— THE DAILY NEWS, Tuesday, September 15, 1014, CO —— — - ea Beth, 0% (OPP C CP; M+ Fe Deee ) THE EWS “— | a - THE DatLy NE BRITISH COLUMBIA 2ASSING EVENTS HB DNG Gas G. T, P. RAILWAY ta Dp ; Published Daily and Weekly : peers > AK | NG rill n i rk POPC C COS ona. | rs Guaranteed Largest Circulation Creceerceee Bs a roug oervice mAb - ———— oer | j ywenAh, EDT on AND MANAGER Yon der| Airmen are reported to be tak -| t ee a el f the|ing a promiment part in directing | To the E ’ i HEAD OFFICH Distriet,|{he German aréillery in the os as rine wt, B.C. Telephone 08 against the Allies. Aeroplanes Trains leave Prince Rupert on Wednesdays and Sat- « ard Ave, Prine Rupert, Teen i ple ; yuilding, or st Cont . , B°V-l hovered over the British posi. | in a urdays at 10 a. m. CGonnecting at Winnipeg for St. Paul, isPLAY ADVERTISING—560 cents per inch, Contra part of Bel-ltiong, and their pilots an alted| ae k Chicago, ete. application old, has|the German batteries my mans | We Want You to Know FIRST-CLASS RATES | n military|of a disk swung af the end of a One Way.. Round Trip el ae oe n. “A Nechtime These Hose Toronto $63.75 $92. TION vigye Puesday, Rep , 1914 ; ml é They stood the test when ouewe $70.98 198.00 ne of the tials ‘ , | all others foiled. They give St. Paul .. $47,756 00 . Betrayed by a German spy dis } fhe Chi or $5556 2.60 ted] lines of racial syimpath MUtAry) coised in a Belgian uniforn 348 | real foot aden “he have New et it eae aheds $7365 $108.50 . he exper the main oo? on . . no seams to rip. ley neve! F 8i Reservations, Th h Tickets, Ete. } of the} he terrible price of the p ’ Linte~| Be Igians were killed at Merbes aaah whetle rio oa pd a+ > eRe b--a--y Stiee ape lokets, Etc., apply to the will} ent war can only be comp: permanent|let-Chateau, when tricked by the | : ’ G. T. P. Steamer Prince John salle for the South on September 16, re ae ated by a lasting peace at ue Not-|spy into taking a path of danger.|| ‘he shape is knit im not 28; October 13, 27, eto. , p Ar sis t " t rv hi a t ie ‘ee, he was re-|The refugee who brought the! pressed in. They are GUAR- i ent that re eee 7 “ - ' he probable|story to the Allies declared that| ANTEED for fineness, for ot drop oul org 2 an a ~ settle ‘a { i ‘ the lead-|the Belgians kept several thou style, for superiority of ma- com riction as OSSD Alt I . | ‘ P onad - “ : t ead ; 7 saad way to 7 thet is k : ' ' an armnie¢s|sand Germans at bay for three} terial and workmanship, ab- Ree #| hone 554 P.O.Box 6° na Germany d 10 iteelf al f his work|days until the spy showed thera} solutely stainless, and to * ¢ on P sept tog ai ¢ - ce an having been|a path which he said was a afe;| wear six months without . GRANITE #| PERHANGING ght } vurse, it) cial ant aie oa Seweee 80 Rol j*! the army OD|retreat. The Germans, said the| holes or replaced by new * at * A lie subjection ar inw , | . Allie — Z ioe ection nN i the map-|refugee, then shot them down pairs free. * Granite of best quality 4 AINTING ato He pe aia se ve cle e whie 4 aiilinttten i OUR FREE ee * and thoroughly tested for ‘| OLISHING AND ae a * against? (Characterizing the Germ tai] To every one sending US |/* sale, Cut stone or crushed # : - calists. ophets ¢ semi. |) 6 sharacterizing ' rerman ¢ * ; ; a sul stone ° : } after driving I o a : c “hae : ae * ue nvasion. fficial statements which are being|| 2 to cover shipping * rock in quantities, * WALL TINTING ve reo ‘LS ‘i 6 § i = redial | : pecetoty Oa. a d y : A ve ao ' ‘th circulated broadcast and are de charges, we, will send, sub- * NEIL J, MeLEOD, * Kign grade nterier de i nom == a” aetna te Gidile a. has been)clared to be sent from Germany ject to duty, absolutely free: * Telephone: Green 247 «|! aL the t of such, powers 0 unrighteousne | ‘ ms i an Three r f f a ’ af | | i onger men bs wireless, as mendacious pairs of our tamou * tf *|” S “it to bring