tember 17, 1914. Sep VETERAN WHO WAS. 1 ORD ROBERTS aid Low With Rheumatism —But ; | ourts Will ‘PRIZE COURTS ARE TO SIT IN CANADA Sit at Halifax THE DAILY NEWS. KOMAGATA MARU HAS REACHED ORIENT Bluo Funnel Liner Brings Infor- John, Quebec, Montreal, Van- stion thes 0 . s t couver and Victoria . ndu Boat Is Cured y Fruit-a-tives”, at Yokohama. atHam, ONT. Aprit, 3rd, 1914. Ottawa, Sept. 16 ] ta Maru, with her J am a vetera of the Crimean Wat [iinje in her histor { Indians who were refus toting, volunteering : ar y+ ve one yractica if neouve abo ery into the Royal i ! pra Va iver about ed under Lord th prize court Ae arrived at Yoko Indian Mutiny, |Pepartment of Just \ t 415 rhe Blue P iad er of the British | ed on the de reneer, whi hand-to-hand |" ; : . a [oa which is now 1 exposure left | oat? vile ind which is expect m Rheumatism, | th urt which n Monday, has legs swelled up, [ihe principa cen f ewes e to i Halifa s J departure of the They ired me of . {Constipation fontreal, Va he Japanese port, it , I walk i “ i hat during the voy ’ and enjoy perfect l nt f ‘ \ quarrels and ; lve f is if frequent among GROROGR WALKER ‘ j | t I but that ea comes - " { : trial size, 25e° | ‘ : , . 7 nm rece ip of | te i { and his offi tives Limited, Ottawa iw and the i } mn ey the ind a wa i hjecti« ind the LAL His] n | i was completed mulation the definit uble rh rE. a blame us for ac 0 WATCH r a Ir the j { té Gurdit Singh in hea ‘ ‘ ‘ j Advertiser of August ' Ly the faet that we i - ; nmiade . 3 ‘ i ¥, ° powe ha bye 1 will continue to do y : ~ . t the Crown, Brit eS / Y , , Write - “ey | n Ind ‘ t ‘ats Z \ ous ane port , an ID) i i dia are not dis ee | } Giovel rt ] ‘ s any chance or tan le na ce f : thy t for bettering our oY We iy purposes of tl . Mi ! . why T chartered 4 h , j I Ne nbe« I D> ‘ I ita Maru last fall 1 “ Minister of Justice ' 1 contract with immi the posit ik p it Vaneouver re wm, nth . Unt aim % admittance of the ots . on 5 f a Canad ind understood that . ad, Ve S hart it dies ; th 1 be admitted.” i termination of th ' Lat this letter, Gurdit rizes ym the , a 18 ft calling the legal —_ recooooees |i)! '7 irom th bippal one t ig will be brough Canadia BS, Says I was igno- ports by the Brit hig f the law, however for I . by an 1 scouring the N fli ; ht that my fellowmen would | iH ' Atlantic. ved to enter any part of ' British domain as British ets, and I think racial preju- ART TREASURES : it ; i : WERE influenced w cour in Ir rs PRL. Vintners Association DESTROYED sion in the case.” —— == London, Sept. 16 The Ostend ce = nae t thy WINDSOR HOTEL eae ; ; PRINCE RUPERT BOAT + of First Ave. and Eighth St : ble» OUVE il hat | . } irt Ww. H Wright, Prop. head, i : aE an yh fecocne toon ¢ Boats and Launches NTRAL ; s . : a the Cross, ‘The Last Supy and for hire. Gasoline for sale rst Avenue and Seventh St the fifteenth eentury en mropean and American Plan tit i r , omanell eo 1 Martryd St : Peter Black, Prop. eacmme rhe I ; mt . ; PH¥ORT eTN 3201 smus ‘ iat S ‘ \ I ee three sect 8. of hie) the = “onth End ef Manson Way : cNOX MOTEL ddle one was destroved wereer ° ave, Between Eighth and Nini ea van Plan, Rates 60c to $61.00 Per Dey tener & Seener, Props Vv. DD. Casley terrtss HOTEL ro Ave, Between Sixth and Se Streets Pian, BO to 81 Per Day ROYAL HOTEL wey A t gees, Props Third Ave. and Sixth St Pian Steam ested EF WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Ave. and Sisth St Phone 102 Second — RUPERT IMPORTING ©0., LIMITED The Fraser River Valley, with its green its green grass prac- tically the year round, is one of the finest dairy districts in the world, and produces milk that is much superior to Eastern milk both in RICHNESS AND FLAVOR. Buy B. C. Milk because it has THE NATURAL FLAVOR OF PURE, RICH, FRESH CREAM. The Gov- ernment test shows it to be of the HIGHEST STANDARD. Fraser ano Sixth Sts Phone 7 SOOOPPLO* ORO ORPEOCPOOOOS ce Rupert Feed Co. Whether you want a thousand loaves BAKERY SUPPLIES of Delicacies can’t be beat. KNOTT - CLIFTON LIMITED. Day Phone 190. Night Phone 978. rorerner- bread or one, see us. Our THIRD AVENUE Hay, Grain, Feed * an Deeds PKEN = FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for OMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CoO. | | orders Promptly attended to ey | Third Ave Phon. Black 268 UMBER NGL’, PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS OPPO ORORERPEDOEROODE OD ** A J. BURROUGHS, Manager aaabrnrrennen: tet Ave. and MoBride »%\ PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM * PHONE 25 Re ee CIRCUIT NO. 4 5. 12 t. and 3rd Ave : Se 7 1) St. and Srd Ave Ry St) St. and Srd Ave tek Non of 18%, @nd and FRED STORK’S HARDWARE _ 1st Ave, between 8th end A. . (ae X Hotel al Hotel Ave. and 7th St. (Cen 710 SECOND AVE CIRCUIT NO. 2 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery 5 ta 1} Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle - sone rah tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns 4 iride St > i and McBride St ; Rope Vanes on - ue tnd St { Pumps ene a e te. and Oth St ! Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron CiROUIT No. 3 “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ~ st AV®. and Fulton St { a ' Taylor Sts ; = " 1 Fulton St } ° :o. Sif] FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 4 \ve. and Dodge PI sod Thompson 8t \ = CIROUIT NO. 4, | eee : ‘Mh Ave 4nd Emmerson a : e > ‘Ye. and MeBride st sy, ,\” 224 Green Bs ° é P * Ave and Basi st i > Ave. ang Etherts. : Ave. and ¥4 wing St ‘tht tthe bees heed GILLETT'’S LYE EATS Dl RT CHIEF ENGINEER G. T. P. RESIGNS The resignatior announced of Mr. B. B. Kellih chief engi- neer of the Grand Trunk Paeifie Railway The « issued by Mr. Morley Donaldson, vice-pres- ident and general manager of the line, states that Mr. H. A. Woods, as assistant chief engineer, will issume charge of the engineer- ing department of the railway with headquarters Mr. Kelliher’s at Winnipeg health not been satisfactory for time past and he therefore, ask- ed to be relieved of his duties in order that com- plete rest a strenuous career. Mr. Kelliher gaged in railway construction and is today recognized of the mountain engineers of generation. His work has him out with the pioneers on through the wildest regions of the continent, and su- perintending the work of the great railway armies he has lived for long periods under the most trying conditions of climate and environment. For 10 years he has been actively engaged in the building of the Grand Trunk Pa- has some bras, he may seek a had 30 have For been en- Few men such vears has as one foremost his taken surveys cific, the @reat work which called for the finest engineering talent that could be procured. For nine of these years Mr. Kelliher has been the engineer in charge of this immense construction scheme.