s | THE DAT’ yet ont te IN THE DAILY NEWS > ye Ve ae NEWS FIRST elas Imme GET THE LATEST WAR 10 seived jp vee / aissisidiemeslln 1» PRINGE RUPERT, B, C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS ) STRIKE DECISIVE BLOW ON ENTIRE GERMAN LINE (IONVERY SATSFACIORY |.) ALLS AVE ADVANTAGE FOR THE ALLIES ALONG AISNE |: Silliness — a OFFICIAL REPORT SAYS ALLIES ARE MEETING WITH |NO CHANGE IN SITUATION SINCE YESTERDAY — ARMIES ARE 90D SUCCESS—GERMANS IN RETREATING DELIVER | STILL IN CONTACT AT OISNE RIVER. COUNTER ATTACK AND ARE REPULSED. (Special to The Daily News—12 Noon) jright is extremely important if Bordeaux, Sept. 17—The situa-|wWe are to reach Montmedy with ‘tion is hardly changed since yes- suMolent forces so that the Ger é |terday, says The Temps’ military Connon eo Shetee tee by the — expert. The two armies are in| most difficult part of the Belgian pecial to The Daily News.) First Army Corps. These have on, Sept. 17.—The official been repuised and the Germans ureau today gave out @ have given way slightly before stwhich says: “The gen- our troops and the French armies ition along the Aisne Riv- on our right and left. The en- nues very favorable. The emy’s loss is very heavy and we way os ne armrame ee ye TN contact on the Aisne center, while ' Ardennes forest. If it falls back as delivered several coun- have already taken 200 prison- THE GERMAN DREADNOUGHT BATTLE CRUISER GOEBEN. |the French continue to advance/|on Sambrie the left wing will be ks. especially against the ers.” a iy Minnie wal has been made of this boat | 2@tween the forest of Sarhonne | forced to pass in front of the Bel- The best known German warship. In almost every dispatch mention has been made ¢ i a and the River Meuse. There the|gian army at Antwerp, which is " being sunk or captured, but at the time of writing it is still afloat and under the German flag. forward movement of the French | now full of activity. +e fusal of which cost the abroga _ - _ NL a) EIMBURSE tion of the commercial treaty be. | LITTLE BELGIUM "ssi 00°" BRITISH SUBMARINE TRYINGEXPERIENCE VALUE OF NAVY GERMANS ARE FIGHTING —SERVIAN TROOPS Will Have to Pay for|uu's SINKS GERMAN | OF ENGLISH LADIES OT BRITISH PEOPLE DEFENSIVE BATTLE ARE FIGHTING : | rewavoe She Mas FAMOUS BOER GENERAL =| = SHIP AND ESCAPES —=—LEAVING GERMANY IS REALIZED’ EXTENDING 110 MILES) WITH GREAT SUCCESS Caused. EAD a eninaiias WAS SHOT D | (Special t The Bail News.) British 1 ~ a ntain a I ] a G t Brit ¢ ae ae ee : ae eae P 17 Londor ' ” ’ : Tenens Ss Ppapers. Om . ‘ube opinion , rea Fete London, Sept. 17. — An official dali a THROUGH MISTAKE | London, Sept. 17.—The British | dese: iption of the trying experi-|ain is beginning to realize “the Parise, Sept. 17.—According to chahersent leaned at Nish says the 2 —_—se submarine E-9 has reached Mar-'ences of & Canadian lady who), and tuntee of a cee official announcer ent made yes- Montenegrins inflicted a defeat on ca of sugges-| (Sasoinl tg The Deity News.) jwich after having torpedoed a showed «& nol and patriotic A dente jn cee terday afternorn the German|ithe enemy near Koulilovo inthe ernstor!!,| Capetown, Union of South Afri- German cruiser off Heligoland. spirit in most trying eireum- ed airead ; e a, * |army is fightin, a defensive battle|direction of Krayayz Gatako on iL Washing. |ea—Sept. 17.