the} would be eae tee when |} ipple with theland absolutely at variance with AMERICAN SILE HOSE [ly *|| Martin wanson their senses spears wot pf 1 intoly Pr : op iI) iTERE : { h I . peat j ale « : urnet i |’ j i ~ them being ithe true faets,” the British War| with written GUARANTEE, EERE HEHE Second Avenue, near McBride mh the mad/ pruning Rooks; when the lam! a 4 ' well tried}Office announces that it will re-|} @"Y color, of a h if power and the lion would lie down t ilesmen as MM. Ribot, Briand,|ply to them j Three pairs of our Ladies’ } a) gether and a little child should | Mijjerand and les Guesde. the ae \| Hose in Black, Tan or ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY me, however, | lead them Others have gon | Socialist M. Millerand takes the The British forces in the Gold White colors, with written pW p | ; re | i tie ar " an i andi j . . ITERE I " ype. | A. hit _ gears than th iWar po which he held be-| Coast Golony have seized the Port Gl ARANTEE, bSecond Avenue, x oomestte Empress —— th the) have associated it with th e witl ‘ ability if Lome in German Togoland, on DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- 4. m. to ft >.> The favorite Household Coal Kaiser go — aoe second §= coming — he West Coast of Africa. South || Pires when dealer in your yt ten are cordate. Cleanest, Brightest, Best hat nee i others th : of the ‘ 7 j 6 . oct , sjec , : That France want world. Panatiodl cect. |. Xavier de Castelnau: the 12-)Togoland, up to 120 kilometres|| locality is selected. Give lis 9, macpunALD, CHAS. DENNIS, | NEW WELLINGTON COAL ©O., sace-I ine can) anatic ear-old s General Castel-|north from the coast, was ‘simul- color and size desired, President Secretary oom cibest, abe. and the Kiel | throughout history have named|nau, French Chief of Staff, was|taneously surrendered During international Hosiery Co. Be saws a ow to Denmark. A} ‘days when the great « among the killed in the recent)}the operations one British and 21 Bittner Street : rument for Poland} was to take place. One of the action on the Belgian border. two French officers and twelve Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. VERY LATEST Biue Prints of | pout 10's vedo Sen ee Ye “ she United British and sixteen native troops DISTRICT FURNISHED \ st be done States have had themsely on kK «} s of Roumania is s0|were killed Togotand i situe Ng irles ¢ ’ ania is ¢ . wots © CIRCA I... _..nnsovtcrecnistsinciinteiasiniiediatahiiciiiiaiaaiaiaaiiala t of Burope — record for years that 1944] serious! that it is said he will between the Gold Goast and Da- ane ae APARTMENTS Kaiser mean the, would be the date The coinei-| shortly abdicate homey. the French colony. ¢ , abdicate. ome ’ 0 , and, |CrTY COUNCIL MAY > h ent of bie empiae.) Gencs tn interesting, though - although the coast line is small, ENTER COAL BUSINESS 207 SIXTH STREET - Bj in two and thteeccem aame. * ’ “ , | ‘ 3 dis ° 4 fe o people = be much di A number of Danish and Nor-|the territory inland widens con- sinnsiaialiipsie J. E. DYER. Phone Black 334 M the most se- turbed. Such ideas take their|wegian vessels and one Scoteh|siderably, and the area exceeds Owing to the recent rise in the | ——— : - —— that will face rise from old ideas of the}trawier have been sunk, and many |33,000 square miles It has be-lprice of local coal the City Goun- THE LITTLE GIANT pa No doubt world which looked upon it as}of their crews drowned by coming |longed to the German Empire for |eil ordered the purchasing agent| VACUUM POWER OLEANER Phone 174. $74. temptation a doubtful and temporary ex ' I i los g *e , : y | oe ae rs i . in canta with floating mines|some thirty yeurs. Lome, whieh}to inquire into the cost. Ue pre- a: ee ‘ana Dirt and iat the defeated periment Phe new ideas of}sent into the North Sea by Ger-|was seized, is the chief port and ;sented a report last night which