THE DAILY NEWS, ie - enone 1944 _ a —— . r. RAILW AY Through Serve oo aes ~ Py eA THE wy as seeerr ree oe vans, OEE DAILY NEWS ccxunm PASSING EVENTS Published Daily and Weekly ae leceaeeesl | Guaranteed Largest Circulation ’ wos | ie Ontario will contribute 250,000; Black Brunswickers lle has ap T + H. FP. MeRAK, EDITOR AND MANAGER bags of flour for the relief of dis li ed for permission to leave Get | oO the East HEAD OFFICE tress in the United Kingdom dur-|many and to live in the Nether . ———_—_—_—_——— | Trains leave Prince Rupert on wo. > war i , es havellands or some ¢ : sutral state . Nh WVednesd, Daily News Building, 9rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98,|'"® the war, Six provinces have |lands or some other neutral sta GUARANTEED || urdays at 10 a.m. Covnecting at Winn), YS and gy, , now stated what they wish t . American Silk Chicago, etc. 0 for 8, paw TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract} give in the way of special aid in Major Louis Livingston Sea HOSIERY FIRST-CLASS Ra rates on application. this time of crisis, Nova Secotia,|/man, head of the American HKed We Want You to Know : TES ‘i sis si iii aii is | Prince Edward Island, Quebec,|Cross Million in Belgium has These Hose * Toronto : ne ¥ Round Trip ee m Ontario, Alberta and British Co ent a lengthy protest against rhey stood the test when Ottawa ; $70 $92.99 an ~ + . » . j ey BLOF ‘ treal 444 $105, Thursday, Sept. 17, 1944. oR ow Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1914.)lumbia. The other provinces |German methods of barbarism | all others failed They give Paul $47 75 $96 = ees ‘iscntiesiailaiiiliinedatiisibie a ‘ , . have the matter under consider-| President Wilson I] real foot comfort. They have = fost, ; ten ation, and will be heard from » seams to », They never For Sleeping Car Reservations, Throuy 9108.66 From all indications the | although the markets of the shortly Mr. Winston Churchill, | o oo a | ' an . a. 7. P. TiOket OFFICE, Thied Aveuns TIOKOs, Bte., apg ¥ WO thy a world are now absolutely A 7 : ome pecome ve Se, eee G. T. P. Steamer Prince John salle for tne . opening of the G. T. P. is, go- closed to their products. an fr ce Lord of the Admiralty, ha , the shape is knit im not 20; October 13, 27, eto. September 't ing to have other effects be- ' . S rhe Russian army invadingja telegram to Mr. Gera p ed in. They are GUAR ’ sides the assistance rendered The tacts show that it is ab- East Prussia is stated on thefAmerican ambassador at We ANTEED for fineness, for to business. It will make batelaty vital to Germans highest authority to number the]asking = ranean Adn P tyle, for superiority of ma Prince Rupert a port of call for bring the war to the earliest astounding total of 3,000,001 Pirpitz, the Minister of ial and workmanship, ab eee a the criminal class. Heretofore] possible conclusion. There|!"°™ while a reserve of 5,000,000)that his son was saved a solutely stainless, and to * ‘ OnE 4 P.O Dag on avcount of its isolated posi- must be many thousands of ‘ Bowly following up their vii a nan) aa pattie , wear six months without * GRANITE * . tion the most desperate class idle men in the cities that have}. ?"® ™8" - ve x il sd. a holes or replaced by new * * APERHANGING did not feel safe in taking a grown under the stimulus of mu R. B; the D on ‘ec nt Ce Vea pairs free * Granite of best quality * AINTING chance. Of late it appears that the protective policy, which - Bel A a aa o a. ae _— “common ; — OUR FREE OFFER * and thoroughly tested for # there is a greater variety in encouraged manufacturing. pair + othe Inspecting the mi tof ae he ‘’ 4 ‘Se ro every one sending us * sale, Out stone or crushed * . ISHING AN) our midst. A large number of The employees will find their |") "Ueto". tt . eu 50e to cover shipping * rock in quantities. * WALI TINTING petty thieves have made their wages stopped, and food hard Col | Huet M ' f charges, we will