THE DAILY NEWS 14 1044 RUSSIANS AT KOENIGSBURG ATTACKING CURTAIN FORTS GERman SQUADRONS MOVING aBout THE BAL TIC—RUSSIANS NOW IN TOUCH WITH REINFORCED GERMANY ARMY IN THE EAST. (Bpecial to The Dally News—12 Woon) London. Sept. 11.—A dispatch from Stettin states that the Rus- sians are bombarding the string of German fortresses at Koenigs- bure. Part of the city is in flames. The German Baltic fleet is be- ginning to move. Last Monday a German squadron of 29 vessels was seen between Gotska and Kepparstenarnsu. Yesterday a squadron of 31 large German warships was sighted at Huuvsd- kadr, steaming eastward. A Ger- man squadron consisting of three eruisers was seen southeast of Stockholm steaming in a norther- Krasnick continues to Pe On by the Department of Agriculture fomassow Rawa and Dneister] ij) at the conclusion of the front hard fighting has occurred, judging be prepared to explai The German troops transport-Tthe reason of their awards and| —— SPECIAL FEATURES AT The Exhibition office has been notified that Mr. H. BE. Upton will | be sent by the Department of Ag riculture to Prince Rupert as the poultry judge this year. John Barnsley has ervanged | AM \tor the Union Steamship Gom a wrt pany to give special return fares ly direction towards Petrograd. |i, ‘Exhibition visitors coming | An official statement says Granby, Naas and Port victory achieved by the Russian Simpson by ‘the Chelohsin and troops in the fighting with Venture. r Austrian and German armies near This year the judges provided PRINCE RUPERT FAIR } ed from the west concentrated in] give any information that the ex Eastern Prussia on the River}hipitors may require Alle on September 9 They com- A special space is being resers menced an advance, directing|agq for the department, in whict considerable forces through the} wit) pe shown the produets of the Mazu Lakes district. The Russian} experimental farms in the north advance guard opposed the en- Indian Agent GC. ©. Perry has emy's march and they retreated}arranged for a splendid list of in an easterly direction, prizes for native work of every | ean sa SATURDAY NIGHT'S BOXING CONTEST Both men finish their training tonight at the Windsor Hotel. They are in great shape and both fully confident that they ean de- feat the other over the 15-round route. They have met previously on two occasions, in Tacoma and Vancouver, in four-round bouts. East contest was declared a draw. Barrieau’s record is well known to the Rupert boxing fans. He is only 21 years of age and has only lost one decision, to Billy Weeks at Nelson, in nearly one hundred contests, and on that occasion gave away 14 pounds on weight. Unquestionably he holds the wel- terweight championship of Can- ada, as Hilliard Lang, of Toronto, the holder, has grown out of weight. Barrieau has offered to give him three pounds but Lang claims to be unable to do it. Romeo Hagen has more experi- ence in the game than Barrieau. He is 23 years of age. He de- feated all welterweights in the western states. He beat Billy Weeks at Frisco, beat Frank Mantell at Sacramento in 10 rounds, Eddie Hubbard at Taco- ma for the welterweight cham- pionship of the Northwest, Jim O’Brien for the amateur welter- weight championship of the Northwest at Portland, knocked out Kid Grant in seven rounds at Sacramento. All these men are well known boxers and are main cards in the western states and Hagen is more anxious to meet Barrieau than any other man in the game. There is a good advance sale of tickets and this should be the classiest contest ever seen in Ru- pert. ° TRAMP STEAMER STRUCK A MINE CREW ALL LOST (Special to The Dally News) London, Sept 11.—A dispatch from Newcastle says the tramp Steamer Ottawa struck a mine off ating with the force of Agriculture, town last week. HALF MILLION MEN FOR BRITISH ARMY (Special to The Dally News.) London, Sept. 141.— adopted = in JAPANESE DENY NEGOTIATING TO SEND TROOPS TO EUROPE (Special to The Dally News) Tokio, Sept. 11. to Europe. BRITISH INFLUENCE APPARENT IN RUSSIA (Special to The Dally News) London, Sept The Jews The are Czar ee ee eee * CEE Eee # GITWANGAH NOTES Mrs. Ardagh and Miss Bond are visiting at Hazelton, B. C. * - * Mr. Howitt, o * * Messrs. Moore Bros., ae ee Miss F. Mr. and Mrs. Northumberland yesterday and went down. The crew of 26 were all lost. POPULAR PROGRAM ASSISTED BY SOLDIERS The military program was re- newed last night at the West- holme Theatre and it drew a full house. With the kind permission of Lieut.