THE DAILY NEWS «% | ie per Mies Notes a THE PRINCE RUPERT SA EA Res 3 2 ae SPS CORO mS sf TO MOVE CAPITAL TO BORD vi menses ao wero") AND. DOOR COMPANY. Lm i THOUSANDS OF CITIZENS LEAVING PARIS IN ALARM oe) F af trem red anutecturers Meat = il I N.S AUGUST CUSTOMS Come and see them—ladies srriving: New fall] Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro » OVER GERMAN ADV ANCE--BRINGING TROOPS RETURNS DOUBLE! new fall — a whaee 8 ostf hes sllace’s 1ontri and all kinds of Finishings, Stor 6 Caen Sawing FROM SOUTH Fverything in season eooked| 7 ae . tures, House Finish a s; ty ~ eT Splendid increase Shown Over the way you like it. London Cafe, | Pant red oer eee Sate © A ee a og Cove 9 Washington, September 1 line of defence is moved out to Last Year's Receipts * * « Phone 4 “aA roe Sn "ihe Rupert at The French Embassy here hears seven miles from the city limit Special bargains in kitchen} swtate demietesdiel Cbdeaaiie’ +40 0cereseee, that the French may move the and is made up of a line of forts, The Prince Rupert customs re-|staniteware at Wallace's. 1098tf) A varie a savers for you! - capital from Paris to Bordeaux. redoubts and batteries seventy=| tiene for the month of August | wt Bry gtr 1ostf ore +oeeeee Thousands of citizens are now two miles long. In rear and )iaiind £94 850 48 fais ie fa Kk. FE. Confectionery sells high |“ Wala eae : i _ leaving Paris in fear of the Ger-|four miles out is the circle Of juxcess of the receipts for J lass ice cream in bricks; also rrEM eld, who has ROYAL BANK OF C AN man advance. leighteen forts that held off the} union gore 811,463.04 pure candies. qsser M rt i Sami ie a 4 ADA French troops from the south Prussians in 1870. It would re=|} Pie peceipts for August, 1914 7 es : ott the HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAI 1 have been brought to the defence | quire an army of more than half/ wore far higher than for the sam Not stopped by war: Every boat ', pe li 8 i Capital | of the Paris forts. ja million men to invest the City. | inonth in any previous year In|brings new fall goods to Wal a ra 6 a ° $11 60,000 Bordeau is in southeastern | The trade movements of the last) jo44 the returns were &7.000.16, lace’s oat re worried und 12 000 } rrance o the Bay of Biscay. | twelve months indicate thati|,, 49), €15.735.80: in 1943, 813 oS. we Mrs. D. G, Stew . — 7 a Total Assets 175 000 1 Paris is strongly fortified. With | Paris is well prepared in gold and [yo j 64- while in 1014 they wer rhe Ladies’ Own Rasketball|“"° "*'° n ' — = sh Savings Bank Department — $1 wi) 1 an Netoy | the old forts and half trained | food to withstanu a long sjege. | eo4 950.98, Ciuli Walaa Webiieentesd anal’ eturned’ Som n iT Branches Throughout Canad m forces Paris was able to hold out; The Germans must reach Paris The customs returns are « a _ . Princess © . oa tions With All Parts in 1870 for a three months’ soige. with over half a million MEN] wratiy accepted as evidence of th: = com Saal one at 8 o'clock it care ie Agente Throughout the w The French profited by the les-| and stay there long enough to se!) ci nck that js transacted © mevnodiss symnasiut ‘ SIGeraDIC SXCILE sons of that disaster. The new|cure its reduction. at oe ird the steamer Spokane | m D. CSeW « © = Banager > Rupert Brang HYDRO macnineRy peLayeo “* "O% Have a full Hine of now he was in port lass nignti: Coeereerrserresereees ; 7” ae Fall and Winter coats ull the|and a mystery developed from it — : _ 70,000 BRITISH CANADA RESUMES The machinery ordered b the | latest styles and materials. Prices a roe , PCC Co re sCCccees City Council from the Canadian|range from $15 up. Demers Os : en and e our nangsome . f weet HELD BACK ARMY P.O. MONEY ORDERS General Eleetrie ( ompany for the | * *. . new res s¢ silk and wool ma THE UNION STEAMSHIP W.. ui ibn UiilTED worth Lake has not bee shipped | ing was returned byw the eo! ef’'s 200,000 GERMANS Wildl GREAT SERRA] °7ero-clectric plant -at Wood-| - 4 verdict Of ecidental drown. |More Foe ae cndabiie. De | SS. VENTURE repre tae: racte< » 1 —— » | : ‘ ‘ ers 203.2905 (Special to THE NEWS) (Special to THE NEWS) jas e Por i ve and th ~ ee rt ee inquired he} . oa ; bs ats, iit teddoee "a quired Why. me ¢ pany states | death o ve infant off the Prine . oe Washington, September 1.