—Gen. Jacobs Hen-| The cruiser went down but most stances. She and two other la-|" British navy The Naval and along ite whole front frem Meyen September 12. The Servian ment \drick de Larey, a well nown Boer | of her officers and crew were (ives were tra ng together, Aft-| Military Record remarks on the int vem ot Wael troops took Vishegrad after a des- general, was accidentally shot at | saved. jer having succeeded with dificul-| ¢, | anticipations whet re eee Fe perate struggle, carrying the of- "es “P| Johannesburg. He was in a car at | " : in Ity in getting from Innsbruck toj,,_ tow Gaye betes uae Noyon is a town on the Oise fensive successfully along the ire certan ~~ = . . ; ; night and was mistaken for an) | Munic h they got passports from oi oe : ta River, 14 mijes northeast of com- left bank of the Drina River. se * by 7 |escaping desperado wanted by the | GERMAN RIGHT WING jthe British co sul there. “We vente “a 7 = ; oa piegne. This would indicate that; After having crossed the Dri- to’ Belgiom. (eee, BO. ae aecampanes oy NOW ENCIRCLED then started out for Switzerland,” | (0a) Hritish SHipping Would O° tthe battlefront is approximately|na near Bayabachta our troops oi . |General Biers. jshe said, “but at Lindau, on the|ruined and supplies of food and]44@ miles long with an extreme at|are advancing successfully into Tt ’ ciais 1 1 ‘ “o . » TP > elena BY ALLIES’ FORCES |\:*: of Constance, close to the |yay materials eut off. “The most|a point 55 miles northeast of |the interior of Bosnia. Desperate d at the AUSTRIAN ARMY ee pee | a ane oe ireful inquiry,” said the Naval |Paris. fighting continues in the direc- : o get { ire ere dev et I e and Lot COMPLETELY ROUTED (Opecial to The Bally Newe-—-t8 Neen) the railway station refreshment ]*! i Military Reeord, “tended to So ¥ Ne i “ym ee ed and it is London, Sept. 17.—The Gere) ry. was Friday, Ausust}confirm this anticipation. 1t was|GERMANS IN RETREAT from aed prevent x | demand man right wing is now encircled |, vere detnina » re-lfelt that » dare ores wecced Orin vem : , ily Nv i W detained in the ré elt that we dare not—so great na ae (Special to The Dally News) ae tee Mleh uecantinn . 0 ane 0 vere 4 ARE FOLLOWED spreading, keeping them cornered London, Sept. 17.—The British |. niens dispatch to The Daily| re sme oe ! were the risks—be optimistic. In on the same bank of the Drina. ment. if 9 Official press bureau quotes Rus- News. | Seven aga ° _ , a the months immediately preced- BY FRENCH ARTILLERY On the Lesnitza-Ratcha front tish public sian official sources as authority — es " oo - ~ wh had th Tinos ns ng the outbreak of hostilities a a the enemy attempted to cross the for the statement that the rout of feat for those who had the mone ' jal to The Daily News) Drina near Kratchevina, but the the disman : BURNING OF LOUVAIN ito pay f t. and, on the whole, |sub-committee of the Committee (Bpecial to y a fleet | the Austrian army is complete. “AN UNPARALLELED ACT” | » wore kindly treated, although |of Imperial Defence considered ip Soissons, France, Sept. 17.— attempt cost them two whol com |The Austrians are estimated to = * , panies. ing the in-| 250,000 men killed and ‘ . we were much alarmed when alevery detail the problem of how (Via Paris)—The German right On the northern front, In spite Great Brit. |have lost : » London, Sept. 16.—A protest |p varian colonel eame in in althe people of the United King-]wing in its retreat abandoned |wounded, and 100,000 men and : } Bava : ‘ : , : | Soi ae t the same|of our offensive being crowned om 00. Ge 400 captured wainst the destruction of the state of great excitement and in-|dom were to be fed during wat aeons ences, & with success, our troops have sm, mak quae cap é Belgian city of Louvain by Ger-|formed us that the Freneh and|time With the most expert evi- te or — = ee been recalled for strong strategic the world's} in troops, and an appeal to the} Russians » behaving to his|dence at their eommand, they|S%ank of the River sne. ie i disturbed BIG TURKISH ARMY | Allies to refrain from retaliation, | countrymen like wild beasts. After |came to the conclusion that the |French im their pursuit crossed a eee oe CONCENTRATED AND has been signed by a number Of|we had b detained for eight|peril was a real one, and