school purposes Emily Wilson, of Fort Simpson, | A shipment of ore is held up were married last Monday atjat the G. T. P. station here It Kitseukla, B.C.. by the Rev Mr.|came in from Hudson Bay Moun Edgar, the bride's godfather. Itain and was received here just in Mr. and Mrs. Pettre, Miss Grace'time to be held up by the news Sparkes, and Frank and Inez|that the smelters were chary of Ross are expected home from|accepting ore for reduction. Rosswood today Clothier Bros are sending Miss Marion Hanna, of Victoria} down from the Silver Cup a ship who is “to teach the youthful}ment of 100 tons of fine ore. The idea how to shoot” this year. ar-|first pack train came in this | rived in Terrace last Wednesday|Morning. They will load the ore and already has the educational]/@t New Hazelton, and are using | target ready for our boys and|the six-mile trail. From the ap-| f the ore it promises to} | | | bas 6 9 ¥ 0 5 5 8 5 8 v o ’ ’ ¥ ¥ Mrs. Grace 5 wekiey i Mrs. z ASSESSED OWNER Dan Dindebers i. OF. Monee... Louts Calder... Patrick McCloskey Vatrick MeLicskey BB. B. Smi..... H. B. Hanion ........ M. Couture and C. M. Couture and C. M. Couture and &. M, Couture M. Couture M. Couture ......... dotm Arthur Wood... soho Arthur Wood sun Arwiur Wood hadmund &. Stevens Leutournear,. . Lewurneau,. hi. M, Clark HH. & Clark ee eses . Deacon and G. PV, I . Deacon and U.P, 1 M. and w. UG. Davidson M. and W. U. Davidson Ge VOD ccs cccicocs thew Yung Douglas stirling Vaimner Palwer (south (South & Urace Shockley M. Price Suawervit Shawcervit Shaweroit Brinn Mary donk dohu dobn RB. EB. BOB ....cccvesee V. & BVOMS ....scceees Khoman Mykietuck ..... ee soba Bu chak Ben JOULBOD .....46% George A. Cameron .... George A. Cameron Miller and banford.. Angus McAllister dubn A. Meeker subn A. Meeker K. Cameron Max vierstike N. Baczynaski Mw. FF. Mehae Lirias Everson * duilus LeVy .....- urs. K. “UOoldverg sus Scuarman dus Scbartmuan A. PP. ASD .4.. raul M. sehubert vaniei Mebonaid . Augus Mclnues apd rrauk Bucuau .... frank Buchan . Martin Berrigan .. veorge W. Waugh A. Dexter ET +3) cnndovens MeCaflery and Law ......+. F. KR. Stewart ..... Fr. coe Rod. McLeod .... Geo. McKenzie ....... Duncan Mchenzie Laszio Burzsella .. Laszio Burzselia F. A. Ellis PF. A. Ellis ... Arcangelo Piazai FP. A. Bilis .... Duncan Brown .. bom, Gachen .... Nick Zielo Db, Leahy Db. Leahy dobn Sbhawcroft John Shawcroft Joe Guck $08 GIMER .occcccecgeceses P. Wiekdal and A. a? ¢ Pr. Wickdal and A. Bendiktsen.-- N. Scheinman and M, es N. scheinman and M. KK. MeCormick 4. F. Hutchison Mchean carl Herman Carl Herthan cari Herman ...... dobn A. Meeker ........ oe John A. Meeker .... Wim, Bruems .......+++. Wm. Bruens .... Cela Chesterfield Celia Chesterfield ... Mrs. Jane Waite Lolias Ietbgrpaaqig cota je Ie Town Properties Ltd.....