-Col. George McSpadden and officers of the Lrish Fusiliers a number of the soldier boys took part under the direction of Ser- geant Drummer Warburton as- isted by Corporal Enderby. A number of popular military songs were sung, ineluding “The Boys of the Old Brigade,” which aroused tremendous enthusiasm. There was also a popular selec- tion by the buglers. The entertainment was patron- ized ‘by the officers of the regi- ment and their ladies. The sol- diers have proven. themselves good entertainers and will receive a hearty response on any future oocasion should they decide to assist. Don't think because a girl's complexion is a dream that all dreams are hand-painted. in the interests of J. A. Mackenzie | Pathfinder. & Co., contractors, oe ee oe @« @ Mr. Horace Du Vernet, of Git- BRITISH DEFEATED wangah, is spending a few days GERMANS IN in town with his parents. He will return on next Wednesday's train. AFRICAN COLONIES * * * Mr. Swarthout, of the Terrace London, Sept. 10.—The British News Letter, News office today. Mr. his venture in Terace. *_ * * rica, according to an announce- Mr. Horace Du Vernet, of|ment made by the official bureau. Shandilla, has a fine crep of to-| The Germans lost seven ofli- matoes which are ripening up|cers killed and two wounded, to- rapidly. He is pleased with his gether with two field guns and first attempt to grow alfalfa,j/#wo machine guns. The loss which yielded two euttings, and|among the rank and file has not the roots reached a depth ‘of two feet nine inches. Se @.@ was four killed and = several Mrs. D. H. Beatty, who pur- wounded. The loss among the chased land here last spring, is|*@nk and file has not been ascer- so well pleased with the pros- tained. pects of this valley in the agricul- tural line that he is going to make it his permanent home and has hard at work clearing the time mep land and is at the erecting a nice home, same COMMANDER-IN-ONIEF London, Sept. lieved that the German Crown | Prince has been appointed com- | ‘Tle of forces against Ruseia, Premier As- quith's motion to add half a mil- lion men to the British army was unanimously House of Commons yesterday. the Japanese ficials deny that Japan is negoti- Allies to send a 11.—Returning visitors speak of a new spirit in Russia. treated. through the streets unatten jed. kindly drives of the Department was a visitor in of Prince Rupert. arrived last week to spend a lengthy visit at their brother's ranch. B. Kemp has just re- turned to the Kitwangah school, having spent the past six weeks visiting friends in England. - - A. 8. St. John left last week for Santiage, spent the past four months here having paid a visit to The Swarth- out is having great suecess with 10.——-According to a Petrograd dispateh it is be. the German lists can | who are in description. Printed be obtained by those terested. The category includes | totems, cedar bark mats, baskets, moccasins, model Indian houses, et cetera. There will also be given several good prizes to the native who ap- pear in the most striking Indian costumes during the time of the Exhibition. So we are likely to have chiefs in war paint and feathers which will be a surprise to come of our eastern friends who are expected to arrive in four-gallon hats and claw-ham- mer coats. Fred W. Bohler, of Kitsumka- lum, has sent 68 exhibits from his ranch. This is the highest num- ber of entries from one party. COMMITTED SUICIDE IN COMOX RESORT W. B. Chivers, late of New Ha- zelton, and known there as a Texan, committed suicide last night in a Comox Avenue resort. He had been hanging around the city for some time and latterly was drinking heavily. Last evening he went down Co- mox Avenue and entered Alva O'Neill's place. Boon after he pulled a gun out of his pocket and fired a’ shot through his breast. It was fatal and he drop- ped instantly. Chivers was a powerful stature. During the re- cent bank robbery in Hazelton he took an aetive part in the defence of the town. He was a good man with a gun. So far as is known Chivers has relatives in this country. An inquest will be held today by Goroner McMullin. IT WAS SUBMARINE SANK PATHFINDER (Special to The Dally News.) London, Sept. 414 Later ports say it was a German marine and not a torped. which sank the British young man of no re- eub- boat cruiser and defeated a Ger- man 400 Which entered Nyassaland in British Central Af- troops met force of been ascertained, The but was heavy. British loss among whites DAIRYMEN GIVE MILK Tv PATRIOTIC FUND Belleville, Ont., Sept. 10, terday the Bellville unanimously pased a resolution asking all patrons of factories and all dairymen not factory pa- trons to set aside the milk of Sep- tember 18 for the patriotic fund, drawers, nakers and buyers also contributing their services free. Campbellford and -Yes- Cheese Board Hastings, district engineer camp came evening, work, the south. with the jury cide. i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS rry Smith & Killas’ ice cream os some Opening — Friday and| urday. September 11 and 12.) | Miss L. M. Kuster. 207 -8-9 . == Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea- sonable. 6th Ave. and Fulton. 