2 roe DAILY NEWS — ae “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. FALL CLASS in Shorthand begins soon, Those interested phone 77, Miss Maud Kason, 215-217 FOR RENT FOR RENT-——Laree furnished front room, 12 per month. Apply Box 907, pally ews. POR RENT New house, four rooms,, near drydock; $23 Pr. O.| Box 190. 213tf. POR RENT Six rooms and bathroom; Section Six; $26.50 Prince Rupert Financiers, 315 Second Ave. 21st. FCR SALE FOR SALI Section 5; $200 cash and $25 a month buys five-room house close in FOR SALE Majestic Range Cheap. Call 640 Fifth Ave. East 214-16 Price $24.50. P. O, Box 1666. 213tf FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 cash and #20 a month; total $1,150 Pr. 0. Box 190 213tr. POR SALE Tracts of Land in Lakelse Valley containing 10 acres each, $20 per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbons, 214tf. FOR SALE.—Lot 13, Block 45, Seetion 5; Perfectly level and on street grade. On $50 cash and balance to sult. Snap o an investment. Must ha ve the moaned, Owner, P.O. Box 809. 103 WANTED WANTED.—-Two young res for board and room. Apply rs. — 241 Seventh Ave. est,’ weay Bride 203-205 WANTED—Pupiis for business college in Prince Rupert. $12.50 per month day classes; $5.00 month evening classes. Leation, Second and Second. Apply Box 98, Dally News. goat. WANTED— Men and women wanted every- where who are willing to work a few hours in their own home for $15 week- ly. Samples free. The Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. 17-1t. Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Holstein Milk for Babies 7 ¢ P. R.’S FINE FLEET i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ice cream. Try Smith & Killas’ fa The inquest into the shooting accident at Shawatlans will be held Friday evening * * * Norfolk Rooms, Steam heated, hot and cold water. Terms rea- sonable. 6th Ave and Fulton. 8S When moving it pays to pack furniture and glassware well, Fritz Phone 583 214-16 oe The case against the “Heathen Chinee” for gambling and using opium was adjourned until to- morrow, oe ¢€ Tickets for the patriotic con- cert to be held on Fricay evening | next will be Monday at Orme's drug * on sale store. + * A number of cases were up in Police Court this morning charg- | ed with allowing fowls to become a nuisance. Thye were adjourned until tomorrow. ‘a * * yr The Prince Rupert Towing Co., Bia general towing; the new crude oil S33 TT GENERAL BADEN-POWELL CALLS OUT 2,000 BOY scours. } eat tor IS NOW ALL GONE Admiralty Has Taken Over the India and Monteagie, the Last on Run. sured. According to reports the program wll be exceedingly pop- ular. Has Fallen Off. tug “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Red! The Chief of the Scouts of Gt 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. two thousand boy scouts Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” dispatch bearers. Crude Oil Motor. 165tf . 976 Nearly all the reserved seats for the Patriotic Concert tonight DAY GROWS BRIGTHER are sold. A large number of rush tickets have also been dis- FOR BRITISH LABOR posed and a full house is as- —_-— Number of Persons Seeking Em- | @erman Vessel Seized in Orient | at Labor Bureaus Actually * ¢ & ‘entities csietinasiint specially Bottled Mr. and Mrs. ©. FE. Warner, who London, Sept. 17 A return is- Shanghai, Sept. 17. Hongkong | Ottawa, Sept, 17 ae deot TESTED cows recently left for a trip to the | sued by the Board of Trade shows/reports the arrival there of a) ci. o¢ the Bx heauer Court .| |East, report accommodations on/that hte growth of unemployment; number of prizes, ineluding the . . } An invitation is cordially ex-|the new G. T. P. to be all that/has virtually stopped. In the|American steamers Hanamet, ana [he (eal Be compat ten ole tended to the citizens interested enuld be desired. trades were insurance against; the German steamers Paklat, Fri ee Fates daa ae | to inspect the dairy premises a ae unemployment is enforced the) sia and Rajaburi : he Exchequer ¢ ourt finds for the during the hours of 3:30 and 4:30 The city police made a raid on} percentage of unemployment is| The prize court of the Pakiat |7°""' ani ree Coens Wednesdays and Saturdays when King Tai'’s premises last night |6.2i—almost exactly the same as|held the German engineers at wr Eereeee, ane Ue Coeenaey OF) milkng