— London, Sept. ‘ae ae OOO lahrouzch aments ‘that phere has! Albesé wreck rhe Prince Rupert Towing Go for Vancouver. Vict has announced that the mora- or : , ' | : reneral towing; the new crude oii ' Embassy here re- een a mix-up ders as to the * * * £ a g; ee eon : torium will be extended another (oii) poutine .f the machinery.| “a , f steal. |tue “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Red] SS. CHELOHSI ports that seventy thousand Brit- month. It is too risky to bring Thi i = oe a ae ae re fisherman accused stea 391 or Black 322 Address: P.O le f ( it Rs N ish troops, for the last three days jt to an end at once. The Ottawa , : od : genre to | : noe the de | ns the fishing net on the Skeena Son 98. ‘Amener tall tha Vicia | = for G a ny : 7 if a subterfuge to excuse > de-|,, ‘ } : g P ave ancouvel cloria, 3 ‘ - on |} River a week ago was tried Dby| ep .4, ae have held in check two hundred postmaster General has issued in- |) py City Coneil protests no | . igo wa i ¥l Crude Of] Motor 1e5tt Aamnens Medien Raped, bAlentic teance. thousand Germans. until the structions fo the resumption | instruc tions for routing were giv-|J¥dge Young yesterday His de-| 139-tf. PHONE JOURN BARNSLEY. Acc French reinforcements came up. ‘he money order business between) ay they have been ure! ng|fenee was that he was trying to | is 568 » Agent, SECOND ag > Britai The place of the operations was Canada and Great ritain on a shipment. jeul away his own net which had Joseph Greer and his bride ar ° POCODOOO OO oe Peer rereeones not given out by the Embassy. modified basis, determined in view) company states shipment| become tangled with Otero’s. The | rived last evening on the Princess pillebaelidatehitliggiane of present conditions and lower...) he made before Septem-|charge of theft was dismissed Sophia after a honeymoon in the}/¢ i 1 rates of exchange. It will be safe |i. isth and the concrete base for] ee. south. They were met by a jolly to issue orders at a premium of jthe plant cannot be built before H. Latourneau has offered to|party of friend’ who showered four cents a pound instead of the, : th t} i ' ' the base of the machinery arrives |build a 16-foot sidewalk on Sixt em with rice and well wishes THE LEIPZIG STORY |!4 rate of 4.87. This means a avehie frets Fulton Strest to the|M". and Mrs. Greer are registered|f| THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 HONE Ig - nue “o ¥ on $ ee o » premium of four cents on the old ore eanness |i ; lat the Prince Rupert. (Special to THE NEWS) rate of exchange. QUESTION ITY fethodist Chureh if the gity will os 8 Builders’ Supplies and Plate Vancouver, September 1. — r l furnish oe pow the old plank} at Ketchikan a man named Rob a we Supplies HARDWARE 4 t — cNeil has requestes » | take » off other streets being].., ¢ lange either Ouawa nor Esquimalt|MOLD THE GERMANS Lorin MeNeil han requested the teaccked, Mie aitcr ane weterna|ect Smith bought ticket for] Oi ©, BACK AT ALL costs !’''' ege erecting @ garage © ' i ete Prince ft vert. but hen the shi arnishes war know re tien tah a [Second Avenue on a lot adjoin. y the Board of Works. anc ned Ar al , : ; "7 ed rumor that the Leipzig has ng Pattullo & Radford's block. cee ' here he was not to bx rn p been re em, | — nm ™ res The city engineer referred the| G. Freddell, representing the odiied Byes a 7 ne m" MONARCH MALLEABLE g ee there is no intention of adopting questio to the City ¢ eil The ! Pion eer's Association, offered the osaite searched ~ fore he vould any system of conscription OF) Board of Works were not pre-| City Council one or two pages in a ~ a ‘ ‘ ; | give a clearance and finally she compulsory serv ce in the British | pared to make a report last eveun-|an illustrated booklet which is sailed away without the man be ENGAGE JAP FLEET Isles, it is held on all sides that!ing although the Mavor forced the | being produced under the aus- née Sound in ean eendoe < a o = ran . ra yd yer aun We a . scussio! Pi t:a a! p ces of the Pioneer's Association pasesearer and wii ene od . i na ea e al a (Special to THE NEWS) or the task i 1as to face I he reques ‘ of th ard of; The question after some discus na berth shortly before reaching | the life and death struggle be-)} Works to lay he «mue io veri sion was left to the finance com- Detene Pimnes Tsina Shantung, China, Sept. 1 ifore the country everything musti for a week was agreed ti mittee to report on oe ae —— —Heavy cannonading was heard), oni ge, nate st be aiaiiiimtince y acrif j England m NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Lag