2 € Wanted—House and lot in Sec- tion 6 or 6. Must be cheap and terms easy. MH. G. Helygerson, Ltd. 207-213 S ee Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Hearne f Fort George, are in the city Mr. Hearne is gold commissione! that city. ee &:¢ Gol. W. P. Anderson, superit tendent of light, of Ottawa, is ex pected at the marine depot here in a few days. nepection. He is on a trip of * * * Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday, September 11 and 12, |the ladies of Prince Rupert are cordially invited to attend.Miss L. M. Kuster. 207-8-9 . . . Wm. Manson, M, P. P., accom- panied by Mrs. Manson, leaves to- morrow by the G. T. P. for Otta wa. Mr. Manson will attend the general conference of the Metho dist Church. * * ® The Prince Rupert Towing Co., general towing; the new crude oil tug “P.R.T. No. 1.” Phone Red 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Ageney for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor. 165tf o-288 W. Bosworth, who has been at headquarters on G. T. P. eonstruction down from the interior last having completed his He is leaving tomerrow for The coroner's jury sat yester- day on the Comox Avenue shoot- ing case. The evidence taken went to show that “Texas"’ Chiv- ers had wanted Alva O'Neill to leave town with him and she re- fused. Chivers had been drink- ing hard and during a quarrel girl he shot himself. The brought in a verdict of sui- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is to warn the publie that patent is now pending for a pat- ent on a oo! I am installing in kitchen stoves and ranges, and anyone installing such coil or in- fringement on said coil, or any one having this installed, will be subject to be sued for damages upon my receiving patent papers. Price until September 15th will be $15.00. The Reliable Plumber, HARRY HANSON, Phone 489. Sterling works have taken similar action ROYAL FRUIT MARKET A great variety of FRESH FRUITS just received — make your mouth water. ROYAL FRUIT MARKET Third Ave., Near Postoffice DECLARES RUSSIAN | REPORTS GIVE TRUTH | Times Correapondent Says o| Potersburg Believes in Final Success. London, Sept. ¥ relegraphing from St. Petersburg, the corre- spondent of The Times declares that the war reports given out by the headquarters staff in the Rus- sion capital are generally rather in contra-distinetion | | n Berlin and meagre, but long-sustained and heavy fighting at this point, the Russians occu pied where the Austrians had taken up positions fortified by fleld works, name deleted by censor Of the Russian advance several places continued on reports. Ir conclusion, pondent of The the information headquarters in St. Petersburg indicates that the Russians, spite of the Austrian stubbon de fence, will bring victory home this long sustained and terri’! battle. in which probably tore than 1,000,000 men are the cotre Times says that given out at eng aged IMPORTANT ! Auction Sale Very Superior Household Furniture By order of P. R. Harris, Esq., at his residence, known as the Angle Apts., on the lane west Fulton St., back of Sixth Ave., Tuesday and Wednesday next at 2.30 p.m., consisting of birds- eye maple bedroom, and oak diningroom, furni- ture, malleable range, 6 holes, etc., ete, Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Holstein Milk for Babies specially Bottled TESTED cows An invitation is cordially ex- tended to the citizens interested to imspect the dairy premises during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 Wednesdays and Saturdays when milkn ~ | operations are being con- ducte BOXING Frank Barrieau, of Vancouver: who is matched with Romeo Hagen, will work out at 7:30 each night, and Romeo Hagen, of Seattle, at 8:30 at the Windsor Hotel gymnasium. Frank Barrieau holds the welterweight championship of Western Canada, and Romeo Hagen the welterweight championship of the Western States. The contest will take place at the Nationa! Sporting Club, Saturday, September 12. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies renee’ Supplies MONARCH P.O. DRAWER 1624 HARDWARE MALLEABLE PHONE No, 8 Sheet and Plate Glass Piate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware e “ Stay Satisfactory Range."’ — to what is the case Vienna, they are always true rhat the headquarters will stick } to this plan also when the news | is bad is proved by their recent announcements At the same time the Russian Fourth army crossed the eastern) frontier of Galicia and after a se ries f m I uunters in which it was everywhere victori ous, drove back the Austrian) forces massed there until a gen eral battle ensued, about thirty miles east of Lemberg After namely at} A. BR. Rand, President, Factory and Office: Seventh THE PRINCE RUPERT 54 AND DOOR COMPANY 1) Manufacturers Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Sero) and all kinds of Finishings, Store » tures, House Finish a Spo) Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 ~ tees "eee and Band § ne Otten Fis, Wing, Avenue, Hays Co Prine ee oON® Cltate Pin