bo ym ny SMITH & MALLETT tain W have teeta seem - ae that | mans the capital of the colony. ) shows that after paying for all in- * SS given. bay st stock of vps —P s if she is lo pre- we only possibie goal for the | cidental cost it could be deliver- FRED mene amouver, Crane ves a would be a pity, | world is perfection and that | ons tings, Pipes cut to order it ' jed west of Hays Creek for $9.15 lpnone Rea 260 P.O. Box 237 Third Ave. Head of Second Strest have it thus since we are a long piece fron . » i e f 7 Mt) afta gee outs GERMANS REINFORCED GERMANS IN FRANCE |," 2 vm tal wel ed mong the | of the worl RUSSIANS RETREAT ARE STILL RETREATING "se" "201 dotted soon 0. ©. sTuarr and sent it back to him. It iS] .aiN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS possible that the eity will go inte Cement, Brick and Tie Work Booounsnt i e (Special to The Daily News.) (Special to The Betty News) the coal business as they feel $2 Estimates Furnisnes Berlin, Sept. 15.—A new Ger- Paris, Sept. 15.—It was offici- per ton too much margin of profit. Phone Biue 828 = ae ‘inde my ae = man army is being sent to ally announced late yesterday that | pj. joes price is $44. - i France. The Russian army which the Germans still are retiring ev- will DR. GILMOY, DENTIST Alex. M. Manson, B. A has advanced through East Prus- erwhere. They are abandoning all | pRicE OF ELECTRICITY ; es w t willie. B.A. LL tb ; sia on Koenigsburg has been the positions which they erected HAS BEEN LOWERED Crown and Bridge Work a tan 5 forced to retreat. This important to cover a possible retreat. The ania Specialty. WILLIAMS & MANSON y news was officially announced official statement adds: “On our The Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. price of local electricity }Offiee: Smith Bik., Third Avenue money = sane late yesetrday. It is understood left wing the enemy had prepar=| ja. poor reduced. starting Sep- 1585 that a new reinforcing army con- ed to the north of Aisne, between | jyijje, { iesidence and busi- | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. G sisting of three corps (120,000/Compiegne and Soissons, a line) jos. jighting has been dropped UNION TRANSFER CO men), under General von Bohen, | of defence which it has been) pom 48 to 11 cents per kilowatt Office corner 2ad Street and 3rd Avenue (Canada’s gift to the nation came to the German's assistance. forced t oabandon. Some detach=| joi. por month as a maximum,| @8MERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE General von Hindenburg re-|ments .which had held Amiens) power rates are lowered to 7 South Wellington Coal ‘PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED --flour--a priceless gift! ports that the Russians retreated now have retired on Perrone and} ...;. ¢,,; PHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110) 100 kilowatt hours per (Successors to Pacific Transfer Co.) 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT A gift in times of war more precious than sa plies. chantening guns “Tl aa. ser the Geen month or 3 1-2 cents for 720 | Genera Geege gold. The greatest gift of all when the en- eupposs. " je Sener Me MS kilowatt hours. The lighting su- LADYSMITH COAL emy is at the gates and the shot and shell esi . jtook up a defensive position be=) yeriniendent, in explaining — the BOAT BUILDER an diane are whistling without Names tike Luck- IF CANADA WERE ATTACKED. ne oo oan reo move, said the price of coal had — | now, Sebastapol, Ladysmith, would never — e » fn the Argonne region) pee materially reduced this year H. JOHNSTON have made history if their most powerful A curiously perverted notion oe Sn. ae — and there was a good surplus to] gee; Gove Phone Green 281 | BLYTHE BROS. ammunition—Flour—had given out. Can- the Monroe Doctrine is found in| fe yor e ores ithe credit of the plant. The hy- ada's flour is made from