- Town Properties Lid.....- «*****+ i, i MN obs ¢ 06 ocecenehouteee* eeee eee een enee Kath T. Abbott ........ Prince Rupert Town Prope Prince Rupert Town Properties D. Cohen . Mrs. L. G. Edith Jelly Bb. Gangene . Bb. G me .. john Giwron . /. FP. Beak das. McKeown Jas, Coreoran «as. Corcoran Thos, Liston Thos, Liston Kk. P. Willams Kk. PP, Williams D. Cohen Db, Cohen Jack Jenkins Gus Quist GUS QUIBE .nccceeereeeeerees McRae Shaweroft Shaweroft BE. Gleason Shaweroft John Shaweroft H. PROM .csscersececes John Shaweroft john Shaweroft i, P. Conrad i. P. Conrad Tim Buckley Buckley 20ND BRAWOFETE oo +s eesees Joba Clayson Amanda Anderson Amanda Anderson DATED the 10th day of August, 191) Add AAI USO OSSSOSOSSSSOSSSSS OSS SHOSHONE OHS HHO OTT EPCS IOeCKToCeocowesewemei~uw ck = ss HHO HO OH OO OH 1 Fd dd dd dd COSCO SSSSSHRE SS HSESCSE SSS SSOSSOSSSSEEOETOOD SOS SSeS SSeeeTTCETCeCrrTre a a sequent Block Sub: Tares with Ieteres ' 36 20 92.46 i | 88 | 107.48 3 | 2 | 124.16 ries | 2.8 > )} #@ f em a ae | 60.58 8 | 22 86| $20.43 - | 4. aoe 17 | 19 j 01.83 | oh U6d}lUhe — ss | 264.33 20 | 2 | 180.99 so | 3 | 484.88 to | 86.48 - 7.3 | 66.48 >| © | eo 7, |e |. me 4 | O17 ; 84.838 6 | «616 | 86.80 = | | 62.36 a5 . oa j 66.46 16 | #13 | 8.44 6 | «614 | 96.41 16 | 22 ; 86.48 6 | 23 | 60.47 19 | ot | 68.66 24 | 6 i 12.70 _— 2. 2 } 18.70 84 | 16 | 63.36 37 | 30 j 40.56 a 2 oe j 36.45 7 ie) Flee 27 | 33 i 74.95 7 | & | ee 27 | 43 | 36.39 ~ it = } 85.00 SS | 8& | ee 39 | 20) «6|) | (88.88 29 | «30 i 36.83 st | (86 | 29.66 31 | 860 | 88.66 33 | 8 | 38.90 eo | 138 | 26.07 ao | 14 26.07 $7 j ii 21.86 37 | a2 38.20 a7 | a2 26.07 ee Be 26.07 —s 3 26.07 oe 26.07 41 ii 26.07 42 5 63.54 42 6 63.54 42 iz 60.61 44 iz 29.35 46 i 23.15 a6 2 21.09 1 Si 65.01 i 52 55.01 & it 113.62 o 12 133.66 7 23 oe.b1 is 10 111.82 at 6 63.52 22 , 26 i 45.88 23 16 23 16 as 20 28 34 au ¥ av 16 a0 19 at 16 2 26 2 26 30.01 2 su i 34.74 2 wo ..| 2 2 38 Oj+ «647.018 4 7 | 84.13 . 1 i 60.02 . 2 | 83.12 & 10 06} 48.49 - oa 36.08 e , 13 $1.58 . 14 40.40 tu o 19.10 is i 34.74 13 2 4.74 14 © | 387.30 14 oo tte 14 15 | oa iv 17 | 10.47 iw - 9.30 ai 21 | 285.27 a1 oS | 3.08 23 a. tt ae 23 25 i 20.141 24 7 | $1.87 27 a1 20.50 27 24 19.73 av i 32.33 20 2 | 83.23 au 13 | 86.39 3u 14 | 48.16 ai i | 28.67 3a } 2 | 19.93 33, «Ci 19.73 32 20 | 19.73 a2 23 } 19.73 3a 24 | 19.73 ss ii | 28.77 ao | (80 | 26.52 oi 8 US UB 4 | 8 | 46.25 42 . | ae 42 il | 40.47 42 - o 2 43 7 i 19.73 43 S&S | #$9.%9 43 13 j} 81.46 43 i4 | 24.96 45 i ; £6.73 45 2 ; 19.73 45 Se: ) 2 46 7 | 20.49 46 11 | 43.25 46 os | Ga 46 130 | 80.88 46 14 | 18. 