opetmber 16, 1944. THE DAILY NEWS. -—_—_—_—_— ETERAN WHO WAS |AIGH EXPLOSIVES PUT ant sTuncHOW 1S [sr cumin ta mg | $$$ TH LORD ROBERTS INiO LOADS ur LUAL CAUGHT BY INDIANS viar when such sturweon as these But su Military Train an: BIG TRAIN WRECK— B iA eee, u . "Ouaeny ietreves : ppeaheltalnaeiiales MANY LIVES LOST INE ART Miners’ Action Has Appaliing pr, IN BRITISH COLUMBIA can be caught rarHam, ONT, APRIL ged, oe iid” Maes hose knowledge of (Bpecial to The Dally News.) 1 veteran of the Crimean We inada dates back to Springfield, Mo., Sept. 15.— Mutiny, volunteering Telegram Gompar | completed a tourl >) ery into the Royal teh from its cor r > Twenty persons are believed to p ' . s ‘, y TT ar : ed under Lord Petrograd which sa ind runk acifle have been killed and many injur- ae a tt Mpritich the recent fightis * elk. Fdmonton andied when the st Louis and San er of the Briti ie recen y g ' ieee pie‘ i Hier : hand-to-hand ian left wing, the ‘ ae Francisco train known as the ' t 1] exposure left j uch p n ct f i eS ae, Texas Limited crashed through a m Rheum To: j ul inextr j se interested iN} bridge at Lebanon Mo., early to-| y legs well 1p, itest data on the day. A storm has blown down gee "22, for me to wa blocked the road es of the territory] tne “e = “eke ies vel ann an ae : the wires ss” % They Those irthest beh the news transcon 1 x %, ' 1Constipation : th es , , St. Louis, Sept. 15 The dead lf mo * a ’ ‘ wT Lf tie 4 = ) sere % ' ment, | — . ; _ a it pa in the Lebar wreck, it is be- Ls , 4 ~ » an en perfe ree i a | h olt ; ~~ , oe } i of t I Columbia lieved here, total forty. Two i. ‘ee om wad ¢ he ‘ enic beauts alone i allie nina . ‘ ‘ty 4 GRORGER WALKER littered with ov : ia itsnag nent cars were ibmerged in a gully. [ wp ] rf trias e, or ind the harne erful asset There (2) Ge r sent on receipt 7 See < re timited, Ottawa [POrt, the horses « nous moment ool TQ MAKE NORTH COAST I bee ed " ene after seene un | ' | Mian tussian co take, mountain! — SAFER FOR STEAMERS he val - pondent ’ le ae “hg full) Gol. Anderson, on Tour of Inspeo- LLUSTRATING | harbor more the peaks to be real tion, Says Important Ch li cnn theap SUE iio cau she from life the newest 4 rresponde { ping lands of a soil . | ' ‘ ont ; two-button style—d ! Gazette, the he ed for agriculture Get W. ©. Anderson, cet a. y evoic | nee recoul chness they rem ndedisinges of the Marin. Depart- of all extremes except i Khussian | ‘ Valley of the Nile. Dai ment,, has finished his inspection | con oot oat an seit ted omer ae 4lof the branches on the southern | extreme neatness and load he coal t ‘ i ture there ane feel con r I , . coast and Vancouver Island and} 7 . ains Phe ' | British eptetireer “ has sailed for the north on the] beauty of lines. concealed | l @X] enters of populatior Dominion government boat Quad- ii} fuel rhe result f py illy be situated along | pg Captain Le Blane, says the} | It is said that one i tt this railway Vancouver Sun | was destroyed and that a i I of all kinds grow wild While he i n ; ; L ) e he is north, Colonel An- nition fact i ‘22 ' itest profusion and the} dergon will inspe i s« spect the aids to} Rinne detente L, Cossacks are credited th ha ire similar in their heau-| navigation and investigate the | d hentia A ing wrecked a Gr i inmored those found in Switzerland reports of further needs to make | train carrying q y ample lumber to assure] ine northern course still more eeeeeeeee at a point northwest Chenst ceess of the sawmills} gate to shipping. The northern koff. A small detachment of ¢ 1 are rapidly making their coast of British Columbia is sat- ' sacks fired at | i while : — at various points isfactorily protected at present, | ' ' BG big force rema | the re Ml i| wealth is also being de- but Golonel Anderson says it is ' rhe ped, while the , | » desire of his department to | | j ' | j i | ears rolled in emba rivers teem the ment and the ¢ wks the it th fish. I was brought up in a make it as absolute as it is with- tacked the enen with their ut country but IT have never : n their power. bers PRL. Vintners Association swords The Ge ins were a yyed fishing such as I did on The slacks edest ia not neat ee nihilated, the correspondent f = s trip. The trout in Northern] ,,, well provided with navigation . 