that the |the river. French artillery is now Sen. reco Danbue nteresting CERMAN T0 COMMAND v cnown British scholars, in-| hours we were told that the wom- | gov: nent ought to take pre- heavily 2 — on the other neneenniiinaagslle tuat is Rus cluding Lord Aberdeen, rector of}en could go but that the men of|caut iry measures in order to|bank of the Aisne. the event of a the University of St. Andrew's: | yi itarv age would have to remain | minin it. One of the first “ ny GERMANS FIGHTING Allies tussia (Special to The Daily News) Pr ssor MaecAffrey, of Trinity] jn Lindau. [and my companionsjaects of Mr. Asquith’s adminis-| NEW VERSION OF ACCIDENT. SEVERE REAR GUARD st powerful Paris, Sept. 17.—It is announc- Colles Dublni, who is a doctor) got away, but two English ladies |trat when war was inevitable -— ban n the world ? : 4 eof pl sophy of Louvain Univer-| who were witli their husbands de-|was to announce that the govern- The accident last evening at the CTION FRANCE her power od that _ yet nd wane Se sity; Sw ft MacNeill, M, P.; Count [eee to leave them rhe party!ment itself would take 80 perl|cold storage apparently was not A IN hat with Slay _— ; a one that General | Plunkett, of the National Museum) was not irisoned: they wereleent of the risk which shipping|/averted by Jos. Carval, but by a Paris Sept. 17.— Piles of dead j na the reo tee" an fron . due to cael = Hubli Charles Fitzgerald, | sim ly told to go to a hotel and | would n under the war condi-jfisherman who happened to be and weneenehii encumber the bat var. Riiasie Leiman von S president of the Royal Soeiety of | ren i there What will become |tions which were then developing. |near He saw the boat upset and tlefields at Marne. The railway ed to take command. . Surgeons ind Walter Smith,jof them when their money is all] A war risk offiee was immediate-|came to their assistance. He Boll ines to the east of Paris are has officially THE WEATHER president of the Royal Academy] gone | do not know. Our journey | ly opened and a rate of 5 per|the grown-ups to hang on to the crowded and the ambulances and n ind she , of Medicine through Switzerland and France |cent quoted Day by day follow boat and one child was put inside Red Cross services are at present toward i They fer to the destruction Of|was a most unpleasant experi-jed, and though it was known]A gasboat which then came along working night an dealin the Jews Compiled by F. W. Coun Louvain as 1 violence against| ence We were six days on the|that several German cruisers|in charge of Den Yelf, Pred Wat- 9 ght a day 9 Observer. ; with fresh convoys which are con- received man a8 0088 defenceless non-combatants, un-| journey, and all the time we had|were still at large, no news was|ren and W D. Hoskyn res- tinually arising. At one place Lenny Por B ae t * 19 Gog | paralleled in Kurepean history|{(o stand in the gangways of the|}received of any loss. Gradually ed the entire party A child the Germans built a barrier six oops te teen 2.0 injury to learning, seienee ané j was piled up in them. | have lost} shippers was re sta ' no u : “™ <"\they resisted the French charges. ent of the — |edueation, to history and art, and|all my luggage, but | am thank-|vate firms showed no hesitation} when found was still alive, They |This barrier was finally carried f the war|¥ * * * ** #88 # HH * HHS poligion and citizenship, which|fyl of have got back alive. T am|]in undertaking war risks at aljwere all saved, afte ra bloody struggle. A hor- t of the dif. |* #/!no military exigencies or experi-|only sorry now fer those we had}lower rate than the government It now happens that one of the rible litter of 7,000 corpses mart the United|* ra vweount = of tele *lences can extenuate, much lessite leave behind. While I was in/oflice. Within a few days the pre-|women lost a sum of money and the spot. Russia, if{]#* graph interruption to * justify “ suspense at Munich L was strong-|miam fell from 5 fo i guineas, |charges her nen at rs at be The summary of the days news i the en * day we have not been * rhey appeal to the traditions of]||y advised by friends to represent | ard eventually it was brought fing it They, on the othe rand, is that the German and allied vn Jews.