68 46 23 } 16.62 46 24 20.28 47 ii 19.73 47 12 19.73 50 ’ 48.41 T) 10 | 19.73 60 ia 22.17 ou 1o 22.1 i 36 20.10 1 37 20.10 i 38 22.33 3 6 22.1 4 8 20.50 6 10 14.08 7 6 9.10 8 is 13.21 8 19 18.91 3 20 16.97 ii 10 9.10 ai 11 9.10 ii 12 9.10 12 35 } 43.18 12 36 i 13.18 12 37 [; ae a2 38) |) 83.87 13 20 0 6|)— (10.45 13 a1 } 10.45 13 22 | 10.45 13 58 ; 15.62 14 3 } 17.84 14 4 } $7.84 6 | 22 } 15.62 16 | 23 i 15.62 16 | 24 i 23.666 15 | 26 25.66 16 | 36 23.66 15 36 28.66 17 7 { 13.38 17 5 13.38 21 i 18.20 ai 2 13.38 ai 10 13.38 a1 14 18.20 26 8 17.31 28 7 16.97 25 8 | 16.97 26 22 8.14 28 3a } 143.21 30 17 13.21 30 43 8.75 30 53 10.81 a1 17 8.05 31 18 8.05 ai 36 3.68 a1 37 4.56 32 3 9.99 32 4 9.09 3d 5 6.64 33 v 6.51 36 4 | 46.50 35 27 13.21 35 28 13.21 36 3 46.12 36 4 30.50 37 3 44.28 37 . 44.28 38 1 01.46 38 2 44.47 38 11 13.21 43 13 15.20 43 14 10.81 43 16 13.36 43 23 13.24 43 aa 20.28 46 3 19.01 46 4 19.08 46 v 10.81 46 10 10.84 a7 7 +3-a8 a7 5 15.4 a7 v 15.42 50 22 hy Lo 23 13.28 60 28 17.07 60 20 17.07 ‘t 33 8.04 “t a 3 Se ot 35 9.08 ot 36 13.36 Rk. D, JOHNSON, Treasurer and Collector for the Municipality of 3.62 7.37 j 8.21 3.96 4.09 5.03 8.02 6.59 6.69 6.59 14.72 8.65 8.09 6.32 6.32 6.32 4.41 6.06 6.06 5.12 5.32 3.27 3.27 3.27 4.52 5.18 i 2.63 i 2.63 i 5.12 i 4.04 3.82 3.62 | 6.75 i 6.01 i 3.77 i 3.25 j 3.25 i 3.61 i 3.84 j 3.48 i 3.48 i 3.04 3.30 3.380 2.64 3.01 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 5.18 5.18 5.03 3.47 y 3.16 3.06 4.80 4.80 7.68 8.68 6.98 7.69 5.18 4.44 } 4.12 3.82 3.35 4.02 i 3.30 | 3.30 3.62 4.49 3.50 i bu i 3.74 i 2.90 i 2.90 i 3.71 i 4.60 j 3.66 i 2.01 i 3.80 i 3.58 i 4.02 . i 2.95 | 3.74 3.74 i 3.86 j 4.71 i 3.74 2.52 2.46 i 3.26 i 2.35 i 2.58 3.01 i 3.59 i 3.02 i 2.09 i 3.62 i 3.16 i 4.52 i 4.41 i 3.43 10 i 3.00 | Ws i 2.09 | ‘ i 2.99 | ° i 2.99 ; j 2.99 ° } 3.44 ‘ j 3.33 ° i 4.32 e 4.32 , $0.57 i 2.51 | 12.68 j 2.51 12.68 i 2.61 12.65 i 2.99 22.72 i 2.99 22.7 i 3.57 35.01 i 3.26 25.28 i 2.99 22.72 j 2.99 22.72 i 2.36 20.11 3.02 23.61 4.12 46.37 4.37 51.65 3.01 23.29 2.738 15.40 2.738 18.40 3.01 23.29 2.99 22.72 2.99 22.72 4.41 52.52 2.09 2.72 3.41 25.28 B.a1 25.28 3.00 23.10 3.00 23.10 3.12 25.45 3.11 25.26 3.32 29.382 2.70 16.78 2.45 11.55 2.66 15.87 2.96 21.86 2.84 19.81 2.45 11.55 2.45 11.56 45 11.65 2.66 15.84 2.66 15.84 2.77 18.20 i 3.14 26.01 j 2.52 12.97 i 2.52 2.97 2.52 2.97 2.78 8.40 2.89 20.73 2.89 9.73 2.78 8.40 2.78 8.40 3.43 2.09 3.438 2.09 3.43 2.00 3.43 2.09 2.67 6.05 2.67 6.05 2.91 2.67 6.05 2.67 16.05 2.01 2.87 20.18 2.85 19.82 2.85 19 2.41 0.65 2.66 5.87 2.66 5.87 2.44 1.19 2.04 3.35 2.40 10.45 2.40 10.45 2.18 5.86 2.23 6.79 2.50 12.49 2.60 12.49 2.33 8.84 2.33 4.32 bo 2.66 15. 2.66 15. 4.31 50. 3.52 3 4.21 4 4.21 48.49 6.61 08.03 4.22 45.09 2.66 15.87 2.01 2.54 13.36 2.67 16.03 2.66 15.87 3.01 83-39 2.05 21.06 2.06 ai. 2.54 13. oa 13. 2.77 18. 2.77 18. 2.77 18. 3°33 i 66 1 2.85 1 2.85 1 3:33 1 408 1 4 3:39 48 67 10.03 Prince Rupert, B, C,