2 1 : +4 ; . tio mbit s of { | WINDSOR HOTEL a oo as "ts . th ' Ae . “ goer é 2° ae safeguards. American skippers er » COSSACKS Ci Pet © ster, © ,s & g 7 ’ ‘ s soon as Wy ge ) ber of First Ave. and Bighth St — ” , = - that make hit a king among feel relief a ne they get out W. M Wright, Prop. guns. ” ee = © aan lof Alaska waters into the waters fish. While fishing on the Ne-|,,¢ Northern British Solumbia. Frank A. Ellis. formerly of the|chako River T came upon a party| phe Langara lighthouse, on North aore. ConvES Prince Rupert Town Properties of |! Indians They had just land-ltejand, the northernmost land of ret Avenue and Seventh St this city, and now a membere of }ed four giant sturgeon. The large the Queen Charlotte Islands. will on a oe =e the firm of Armstrong & Ellis, ofjest of these was nine feet long} no visited by ‘the inspector. He | en Vancouver and Fort George,|and weighed 300 pounds. I se-/aigo will visit Bonila Point, off ame in on last night’s Pain on ajcured a photograph of this fish KNOX MOTEL visit to the city. lafter it bad been killed. It would Ave, Between Eighth and Ninth I power as the one on Langara is | | pean Plan . S0e to 91.00 to be established next summer. | tae & Beaner, Prope Buy Milk Produced in the — eee this Colonel Anderson express ar his pleasur it the efficienc, shown in his department on this coast. ALLIES MAY FORCE ceux ARMY 10 ~— |: Bryant Company Limited DIFFICULT RETREAT SIXTH STREET (Special to The Dally News—10:30 A. M.) | the northwest shore of Banks Is-| land, where a light of the same Rochester Vv. D. Casey EePRESsS HOTEL The Fraser River Valley, with its green its green grass prac- tically the year round, is one of the finest dairy districts in the world, and produces milk that is much superior to Eastern milk both in RICHNESS AND FLAVOR. Buy B. C. Milk because it has THE NATURAL FLAVOR OF PURE, RICH, FRESH CREAM. The Gov- rm ave Between Sisth and bh Streets Pian, 560 to 61 Per Day WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ROYAL HOTEL rey & Burgess, Props 1 Ave. and Siath St Pien Steam tested PRINCE RUPERT WER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LimiTeD ernment test shows it to be of the Bordeaux, Sept. 16.—The Ger-_ t= Se Ave. and Sixth St HIGHEST STANDARD. man retention line is at Aisne, | — —— J Phone 108 £ RUPERT IMPORTING CO. i ” Says the distance between Rethe! | THRILLIN LiMiTED and Mezieres is only 25 miles. A TELLS G TALE Fraser ana Sixth Ste short step forward by our troops) - Se eeen ota, ie a “exper RED CROSS ORGANIZER | xxvusexeexe4veee0eneeen40s FOR A TAXI:} FOR RENT Phone 7 : : ~/and the German army’s line of| London, Sept. 14.— Mrs. Sto- rrr BAK FRY SUPPLIES communication there through!),::, who went to Brussels in the Belgium and the west Muese will | idl e Atmos é 75--PHONE 75 foee ddle of August to establish one a. be definitely cut off. The sole line | vital sae le : 7 ie a an Ps TWO 5-ROOM HOUSES EDS! SEEDS! Whether you want a thousand loaves of bread or one, see us. Our of retreat then left open will be | spital under the auspices ¢ e ; Sateen ; vd Delicacies can't be beat. the territory north of Verdun. !'*!¢ian Red Cross, has returned i it? sian LE ce ED KNOTT - CLIFTON LIMITED. : 3 nami. | PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO 3) WITH BA WATER @ received our 1914 Spring $| Day Phone 190. Night Phone 978 THIRD AVENUE This country is densely wooded |{) London after thrilling experi- x Seeds 7 : ; and difficult, but not impractic-|eyjcos. While trying to get from Tina on nininininininininiinitn | D, GARDEN, AND able, besides being of great ad- Brussels through the German |——— sieiallaa | INCLUDED FLOWER SEEDS vantage as the shortest route to she was arrested with her Agents for Moselle by Metz Treaves, where party outside of Louvain and . ee the enemy could oppose a serious); .)