THE DAILY NEWS The Best Remedy For All GERMANS CLAIM ee Or i*** and proven so b Ages BIG VICT Vine ° eoeeeeeeeeeeee 1H the whole world 0 thousands upon thousand D . ; : remy | Beecham’s Pill over, is the famous f. ls of tests USSI ° LATEST WAR NEWS . Rand, President, 00000000 obo sees, Ss to which all nm : ore, of the die eee USSIA . ; caren, Mee subjec e oO ns The latest war many serious sicknesses, ject,—-from whic oman 9 BERLIN DESP enees © pienived | . ve a ae E PRINCE cov earentad or prevented by ATCH SAYS 70,000 PRISONERS ig comsived casiuctvoy Tes T SAS TWO GENERALS AND TAKEN : mediately after coming ot * DOO ee en Js the wires at the following § AND ANY, piaces RY | . \* Fitz’ Cigar St 3 Door Manufactu 1D. igi re, 3rd Ave rers Special to T é o ws Lor rd Av * s, Sash, Mantels, Mo HE | ark's Jewelry Store a ’ uldin few d LLS Berlin, Sept NEWS) 70,000 prisoners at O |* avenue ’ re, 3rd 4 nd all ee of Seunbans tise and Bands a few dose go 9 . . 2—( rtelsb \* ‘ ures, H » Store and aw to have better digesti and you will KNOW what it i‘° Sayville, N.Y.) i =e - Allenstein. ole | fa on corent IS a Factory and Ome: "tev waren © Spocian c™ ri, on, sound y it means cl “V.J—tnhe Germ wo R pee T : venth A greater cheerful nder sleep, | jclaim a ans ussian Gen . * elephone 218 venue ness after . Pp, wrighter eyes j H great victo captu erals were. Acme Clothing Ho — ; - P.O, Bo » Ha of poisonous your syst anc Russ ry over the red along wi rely use. 2nd #|°™ . Box 207 . ys Coy impurities. em has been cle 1 ians, defeati red off th three hund avenue Prince © Circle ren or chi eare( ating three officers a und- * Rup parents, Beecham’s Pills are a parents, grand- army corps and Russian of the Russia a Ge ene. ene Sep Hotel, 2nd @ *eeeeececesse 86, matchless as a remedy taking over the district nm army operating ee ae oneeer tated z * Royal Hotel . al Worth a Guinea a Box || “ornuranno — ur "Es et saa wel ROYAL B ail only by Thomas avenue OF Sold everywhere in Canada and U. nae Lancashire, England. OF FIGHT AROUND ND BRINGS le : HEAD OFFICE: AN AD aa Pe ecm th ny tn ema ST. QUENTIN D UP PARTY FEELING = MONTREAL Q to women. . ISTRICT Capital ee Reser $ 11,560,0 7” | London, Se TEA MEN FACE ve Fund 00 ' (Special to T ‘ nart , Sept. 2—A regrett Total Assets 12,560, 000 } HE party feel sia table a | Washington ggg Comaane, ‘pa t a in the GREAT DIFFICULTIES ee Bank Department iy na ae | | ’ . ite y esterd: Sranches _ UNRESTRICTED A | German Embassy here . The ; emier moved ‘eat when the oy ina 'eaberee ee mn : Throughout Canada Will Open an Koco, leeived a rep as re~- UO)" i ourn for ten! certain! ifted it will ions With All P i unt ' ort to the P 1inly have a good fl arts of the a effect that remier ac the effect on Aaen b ON SALE ee Seen ait dielieeane ine’ tea a hetmering to tea trade, for as it is we will H, P. onpandk ts Throughout the Wor\« t | ° nce age wn eneressed( ' -- SEPTEMBER 3rd, 3 P.M | After pee ot GA Quentin. | on’ SEain She Rope thi ee no tea in three weeks or|“~ Manager Prince A ’ .M., NADE | apturin : be pe pe that it mig ess s | seccceoee uper ’ N BLOCK | fantry sametten” a British in- |, possible, without a ght aid the manager of th C0000CCOC OOOO COCO CS t Branch the 0c a revi of |'S e Prereoose = | Hausen forced Basan s Von a 1wcute controversy . \ . f ALADA’ Tea Co. when told that *reeeeeeceseen| th ; _ Ethal. the French | wae in the natu ; ts a cablegram stated that U a T a ave a large amount of bed Montg settlement. ature of alembargo ' 1¢@ tea CoCo CC oCCCee den a ae te. 8 room and household furnight | have A