somber 10, 1914. gopte (day FE 1) BRITAIN'S PRESS BUREAU THE DAILY NEWS. ——— , OCEANIC CRUISER | ( A TOTAL WRECK . | - | FS” CK (F LOUVAIN London, Sept. 9 The official) press bureau say The Oceanic, | WIT-A-1 the White Star lines which is! “UNPARDONABLE ACT oF BARBARISM now in the British service and] —_— A ’ | NOUNCE D—THERE was NO gxoves, yn DE- has been created a eruiser, is} goth Stomach Trouble HAD SURRENDER CUE — EVERYONE Bow & tolal wreck on foe Relea coast of Seotland rhe officers’ d Headaches London, Rept 10 | and crew were ived | an it tl destruction of the th. 1915 vas aghast last week f Louvain, which ont., JUNK 20th » | : OuUVE » whit ee shat Lowe my life | tail f the destruction fi of Belgium The SCHOONER ALBERT MYERS r since child sin rhe complet tropolis of the Low BROUGHT IN 250 TON COD a if the entire city ha the fifteenth een ; 7 : all coe high vernmant heap of ashes The The cod fish chooner Al treet often following a confers { de Ville has heen bert Myers, wh has been fish ld get er Asquith, the troyed, also the|!"8 during the r in Behr Bo bureau issued a jer ‘} it Pierre: the fa mg [ee arrived esterday and wild ition of the deed vith a library of docked at the cold st ige plant f ‘Fruit rhe destruct and priceless |>5!¢ brought in of fish, me good wnt oliy- was at Historic defences dressed and salted his is eon i aad ave | act of barbar A town with 45,.|Sidered a fair The fish “ee aid the bureau It the size of Gal taken are kre " ‘ d. be the street erate act in ¢ nplet Ontario, has been ins Orne ar to dland e and the law of natio: it i out on the most cod The fishes e paid ied I am off here. { Well e for whieh thi pretext, look 80 itonement Ihe ! erime eave They {tention that it was a I I thout a paralle Everything in son cooked ' can | fie dé by war and a | ‘ \ ages Even At.| the way you like it. London Gafe. VILLEFAMS. |poecause the inhabita ed Milan Our modern i by 4if lon the Ger man trooy f We respects neither EAST INDIA SENDS $2 ae | without warrant a te s, nor the laws 70,000 TO FRONT 1, Ottawa. been plainly prover | wo evil deeds ery aloud 7 Louvain was surrende i the | n ind to horror-struck Simla, India, Sept. 9 That In a neaeeil Germans évorvon a itet The wicked-|4ia is contributing over 70,000 GERMANS BESIEGE U. S. CONSULATE IN LONDON FOR AID IN GETTING HOME arms Even the ‘ ‘ ! bominable act shall|troops to the fighting forces f Thousands of German residents of Lor jon besieging ff aa i srcccreseereeroreoeooes | inv was disarmed | ‘| me the uttermost}the Allies has been made known enuporiadinn to tie Paladins "The ae = U. 8. Consulate seeking means of mile we ie . ‘ ‘ eriane e 2d States is represe ng La ‘ S! SEEDS! ‘nota agouti tony . ' Ser 7 ' reckoning}»y Lord Hardinge, the viceroy j Great Britain during the war and German citizens nent late te oe ge sg “ D . we many to contend that these un —_— rhe troops inelude four cavalry | their own. tt as to = Se armed residents fired Cinenion brigades. | ur 14 ti ’ Ik —— r race 19 Spring troops is absolut« beyond ere { ible launeh for hunt- = = — -_ om dle jo - 4 Why not get the 4 AR ’ 1 assumptior f the Ger best? Fleano Mac.” oo . FLOWER SEEDS man commander wa under the! , : - 7 a ae = CORSETS MADE TO | f ~\ ; ‘ doc z po oe Agente for circumstances, s i f prob . - a | GET A BIRKS’ CAT ability that it car be sup ~— ALOGUE VION NURSERY & ee ee 'P- KAISER COMPLAINS Corsets that ladies can absolutey RCHARDS CO. poser mat in the ae cor TO PRES. WILSON rely upon for average and extra in Feed of all hinds ceal the facts the first idea : ear lings oF mn a hich oceurred to } WAS Seize ae FEED A SPECIALTY sien a a oa ; Washington, D. C., Sept. 9 Gone WRITE FOR ONE TODAY we promptly attended to wv ~~ * yamt . Tran a Sresiden a0 ode receiver a ka without parallel in the hist |! ae he - - t a on tie , MRS. S. LANDO sl civilized peoples. Louvain has|" P°Ts0na! cadlegram from =m- 719 Second