send, sub * NEIL J, MeLEOD, * appearance and the people] to get. On the other hand, there | y4,);¢ ey hy oo ae a sak te The Liverpool Gorn Exchange|| Jeet to duty, absolutely free * Telephone: Green 217 *# ial would do well to beware of} will be vast outlays for mili- yi i ; a. toned efence, Wi 7 . wag as a ; i e Phree pairs of our famous ‘ ur alr i ’ them. It will keep the police tary purposes, but there is not ee en vit . st acing ao aye ape oe at _— in - 7 AMERICAN SILK HOSI e ‘ Martin Swa busy if they cope with the situ- mech use th hevieg money to division to the front, ynut wi o enlarge their acreage « i with written GUARANTEE, eeeseeeeeeeeeese ~ ation buy food if there is no food to within @ few months have twojnext year as the best way to serv iny color, OT = * * * be bought These facte create more mobilized. The result of|the Empire's need rhree pairs of our Ladies ; ; ‘ ‘ acts E ac . P . 7 jie “ : : Germany imported in 1913] a situation of extreme diffi- ed aot well rs that one - se ; ; hed to the signai|| Hose in Black, Tan or ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ; agricultural produets to the culty, and, to add to it, the es one. ree we ‘ ve Se eee oe White colors, with written f | : : : kept on the fighting line ail the|box of the London & Northwestrn : ROOMS : value of $1,800,000,000. She) same state of things exist in ae She 4 o + will [Rail at Kerkhampstead, 261] GUARANTEE second Avepue, Oppeeite Rmprese Theatr exported such commodities to Austria. Great Britain, France — ee en eee eet: BP co mu gc ae ; DON'T DELAY Offer ex hooms open from 8 a. m. to ff m The favorite Woussholg a aa @499 ; . act as reinforcements to the di-|miles from London, early on the hom isiting Seotemen are cordiaily invited oa the value of $432,000,000. Of and Russia could stand one or pires when dealer in your ; : Cleanest, Bright : vision which is now being mo-|morning of August 28, stabbed : Ror rates for hall rent apply secretary. | OMVeet, on cereals she produced to the more serious defeats, but a se- bilined ab Valeartier ak italia! seis a a wires locality is selected. Give 8. 0. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS, NEW WELL! value of $1,364,000.000, and rious defeat, or even an unex-|))'”°° ®* Slearhier, a aes moe ; u : aed color and size desired President secretary NGTON COA . ; ee smasher e levers, and est yee & Aathert imported $384,000,000 net, that pected pro'ongation of hostili- Pinkde das eubenial An thor : helie a . at Feta International Hosiery Co. , a is, after making allowance for ties, would prove exceedingly waned oe an) Sallel od . a “3 ae a a men = : . 21 Bittner Street | Beoond Avenue io : ee States ¢ , TT e ‘i secre ao i age S, as severi her exports. This means that grave for Germany and Aus- e a nt al : cert. Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. VERY LATEST ®Biue Prints of _ 4 a : ‘ ; . governments a sworn statement/similar attempts have been frus . , yermany requires to import tria.—Ex. he after i ngagement ati trated e tl brea} he . OIL DISTRICT I NISHED approximately a quarter of the - that, after an ¢ ngage men at] trates _ Sines the outbreak of the | cereals she requires for home Mr. Walter Clayton, of the Ca- Moucel, on ee ee reo nears or Given SOMERS For . 6 ee St ae | APARTMENTS . 4 ; ~~ : 2 oficer fired at a distance of less|sentries to protect property, and consumption. Tf this is the|{nadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., than thisty feet ‘ies Rekimebe sieiht wenreséive lle GOLD BELT REALTY C0 condition in time of peace, it}has added another two bear cubs Reeds a m ie killin z ben and jare now likely t ; b a ms E e | 307 SIXTH STREET = Ww ©-POOt fall must be very different in time|to his selection. In case Prince | 7O°5, PUPS®s: | S . ; ; ee CAWADIAN PACIFIC ALY. i ; : , wounding the third. —— 7 J. E. DYEK Phone Biagt of war ir consequence of the|Rupert starts a park he would