garrison and fortress Kedmond was e shea was to be raised, “al-! HE UNION STEAMSHIP C0. oe eceeeeceiny nished » A flat or cabin | ishings which 1 j been captured b the ope conciliatory , gh we are cutting d T U b. . Why not get s more easily ren mans. y the Ger- pening butt n orders t ; & down aii i ns Lj} | onl also a large number it furnished now at your own pri cS ence A British ed when he as} + see. BarwOn~ 16n Mg agree oF oo me | §S. = i of art! ce? Th om s c , asked that the dimension, F s aod REMEMBER, | MUST SELL can that anybody might use. ere are stated that on pene Sunday umstances of the 2 c ! : dts ladies treme Det instance, we had Geils | VENTURE | RESERVED. iF THERE Is ON TO AVOID STORAGE. NO man corps unde oon oh the Ger- ot endemnify his part should | 42,000 pound roit last week for min rv Port Simpson, M ' LY ONE BID IT GOES. ARTICLE ween forced b a on Buelow had which he stood ' 1S sition, |aown | ids We cut these VYaneouver, Viet f asked ¢ od, e o less than 20,06 ‘ ae Geer een oon | oe d all sections to tak oo is Greushout ty ers §.S. CHEL © action as wo ake such’ s - ogc Ie ited | GEOR oe over the Belgian border. himay yack ‘et uld enable him to ro tates as well as Canada ap ted ie a OnSIN } ont . ~ eland and tr Ola fact that tl _— it is ‘ ranhy tay N i GE : eleetion spi ransiate the lat the embar Vraree er oes i AUCTIONEER LEFT spirit of the taken off it Pe are Vigtoria, Dents NG ALLI oe used by | ® words fe- : will aaa ta Agency: Am year, Fave 1im : weeks to get t« ke five ericen Ex } a R in the House.| don. ; = teas here yume Lon PHONE 568 press, Atlantic Steamer ! TIRED SOUTH PR ’ , and it may take very JOHN BARNSLEY ons } — EDICT BRITISH fie cok car We sore eee Stem, sow a OPEC U OD Sat SITUATION UN lngerbeeuse of the aificte| —— a - on as emma CHANGED, WILL MAKE REAR ainsuu ing steamers (0 e4"1) | ——v ae a difl t e have lots of | f — —_— — = (Special t ieulties with whic A Real Lover ate OC } o THE NEWS) ACK ON GERM sid which to deal be Cimetation Keka nanes 4 a e , a the ambargo : _s OLD WA eee ere ee er SRS Ws Notes _ eo) ane a. 2 On our teft| ANS have nearly Woubled. “ freights | TCH FREE ' —— CEs te — ; . i, as a result of a " 5 ow York, Sept. 6. insurance-—the mpossi a ro A stratebttor 7 4 Try 8 = inal movement 1} turning Jones Com The Dow, | lai int ibility of} 4 qunarens — ‘ y Smith & Killas’ ice er ; DEMO i . wy the German ar pany stock mar : aining exchange on . °- s«))! ¢ s’ ice cream A n order not to 4 army reports that th ket wire which 1 London — ‘ * * -| A variety eect der accept battle un-|sht e London cen tee rone of the banks here ' Mrs. Jennings left tains many 1 paromadinagy stigpear | unfavorable conditior p was tightened at n sor-jhave to sell-—at least ol : ing for Cedarville this morn-|at “aa. savers for you eeuinn retired toward the oth et holding up i? eer ee on. wares lay aes 5 ' . . Southwest Sa e south, sages regard mes- |" were ays ag” when | * ' Ye 3 198tf| Rett in the region iF ing the operati re trying to buy * ' Gomes at ee a ce], our forees ad of | France and Belgi ons in To add to o y* | * 1 ae lath nd see ; them—ladies’ | dak ‘oruga, @ merehent of Bo enemy monmentaril a ster the | it is nelieaae ow: Friday last ur troubles oat * oats. Wallace's. 9 ako, arrived in the cit “h~\ter right ae the een. | Sritish ere that thera ast we received a tele-|| : or oe P 8tfi night's tre city on last , The situation 1 propose a re gram stating that ’ ls estan s train. unchanged ion remains | the Germans by a oA attack on | !ete had ae : the 8.8. Kee-| * oat : £ in season