operations are being con-! and found a bunch of Chinamen| ast week, and compares with 3.34) work for three days at the point jeorsed “al only one-tenth wr ducted. gambling and smoking opium. |last year. of revolvers and frustrated an at- a ' | — —— . — — Four were captured and the rest The number of persons seek-|\ tempt to disable the engines. eri coe -. cog ; on ne | made their escape. ing employment at labor bureaus| The American steamer Hana-|,, ad Sahay Ol tinh , Th a va | © 8 actually has fallen off, but is still} met is 2,703 tons burden, and Sh and anainaaad ae od or e The Retail Merchants Associ-|about double what it was a year|owned by W. K. Atz, of Shanghai throudh' the Ganadias ’ eee) catl ation is meeting with great suc-|ago. Recruiting, which is pro-|The Paklat and the Rajaburi are)... erty ir St. B sme . eee a cess and promises to be of ad-|eeedinfi at an amazing rate, ac-|owned by the North Germar 4 a ; anne : - - LOT 19 vantage to the purchasing public | counts somewhat for this, partie-|Lioyd, the former being of 1 | caaiben pneu ae oe os as well as to themselves. There|ularly in the north and in thejtons burden, and the Rajabu: clatmee enieiakendl : a ait’ jis nothing like united efforts to/mining districts. Recruits are) t,189 tons Phe Frisia is a ship | g; 000.000, rhese , Aeied: BLOCK 29 straighten out difficulties and the applying in su h numbers that at of 150 tons t | he -* =. led it lassociation has all the merchants | s4me places it has been decided Both th lanamet and the Fr me tr mo Me a 7 - > a s SECTION 8 jin line. ito close the reeruiting offices for)|sia have previously been reported as allie aaa’ oe aa i pe "el ; | - la week. as ha en seized. The Hana-|ep gag 000 el _—— " It is said that the tree from| Prices of food’ show little|met is suspected of carrying con-| — claimed PRICE $650 which the man was shot at Sha-|change, and this is due more to/traband. lier owner has appeal watlans was not more than fifty |increased freight and insuraneejed to th American eonsul “HARRISON W. ROGERS, feet from where the shot was/rates than to a shortage of sup-|Shangha demnification ALL CASH | fired. The men with the gun were! plies. Meat and fish are arriv- - — Suite t, Federal Block discussing the advisability of ing in almost normal quantities. | ATTACKING AERSCHOT. | Architect shooting at the object and the The saloons of London are PRINCK RDPERT. RC peo vietim must have heard them. He closed hours earlier than usual.|\Germans Bring Up Reinforce- | ae Y | is reported to haye been a man/At Hull, Chatham and other| ments to Recapture Town. | Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635) who never attempted any daring |places, where many sailors are wail i | G. R. Naden Co. Ltd. feats and would be the last they | congregated, they have been elos-! London, Sept. 16 The capture|* ** *** ee ee eee ’ would expect to climb a_ tree.|ed entirely, while other provin-|of Aerschot by Belgians, says |* * SECOND AVENUE What he went up there for will|cial towns the hours for remain-|an Antwerp dispateh to the Daily |* LATEST WAR NEWS e always remain a mystery. ing open have been reduced. |Mail, seems to have enraged the!|* * _ — Seen —__— ——— ee ;Germans, who are hurrying up|#* The latest war bulletins * t Semone | Peinforcements to reeapture it|* received exclusively by The * and are burning everything on|* Daily News are posted im- # j e REAR KKK + their way. * mediately after coming off * — owe Q | Aerschot has been evacuated|#* the wires at the following * } | again by the Belgians, who have!|* places: *| * i take the residents of the town|# Fitz’ Cigar Store, 3rd Ave. * }with ther as well as the resi-|#* Wark’'s Jewelry Store, 3rd *| PER b { dents of the surrounding villages.|#® avenue * ; f)An engagement is still in prog-|* K. Smith, corner 5th and #| {) ess « i line fronting along Aer-|* Fraser. * t { | se! t, Louvain and Vilvorde. |* Acme Clothing House. 