greater demand for food and|glady present his bears as the aa \ Belgian commission is on its | SUMMER EXCURSIONS FROM |- iis enormous wack Two nani t : pa The position of the young Duke|way to the United States to pro-| PRINCE RUPERT TO THE LITTLE GIANT vaste. - "eus oO Z00, " | . . . thirds of all the itnportetions , ' — of Brunswick is a very tragic one]}test against the German atroci-|]) MonTREAL and return....9141.00 VACUUM POWER CLEANER _ Pree ee of Germany consist of smpeaah At the "meeting alled tast|** Present. He is the son-in-law /|ties in the war zone ST. PAUL and a... “fe00 Gawaste AS ONS and Bust ae ye SIs - caller as or a ‘ on al | a . He is ia iT. . and return..... rts, ttresses, | oo tural products, but included in|night to form a local branch of os ae Ean, ane Se 8 ines | “7 en oe ‘Th Se veel nek een.’ Voabe 1 res’ whorcag) PSeaned. All core guar: SMITH & MALLET . 8 : S. 100 wees head of the army in his duchy. At|the Montrealer who equipped the} NEW YORK and return... 144.60 treed feascmable Estimates given. Largest stock of Pye them are hides, cotton and|the Canadian Patriotic Fund As- _ poids oe . |} Other points correspondingly low. # . = = oa “ ‘ y : ; " Var ' ‘ Jove ey : ‘ah ; » SE . . » is a British|Prineess Patricia Light Infantry, | Effective June ‘st. Final returoa ; wool. The lack of these arti-|sociation, a committee was ap- the same time he 1 s ree itric ; Resta COND GLUE exceedi vy seri Ww mg sferre nati ; } Saturday noon the sieieeianienter ests, fone “ 7 z * = i oe Pe adopts. The Kaiser insists that}ing out as major in the regiment, | Princess Royal, Southbound MARTIN & M’GOWAN e sts i 3 ace 53 saa z 6 : ; | ° ° & s ee — — ey a the young Prince shall take his|while Mrs. Gault will join the} Sundey, 8 p.m tings ye 1 w ode limit October 31st. : : ‘ ‘ince, ¢ s liable to be shot as/is going to accompany her huss! ‘ Third Ave., Head of Sens cles must inevitably prove an|pointed to make further prepara-|P'!""" ee ere ie co tee Se +. antes Princess Sophie southbound ee ees Prince Cup a traitor no matter which side he|band to the front, Mr. Gault go-| | | eitedee db. oO. STum ere ky —— place at the head of his famous | Brit sh Red Cross Corps 4. @ G@eMAR, General Agent ae ame — i Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave Cement, Grick and Tite Work Ocoouna 3 C } Estimates Furniened ol | Phone Biue 329 | S60 ane Ave oe RETAIL MERCHANTS nee Seer) re eee pumes eveeni by members, and a special com oa HEAR ADDRESSES 9 —_®'" easton by Chairman Statk- | ge DR. GILMOY, DENTIST ies wv wsnnn os f the grievance committee w Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 WwW. BE. Wiliam tie ON VITAL QUESTIONS es nted to thoroughly investi Crown end Bridge Work « . WILLIAMS 4 SAM gate complaints and draft a re SAVOY HOTEL Gpecintty, Barristers, Solicitor port which will be sent to the civic Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue MONEY TO Lom Iwo splendid addresses occu- fathers Another important FIRST CLASS CUISINE ———————— Box ses . pied the attention of the members| matter dealt with was the ques Hot and Cold Running Water In C0 Heigerson Block ie of the Prince Rupert Retail Mer-|tioen of the high cost of fire in alt Roome UNION TRANSFER ' od tnt a j kt lie. in enna aie Only finest brands of Liquors and Office corne * d 9 ift t th ti chants Association at the ad-|suran rh meeting felt that Cigars kept GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE anadas gi 0 e nation journed monthly meeting held last with the splendid fire protection THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN oh agal ; South Wellington Cosi IFIC CARTACE --flour--a priceless gift! —[riznt. at the Board of Trade ee eee ee ee eee ich (2 PRUDHOMME A FISHCT {/CHONES: 30 office, nESIDENCE uso PAC a cone A gift in times of war more precious than rooms. President Martin O’Reilly|The matter is to be investigated Proprietors Seca eececergsleneeineaeay