cook ; * + * which arge force|® lol ‘ ed at Boston if } * the way you like it. oe eee Come in and see our hand CRUISER has been landed at ee. aa : tea for ue which we e . Igoe ote, We oust yom. ox ‘ ALF HALLIGAN ate. ine een andsome . o have aha op nowt me and A gy &. a tat he 4 ee 139-t¢. er ses in silk and wool no NURNBERG eeeneeee ienantede i ished here, but the o i ore wt cenatital weaich, Rekeenewereeererers ieesiites «be * aanenat All the very ited NOW AT HO “ Wea ** eee we wall Cush nah ss Go. who we } dow be emared. —W i1-L. ws Hy: Berea ee in kitchen mer 8 in all sizes and colors. D NOLULU **e ee ne @ladvises | he oe up here oe veuen secg x. ES t > a £: 2@’ 8. &- e- ** ‘s 1a the ste Pi acacia iineaae seecccem a — s 198tf 203-204 --PACIFIC IS SAF Phe ee ** *& & & & & | COMpany is holdi ag os amship — iis pi Norfolk Rooms, & R. Kwapil : iets eas eee eee cargo. We have other teas FO hot and cold wat eget heated, | Dawson ae representing F. G. (Special to THE NEWS) esterda nd sar JOUNgs. peopre the City of Norwich a1 e sonable. 6th Rar ar. Terms rea. | Fort pation urned last night from San Fra eet nette us the making of a at Hecke test und the Cit - . wae Fulton. orvthin “en He reports that ev British oa Sept. 2.—The *! 5 ae event It took pla “ some place 2 ’ ., whieh ; ’ g is k > fi ri oc : — in the Mediter Not stonbed Raga aes aa woking fine in the in- Pacific is coor ty cable says the the Anglican the afternoon at but away behind tin « ‘ sea Na Two 0 ui brings new fall aii avery Bontiabkead 0 es looking | The German son a for shipping. (enon lx i hureh, with Rev As to the futur * f F Mices on Sixth Oe lace’s a oods to Wal- , ently. sailed armbek whi r eo ficiating. are just ire of tea—we urnished Ho 8s. = from here i ch he groom as much in de j WILL SELL ATA use on te 198 : in & ; iating. cw {though we wer doubt as SACRIF mit Avenue Cx ea ee tf} A football trophy will be Queenstown, was cousin it Sep, Weaemoulh. of the : ce Wha a. ye were not in the trade - Furnish a - laptain Wearmouth, mz at the coming fairs ye given as a prize of war Brest *tcamer Prince J oo Ow = We have never | ey . ed Cabin, Fifth» ig SASS master ofteil. tei air and is open to The G Bi Nadie ohn neh thet a mean’ tei iad so he Comp! enue . ea ti yhn, is being reliev- |< teams in the district. The|'® erman cruiser Nurnbe 1: is Miss Kate Brs i miate” ‘cham and trouble ; F 6H plete Household Fo sie Egy trip by Captain M «% pemeneeseent is in the eo The at Honolulu today nberg —— een ok oe vane aos bens , ms experience rial er of a modern os room house, Fifth . . re- » ‘e as 0 . i ‘ ‘ Ss , , een ro y - - 1e local executive and those f Pan rand, and a very prett ya a aliens rought chiefly about b-room Flat. Birdsey " a Sh i. pene should send in their se en- IS WAR OFFICE ‘ “° mine vyouns task y and) ict del Peoun out eustomere { maple and oak furr . ye, — oe Greer and bis br 4 yefore, Septembe 2ir names AL fanyv quests , - elivering them the me $ - uture, esate for i gg left this } Armstrong anys 12 to G. A. G. SO PUT ON LID “hurch and assembled at the} it full, when we SS io orders alleable range. Every- INSU Greer will be or eaipeg Mr. . nis city. Paris. Sept. 2—1 jhour the brid at the appointed not the tea to deliver ed cant practically new be on the Mationed. He will TTT oe he 2—That the Freneh |! ride was given ¢ The public an be s . FIR steeds Soom f nave checke ench|by her father es. 1 awaviig public can depen ' seen anyti ©, LIFE AND Pacific. om Smithers to THE WEATHER pean tis - 1 the Ge an ad- jwee Miss Nora oe bridesmaid SALADA’ Tea