| me THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weakly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H, F. “MoRAR, HEAD rates on application. DAILY EDITION = == It is safe to say that no event which has yet transpired has had any deciding effect on the war. Indeed should the Ger- mans take Paris they would only then be just beginning. This is a fight for race super- iority It is a fight to deter- mine whether autocracy or democracy shall rule and in that struggle Britons will win or die. There will be no tem- porary or make-shift peace, It must and will be fought to a finish. The entire resources and strength of the British Empire will be thrown into the fight. Britain has always been noted for. a slow and unsuc- cessful beginning. Her have not lived for a_ military career but once they do get in they are hard to stop. e.8. 9 people . The next few weeks will like- ly determine the length of the war. A telling vietory for the Allies might compel the Ger- mans to sue for terms, while EDITOR AND GENERAL OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. vega Wednesday, September 2 MANAGER B.C. Telephone 98. Oontract a victory for the Germans Would only mean a prolonged confliet. Should this happen it will mean that Britain will have to put a million men in field The chief diMeulty in the way of that will be the sup- ply of arms and accoutrements. In that Canada can help considerably. They can induce some of the big Ameri- can arms companies to open branches in Canada fo manu- facture guns and other re- quisites and duty could be tak- en off the products required. This is one of the best ways for Canada to help at present and it is to be hoped they will take it up. Besides suppling the needs of the army it would considerably help trade in this country. respect The recent drowning in the harbor shows the value of everyone taking the course now being given through the 8t. John Ambulance Association. A; agricultural college in Kansas, which con- ducts a milling school. Here in Vancouver the “acid test” is be- ing daily applied to every Wheat breeding farm is a feature of an grain of wheat that enters in ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. The grain is tested, the flour it makes is tested and then comes the most practical test of ali—bread making. Ask your grocer for absolutely uniform, laboratory tested Royal Standard Flour F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. PRINCE RUPERT fair set in. fine ore sacks. taken out lately and a beautiful smelters say 80, go forward Day Phone 190. Night Phone 078. BAKERY SUPPLIES Weneiber 96R, WORD @ homnens teoree of te bread of one, see us. Our : KNOTT - CLIFTON LIMITED. LUMBER SHINGLEr, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. The man was only in the water for a first care been taken his life have been saved. There to be a foolish notion very few minutes among a lot of people that a man found | dead should not be with until an officer In this,case the order given by a body of soldiers those in interfered wis ind attendance naturally did not want to interfere with that order. When a life is at stake nothing should be left undone to render immediate assistance, The opening of the G. T. P service through to the const will give a feeling of relief t every man in the city With a trade route the Fast there echanee for th city to nder othe circumstances ai big tion would be it is the best quietly about our the open to Is every prosper l celebra in order but as way is to go business and make best use possibl this great outlet The dif ence in trade should be felt at once if every business man show a little progressive spirit Trade doesn't come begging to one’s back door. You must after it and if Prince Rupert's business men will do this there vill be good times for all in sight. will go STEEL GALENA AT THE SUNRISE MINE IS GOOD Large Quantity of Very Fine Ore On the Dump and in Sacks Taking Out Rich Ore Right Now Omineea Herald The Sunrise is doing pretty the fine weather have a lot of very the dump and in which has been is a steel galena sample at that, work since They on That Good judges say it is the finest ever seen in this section. So soon as what is now out is sack- ed the mine will have to close, unless shipping instructions come forward. * In case the ore is held it will have to be housed for the winter. If the prices change for the better. and the then the ore will at once. is off the The snow ground in when seen and had the needed | might COL. V. A. S. WILLIAMS Adjutant General! of dian Militia, who is in com- mand of the mobilization camp at Val Cartier. SEESEERPEREEERSEREEEREEEREPAEEHEREREEEEE EE BER EERE EE BD High-Grade Work Fumbing, Steaming wee seems) appeared | } | the interval sinee last report, ex- | posing a ledge from six to ten ft. | wide, carrying a good grade of | silver-lead This ledge will re-| ‘eive attention presently 1 1 Confectionery sells high class ice cream in bricks; also pure candies 155tf) THE DAILY NEWS. Commanding the aerial forces of France, an arm in the Franco-Prussian war in in command of the vast aviation ONLY ONE ARM BUT A STOUT HEART Pau, who lost and who-is now France Inder General 1870, corps of his supervision are the aeroplanes and dirigibles with which jalong lie, he cheese charges that the hetween the ages j of 11 and 14 years were in the | Montreal juvenile Court last week ifor crimes that would have sent jail. A