the finest wheat various newspapers written by/"0us and beyond Traincourt. dro-electric would be ready by | PLASTERING CONTRACTORS in the world. it is this same wheat, sci- correspondents who assume that ‘On the —_ Sane — ene November 1, otherwise he would RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. | Phone 194 entifically milled, that has made famous the United States would not per-|'%@ Movement of the Germans Is) yo¢ recommend the change. ° : sbi tho aini ' mit a German attack upon Gan-|general trom Mancy to Vosges. re ° ll Satisfaction guaranteed ada if such an attack were pos. |Sunday evening the French terri- GRANDSTAND PLAY. ineers B. C. Land sible rhere is nothing in the [tory in this vicinity had been ‘ Civil Gag a JOHN CURRIE Monroe Doctrine that would pre completely evacuated. The lumber contraet supplied Gurveyere vent German troops from mareh- mn by the Westholme Lumber Gom- — aes Contractor & Builder Oo a tan ar ing from one end of Canada to NET PRICES CHARGED pany is causing a little frietion rane yp ne eee ..Bstimates Given on Moving Buildings. . the other if they could get there FOR ELECTRIC POWER among the longshoremen. The ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Phone Black 294 rie 4 If Germany tried to annex Can- —_—_— 0 estholme people will not pay/]pme Printing, Negatives and White ada, that would be a different} The charges for electric pow-|longshoremens union wages, Prints. Ww ur matter The Monroe Doetrine|er hereafter will be net instead}saying they will unload with their igs aa IMPERIAL MACHINE SHOP does not apply to war. It applies|of the 25 per cent reduction here-}own staff. This union had a let-|@eBride 8t., Prince Rupert, B.C. aeceneniilienmepitiiliniesinill nan took up the cudgels for the)months, the same minimum} Comfortable launch for hunt- Lritish and waxed eloquent overjcharge as Kelly-Douglas andjing parties Why not get the Kritain fighting for the liberties |Stewart & Mobley. This view,| best? “Eleanor Mac.”’ West end of the world, however, was turned down, Government dock, 206-231 ker ells, Pulton Cash and Northern Meat Market Biacksmiths & Horseshoers Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way I" prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld Phone Green 262. Barn at Park Ave * UOOIOIIIOIIOISIOIIDIDIOINID Ioltioigoinnioto ooo F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor lo the alienation of territory. jlofore if paid before the fifteenth }ter before the Couneil last night SEE Repairing Quickly Done samen a . anemones jof the month Phe serviee willjasking that in future a clause ve ¥ cow BAY PHONE | RED 156 Patriotic Aidermen. jnow be discontinued if not paid|be inserted in the contraet com- Prince Rupert Dairy Co. =i " Alderman Montgomery made a/on time. pelling all companies unloading irl i JAMES GILMORE great patriotic speech last night.| The minimum charge is still}lumber for the city to pay union FOR GUARANTEED PURE MILK It came up in connection with the}#t, D. H. Morrison thought it}wages. All the aldermen who are AND CREAM Architect Te ,}repert as to the number of Brit-|should be reduced to 50 cents, so|seeking labor votes played this all Cows perumens tested. Every- ee ish subjeets employed by the city lthat the small consumer would|to a finish and after all the talk ee A a 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street it Plumbing, Steamtittin The report said that the city had'get the benefit of the reduced|it turned out that there was no heat. Ours ts the only q 135 employees, 123 of which were] rates Alderman Morrissey did | one opposed to it. = wee be at Knott's A IVARSON & C0 and ies meta! work Britishers The doughty alder-/ not like to pay during summer ; rr’s Fish Market, Stal- ° SERRE REESE Scoop Almost Gets Himself In BAD _ Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop.”