Co ss a me the Angle Apts oy = se : aia 1e north is if ora Brand, a s as it has Pe eee ee ee ; es an ele . wa ws 1 is anno the bride. an a sister |iac) for twent Fulto TMs eit nahede Miened 4 5 a. m., September 2, 194 in a censored dispatch. TI ince a ahi tee eo the groom was back, with the et five ears ton = a Flat can be KISSICK, "EDWARDS f general pert Towing Go Barometer 2, i. patch says the 1@ di8-| con fr. Miles. Hender tea at the ve quality of sed, if desired, c al towing; the new cr een detente teeta TE 30 124 )} ne , ve censorsh , After the ndur- xe very lowest pric , cheap. tug “P.H.T. No. 4.” got Riae ) Trea eae Se ashe ee SS Hewiety ope i> enieiiiinmes t-sehietion ana nee teeta hich ah bocce” " Also a KISSICK aie aaa ~— * Phone Red an Ge " a Northern Fran 2 . : f a inltane ts’ al, pt on was held from 20 aS0 ine Sixth S$ Box 96. A sat) eke 0 ceedingly stric as become ex-| bride’ ix at the home .of 6 | treet Phone . 96. Agency for the “ we Sol ties 3 rict Ihe fter ride’s parents f the NoT . UNC Crude Oil M Avance August papers of Paris car afternoon} went to where mar ICE TO THE only Pri : ie . 165tf Mean mn Summary. ss all reference to ne e out with heen " = best wishes to reed Tt PUBLIC ly 4 months old, at a nce Rupert, BC ‘ ax sc seeeecseoee 6.2 t i he progress mn oung couple ; ‘his is . é j 7 -— Phere were three Gr : — temp. (Aug. 23 ae nilitary events bloc ked a of he bridé Bact alae is to warn the publie that Bargain oa captains aboard the oe Trunk in. temp (Aug. 314 a 2s pink and wh t ied a bouquet of]/ent it is now pending for a r P > _ i : ae e roses ¢ e on a co : ra pa : when she left port a eae tainfall (inches) .. oe | renee Im ANTWER ee eetiey. Fhe irtaommana oes Se cee ded installing in = HARRIS - laptain Morehor st evening. Ait “a9 OVE P quet ws wridesmaid’s bou stoves and ith and Fultor . ouse was : -—-—— R FREN as of white carns -|anyone ranges, and mand ; s in com-| 8€ CH vic | - carnations ¢ installing such e 7 was eee a McKenzie EF EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD Antw — . er a the valley. ns and] fringement ~ ‘ania . - OF ID | peeeee THE DAILY NE Wear y -_ also Captai ) a ee , erp, Sept 2 ‘ a ong the many hs me having this — , OF any . armouth with his, heen, ptain ab. nae. Rents. 3d Genter at jw Fejoicing +e Pe ry is oe was a cabinet. Be sayrsrsie hteed be gee Sastasg will be ‘“ py °| ~ George W . ; cold t , for eighteen years in | ere that two German pal ~ J vs the officers and crew t aa upon my receivia 3 7 anaes Dail News Pe e . Morrow re storage was expose : sions of 12,000 1 avairy)"" ws - Price Ving patens papers i last evening f returned | public view posed to the | destroye nen had bee The until Septe ace } y from ¢ . for ¢ royed in Belgiur eel 1¢@ bride anc ; be $45 pwd mber 15th ' CL } em “ty ° m a visit to Wood | half at the i Sew and a|Freneh ee ee and that the|the evening ¢ - L groom left in $15.00. The Reliable rece ASSIFIED ADS. ar Reve — save ‘he in. icently. d markets re-|had won a weno . : Pau for a trip aka yh a ince John HARRY HANSON, eleared there some of his land| an teehee wes wm Germans east ictory over the |bost of frie 1¢ wharf a Phone 48! af | as ade ; of Amie iends ead : 0. FOR tivation He or under cul-|'"5 qualities, but or ~ ome - re give them a toe, ~ Brnaees to} , — FOUR ROOMED FLAT i ip: seateativenss vunding faith | ne perfectly sound ath me ASKED FOR ARMIST the Iris Colonel ese Ad “er FOR RENT—-Large furnished front , : ; ss, mainte sligt ow , althoug Irish F ‘Spadden, © ee —— 2s et eee Se oo = it will even rac a) Pevgiey on It was pul Sak TO BURY GERMAN aad of usiliers, took a ml NO. Tec i |= woe es Baily WITH BATH $25 as. ; Ca ae ie to remain an object| Lond DEAD |,,.. eee ~ the organizing of | ALUM Tee na h RENT. ——Single of double sities ms ’ “3 sa oe . y, the owners hoping ondon, Sept. 2.