}#® able t et our fall news */eulture of the German people, and|that T was a citizen of the United| down to 3 guineas Even at this|say they were too busy in reseu- armies are facing each other ld : 4a) Gene. ancerion . to German eee of eae States, but i would die rather than| figure underwrit ~ were prepa I € the party © thi a eee along slightly curved lines regarding |* ing to use their influence agains deny my flag ed to undereut 1e government | ane emphatica deny the charke stretching from Noyons in the in Jows, re. l* * ** * * * He HF pepetitions of such excess of mili soe - otlice British shipping, whieh|The upset boat was a nine-foot west to the Argonne forest on the a tary power, and they appeal to the German Boasts in West. was at first disorganized by the | dingy. east und thence across the Meuse OO recccce eos {allied = governments and their Ottawa, Sept. 16.-—Complaints | dramatic cumstances under to thu southeast in the direction ii commanders, “one of whom is ap-lhave reached the government to|whieh wa vccurred, has since FOR SALE. of the German fortress at Metz. proaching the illustrious city of|the effect that in certain districts, |been re» g its normal course A rear quard A h t ATRIOTIC ONCERT Koenigsburge and the University|particularly in the west, where|As a t we may congratu New Fishing Boat.-30 feet with oe Gaede Citiotien saa A of Immanuel Kant” to see that re-|Germans residents predominats | late elves on the astounding long, 9 feet beam. Equipped with fought during the past two days, ec - prisals are prohibited,” reports of German suecesses are viet wy whi h : open feet |8 HP, grccling ened —— inch of territory until their armies ' ©! the funds of the British Red Cross Society” a Eepenly Reese’ ET acine erestsyees in ne Se Oo» Machine |could again get into alignment to ] A number of the local ladies|much to the annoyance of resi-[plies + 1 and raw materia! |Shep. 209-215 oppose the Allies. All the reports . September 17th, 1914 have been decorating the West.|dents of British een. Is thout st ne S =“ Never ae indicate that these actions are se- t TH 2¢ 7 @ . holme theatre for the Patriotic It is expeeted further that a} was remarkable a demonstra | The & ! ind have 18+] vene but of min i t WESTHOL ME THEATRE Concert tonight They received|recent recommendation of the |t ne f the vital importance | sued invit their members the great panahe ha the + we ° Genera o s seal valuable assistance from the offi.|citizens of Winnipeg, that the|of a sea power to a people wholand frier cial evening to new le is n reaten | Admission 50cts. cers and men of the Irish Fusi.|Northwest Mounted Poliee be in I ve by don the sea lhe navy! be held in t h his of Pythias ow battle lo now th aT ing. its ave desired they can be obta liers creased to 3,000, will be carried} opened up a pathway for British} Mall on Pi t, the 18th inest,, Dr, MeNeill has built a garage ®, Third Avenue, on payment of an -~- ~--- ~< out, and that the riders of the | trad ind at the same time andiat &® p. 1 i social is beingjon his property on Beeond Avenue Everything in season cooked] plains will insist upon respect be-|by th ame proeess§ strangled|arranged | embers of the|next to Pattullo & Radford’s of- OC ccsccce secoseoee® (lie Way you like it. London Cafe.'ing paid to British institutions | thre oversea trade of Germany.” |8 oO. B. ft lub 214-16] flee,