boy of 15 is supposed to have forced the others to steal at ithe point of a revolver. Are Defrauded of 300 Million Yearly Through Adulter- | | ' ated Food London, Sept. 41 The United) States’ pure food laws are held up as a model by Mr. A. Moore, | secretary of the British Pure Food and Health Society, who up ibraids the Briton for his apathy this line, The savs #2300,000,000.00 anually adulterated foods, yet take the tective laws ‘In this country,” asserts Moore, “the fer to go paris in their and) =unwholesome in their butter, with the rind and tallew, leaves instead of tea, stead of coffee, people having flour, on foreign imitation cream, barytes French chalk rice, water and salicylic and so on ad nauseam. Besides Mr. wine, adulteration, erate filthy foods, ways Seven boys the Cana-|adult offenders to long terms in and sheet metal work British pub- is defrauded of over | through refuses to slightest interest in pro- Mr. seem to pre- plaster of| fats preservatives made of} re-dried tea chicory in- starch and pow- | dered bean shell instead of cocoa, masquerading as acid as Moor+ people also tal- of handling such as carting meat un- covered through the streets. football games, British Authority Says People or postponed, can be had by call ing up Fitz Cigar Store. tf France is demonstrating the value of such machines in ac- tual warfare. BRITAIN’S POOR FOOD LAWS Authentic information about either scheduled ener Prince Rupert Dairy Co. All Cows government ested. Every- thing sanitary and open for ip- speetion. Every bottle subjected to 200 degrees heat. Ours ts the only pliant in .the city dot this. Orders detivered or can be at Knott's Bakery, Spurr's Fieh Market, Sta’ ker ells, Market wi Fulton Cash and Northern Meat Market. Phone Green 252. Barn at Part Ave Ele FOR RENT THREE SMALL HOUSES $15.00 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT BOAT Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sale De eenncnnnsennasnnned | Leaves for VANCOUVER and Vicvo: tions for SEATTLE on Tuesday, : Weekly Service maintained to Granby, Stew Fortnightly service to Masset, Queen Ona, Low Excursion TO EASTERN GANADA and UNITED STATES good return until! Octon: Passenger Traine leave for the EAST on mop SATURDAYS, AT io » for through tickets to any point and full int ALBERT DAVIDSON, G. TP. Tick: Agency all Atlantic Steamen; ‘ ile OL iy VEONESDAYS ay ny “vr Cee eee * * 4 YO Ba ’ GRANITE * ae . * PERS \NGINE « Granite of best quality 7 AINTING 1 * anc horoughliy tested for *) ’ oo "1 ? con crushed «! ILISHING AN) * rock in quantities, * WALL TINTING « NIL J, MeLEOD, * * Telephone: Green 247 * “a ° ue*® ‘ « Mariin Swans ee ee ee ee ee ee se ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY Oppesite New Welingi agin econd Avenue, " pinpress Theatr hoome open from 8 a. m. tw f1 p m j The Mouser Visihtiwg Seotsmen are cordisity imvited.| ‘ ' rates for hall rent apply secretar Cleane Brightest, Seg a. Db CHAS President MACDUNALD, DENNIS NEW WELLINGTON com wwe re Second Avenue Pow Secretary VERY LATEST Blue Printe of , lL, DISTRICT APARTMENT GOLD BELT REALTY CO}... 307 SIXTH STREET | ~ kb. DYE Bit THE LITTLE GIANT ; Phome 174 VACUUM POWER CLEANER | Extracts Ali Dirt and Dust } FOR PL wane ang SMITH & M m Carpets, Rugs, Davenports, Mattresses, Pillows thoroughly cleaned. All work guar- Largest a Pipe anteed. Reasonable Rates. Estimates given Vatouver Va a ngs, i roer Apply FRED KLIEN Third Ase. Head of Seow Phone Red 269 P.0. remain Prince Rupen ‘MARTIN & M’GOWAN ©. CO. STUART LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS Qc Cement, Grick and Tie Work Estimates Furnisned | 808 na Are . Phone Bive 320 PRINCE RUPERT. & Alex. M. Me BLYTHE BROS. we PLASTERING CONTRACTORS ane BU WILLIAMS 4 SAN Phone 194 Barristers, So/lciton & mOnNEY TO Lom Satisfaction guaranteed Box 1586 Heligerson Block rine & HARRISON W. ROGERS PACIFIC CARTAGE Architect Suttle t, Federal Block General Cartage PRINCE AUPERT, B. C. | LADYSMITH COM Phone 300 P. 0. Box 1635 03—Prone—8s DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. P. O. Geox 208 P. ROBERTSON Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Chariered Accountat AuGdite, Investigations, Ac,usmemh dations anc Ase grmenw Smilin Biock, Bro Arve, “rine JOHN CURRIE “UNION TRANSFER CO PHONES : 36 Office, RESIDENCE 110 Contractor & Builét 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT) . ee Estimates Moving BOAT BUILDER Phone Steet IMPERIAL MACHINE H. JOUNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green et Repairing —a RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. JAMES GILMORE Civil Engineers ana 8. C, Land Architect Surveyors |2nd Aver Mc Bride Waterworks, Water " Power, Wharf Con- Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- A IVARSON & 0 A. J. BURROUGHS, manager m a ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric | a Tee cheat iatede Western Plumbing Co., Ld |, PHONE RED 391 [Hive Priaung, Negatives and White) @lacksm': 0 He 9 Gren Vere of Gamhe TE IISISISI SSI SIIISIIIOIIIIISIIOIIOO IDIOT I oi IO tit tnt orth End of Manson Way so ill : McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | live 525 - s by “d ne Wore Neutra ower Berced to War Drawn for The D Age” Hi: THEN CAN SUST COUNT ME OUT OF THIS EUROPEAN WAR BILNUSS - LM as Fiasan 9 . S@MO0P- BEING A DARN SMALL POWER-DO wen HEA YE- HEAR YE MYSELF AT PEACE WITH ALL BELLWERENTS « - . = (8) 44 in VE YN -PAune - Mp