—The E co aad ibly As the boat pulled LABEL view; steam d Apartments, with fine % ee date Sach aint le ee eet ve allowed to complet S\ing News publish ven- | oi, 7 bride and groom 7 ee elephone 442 well furnished | s through . 0k ou ie sntury, at least ble Al fry : lishes a dispatel given ree heart . , ere id aur ols Tieden 2 train to Prince oes anes ay rom ia einai tile miilinstin i Ne oles rl ar y cheers. — FOUR ROOMED H iis morning fodan: vag er was shippe genera! staff ur to the}l ” guests wer . SALE Agent Bill Armst ig rain | Brisbane, Australia pped from} man ; aff which says the Ge tix, Captain and M re Canon Comma ing after the rong was look-|15%6, to a fir a, in February, one = hee bean ata r-|Captain and M rs. MeCoskrie, aes PK SALE 7 ' ON TAYLOR ST Tae alee 1@ passengers. A tour- | act : 1 firm of military con their terrible loss necked Dy}A, Slo« rs. Groves, Captair a I f wood on Beaver | . 9 ia eper was attached on aa oo rs at Malta, who used it f | fast few days es during thel( apta mb uncle of the bride , pakel D. Ste ae ¥é 00 per cord - his car goe ie |@Xperimental purposes OFlsays the repor The Germans,| Mrs. in D. MeKenzie, M p wontes ~ one Diet ts-20 $20 00 through. Tr: s right|the Governme 8. When | a; report, even aske rs. Cawley. Mr. ; ' r. and a ; POR SALE 968-298 | _ vill ain Agent T. W. 8S: ‘ nent reeently t armistice to asked antireo, \ ’ r. and Mrs. M THE MATTER « Perfect Lot 13, Block 45, 8 | . . a. I o shapes 5 : ip an ; . ssue © plicath and o ; ille will be in tomorr 4 ver the storage at M ook |This is bury their dead Mr \ Men Molt un the i oo a an application for Ae cea level and on street a on 8; | train from Prince x with the |s!ipped the piece Malta, the firm | offic well founded, though ad.)Mrs. Godenrath eilly, Mr. and pubdiviek 10 and 11, in ‘block 41 of title om inve snent Carenee to sult Sian at | wit) be standar jeorge, There ies; eamain ce to London. ; ial acc ording to repo - “> Miller Mre on. Mr. and Mrs Five, rn . ne Lot 642" » the Owner, P.O, Box ee have the money ed for 1 dard sleepers attach-|emp! ' tem of refrigerati rent, ports cur-[Stepher - Stephens and Mi Columb 1a Map wiet Provines ef’ Betiin 1esuf | APPLY TO or use 0 . Or attach. | employe P rigeration | hens, Miss , Miss] NOTICE awe : oe | gelling a the first-class ser- sp yd & ring this period was | Mrs eee I Rosten, Me. analel PTICK 1S HEREBY GIVEN that it ts] — WANTED arts Saturday. : culation produce rs Smartly cut and 2’ rs. Roberso of one month trom after the expiration | ( P | ates ) aor compr d by an /ladies , the latest style Mrs. Darton, M n. Mr. [hereof @ fresh cert! the first publicati n/GIRL WANTED i ipression machine. ! pric 1 “ fall coats at m = ” Miss Walker Mi Cambell i Louts gormacate a ttle in the | Cigar Factory, a ety | Prince “Ei ; ‘28. Vallace i oderate|Fayle. Mr a8 ardy M ’ peas ole which Certifie above men.| '' >! THIN : ———— . s ( and Mre . ies mber 15, 1910, cate is dated! ana As caretaker . 198tf. Mr. Parkin and ae ee A. Smith, H oot Pampered ar | Highest meee — a x a ell — Newy. Land Re : District Re WANT , vod 208 ————- — €., July iia Prince aanmionres. | troard oak Taal , pentlemen tor | i Sever wiy Mra, ¢ fia seauh Ae, NP, tag “Seon ws 203-205 EMPRESS COFFE! F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE ayer Of