a Weestocessean ——. ROYAL BANK arn nOOt OCCA tea OF CANADA | HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAI Capital $ 11,560,000 Reserve Fund 12,560 000 Total Assets 175,000 000 Savings Bank Department — $1 Wil! Open ay Acooun Branches Throughout Canada tions With All Parts of Ut! Agents Throughout the w: HM. P. WILSON - = = Manager Prince Rupem Crens toceeecscooecescessseel ee THE UNION STEAMSHIP §.S. VENTURE OOOO OOOO aa CO., OF B.C. LIMITED | “The Daily News’ have i. CLASSIFIED ADS. board and room 241 Seventh Ave. Bride Apply Mrs. Cragg, est, near c 203-205 WANTED—Pupiils for business college in Prinee Rupert $12.50 per month dgy Classes; $5.00 per month eveniig classes Leation, Second and Second. | Apply Box 09, Dally News 20a WANTED—ARepresentatives in each town, | men or ladies; whole or spare time to build up business of their own and be come Sales managers for our goods.| We start you in business practically | without capital No experience neces sary Write at once and get this wou derful offer The Merchants Premium Association, 1686 Georgia 68t,, Vaneou- ver, B. C., Dept. B. 205-207, NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur NOTICE suant t the Creditors Trust Deeds Act and Amending Acts Robert W_ Cameron, | of the City of Prince Kupert, in Province of British Columbia, Jeweler, has | this day made an Assignment to David) Charles Stuart, of the said City of Prince fiupert, accountant of all his real and) personal property, credits and which may be seized, solid or under execution for the benefit creditors A MEETING of Creditors will be at the office of Mesars ah Solicitors, Sixth pert, B. C., om Friday, the 18th day : September, 1014, at the hour of 2:30/ ‘ kh, V. M, to receive a Statement of affairs, and for the general ordering the Ketate And the creditors are | hereby notified to atiend such meeting | ellher i person or by representative } AND PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that is | | | } | the | attached of his} pois | Willams & Man Street, Prince Ku the and after the 15th day of Oetober, 1014 the said David Charlies Stuart, the signee, will proceed to distribute the as “ets of the Debtor among the parties en tied therete, having reward only for the claims of whieh the said then received notice signee will not be lable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or | persons of whose claim notice shall not | have been received on or before the said ihth day of October, 1014 Dated at Prince Kupert, in the Prov inee of British Columbia, this tat day of September, 1014 DAVID CHARLES STUART, Assignee Mesers Williams & Prince Kupert, B. ¢ Assignee shall The said As By his Matson, Solicitors, Siath Street, FOR GALE Second-hand Gasoline Engines One 80 HP. 8 cyl, Fairbanks Morse, with | equipment. One 18 HL.P. 2 cyl, Buffalo, with equipment. AKERBERG, THOMSON & CO. Agents for Union, Kelvin, Fisherman, An derson and Ferro Marine Gasoline Engines Bolinder & Nelseco Crude Ol) Bngines Also Foos Stationary Engine ' SERA EEEEE EEE RHE Sails for Port Simpson, Mill Bay, N ton for Vancouver. Victoria, Seattl ‘ s Sails for Granby pis Naas River, Su for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Ever Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers PHONE 668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND ave - 39--PHONE-3 ’ ' ' eae oaiees 7 ee aan | TAXI } POR RENT-——Large furnished front room, , $12 per month Apply Box 07, Dally ' News 203 — = - j _«- FOR SALE + ALF HALLIGAN POR SALE.-75 cerds of wood on Beaver geek eee ee eee rere 5 Creek, Porcher igiand; $4.00 per cord Apply A. D. Stewart, Spiller P. 0./ “= Porcher Island 203-208 eoccccsoooccoccrores cooly FOR SALE.-Lot 13, Block 45, Section 5; Perfectly level and on street grade. Only . $50 cash and balance to suit Snap of an investment Must have the money Owner, P.O. Box 809 1eau WANTED Insurance Compal N Girl yy) t shootir I Se ” - =a = . ry o10 M specially prepared m@ oe ; on various plane of Life WANTED—-Position by Japanese Good will be mailed you fre of camp cook Apply FP. O. Box té A upon receipt of the f Nishio 200-214 properly filled out POSITION As caretaker or charge of Name in full boarding house by experienced person Highest references Box 01, Dally moe Gent Sivthday News 204-208 You Weed Life insurance @ WANTED.—Two young gentlemen for Should Have Our Terme em Taking Out « Polly The New Excelsior wt form of Policy, with ie bes a ditions, special features, a tial guaranteed surrender rave at non-forfeitable provisions, mat ® @ peculiarly desirabie form of - ence for intending ‘nsurers Cut out this « mar turn to: KISSICK, EDWARDS & KISSICK Distr Agents Prince Rupert, BO. p, fi nN Al ‘THE DaiLy New efects, | -——— For Sal Lor 19 BLOCK 29 SECTION 8 PRICE $650 ALL CASH ¢ R. Naden (0,, SECOND AVENE EMPRESS COFFE! F. G@. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE nupent