al ee oO gold. The greatest gift of all when the en- took for his subject, “The Aims|A committee, to be appointed by BOAT BUILDER LADYSMITH COAL emy is at the gates and the shot and shell and Objects of the Organization,”|President Martin O'Reilly, will aps Sn. are whistling without Names like Luck- validiiees aint the mn: -zent rea-|2!so interview the City Council on | ——-—————— wweeere me now, Sebastapol, Ladysmith, would never : i. od —— conull a Ss the question of a holiday during H. JOHNSTON BLYTHE BROS. have made history if their most powerful BONS AF CO-Operation BROEES ithe period of the fair. ammunition—Flour—had given oo Can- retailers in all lines of business a ; _ For Protection eo oe pe tae T ada’s flour is made from the finest wheat endeavor. He outlined the work against the serious sickness so oe ™ PLASTERING OON in the world. it is this same wheat, sci- undertaken by the association in INQUEST WILL BE DEFERRED. likely to follow an ailmentof the RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO Phone 1 entifically milled, that has made famous the formation of a credit bureau; : 7 oe digestive organs,—bilousness ml Satisfa guarauien the name in the protection afforded mem- Phe inquest into the death of ee * or inactive bowels, you can rely bers by united action, such as se- Robert Auld, which occurred on the best known corrective curing the lowering of insurance; last evennig at Shawatlans, will in seeing that city contracts were be held this afternoon. It is un- Surveyors ; : kept at home, and made a special derstood that the jury will only ecc at _—— Contractor & Buillé# plea for earnest co-operation by be sworn in today and after ex- Waterworks, Water Power, Wharf Con ooh el ' ving bl “ lamining the remains will adjourn | Pills Mine Survey ... —_ Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land JOHN CURRIE g . Pp ‘ ahiain. . . Provincia] Land Surveying, | all members to advance the suc- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Phone Black “ cess of the new organization. Blue Printing, Negatives snd White ‘Trin Mr. W. .. Lynch interestingly |'!’ il of a brother of the deceased ; tictiniatn a 7 Prints a FE l ) vis ; : } Any Medicine in the World) our discussed the vexed question of from Vancouver. ' Sold everywhere, tn esas, 88 conte - IMPERIAL MACHINE Credit,” and showed the manyl= —— —y McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. for a few days to allow the ar-; Repairing Quickly eal F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor. ae ee ee | sadedadadedeadadadetiadaiiaiedaiadaiaieiaiede 1 IRTURTT pHONE Ae PRINCE RUPERT oe as 6 Reema ‘| - . . ee? , = : business life and the evils, he con-} Co & tended, came from careless meth- | 10c Prince Rupert Dairy : JAMES GLHORE ee ods in handling it. He eited the | FOR GUARANTEED PURE MILK rata ee a " experience gained in many years | AND CREAM Architect EEE EERE EERE ERR e eee AS A Herclant and how losses | Au) Cows poyeriment tested, Every- MeBrid . ® might be obviated by sticking to| aking y ed open for ip end A t i ; lade : ; } | spection. Every bottle subjected w * mfitting certain hard and fast rules. He} | 900 degrees heat. Ourg is the only (i | | ” showed also how the association's In our new | eS ee ee eet Qosers A \V ARSON X and sheet metal work eredit bureau wauld be of vast! “Easy-O ing-Box.” Bakery, Spurr's Market, Bta!- ‘i service to the members in check- | y is Eyes, vee om Maret Blacks & Ho at fair prices Western Plumbing Co.,Ld 5 |: any abuses. | a a aeetcam oon Bis ’ * Several incidents relating to the | THE F. F. DALLEY Co., LTD, Phone Green 262. Barn at Park Ave RERRRRERERERERER ARERR ERR kekke hehehehehe |ethod in vogue al the City Hall| BUFFALO, N.Y. HAMILTON, ONT. } | Teen HIR 1/1001 a = _The'Boss Wins A Nifty Li'l Medal ecco rd ” aap ees FIVE BUCKS \S AWULL LOT OF MONEN WHEN MOUR SALARY |S \3 CENTS A a ose LY6 - mo —_— © i4t4-irete-sit - BA