Ave Phone 477 2 gees Sa ie a ed Rupert Feed Co. enn wits - a shoaved ai ia af peror William of Germany pro- It Is the most practical and interestin of ite kind In acon, Puene Ge Ok is Mateesee's Gtenmendares in 6 testing against the use by the] oe enn @ book circulation In os ° *Jallied armies in the present war| Columbia. To study It is like a visit to our big store In Van- amnent oe poomon to cover the}. . dum-_dee bea a ates couver. Choose your SEPTEMBER WEDDING GIFTS from the illustrations oa th bed "7 a ‘ ' complained of the participation | CANADIAN PRCWIS MLV. on Ke pagen—-overy Seserigtion te core — © f ereby sufferes 4 | ustration sccurate. ‘hie! be repaired. in the war of civilians with the SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM IN STERLING SILVER, SILVER PLATE, CUTLERY, CUT GLASS and ART POITTTTT TTT Tt rr TT ie nT" : ‘a Se aes es Soe ” , | Belgians PRINCE RUPERT TO GOODS, we assure the most satisfying qualities and utilities —Write for e bureau then discusses a ee eo this CATALOGUE, IT 18 SENT FREE. A TAXI length all the contentions raised | TOR Reae = aes 2 : by the Germans, and quotes the THE WEATHER. Seach ane = — coeee ee _ ———$___——_ ee official statement issued by the ee NEW YORK and return... Belgian legation as proving cor Compiled by F. W. Dowling, | Siteeute Mime tar? F af return . ° : at ae Manes ete aaa io. nda clser Re enry Birks G Sons, Limited PHONE-75 in any way justified im ils re- “4 Princess Sophia southbound > ' » _ O14 Saturday noon prisal September 10, 1944. Princess Royal, Southbound EWELLERS AND SILVE 7 - = a — > gay om (000s wi ekuns 7 SIR JOHN FRENCH Sunday, 8 p.m. J RSMITHS 1e Times. which has hithe is SOc 2404 06r0600.0 ‘ Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director PERT AUTO 6S to been most restrained in its ref-|Min. temp. ............ 16.0 |Who has been appointed Inspec- eumtilias toaneae ae on a Bat J ittt tt htt ttee | orences to German barbarities, is OTEE - At vaswxesaeees 1.74 tor General of the British Army \ S | ALL WINNERS An Army of Buyers have already been here since this Sale commenced and they are all winners. Were You one of the Fortunate Ones? If not, fall in line with the rest. There are still Bargains left and plenty of them in the very thing you ntéd and must have before the fall is over. MENS’ SUITS Regular $25.00—Now $11.90 LADIES’ RAINCOATS Regular $10.00—Now $6.75 MEN’S SHIRTS -- DRAWERS Very Heavy. $1.00 Regular $1.50 SHAKER KNIT SWEATERS. Shaw! Collar, Now $6.00 Regular $7.50 MENS’ SUITS Regular $30.00—Now $16.75 LADIES’ RAINCOATS Regular $17.50—Now $11.50 MEN’S SHIRTS -- DRAWERS Regular $2.25—Now $1.90 EXTRA HEAVY SWEATER Shaw! Collar. Regular $9.00 Now | $7.50 ~ | MENS’ LIGHTWEIGHT DRESS | BUY NOW AND . OVERCOATS Regular $25.00—Now $16.75 LADIES’ RAINCOATS Regular $20.00—Now $13.50 MEN’S SHIRTS -- DRAWERS Very Fine Quality. Regular $2.75 Now $2.10 MEN’S BLACK CASHMERE SOX Regular 25c—Now 2 FOR 25C SAVE MONEY MEN’S RAINCOATS = Heavy Tweed. Regular $20.00 $12.50—Now $965 0~CO $16.50 MEN'S RAINCOATS | Guaranteed Waterproof. Regular MENS’ CRAVENETTE CLOTH COATS Regular $17.50—Now $13.50 MEN'S COMBINATION SUITS | MEN'S COMBINATION SUITS. Heavy Weight. Regular $2.50 Light Weight. Regular $3.50 Now Now i G0 . 2) | ae. _ MEN'S BLACK WORKING MEN’S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS — SHIRTS Regular $1.50—Now 90 | Regular $1.25—Now ee a ee ae MEN’S SILK PYJAMAS | MEN'S SILK PYJAMAS Regular $6.00—Now | Regular $6.50—Now $4.25 $4.50 MEN’S COMBINATION SUITS Fine cenit. aad $4.50 $3.80 MEN’S HEAVY FLANNEL SHIRTS Regular $3.00—Now | $1.90 HEAVY WOOL RIBBED — BLACK SOX Regular 50c-——Now | 3 FOR $1.00 What Should Interest you most is that this is an opportunity for you to save money by spending it- The Cold weather Will soon be here, then you will have to have warm clothing. By buying now you - MARTIN O'REILLY DO IT! save money. easements mete MM a