2nd * rs Ne th z { i* avenue. * or Prince Rupert al or ern B. (. ¥ {| Comfortable launch for hunt-|* Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd * * ng parties Why not get the|* avenue. * {| best? Eleanor Mae.” West end|* Royal Hotel * The Daily News goes into nearly every home in {jG vernment dock. 206-231/\* Central Hotel * Prince Rupert. K is the popular newspaper of t * Windsor Hotel. * the cfty because it is clean and peliable. It has al! { we err ees. |e Knox Hotel * is the news of the efty, and keeps in touch with events : { ° Daily News windows, 3rd * . . } * avenue * sara ee See ere oe ee t FOR RENT a6eesesoaresesee . Kt treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; : {| SANE mem and radtebéttty. “i? § weenie TS Phe Datly News is the most valuable paper to ‘ 1 emtoy advertisers because # is read by the buying public. : i | IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in = | TWO 5-ROOM HOUSES stedieateilinsiiah the vity. I is read by the class of people the sj) . advertisers want to talk to. z j | WITH BATH WAT E? INTELLIGENT , AGH, a | * * $ : | a | * * : | -THE DAILY ‘NEWS — SAAR AAAAAR AERA RRA HRAREEERARERERE CHRREAAAAEAK AHA EERE EER rd EMPRESS COFFE! F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE Oe ee rte en ten ee et wt DISTRIBUTOR oo & —_—— Vancour Sept. 17.—"C. P. R roo i coal hulk here, is all hat remains to represent the C Pp R's fine transpat fie service Local f the mpany have ‘ f ed that the British Admiraltt is now take over the | p f India and the Mont gle f wal purposes rhe il h Melanhoy has also ta ‘ ! the Admiralty it | | mait sar ig th na | iuthoritie the ! its, the sia 1A i blain } the Br ‘ Japan for Ad ilty f ‘ ort 1 up the mpanys tra wil fleet not 1 sing —s maintair he sched bet en the Orient ind Van ve vith the result that unless the C. P. R. can char ter stear hips it must practicalls drop its service f the present} time rhere is a possibility that boats co i be chartered om cial f the mpany here stated Britain, who has just called at however, that they ld give n ally around the colors for duty as definite informat 1 that point is they had only been notified that the were to lose the Monteagle | ind the Empress of India. Both FORCED ENGINEERS TQ sts" ave ow 0 the Chines BRING HER TO PORT) c N R CETS ONE-TENTH OF THE Has Reached Port After Difficulties. 7 | DAMAGES ASKED. tT Coal! Coal! Coal! — Washed Nut coal free f PI UMBIN . ~ ae dirt, $8.75 per ton, Union Tran o~waret (3 AND fer Co ona tf Jit AM FITTINg 7 Desk Room with use of Harry Ha $00 window I ple Plus iMber FOR RENT j : Free Office Rent and 3) Underwood Typewriter to Public Stenographer Excellent location. a . nNOS S99 titel . id $e , Fire, life and Accident Insu- 3 3! PY NE} ranice ; UN) § Placed in good Companies . ; > ‘ : AXT | KISSICK, EDWARDS & : KISSICK : Prince Hupert, B.0. Se os RHR Rte ® ahaa e iT TT ee Rand, President, ~ THE PRINCE RUPERT SASH AND DOOR COMPANY, LTD. Manufacturers ] Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scro!! and Bang Sawing and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix, tures, House Finish a Specialty, Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Cincy Telephone 218 - P.O, Box 207 .- Prince Rupert, 8.6, POPP OP + DOES. H SOPEEPIOEETE CCU ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCLUDED $25.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL COD’ bd doeaweces $ 11,560,000 ' Reserve Fund.. 12,560,000 ! Total Assets... 175,000,000 1 Savings Bank Department — $1 Wil! Open an Acus jj Branches Throughout Canada a I tions With All Parts of the | Agents Throughout the World HH, P. WILSON -. .~ = Manager Prince Rupert ball COPE COC C0 ln THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C. LIM §.S. VENTURE Sails for Port Simpson, M Bay, Naa for Vancouver. Victoria, Seattl ps Sails for Granby he Naas Rive it Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Kver 4 Agency: American Express, Atlantic Steamers PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND Mt eerere KAIEN HARDWARE COMPAN THIRD ANENUE P.O. HARDWARE DRAWER 1524 Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Supplies Paints Oils Varnishes «acta MONARCH MALLEABLE (¢ Jewelry For Autumn Buyes A Fine Assortment at Moderat te Prices -— a sont Write for our illustrated Catalogue thre = fine stock to our out-of-town buyers porte We have ali the latest styles in gem , a in finsh, and representing the finest values set with diamonds and other precious and ser - 5 opular @ THE BIRKS’ WEDDING RING |» y POF ; n fashionable design—comfortable to w: Deities a Henry Birks & Sons, 1 imilet JEWELLERS AND SILVI couvels u“ Geo. BE. Trorey, Manazing Director VAN _— E prince avret