... i, a coal truck to Ton-|% '"® *7 OS, Oe TF $25.00 OMINION NURSERY & ; obstacle if pursued and at the , cres, where she declares she was a co. same time secure more men and} _ ipod to insulting treatment | SAVOY HOTEL anumnapuition ers in Feed of all kinds material. as a suspected spy at the hands CKEN FEED A SPECIALTY on ve if German officers. FIRST CLASS CUISINE | orders promptly attended to | Phe s cl ; class of St. John Mrs. Stobart and her party oe ee aaah PATTULLO & RADFORD ! ; Ambulance Association will meet “dr > ; : spent the night in a guardroom, Only finest brands of Liquors and nce Rupert Feed Co. SHINGL"”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS at 8 ony 7 ight ie ths City | expecting to be shot in the morn- Cigars eet cnn SECOND AVENUE | Hall, whe r.. ’ Cade will con- = The a war » THE BEST HO Third Ave. Phone @lack 2s $| : ee Be: pis ng. They were, however, sent on} 18H COLUMBIA toveccescosccocosonccooroees PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. the lectures. | Members of lto Cologne. ‘They were deprived|$ oo. cunmme a BONE? A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager the class are particularly request-|.,¢ all their documents and mob-| ; MND eiiniinininins tet Ave. and McBride ot. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. - 2 > al . : noe nee bed by crowds of howling Ger-| Geaprietane HARRISON W. ROGERS , dages as practical demonstration ‘ sol ors at Liege Aache } FIRE SLaRm SYSTEM 7 PuCNs 38 Cue tee 6 Ce work will be undertaken as well ner stearate i ‘They . Suite {, Federal Block . 7 as stretcher drill, were finally liberated, and escap- | } Architect CIRCUIT NO. 14. ; = o ed through Holland after encoun- | PRINCk ROPERT, B. C, a . h St. and 3rd ave S| See eee Ni cette ‘tn pond pectin d OnE Gene dificulties, | CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 bs “4 Bre . ~ a 14 — = — $|| the way you like it. London Cafe. SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM a FSS wel) FRED STORK’S HARDWARE , Serr | a or 26 » one | B 10—18t ay Authentic information § about ‘ } MONTREAL and TotUre.. . 0903-88 lf’ ke KER EER EEE EE EE ie kr : ee 3,ae 2 football games, either scheduled Desk Room with use of ie eae = a" ne-80 | * w 17-18 Ave. and 7th St, (6 or postponed, can be had by eall- window \] Sew ont end remsa,.. @ * LATE A * tra , ’ ( 710 SECOND AVE ing up Fitz Cigar Store, tf aber ee “correapondisigty = . oT w aR news * Effective June 1st. final retu — CIROUIT NO. 2. Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery FOR RENT Seeyumlt October 348% y * The latest war bulletins * mez ord Ave, and ara on $1 Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle ee | a eS ae * received exclusively by The # a 23 va i Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns er Princege Royal, Southbound * Daily News are posted im. # ve. ane cBride “ ~ ~ , » sdiate t a i m 24 . oe eae z *|1) Rope Valves Ammunition Free Office Rent and 3) oer ° the rom “ te eel ; 1 } . ; ’ nes ’ j > \ve. and @nd St, + Pumps Hose Paint Underwood Typewriter 3) Pa. © oe, ee Se el . * Ve ane 6 ' : ~ ener u § : a 27 . >. *| \ Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron to Public Stenographer, * Fitz’ Cigar Store, 3rd Ave, # CIROUIT NO. @ : i “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Excellent location, 2 Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd . Soe Se avenue. 4 ‘nd Fulton 86 * * K. Smith, corner Sth and # a 32 ’ . ‘od Taylor Sts t ; - os m n'Puncest, SII ’ Fire, Life and Accident Insu- §} © Fraser, ° = Sagif) FRED STORK’S HARDWARE [race eased] "Mo ins tt a * % sod Dodge PI 3 rance : HOUSE * avenue, * “1d Thompson St } I P| iC : ;* Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd # ae SAFEST SS ‘laced In good Companies. ;* avenue, * dy ie B d Launches sian ee oals all | Moyal Hota : a4 for hire. Gasoline for sale Central Sotel, rte 0) esrte au | KISSICK, EDWARDS & \s Windsor Hotel. . ana ¢ ne | : Diem ween St 2 vane a . Knox Hotel. * Tih ave a Basil Bt ;| KISSICK ; , " CO oo * Daily News windows, 3rd # #190 Ave one fom St ll j District Agents | Worth End of Manson Way * avenue, * thane : Prince Rupert, 8.0. |; iad RRR ERR Roe -*t* ttt eeherkkeeh | |