here today. It is believed that) prepared, eventually, to put and ' ADVERTISE IN the Tsing Tau forts are engaging /maintian an army of at least a FOR REN Be ett ico tae” UNRESTRICTED AUCTIONSALE j.'s "ents e|THE Dany News iel¢ jur immediate ‘epara- paten s no ending ra pat Japs have occupied a small island tions must be redoubled. good as . ent on a coil I am installing in outside of Kiau Chow Bay. was the response to Kitchener's r on ones a appeal for 100,000 men. The dif- SEPTEMBER 3rd, 3 P.M., NADEN BLOCK anyone installing such coil or in-| a rue ea s e as or 0 , MATTER + an application for Furnished House os CHASED BY LEIPZIG moerts th vast pumbel : fringement on said coil, or any|the iss f a fresh ertificate of ttle . es to that for mit Avenue people still fail realize Lots 10 and 11, in Block 41, im the P ¢ one having this installed, will be | supaivision of District Lot 642. Range OFF SAN FRANCISCO |. ur fight involves not alone the subject to be sued for damages |Five. | ast District, Provinee of’ Britiah Furnished Cabin, Fifth kitchen stoves and ranges, and NOTICE Empire's prestige and power, but § have qa large amount of bedroom and household furnighings which 1 upon my receiving patent papers cami, eP Setew GIVEN tet it. ts enue . (Special to THE NEWS) liberty itself. must sell at any price. A flat or cabin is more easily rented when fur- Price until September 45th will |" inte eu at — pier the expiration Four room house, Fift ote nth ran ire ) its « | San Francisco, September 1.— PTS Tae nished. Why not get it furnished now at your own price? There are he $15.00. The Reliable Plumber, |hereot « fresh certificate of tide tw the enue I also a large number of articles that anybody might use. HARRY HANSON name of Louis Gaill for the above men —_—— The iyo Maru, a J steamer tioned Lots which Certificate ts dated oe ; a4 GALLANT BELGIANS REMEMBER, | MUST SELL THIS TO AVOID STORAGE. NO ARTICLE Phone 489 December 15, 1910, end is numbered $131 arriving here today reported be- HOLD LIEGE FORTS RESERVED. iF THERE 1S ONLY ONE BID IT GOES. ¥ : sabts - en INSUR mam Genes Ry 6 Gorman crulege ation GEN. FRENCH SENDS WIRE |. /2%¢ lerisiry Omer, Prince Rupert, B 2 . > ———— C., Sth, ‘ for eight hours yesterday. London, Sept. 4.—A despatch — uly 25th, 1044 FIRE, LIFE AND Accit — from Antwerp says the Belgium London, Sept. 1.—The official Norfolk ‘Rooms. Steam heated, | government declares pacially GEORGE LEEK, AUCTIONEER information bureau gives out the | *********tternearaeaee need KISSICK, “EDWARD hot and cold water. Terms rea-jthat several forts at Liege are following message received by the sonable, 6th Ave. and Fulton. ‘still resisting. War Office from Field Marshal ee . —__—__—_— —————————__—— —— - Sir John French, commander of : =o Sixth Street Phone the British forces in France: “Will you kindly ¢ vey to the first lord of the Admiralty the congratulations of the army in TAXI the field the | on splendid naval g success of yesterday.” For the Two Days sr watson . Ren Real Snap i werveeese| FOUR ROOMED FUl WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE “The Daily News ” a The Daily os WITH BATH, $2 Prince Rupert, BC CLOSED > FESEEPEEREE EE EEES ESSE S That our Store will . be closed we will be The Comstiee Household busy arranging stock esndiitinas of caditees | and prices for a Ten 6-room Flat. Birdseye, FOR RENT FOUR ROOMED Hols ; maple and oak furniture, 3) ~~~ eres Days Sale, starling '$ malleable range. Every- 1a is r muuth. Apply Box 87 Daily ON TAYLOR SI, F : thin actically new. Thursday Morning, oe meant on rons RENT —_aupete or coghle rose te 000 : September 3rd : Owing to the Distress of Business’ we have decided to close our doors - vie ste heated 4d well furnished the Angle Apts., 6th and WwW; steam heat and w ural | Teleplx me 442 eeu '3 Fulton. Flat can be leased, if desired, cheap, ven’ ents appLy TO P 9 i Also a on” Teel ret Se, Bless o. ae 4 e ' | Perfect evel and on street grade. On ‘ For Two Days ~ Martin :: O’Rei Uy |} | 20M. Gasoline Launch ssh. ea, “, | only 4 months old, at a ee ——_—— ( | Prince Rupert, B.C. | Bargain | WANTED ae (. R. Naden 0., ceeniin } I Gri 4 ANTED. ~ Apply Prince Rupert i ” aun WA nee es a ae a family a ws SECU) 1D AVENUE aaaln ther work by girl willing to we rks Ap —————— ——- —_— ee ply 845 Third Avenue, opposite P.O 2 2 F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE aurent